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Created July 5, 2011 19:06
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Save austinbv/1065598 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
initialize = ->
canvas = $('#drawn').get 0
window.c = canvas.getContext '2d'
$('#drawn').parent().append($('<canvas id="temp" height="'+canvas.height+'" width="'+canvas.width+'"></canvas>'))
window.d = $('#temp').get(0).getContext '2d'
window.c.lineJoin = d.lineJoin = "round"
window.c.lineCap = d.lineJoin = "round"
window.c.strokeStyle = d.strokeStyle = "#"+ghex
window.c.lineWidth = d.lineWidth = 1
@tool = new tools.pencil
$('#container canvas').bind 'mousedown mousemove mouseup', mouse_draw
mouse_draw = (e) ->
current_position = find_position(this)
e._x = e.clientX - current_position.x
e._y = e.clientY - current_position.y
e._x = e._x*css_offset.x
e._y = e._y*css_offset.y
func = tool[event_map[e.type]]
func(e) if func?
down = true if event_map[e.type] == "down"
if event_map[e.type] == "up"
down = false
$(window).ready ->
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