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Created June 29, 2022 19:20
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use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::Path;
use jsonpath_lib::JsonPathError;
use mime_guess::Mime;
use sea_orm::{DatabaseConnection};
use sea_orm::{entity::*, query::*, DbErr};
use url::Url;
use crate::dao::{asset, asset_authority, asset_creators, asset_data, asset_grouping};
use crate::dao::prelude::{Asset, AssetData};
use crate::rpc::{Asset as RpcAsset, Authority, Compression, Content, Creator, File, Group, Interface, Links, Ownership, Royalty, Scope};
use serde_json::Value;
pub fn to_uri(uri: String) -> Option<Url> {
pub fn get_mime(url: Url) -> Option<Mime> {
pub fn get_mime_type_from_uri(uri: String) -> Option<String> {
.map(|m| { m.to_string() })
pub fn file_from_str(str: String) -> File {
let mime = get_mime_type_from_uri(str.clone());
File {
uri: Some(str),
quality: None,
contexts: None,
pub fn track_top_level_file(file_map: &mut HashMap<String, File>, top_level_file: Option<&serde_json::Value>) {
if top_level_file.is_some() {
let img = top_level_file.and_then(|x| x.as_str()).unwrap();
let entry = file_map.get(img);
if entry.is_none() {
file_map.insert(img.to_string(), file_from_str(img.to_string()));
pub fn safe_select<'a>(selector: &mut impl FnMut(&str) -> Result<Vec<&'a Value>, JsonPathError>, expr: &str) -> Option<&'a Value> {
.filter(|d| !Vec::is_empty(d))
.and_then(|v| v.pop())
fn v1_content_from_json(metadata: &serde_json::Value) -> Result<Content, DbErr> {
// todo -> move this to the bg worker for pre processing
let mut selector_fn = jsonpath_lib::selector(metadata);
let selector = &mut selector_fn;
println!("{}", metadata.to_string());
let image = safe_select(selector, "$.image");
let animation = safe_select(selector, "$.animation_url");
let external_url = safe_select(selector,"$.external_url")
.map(|val| {
let mut links = HashMap::new();
links.insert("external_url".to_string(), val[0].to_owned());
let metadata = safe_select(selector, "description");
let mut actual_files: HashMap<String, File> = HashMap::new();
.filter(|d| !Vec::is_empty(d))
.map(|files| {
for v in files.iter() {
if v.is_object() {
let uri = v.get("uri");
let mime_type = v.get("type");
match (uri, mime_type) {
(Some(u), Some(m)) => {
let str_uri = u.as_str().unwrap().to_string();
let str_mime = m.as_str().unwrap().to_string();
actual_files.insert(str_uri.clone(), File {
uri: Some(str_uri),
mime: Some(str_mime),
quality: None,
contexts: None,
(Some(u), None) => {
let str_uri = serde_json::to_string(u).unwrap();
actual_files.insert(str_uri.clone(), file_from_str(str_uri));
_ => {}
} else if v.is_string() {
let str_uri = v.as_str().unwrap().to_string();
actual_files.insert(str_uri.clone(), file_from_str(str_uri));
track_top_level_file(&mut actual_files, image);
track_top_level_file(&mut actual_files, animation);
let files: Vec<File> = actual_files.into_values().collect();
Ok(Content {
schema: "".to_string(),
files: Some(files),
metadata: None,
links: external_url,
fn get_content(asset: &asset::Model, data: &asset_data::Model) -> Result<Content, DbErr> {
match data.schema_version {
1 => {
_ => Err(DbErr::Custom("Version Not Implemented".to_string()))
pub fn to_authority(authority: Vec<asset_authority::Model>) -> Vec<Authority> {
authority.iter().map(|a| {
Authority {
address: bs58::encode(&a.authority).into_string(),
scopes: vec![Scope::Full],
pub fn to_creators(creators: Vec<asset_creators::Model>) -> Vec<Creator> {
creators.iter().map(|a| {
Creator {
address: bs58::encode(&a.creator).into_string(),
share: a.share,
verified: a.verified,
pub fn to_grouping(groups: Vec<asset_grouping::Model>) -> Vec<Group> {
groups.iter().map(|a| {
Group {
group_key: a.group_key.clone(),
group_value: a.group_value.clone(),
pub async fn get_asset(db: &DatabaseConnection, asset_id: Vec<u8>) -> Result<RpcAsset, DbErr> {
let asset_data: (asset::Model,
asset_data::Model) = Asset::find_by_id(asset_id)
.and_then(|o| {
match o {
Some((a, Some(d))) => Ok((a, d)),
_ => Err(DbErr::RecordNotFound("Asset Not Found".to_string()))
let (asset, data) = asset_data;
let interface = match asset.specification_version {
1 => Interface::NftOneZero,
_ => Interface::Nft
let content = get_content(&asset, &data)?;
let authorities: Vec<asset_authority::Model> = asset_authority::Entity::find()
let creators: Vec<asset_creators::Model> = asset_creators::Entity::find()
let grouping: Vec<asset_grouping::Model> = asset_grouping::Entity::find()
let rpc_authorities = to_authority(authorities);
let rpc_creators = to_creators(creators);
let rpc_groups = to_grouping(grouping);
Ok(RpcAsset {
id: bs58::encode(,
content: Some(content),
authorities: Some(rpc_authorities),
compression: Some(
Compression {
eligible: asset.compressible,
compressed: asset.compressed,
grouping: Some(rpc_groups),
royalty: Some(
Royalty {
royalty_model: asset.royalty_target_type.into(),
target:|s| bs58::encode(s).into_string()),
percent: (asset.royalty_amount as f64) * 0.0001,
locked: false,
creators: Some(rpc_creators),
ownership: Ownership {
frozen: asset.frozen,
delegated: asset.delegate.is_some(),
delegate:|s| bs58::encode(s).into_string()),
ownership_model: asset.owner_type.into(),
owner: bs58::encode(asset.owner).into_string(),
mod tests {
// Note this useful idiom: importing names from outer (for mod tests) scope.
use super::*;
fn simple_v1_content() {
let doc = r#"
{"name": "Handalf", "image": "", "attributes": [], "properties": {"files": [""], "category": null}, "description": "The Second NFT ever minted from", "external_url": ""}
let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(doc).unwrap();
let mut selector = jsonpath_lib::selector(&json);
let c: Content = v1_content_from_json(&json).unwrap();
assert_eq!(c.files, Some(vec![File {
uri: Some("".to_string()),
mime: None,
quality: None,
contexts: None,
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