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Forked from brianddk/trezor_one_fw_upgrade.cmd
Created February 28, 2019 01:56
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Windows batch trezor FW upgrade
@echo off
rem choco install -y openssl.light
rem choco install -y wget
rem choco install -y cygwin
rem tail -c +257 trezor.signed.bin | sha256sum
set tail=%ChocolateyToolsLocation%\cygwin\bin\tail.exe
set sha256sum=%ChocolateyToolsLocation%\cygwin\bin\sha256sum.exe
set openssl="%ProgramFiles%\OpenSSL\bin\openssl.exe"
set py37dir=C:\Python37
set expected_ssl_fingerprint=26:AF:A0:22:AD:C5:EE:7E:41:A5:22:6C:1D:E3:36:D4:38:F1:AD:0F
set wpath=data/firmware/1
set release_file=releases.json
set fw_dir_uri=https://%wserver%/%wpath%
set fcmd=^^^< NUL %openssl% s_client -connect %wserver%:443 2^^^>NUL ^^^| %openssl% x509 -fingerprint -noout 2^^^>NUL
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('%fcmd%') do set actual_ssl_fingerprint=%%I
if %actual_ssl_fingerprint%==%expected_ssl_fingerprint% (call :GoodSSL) else (call :BadSSL)
goto :eof
if exist %release_file% del %release_file%
wget --quiet %fw_dir_uri%/%release_file%
set fcmd=findstr url %release_file%
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:, " %%I in ('%fcmd%') do if not defined release_bin_uri set release_bin_uri=%%~I
set fcmd=findstr fingerprint %release_file%
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:, " %%I in ('%fcmd%') do if not defined expected_bin_fingerprint set expected_bin_fingerprint=%%~I
for %%I in (%release_bin_uri%) do set release_bin=%%~nxI
if exist %release_bin% del %release_bin%
wget --quiet https://%wserver%/%release_bin_uri%
set chkcmd=%tail% -c +257 %release_bin% ^^^| %sha256sum%
for /f %%I in ('%chkcmd%') do set actual_bin_fingerprint=%%I
if %expected_bin_fingerprint%==%actual_bin_fingerprint% (call :GoodFP %release_bin% %expected_bin_fingerprint%) else (call :BadFP)
exit /b
echo %py37dir%\python.exe %py37dir%\Scripts\trezorctl firmware-update --filename %1 --fingerprint %2
echo Firmware looks good, plug in while in bootloader mode, then hit enter
%py37dir%\python.exe %py37dir%\Scripts\trezorctl firmware-update --filename %1 --fingerprint %2
exit /b
echo Firmware Fingerprint Mismatch
exit /b -2
echo SSL Fingerprint Mismatch
exit /b -1
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