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Created June 14, 2015 06:20
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  • Save austinmao/19ad04daef3601a2fb52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save austinmao/19ad04daef3601a2fb52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var nodegit = require('nodegit'); Promise.promisifyAll(nodegit)
var fse = require("fs-extra"); Promise.promisifyAll(fse)
var path = "../tmp/nodegit-clone-demo";
exports.git = (function() {
var parentFn = 'git:'
var log = require('debug')(parentFn);
var createNewRepo = function() {
var nodegit = require("../");
var path = require("path");
var promisify = require("promisify-node");
var fse = promisify(require("fs-extra"));
var fileName = "newfile.txt";
var fileContent = "hello world";
var repoDir = "../newRepo";
fse.ensureDir = promisify(fse.ensureDir);
var repository;
var index;
fse.ensureDir(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir))
.then(function() {
return nodegit.Repository.init(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir), 0);
.then(function(repo) {
repository = repo;
return fse.writeFile(path.join(repository.workdir(), fileName), fileContent);
.then(function() {
return repository.openIndex();
.then(function(idx) {
index = idx;
.then(function() {
return index.addByPath(fileName);
.then(function() {
return index.write();
.then(function() {
return index.writeTree();
.then(function(oid) {
var author = nodegit.Signature.create("Scott Chacon",
"", 123456789, 60);
var committer = nodegit.Signature.create("Scott A Chacon",
"", 987654321, 90);
// Since we're creating an inital commit, it has no parents. Note that unlike
// normal we don't get the head either, because there isn't one yet.
return repository.createCommit("HEAD", author, committer, "message", oid, []);
.done(function(commitId) {
console.log("New Commit: ", commitId);
* clone git repo into /repo folder
var cloneRepo = function(url, commit, entry) {
var fn = 'cloneRepo'
var log = require('debug')(parentFn + fn); log('')
var options = {
// github will fail cert check on some OSX machines
// this overrides that check
remoteCallbacks: {
certificateCheck: function() { return 1 }
} // remoteCallbacks
} // options
// Promise.promisifyAll(nodegit.Clone)
log('starting fse.removeAsync')
// remove file path
return fse.removeAsync(path)
// .tap(log)
// clone respository
.then(function() { return nodegit.Clone(url, path, options)
.then(function(repo) { log('repo', repo) })
// .done(function() { log('done'); finished() })
.then(function() { return url, path })
.catch(function(err) { log('error', err) })
} // clone
var walkTree = function() {
var fn = 'walkTree:'
var log = require('debug')(parentFn + fn);
// A `tree` in git is typically a representation of the filesystem at
// a revision. A tree has a set of entries, each entry being either a
// tree (directory), or a file., "../.git"))
.then(function(repo) {
return repo.getMasterCommit();
.then(function(firstCommitOnMaster) {
return firstCommitOnMaster.getTree();
.then(function(tree) {
// `walk()` returns an event.
var walker = tree.walk();
walker.on("entry", function(entry) {
// Don't forget to call `start()`!
} // walkTree
var createBranch = function(url) {, "../.git"))
.then(function(repo) {
// Create a new branch on head
return repo.getHeadCommit()
.then(function(commit) {
return repo.createBranch(
"Created new-branch on HEAD");
}).done(function() {
console.log("All done!");
} // createBranch
var createNewRepo = function(url, path) {
var fn = 'cloneRepo'
var log = require('debug')(parentFn + fn); log('')
var path = require("path");
var fileName = "newfile.txt";
var fileContent = "hello world";
var repoDir = "../tmp/newRepo";
var repository;
var index;
return fse.ensureDirAsync(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir))
.then(function() {
return nodegit.Repository.init(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir), 0)
.then(function(repo) {
repository = repo
return fse.writeFile(path.join(repository.workdir(), fileName), fileContent)
return repository.openIndex()
.then(function(idx) {
index = idx
.then(function() {
return index.addByPath(fileName)
.then(function() {
return index.write()
.then(function() {
return index.writeTree()
.then(function(oid) {
var author = nodegit.Signature.create("Scott Chacon",
"", 123456789, 60)
var committer = nodegit.Signature.create("Scott A Chacon",
"", 987654321, 90)
// Since we're creating an inital commit, it has no parents. Note that unlike
// normal we don't get the head either, because there isn't one yet.
