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Created June 2, 2022 20:24
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How to (roughly) build a KDTree for mesh-ray intersection calculations
// On building fast kd-Trees for Ray Tracing, and on doing that in O(N log N)
#include <math.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// Types
enum AxisPlane {
X=0, Y=1, Z=2
struct AxisAlignedPlane {
AxisPlane axis;
double position;
enum PlanarVoxelSide {
typedef Point std::array<double, 3>;
typedef Triangle std::array<Point, 3>;
typedef Polygon std::vector<Point>;
struct Voxel {
int depth = 0;
Point min_extent;
Point max_extent;
enum EventType {
END = 0,
enum PlaneSide {
struct Event {
double position;
AxisPlane axis;
EventType type;
int triangle_id;
PlaneSide side;
struct BoundingBox {
int n_points = 0;
Point min_extent;
Point max_extent;
void addPoint(Point p) {
if(n_points == 0) {
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
min_extent[i] = p[i];
max_extent[i] = p[i];
} else {
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
min_extent[i] = std::min(min_extent[i], p[i]);
max_extent[i] = std::max(max_extent[i], p[i]);
n_points += 1;
bool BBoxContainsBBox(BoundingBox const & a, BoundingBox const & b) {
return a.min_extent[0] <= b.min_extent[0] and a.max_extent[0] >= b.max_extent[0]
and a.min_extent[1] <= b.min_extent[1] and a.max_extent[1] >= b.max_extent[1]
and a.min_extent[2] <= b.min_extent[2] and a.max_extent[2] >= b.max_extent[2];
// Find plane
double CostLambda(int NTrianglesLeft, int NTrianglesRight) {
double cost = 1.0;
if(NTrianglesLeft == 0 or NTrianglesRight == 0) {
return 0.8;
} else {
return 1.0;
double Cost(double probability_left, double probability_right, int num_left, int num_right, double traversal_cost, double intersection_cost) {
return CostLambda(NTrianglesLeft, NTrianglesRight) * (
traversal_cost + intersection_cost
* (probability_left * num_left + probability_right * num_right)
double SurfaceArea(Voxel & V) {
double area = 0.0;
Point length;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
length[i] = std::abs(V.max_extent[i] - V.min_extent[i]);
return 2.0 * (Point[0] * (Point[1] + Point[2]) + Point[1] * Point[2]);
void SplitBox(Voxel const & V, Plane const & p, Voxel & VL, Voxel & VR) {
int axis = int(p.axis);
VL = V;
VL.depth += 1;
VR = VL;
VL.max_extent[axis] = p.position;
VR.min_extent[axis] = p.position;
std::tuple<double, PlanarVoxelSide> SAHCost(Plane const & p, Voxel const & V, int num_left, int num_right, int num_planar, double traversal_cost, double intersection_cost) {
Voxel VL, VR;
SplitBox(V, p, VL, VR); // Make two voxels from one
double SA_tot = SurfaceArea(V);
double SA_L = SurfaceArea(VL);
double SA_R = SurfaceArea(VR);
double PL = SA_L / SA_tot; // Probability of hitting voxel is proportional to surface area
double PR = SA_R / SA_tot;
// Check what is more expensive: planar events on left side, or planar events on right side
double CpL = Cost(PL, PR, num_left + num_planar, num_right, traversal_cost, intersection_cost);
double CpR = Cost(PL, PR, num_left, num_right + num_planar, traversal_cost, intersection_cost);
if(CpL < CpR) {
return std::tuple<double, PlanarVoxelSide>(CpL, LEFT);
} else {
return std::tuple<double, PlanarVoxelSide>(CpR, RIGHT);
std::tuple<AxisAlignedPlane, PlanarVoxelSide, double> FindPlane(int Num_tris, Voxel const & voxel, std::vector<Event> const & events, double traversal_cost, double intersection_cost) {
// Find the lowest cost plane across all 3 dimensions
// Relevant plane positions are when a triangle swaps sides from one voxel to another
