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Last active December 2, 2018 22:10
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AWS Wrapper: Good or Bad?
// In the new ServerlessProviderAws class -----------------------------------
// A class method wraps all aws-sdk requests
request(service, method, params, stage, region) {
let awsService = new AWS[service](_this.getCredentials(stage, region)); // Easily set stage/region-specific credentials
let req = awsService[method](params); // Form an aws-sdk "request" so we can listen to all AWS SDK events throughout the framework
// Listen to any events we want (e.g., VALIDATE_CREDENTIALS)
req.on('validate', function() {
console.log("validating credentials...")
// Promisify the response
return new BbPromise(function(resolve, reject) {
req.send(function(err, data) {
if (err) return reject(err); // Can auto-retry 429 errors
return resolve(data);
// In an Action -----------------------------------
// Providers are classes attached to root Serverless instance.
let aws = this.S.getProvider('aws'); // Get provider easily, no more aws config in Actions
aws.request('S3', 'getObject', params, stage, region).then().catch(); // Perform request
aws.sdk // Can still make aws-sdk accessible, but wouldn't recommend using that or you will lose above sugar
// Wrapping the aws-sdk could provide nice UX, centralized listening of ALL aws-sdk events and make it easy to handle multiple credentials behind the scenes.
// Worth it?
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