return repository.createCommit("HEAD", author, committer, "message", oid, [])
.done(function(commitId) {
console.log("New Commit: ", commitId)
.catch(function(err) { log('error', err) })
} // createNewRepo
* fork
var fork = function(url, commit, entry) {
var fn = 'fork:'
var log = require('debug')(parentFn + fn); log('')
// first clone
cloneRepo(url, commit, entry)
// then create a repo
.catch(function(err) { log('error', err) })
var pull = function(url) {
var nodegit = require("../");
var path = require("path");
var repoDir = "../../test";
var repository;
// Open a repository that needs to be fetched and fast-forwarded, repoDir))
.then(function(repo) {
repository = repo;
return repository.fetchAll({
credentials: function(url, userName) {
return nodegit.Cred.sshKeyFromAgent(userName);
certificateCheck: function() {
return 1;
// Now that we're finished fetching, go ahead and merge our local branch
// with the new one
.then(function() {
return repository.mergeBranches("master", "origin/master");
.done(function() {
} // pull
var addAndCommit = function() {
var nodegit = require("../");
var path = require("path");
var promisify = require("promisify-node");
var fse = promisify(require("fs-extra"));
var fileName = "newfile.txt";
var fileContent = "hello world";
var directoryName = "salad/toast/strangerinastrangeland/theresnowaythisexists";
// ensureDir is an alias to mkdirp, which has the callback with a weird name
// and in the 3rd position of 4 (the 4th being used for recursion). We have to
// force promisify it, because promisify-node won't detect it on its
// own and assumes sync
fse.ensureDir = promisify(fse.ensureDir);
* This example creates a certain file `newfile.txt`, adds it to the git
* index and commits it to head. Similar to a `git add newfile.txt`
* followed by a `git commit`
var repo;
var index;
var oid;, "../.git"))
.then(function(repoResult) {
repo = repoResult;
return fse.ensureDir(path.join(repo.workdir(), directoryName));
}).then(function() {
return fse.writeFile(path.join(repo.workdir(), fileName), fileContent);
.then(function() {
return fse.writeFile(
path.join(repo.workdir(), directoryName, fileName),
.then(function() {
return repo.openIndex();
.then(function(indexResult) {
index = indexResult;
.then(function() {
// this file is in the root of the directory and doesn't need a full path
return index.addByPath(fileName);
.then(function() {
// this file is in a subdirectory and can use a relative path
return index.addByPath(path.join(directoryName, fileName));
.then(function() {
// this will write both files to the index
return index.write();
.then(function() {
return index.writeTree();
.then(function(oidResult) {
oid = oidResult;
return nodegit.Reference.nameToId(repo, "HEAD");
.then(function(head) {
return repo.getCommit(head);
.then(function(parent) {
var author = nodegit.Signature.create("Scott Chacon",
"", 123456789, 60);
var committer = nodegit.Signature.create("Scott A Chacon",
"", 987654321, 90);
return repo.createCommit("HEAD", author, committer, "message", oid, [parent]);
.done(function(commitId) {
console.log("New Commit: ", commitId);
} // addAndCommit
var push = function(url) {
var nodegit = require("../");
var path = require("path");
var promisify = require("promisify-node");
var fse = promisify(require("fs-extra"));
fse.ensureDir = promisify(fse.ensureDir);
var fileName = "newFile.txt";
var fileContent = "hello world";
var repoDir = "../../newRepo";
var repository;
var remote;
var signature = nodegit.Signature.create("Foo bar",
"", 123456789, 60);
// Create a new repository in a clean directory, and add our first file
fse.remove(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir))
.then(function() {
return fse.ensureDir(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir));
.then(function() {
return nodegit.Repository.init(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir), 0);
.then(function(repo) {
repository = repo;
return fse.writeFile(path.join(repository.workdir(), fileName), fileContent);
// Load up the repository index and make our initial commit to HEAD
.then(function() {
return repository.openIndex();
.then(function(index) {;
return index.writeTree();
.then(function(oid) {
return repository.createCommit("HEAD", signature, signature,
"initial commit", oid, []);
// Add a new remote
.then(function() {
return nodegit.Remote.create(repository, "origin",
.then(function(remoteResult) {
remote = remoteResult;
credentials: function(url, userName) {
return nodegit.Cred.sshKeyFromAgent(userName);
// Create the push object for this remote
return remote.push(
"Push to master");
}).done(function() {
