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Last active February 8, 2017 02:44
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  • Save austenstrine/5666654dbb5346dff00f36a65236401c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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//The purpose of this assignment was to create a program that would
//allow teachers to input three test scores, and get the average of
//those three. It specifically required the use of two functions
//(getTestScore and calcAverage)in the way I use them below. I
//added functionality to make it so that if the teacher put in a
//wrong value, such as a letter in place of a number for a number
//only variable (double or int) it would simply ask for input again
//until such a time as valid input is given. Also ensured that the
// >> operator would not freeze with invalid input. I also enabled
//teachers to do this for a certain number of students, and assign
//an "ID" string to each result for convenience. We haven't gotten
//to arrays in the book yet, but it would have been great to use
//an array to store/display the data. Also made it so that a
//negative number entered into a test score would act as a sentinel
//value for the entire program. I know there must be a more
//efficient way to do this, but I haven't gotten that far yet.
//Also note that I follow the whitespace convention of indenting
//loops and if statements in entirety, and again for the body.
//Edit: This version includes some alterations made after reading
//the chapter about void functions and passing variables by
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
//#include <typeinfo>
//#include <cmath>
//#include <string>
using namespace std;
double getTestScore (double scorePrev, int &sVal, int &tck);
double calcAverage (double scoreA, double scoreB, double scoreC, int track);
void noFail ();
int main()
int sent = 0;
while (sent == 0)
cout << endl << "Enter the number of grade sets you would like the average of (any negative integer to end): ";
cin >> sent; //define sentinel value for while
}//end while
while (sent > 0)
string stuName = " ";
cout << endl << "Enter student ID: ";
getline (cin,stuName); //prompt for student name to tag average score/w
int tick = 1; //Establish ticker var to send to functions
//Reset ticker on concurrent runs of while loop
double score3 = 0.0;
double score2 = 0.0;
double score1 = getTestScore(0, sent, tick);
score2 = getTestScore(score1, sent, tick);
score3 = getTestScore(score2, sent, tick);
if (tick < 4)//ends while loop without displaying a negative average
}//end if
double avg = calcAverage (score1, score2, score3, tick); //Use calcAverage to assign average to avg
cout << " Average score for " << stuName << ": " << fixed << setprecision(1) << avg << endl;
sent -= 1;
while (sent == 0)//chance to edit sentine value
cout << endl << "Enter the number of grade sets you would like the average of (any negative integer to end): ";
cin >> sent; //define sentinel value for while
}//end while
} //end while
return 0;
double getTestScore (double scorePrev, int &sValue, int &tck)
if (scorePrev < 0)
sValue = -1;
return -1;
}//end if
double score = 0.0;
while(score > -0.0001 && score < 0.0001)
cout << endl << "Enter score #" << tck << ": ";
cin >> score;
}//end while
tck += 1;
return score;
double calcAverage (double scoreA, double scoreB, double scoreC, int track)
return (scoreA+scoreB+scoreC)/(track-1);
void noFail ()
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