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Created September 15, 2020 18:37
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* Plugin Name: BNFW WP Freighter Subscriber Addon
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Manage email subscriptions easily with BNFW
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Austin Ginder
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: bnfw-wp-freighter
add_action( 'init', 'wp_freighter_subscription_management' );
add_action( 'init', 'wp_freighter_subscription_signup' );
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_1', 'wp_freighter_generate_email_subscriber', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'bnfw_shortcodes_user', 'wp_freighter_bnfw_recipient_token_shortcode', 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'wp_mail', 'wp_freighter_bnfw_replace_mail' );
* Manage subscription to email newsletters
function wp_freighter_subscription_management() {
global $pagenow;
// Hook into wp-signup.php page if arguments found
if ( 'wp-signup.php' !== $pagenow || !isset( $_GET['id'] ) || !isset( $_GET['email'] ) || !isset( $_GET['token'] ) || !isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) {
$email = $_GET['email'];
$email_compare = "email-subscriber_$email";
$home_url = get_home_url();
// Find user matching ID and email address.
$user = get_user_by( "ID", $_GET['id'] );
$user_token = wp_hash( $user->user_registered );
if ( !$user || $user->user_email != $email_compare || $_GET['token'] != $user_token ) {
wp_die( "<p style='text-align:center'>Invalid email subscription token.</p>", "Manage subscription to email newsletters" );
$user_id = $user->ID;
if ( $_GET['action'] == "subscribe" ) {
$html = <<<EOT
<p style='text-align:center'>
Your email <strong>$email</strong> has been subscribed. <br />
<small>If that wasn't your intention the click here to <a href='${home_url}/wp-signup.php?id=${user_id}&email=${email}&token=${user_token}&action=unsubscribe'>unsubscribe</a></small>
wp_die( $html, "Subscribe to email newsletters" );
if ( $_GET['action'] == "unsubscribe" ) {
$html = <<<EOT
<p style='text-align:center'>
Your email <strong>${email}</strong> has been unsubscribed. <br />
<small>If that wasn't your intention the click here to <a href='${home_url}/wp-signup.php?id=${user_id}&email=${email}&token=${user_token}&action=subscribe'>resubscribe</a></small>
wp_die( $html, "Unsubscribe from email newsletters" );
// If action not matched then proceed to default wp-signup.php page.
* Manage subscription signup to email newsletters
function wp_freighter_subscription_signup() {
global $pagenow;
// Hook into wp-signup.php page if arguments found
if ( 'wp-signup.php' !== $pagenow || !isset( $_GET['entry_email'] ) || !isset( $_GET['entry_id'] ) || !isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) {
// Find Gravity Form submission
$entry = GFAPI::get_entry( $_GET['entry_id'] );
$form_id = $entry['form_id'];
// Verifies Form ID #1
if ( $form_id != "1" ) {
wp_die( "<p style='text-align:center'>Invalid email subscription signup link.</p>", "Manage subscription to email newsletters" );
// Verifies email exists and matches Gravity Form entry
if ( !$entry || !isset( $entry[2] ) || $entry[2] != $_GET['entry_email'] ) {
wp_die( "<p style='text-align:center'>Invalid email subscription signup link.</p>", "Manage subscription to email newsletters" );
$email = $_GET['entry_email'];
$email_compare = "email-subscriber_$email";
$home_url = get_home_url();
// Find user matching ID and email address.
$user = get_user_by( "email", $email_compare );
// Generate user account if needed
if ( !$user ) {
$user = new WP_User;
$user->role = "email_subscriber";
$user->user_login = $email_compare;
$user->user_email = $email_compare;
$user->first_name = $entry["1.3"];
$user->last_name = $entry["1.6"];
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $user );
$user = get_user_by( "ID", $user_id );
$user_token = wp_hash( $user->user_registered );
$user_id = $user->ID;
if ( $_GET['action'] == "subscribe_confirm" ) {
$html = <<<EOT
<p style='text-align:center'>
Your email <strong>$email</strong> has been subscribed. <br />
<small>If that wasn't your intention the click here to <a href='${home_url}/wp-signup.php?id=${user_id}&email=${email}&token=${user_token}&action=unsubscribe'>unsubscribe</a></small>
wp_die( $html, "Subscribe to email newsletters" );
* Generate email subscriber account with "email-subscriber_" placeholders.
function wp_freighter_generate_email_subscriber( $entry, $form ) {
$email_compare = "email-subscriber_" . rgar( $entry, '2' );
$user = new WP_User;
$user->role = "email_subscriber";
$user->user_login = $email_compare;
$user->user_email = $email_compare;
$user->first_name = $entry["1.3"];
$user->last_name = $entry["1.6"];
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $user );
* Creates new shortcode [email_user_token] which is useful for generating secured unsubscribe links.
function wp_freighter_bnfw_recipient_token_shortcode( $message, $user_id, $prefix ) {
$user = get_user_by( "ID", $user_id );
$message = str_replace( '[' . $prefix . 'user_token]', wp_hash( $user->user_registered ), $message );
return $message;
* Cleanup outgoing emails which contain "email-subscriber_" placeholders.
function wp_freighter_bnfw_replace_mail( $args ) {
if ( ! isset( $args[ "to" ] ) && strpos( $args[ "to" ], "email-subscriber_" ) !== true ) {
return $args;
$args[ "to" ] = str_replace( "email-subscriber_", "", $args[ "to" ] );
$args[ "message" ] = str_replace( "email-subscriber_", "", $args[ "message" ] );
return $args;
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