// Assume events vector is already sorted
std::array<int, 3> NL = {0, 0, 0}; // Number of triangles left of the plane
std::array<int, 3> NP = {0, 0, 0}; // Number of triangles in the plane
std::array<int, 3> NR = {Num_tris, Num_tris, Num_tris}; // Number of triangles right of the plane
AxisAlignedPlane best_plane;
PlanarVoxelSide best_side;
double best_cost = 0;
bool have_cost = false;
// Sweep across the possible planes, keeping track of how many triangles are in each voxel
// Loop does 3 dimensions simultaneously ==> Triangle counts are sepearate for each dimension
for(unsigned int i=0; i<events.size(); ++i) {
AxisAlignedPlane plane;
plane.axis = events[i].axis;
plane.position = events[i].position;
int dim = int(axis);
int p_start = 0;
int p_end = 0;
int p_planar = 0;
while(i < events.size() and events[i].axis == plane.axis and events[i].position == plane.position and events[i].type == EventType::END) {
++p_end; ++i;
while(i < events.size() and events[i].axis == plane.axis and events[i].position == plane.position and events[i].type == EventType::PLANAR) {
++p_planar; ++i;
while(i < events.size() and events[i].axis == plane.axis and events[i].position == plane.position and events[i].type == EventType::START) {
++p_start; ++i;
NP[dim] = p_planar;
NR[dim] -= p_planar + p_end;
std::tuple<double, PlanarVoxelSide> cost_side =
SAHCost(plane, voxel, NL[dim], NR[dim], NP[dim], traversal_cost, intersection_cost);
if((not have_cost) or std::get<0>(cost_side) < best_cost) {
have_cost = true;
best_cost = std::get<0>(cost_side);
best_side = std::get<1>(cost_side);
best_plane = plane;
NL[dim] += p_planar + p_start;
NP[dim] = 0;
return std::tuple<AxisAlignedPlane, PlanarVoxelSide, double>(best_plane, best_side, best_cost);
// Fast Box-Triangle intersection check
/* this version of SIGN3 shows some numerical instability, and is improved
* by using the uncommented macro that follows, and a different test with it */
#ifdef OLD_TEST
#define SIGN3( A ) (((A).x<0)?4:0 | ((A).y<0)?2:0 | ((A).z<0)?1:0)
#define EPS 10e-5
#define SIGN3( A ) \
(((A).x < EPS) ? 4 : 0 | ((A).x > -EPS) ? 32 : 0 | \
((A).y < EPS) ? 2 : 0 | ((A).y > -EPS) ? 16 : 0 | \
((A).z < EPS) ? 1 : 0 | ((A).z > -EPS) ? 8 : 0)
#define CROSS( A, B, C ) { \
(C).x = (A).y * (B).z - (A).z * (B).y; \
(C).y = -(A).x * (B).z + (A).z * (B).x; \
(C).z = (A).x * (B).y - (A).y * (B).x; \
#define SUB( A, B, C ) { \
(C).x = (A).x - (B).x; \
(C).y = (A).y - (B).y; \
(C).z = (A).z - (B).z; \
#define LERP( A, B, C) ((B)+(A)*((C)-(B)))
#define MIN3(a,b,c) ((((a)<(b))&&((a)<(c))) ? (a) : (((b)<(c)) ? (b) : (c)))
#define MAX3(a,b,c) ((((a)>(b))&&((a)>(c))) ? (a) : (((b)>(c)) ? (b) : (c)))
#define INSIDE 0
#define OUTSIDE 1
typedef struct {
float x;
float y;
float z;
} Point3;
typedef struct{
Point3 v1; /* Vertex1 */
Point3 v2; /* Vertex2 */
Point3 v3; /* Vertex3 */
} Triangle3;
/* Which of the six face-plane(s) is point P outside of? */
long face_plane(Point3 p)
long outcode;
outcode = 0;
if (p.x > .5) outcode |= 0x01;
if (p.x < -.5) outcode |= 0x02;
if (p.y > .5) outcode |= 0x04;
if (p.y < -.5) outcode |= 0x08;
if (p.z > .5) outcode |= 0x10;
if (p.z < -.5) outcode |= 0x20;
/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* Which of the twelve edge plane(s) is point P outside of? */
long bevel_2d(Point3 p)
long outcode;
outcode = 0;
if ( p.x + p.y > 1.0) outcode |= 0x001;
if ( p.x - p.y > 1.0) outcode |= 0x002;
if (-p.x + p.y > 1.0) outcode |= 0x004;
if (-p.x - p.y > 1.0) outcode |= 0x008;
if ( p.x + p.z > 1.0) outcode |= 0x010;
if ( p.x - p.z > 1.0) outcode |= 0x020;
if (-p.x + p.z > 1.0) outcode |= 0x040;
