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Last active May 29, 2023 17:03
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class SomeZendeskTicketClass {
public function getAndSendTestData() {
$reallyLongJsonString = "[{\"phone\":\"7202532407\",\"autorespond\":false,\"subject\":\"New Order #S4481058\",\"alert\":false,\"ip\":\"\",\"message\":\"<link type=\\\"text\\\/css\\\" href=\\\"..\\\/scp\\\/css\\\/bootstrap.css\\\" rel=\\\"stylesheet\\\">\\n<table class=\\\"table table-striped\\\">\\n\\t<tbody>\\n\\t\\t<tr>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>Website:<\\\/strong> <\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>OrderID:<\\\/strong> CD000016462<\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>Eclipse:<\\\/strong> S4481058<\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>Date:<\\\/strong> 2023-05-26 13:45:32<\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t<\\\/tr>\\n\\t\\t<tr>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>ORDER DATE:<\\\/strong> <\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>SHIPPING METHOD:<\\\/strong> CDBM<\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>EXT. MERCHANT ID:<\\\/strong><\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>PAYMENT METHOD:<\\\/strong> paypal_express <\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t<\\\/tr>\\n\\t\\t<tr>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>NAME:<\\\/strong> Becky Vaile<\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>ADDRESS:<\\\/strong><br>11104 Winona Court<br><br>Westminster, CO<br> US<\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>EMAIL:<\\\/strong><\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><strong>PHONE:<\\\/strong> 7202532407<\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t<\\\/tr>\\n\\t<\\\/tbody>\\n<\\\/table>\\n\\n<table class=\\\"table table-striped\\\">\\n\\t<tbody>\\n\\t\\t<tr>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><h5>Product Id<\\\/h5><\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><h5>Qty<\\\/h5><\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t\\t<td><h5>Price<\\\/h5><\\\/td>\\n\\t\\t<\\\/tr>\\n\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t<\\\/tbody> \\n<\\\/table>\\n\",\"email\":\"\",\"created\":\"2023-05-26 13:45:32\",\"eclipseId\":\"S4481058\",\"priorityId\":5,\"name\":\"Becky Vaile\",\"html\":true,\"deptId\":0}]";
$dataArray = json_decode(
,true//The first thing is to make sure you're sending the correct data type!
//Passing true here will ensure that json objects are interpreted as php associative arrays,
//not as php stdClass objects.
foreach($dataArray as $data) {
//Original function - not bad! But throws an exception when it gets an object instead of an array
public function sendRaw($data) {
$custom_fields = [];
$inputs = [
'subject' => $this->website. ' | Raw Email',
'comment' => [
'html_body' => ""
"priority" => "normal",
"requester" => [
"email" => "",
"name" => "",
'custom_fields' => []
$params = $data;
//checks for subject
if (isset($params['subject'])) {
$inputs['subject'] = $this->website. " | ". $params['subject'];
//checks for message content
if (isset($params['message'])) {
$inputs['comment']['html_body'] = $params['message'];
//checks for email
if (isset($params['email'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11949515689239, //IP
"value" => $params['email']
$inputs['requester']['email'] = $params['email'];
//checks for phone
if (isset($params['phone'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922083929367, //phone
"value" => $params['phone']
//checks for eclipseId
if (isset($params['eclipseId'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922084629527, //eclipseId
"value" => $params['eclipseId']
//checks for IP
if (isset($params['ip'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922084325015, //IP
"value" => $params['ip']
//appends other data inputs form the raw email request that is not listed on zendesk
if (!empty($params) && (count($params) > 0)) {
$inputs['comment']['html_body'] = $inputs['comment']['html_body']." | ".json_encode($params);
$inputs['custom_fields'] = $custom_fields;
$ticket = Zendesk::tickets()->create($inputs);
return $ticket->ticket->id;
//Improved Version: 1 - Type casting
public function sendRawTypeCast($data) {
//Sometimes, we don't know what kind of data will be sent to us, or we don't have control
//over what gets passed in. In this case, type casting can be a useful tool.
$data = (array)$data;
//One line added, and this function works as expected.
$custom_fields = [];
$inputs = [
'subject' => $this->website. ' | Raw Email',
'comment' => [
'html_body' => ""
"priority" => "normal",
"requester" => [
"email" => "",
"name" => "",
'custom_fields' => []
$params = $data;
//checks for subject
if (isset($params['subject'])) {
$inputs['subject'] = $this->website. " | ". $params['subject'];
//checks for message content
if (isset($params['message'])) {
$inputs['comment']['html_body'] = $params['message'];
//checks for email
if (isset($params['email'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11949515689239, //IP
"value" => $params['email']
$inputs['requester']['email'] = $params['email'];
//checks for phone
if (isset($params['phone'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922083929367, //phone
"value" => $params['phone']
//checks for eclipseId
if (isset($params['eclipseId'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922084629527, //eclipseId
"value" => $params['eclipseId']
//checks for IP
if (isset($params['ip'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922084325015, //IP
"value" => $params['ip']
//appends other data inputs form the raw email request that is not listed on zendesk
if(!empty($params) && (count($params) > 0)) {
$inputs['comment']['html_body'] = $inputs['comment']['html_body']." | ".json_encode($params);
$inputs['custom_fields'] = $custom_fields;
$ticket = Zendesk::tickets()->create($inputs);
return $ticket->ticket->id;
//Improved Version: 2 - Type Hints
public function sendRawTypeHinted(array $data) : string {
//without documentation, I already know that this function accepts an array, and
//will return a string. Also, the moment that I try to use this function incorrectly,
//it will throw an exception in the place I incorrectly used it, showing me exactly
//where, down to the line, I am passing the incorrect type of data into it.
