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Created September 13, 2018 18:31
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crs as (
select as cr_id,
cr.numerator_id as cr_nid,
cr.denominator_id as cr_did,
tct.team_id as team_id,
tct.call_type_id as ct_id, as u_id
from compound_ratios cr
inner join call_types_compound_ratios ctcr on ctcr.compound_ratio_id =
inner join team_call_types tct on ctcr.call_type_id = tct.call_type_id
inner join users u on u.team_id = tct.team_id
where 1=1
AND tct.team_id in (22) -- desired team ids
-- AND ctcr.call_type_id in (115) -- desired call type ids
calls as (
select as call_id, calls.user_id as user_id from calls
inner join call_types on = calls.call_type_id and in (select ct_id from crs)
inner join users on = calls.user_id and users.team_id in (select team_id from crs)
WHERE calls.occurred_at >= date_trunc('month', now())
select count(1) from call_compounds cc
inner join calls on calls.call_id = cc.call_id and calls.user_id = u_id
where cc.compound_id = cr_nid
and EXISTS (select 1 from call_compounds cc where cc.compound_id = cr_did and cc.call_id = calls.call_id)
)::float / NULLIF(
(select count(1) from call_compounds cc
inner join calls on calls.call_id = cc.call_id and calls.user_id = u_id
where cc.compound_id = cr_did
), 0)::float as ratio,
cr_id as compound_ratio_id,
team_id as team_id,
ct_id as call_type_id,
u_id as user_id
FROM crs
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