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  • Save aussiehash/c2a2f7eb77670ea161bd08004b2eab1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aussiehash/c2a2f7eb77670ea161bd08004b2eab1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
All credit goes to Mark Engelberg ( for figuring this out!
His original writeup can be found at:
Thought I'd just write more of a follow along tutorial for the less technical
## Written for use with Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS ##
## Stop your Dojo
$ cd /path/to/docker/my-dojo/ && sudo ./ stop
## Modify the docker-compose.yaml file
$ nano docker-compose.yaml
## Under the section for `bitcoind` add:
- ""
## Save and exit
ctrl+x --> y --> return
#### Your bitcoind section should now look something like the following ####
image: "samouraiwallet/dojo-bitcoind:1.0.0"
container_name: bitcoind
context: ./bitcoin
- ./.env
- ./conf/docker-bitcoind.conf
restart: on-failure
command: "/ tor:9050 --timeout=360 --strict -- /"
- "28256"
- "9501"
- "9502"
- ""
- data-bitcoind:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
- db
- tor
################# Installing Electrs (Electrum Personal Server made in the Rust programming language) ######################
## Reference the install guide found at
## in case there are changes from the following directions.
## Install needed packages
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install clang cmake cargo
## Building Electrs
$ cd ~ && git clone
$ cd electrs
$ cargo build --release
## Takes about 10-20 minutes
## After the build is complete, start your Dojo
$ cd /path/to/docker/my-dojo/ && sudo ./ start
## Start Electrs and let it build it's index (took my VM about 5 hours),
## and as of today (June 2019) the size of the index is ~ 49G
*** Be sure to update the following command to reflect your Dojo RPC Username and RPC Password under the `--cookies=` flag ***
$ cd ~/electrs && cargo run --release -- -vvv --timestamp --db-dir ./db --electrum-rpc-addr="" --cookie="dojorpcuser:dojorpcpassword" --daemon-rpc-addr="" --jsonrpc-import
################################# Make a .desktop file while it's indexing for quicker launching! ##########################
## Open a new terminal
$ cd ~/electrs
## Download the app icon for your new .desktop file
$ wget
$ mv electrum.png electrum_personal_server_logo.png
## Create the .desktop file
$ sudo nano /usr/share/applications/electrs.desktop
## Copy and paste the code below (between the --------------'s ), and make changes that are ***starred***, as well as your Dojo RPC Username and RPC Password under the `--cookies=` flag
Begining of electrs.desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=gnome-terminal --title="Electrum Personal Server" --geometry=120x25 --zoom=0.8 -- bash -c 'cd /home/***your user name***/electrs/; cargo run --release -- -vvv --timestamp --db-dir ./db --electrum-rpc-addr="" --cookie="dojorpcuser:dojorpcpassword" --daemon-rpc-addr="" --jsonrpc-import
Name=Electrum Personal Server
Icon=/home/***your user name***/electrs/electrum_personal_server_logo.png
Name[en_US]=Electrum Personal Server
End of electrs.desktop file
## Save and exit
ctrl+x --> y --> return
## Now it should be in your Show Applications tray
################################### If you haven't installed Electrum Wallet yet ###########################################
## Import ThomasV's (Dev & signer of the Electrum Wallet) PGP key to your keyring
$ cd ~/Downloads && wget
$ sudo gpg --import ThomasV.asc
$ rm -rf ThomasV.asc
## In your browser, head over to
## Follow along the section `Installation from Python sources`
## I chose to `Install with PIP` over `Run without installing`, but it's your choice
## You'll have to reboot your machine after the install, but if Electrs is still building its index just leave
## it be until after it finishes as to not interrupt it
## After you reboot your machine, start electrum wallet from a teminal to generate ~/.electrum/ directory
$ electrum --oneserver --server localhost:50001:t
## Close it
## Change Electrum Wallet config to always run with those flags
$ electrum setconfig oneserver true
$ electrum setconfig server
################################## Make a .desktop file for quicker Electrum Wallet launching! #############################
$ cd ~/.electrum
## Download the app icon for your new .desktop file
$ wget
$ mv electrum.png electrum_logo.png
## Create the .desktop file
$ sudo nano /usr/share/applications/electrum-wallet.desktop
## Copy and paste the code below (between the --------------'s ), and make changes that are ***starred***
## If you chose to not `Install with PIP` and instead are running Electrum Wallet without insalling, modify
## the electrum-wallet.desktop `Exec=` portion to reflect that path to run the wallet. Be sure to keep the flags.
Begining of electrum-wallet.desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=electrum --oneserver --server localhost:50001:t
Name=Electrum Wallet
Icon=/home/***your user name***/.electrum/electrum_logo.png
Name[en_US]=Electrum Wallet
End of electrum-wallet.desktop file
## Save and exit
ctrl+x --> y --> return
## Now it should be in your Show Applications tray
## Done
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