$custom_fields = [];
$inputs = [
'subject' => $this->website. ' | Raw Email',
'comment' => [
'html_body' => ""
"priority" => "normal",
"requester" => [
"email" => "",
"name" => "",
'custom_fields' => []
$params = $data;
//checks for subject
if (isset($params['subject'])) {
$inputs['subject'] = $this->website. " | ". $params['subject'];
//checks for message content
if (isset($params['message'])) {
$inputs['comment']['html_body'] = $params['message'];
//checks for email
if (isset($params['email'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11949515689239, //IP
"value" => $params['email']
$inputs['requester']['email'] = $params['email'];
//checks for phone
if (isset($params['phone'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922083929367, //phone
"value" => $params['phone']
//checks for eclipseId
if (isset($params['eclipseId'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922084629527, //eclipseId
"value" => $params['eclipseId']
//checks for IP
if (isset($params['ip'])) {
array_push($custom_fields, [
"id" => 11922084325015, //IP
"value" => $params['ip']
//appends other data inputs form the raw email request that is not listed on zendesk
if(!empty($params) && (count($params) > 0)) {
$inputs['comment']['html_body'] = $inputs['comment']['html_body']." | ".json_encode($params);
$inputs['custom_fields'] = $custom_fields;
$ticket = Zendesk::tickets()->create($inputs);
return $ticket->ticket->id;
//Improved Version: 3 - x_helpers
public function sendRawTypeAgnostic($data) {
//Sometimes, a shallow type cast is not enough. Maybe we're expecting a multidimensional
//array, and sometimes we get nested objects, or vice-versa. In this case, it's better to
//use x_helpers such as xget, xset, and xunset.
$custom_fields = [];
$inputs = [
'subject' => $this->website. ' | Raw Email',
'comment' => [
'html_body' => ""
"priority" => "normal",
"requester" => [
"email" => "",
"name" => "",
'custom_fields' => []
//We know that $custom_fields and $inputs are arrays, because we're creating them here. So,
//technically, we don't need to use xget or xset when interacting with them. It's not bad
//to do so, it's just not explicitly needed to make this function object/array agnostic.
$params = $data;
//checks for subject
$subject = xget($params, 'subject', null);
if($subject !== null) {
xset($inputs, 'subject', $this->website. " | " . $subject);
xunset($params, 'subject');
//checks for message content
$message = xget($params, 'message', null);
if($message !== null) {
xset($inputs, 'comment.html_body', $message);
xunset($params, 'message');
//checks for email
$email = xget($params, 'email', null);
if($email !== null) {
$customIdAndValue = [
"id" => 11949515689239, //IP
"value" => $email
$custom_fields[] = $customIdAndValue;
xset($inputs, '', $email);
//checks for phone
$phone = xget($params, 'phone', null);
if($phone !== null) {
$customIdAndValue = [
"id" => 11922083929367, //phone
"value" => $phone
$custom_fields[] = $customIdAndValue;
xunset($params, 'phone');
//checks for eclipseId
$eclipseId = xget($params, 'eclipseId', null);
if($eclipseId !== null) {
$customIdAndValue = [
"id" => 11922084629527, //eclipseId
"value" => $eclipseId
$custom_fields[] = $customIdAndValue;
xunset($params, 'eclipseId');
//checks for IP
$ip = xget($params, 'ip', null);
if($ip !== null) {
$customIdAndValue = [
"id" => 11922084325015, //IP
"value" => $ip
$custom_fields[] = $customIdAndValue;
xunset($params, 'ip');
//appends other data inputs form the raw email request that is not listed on zendesk
if(!empty($params)) {
//xmodify is a combined xget and xset operation.
//3rd parameter is a closure
//The closure accepts 1 parameter: the value at the path, as returned by xget.
//The return value of the closure will be passed into xset, to replace the
//value at the path.
xmodify($inputs, 'comment.html_body', function($htmlBody)use($params) {
return $htmlBody . " | " . json_encode($params);
xset($inputs, 'custom_fields', $custom_fields);
$ticket = Zendesk::tickets()->create($inputs);
return $ticket->ticket->id;
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