} // push
var mergeCleanly = function() {
var nodegit = require("../");
var path = require("path");
var promisify = require("promisify-node");
var fse = promisify(require("fs-extra"));
fse.ensureDir = promisify(fse.ensureDir);
var ourFileName = "ourNewFile.txt";
var ourFileContent = "I like Toll Roads. I have an EZ-Pass!";
var ourBranchName = "ours";
var theirFileName = "theirNewFile.txt";
var theirFileContent = "I'm skeptical about Toll Roads";
var theirBranchName = "theirs";
var repoDir = "../../newRepo";
var repository;
var ourCommit;
var theirCommit;
var ourBranch;
var theirBranch;
var ourSignature = nodegit.Signature.create("Ron Paul",
"", 123456789, 60);
var theirSignature = nodegit.Signature.create("Greg Abbott",
"", 123456789, 60);
// Create a new repository in a clean directory, and add our first file
fse.remove(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir))
.then(function() {
return fse.ensureDir(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir));
.then(function() {
return nodegit.Repository.init(path.resolve(__dirname, repoDir), 0);
.then(function(repo) {
repository = repo;
return fse.writeFile(
path.join(repository.workdir(), ourFileName),
// Load up the repository index and make our initial commit to HEAD
.then(function() {
return repository.openIndex();
.then(function(index) {;
return index.writeTree();
.then(function(oid) {
return repository.createCommit("HEAD", ourSignature,
ourSignature, "we made a commit", oid, []);
// Get commit object from the oid, and create our new branches at that position
.then(function(commitOid) {
return repository.getCommit(commitOid).then(function(commit) {
ourCommit = commit;
}).then(function() {
return repository.createBranch(ourBranchName, commitOid)
.then(function(branch) {
ourBranch = branch;
return repository.createBranch(theirBranchName, commitOid);
// Create a new file, stage it and commit it to our second branch
.then(function(branch) {
theirBranch = branch;
return fse.writeFile(
path.join(repository.workdir(), theirFileName),
.then(function() {
return repository.openIndex();
.then(function(index) {;
return index.writeTree();
.then(function(oid) {
// You don"t have to change head to make a commit to a different branch.
return repository.createCommit(, theirSignature,
theirSignature, "they made a commit", oid, [ourCommit]);
.then(function(commitOid) {
return repository.getCommit(commitOid).then(function(commit) {
theirCommit = commit;
// Merge the two commits
.then(function() {
return nodegit.Merge.commits(repository, ourCommit, theirCommit);
// Merging returns an index that isn't backed by the repository.
// You have to manually check for merge conflicts. If there are none
// you just have to write the index. You do have to write it to
// the repository instead of just writing it.
.then(function(index) {
if (!index.hasConflicts()) {
return index.writeTreeTo(repository);
// Create our merge commit back on our branch
.then(function(oid) {
return repository.createCommit(, ourSignature,
ourSignature, "we merged their commit", oid, [ourCommit, theirCommit]);
.done(function(commitId) {
// We never changed the HEAD after the initial commit;
// it should still be the same as master.
console.log("New Commit: ", commitId);
} // mergeCleanly
return {
cloneRepo : cloneRepo,
createBranch : createBranch,
createNewRepo : createNewRepo,
fork : fork,
pull : pull,
addAndCommit : addAndCommit,
push : push,
mergeCleanly : mergeCleanly
// // get commit
// .then(function(repo) {
// // return repo.getCommit("59b20b8d5c6ff8d09518454d4dd8b7b30f095ab5");
// return repo.getCommit(commit);
// })
// .then(function(commit) {
// // return commit.getEntry("");
// return commit.getEntry(entry);
// })
// .then(function(entryResult) {
// entry = entryResult;
// return entry.getBlob();
// })
// .done(function(blob) {
// log(entry.filename(), entry.sha(), blob.rawsize() + "b");
// log("========================================================\n\n");
// var firstTenLines = blob.toString().split("\n").slice(0, 10).join("\n");
// log(firstTenLines);
// log("...");
// });
// require('../app')
DEBUG = '*'
// enable debug library (
var Repo = require('../helpers/repo')
var log = require('debug')('runRepo');
var url = ""
var commit = "59b20b8d5c6ff8d09518454d4dd8b7b30f095ab5"
var entry = ""
// Repo.git.createNewRepo()
Repo.git.fork(url, commit, entry)
// Repo.git.createNewRepo()
// Repo.git.createBranch()
// Repo.git.pull()
// Repo.git.addAndCommit()
// Repo.git.push()
// Repo.git.mergeCleanly()
//var cred = Cred.userpassPlaintextNew(username, password);
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