if (-p.x - p.z > 1.0) outcode |= 0x080;
if ( p.y + p.z > 1.0) outcode |= 0x100;
if ( p.y - p.z > 1.0) outcode |= 0x200;
if (-p.y + p.z > 1.0) outcode |= 0x400;
if (-p.y - p.z > 1.0) outcode |= 0x800;
/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* Which of the eight corner plane(s) is point P outside of? */
long bevel_3d(Point3 p)
long outcode;
outcode = 0;
if (( p.x + p.y + p.z) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x01;
if (( p.x + p.y - p.z) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x02;
if (( p.x - p.y + p.z) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x04;
if (( p.x - p.y - p.z) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x08;
if ((-p.x + p.y + p.z) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x10;
if ((-p.x + p.y - p.z) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x20;
if ((-p.x - p.y + p.z) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x40;
if ((-p.x - p.y - p.z) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x80;
/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* Test the point "alpha" of the way from P1 to P2 */
/* See if it is on a face of the cube */
/* Consider only faces in "mask" */
long check_point(Point3 p1, Point3 p2, float alpha, long mask)
Point3 plane_point;
plane_point.x = LERP(alpha, p1.x, p2.x);
plane_point.y = LERP(alpha, p1.y, p2.y);
plane_point.z = LERP(alpha, p1.z, p2.z);
return(face_plane(plane_point) & mask);
/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* Compute intersection of P1 --> P2 line segment with face planes */
/* Then test intersection point to see if it is on cube face */
/* Consider only face planes in "outcode_diff" */
/* Note: Zero bits in "outcode_diff" means face line is outside of */
long check_line(Point3 p1, Point3 p2, long outcode_diff)
if ((0x01 & outcode_diff) != 0)
if (check_point(p1,p2,( 0.5f-p1.x)/(p2.x-p1.x),0x3e) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((0x02 & outcode_diff) != 0)
if (check_point(p1,p2,(-0.5f-p1.x)/(p2.x-p1.x),0x3d) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((0x04 & outcode_diff) != 0)
if (check_point(p1,p2,( 0.5f-p1.y)/(p2.y-p1.y),0x3b) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((0x08 & outcode_diff) != 0)
if (check_point(p1,p2,(-0.5f-p1.y)/(p2.y-p1.y),0x37) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((0x10 & outcode_diff) != 0)
if (check_point(p1,p2,( 0.5f-p1.z)/(p2.z-p1.z),0x2f) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((0x20 & outcode_diff) != 0)
if (check_point(p1,p2,(-0.5f-p1.z)/(p2.z-p1.z),0x1f) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* Test if 3D point is inside 3D triangle */
long point_triangle_intersection(Point3 p, Triangle3 t)
long sign12,sign23,sign31;
Point3 vect12,vect23,vect31,vect1h,vect2h,vect3h;
Point3 cross12_1p,cross23_2p,cross31_3p;
/* First, a quick bounding-box test: */
/* If P is outside triangle bbox, there cannot be an intersection. */
if (p.x > MAX3(t.v1.x, t.v2.x, t.v3.x)) return(OUTSIDE);
if (p.y > MAX3(t.v1.y, t.v2.y, t.v3.y)) return(OUTSIDE);
if (p.z > MAX3(t.v1.z, t.v2.z, t.v3.z)) return(OUTSIDE);
if (p.x < MIN3(t.v1.x, t.v2.x, t.v3.x)) return(OUTSIDE);
if (p.y < MIN3(t.v1.y, t.v2.y, t.v3.y)) return(OUTSIDE);
if (p.z < MIN3(t.v1.z, t.v2.z, t.v3.z)) return(OUTSIDE);
/* For each triangle side, make a vector out of it by subtracting vertexes; */
/* make another vector from one vertex to point P. */
/* The crossproduct of these two vectors is orthogonal to both and the */
/* signs of its X,Y,Z components indicate whether P was to the inside or */
/* to the outside of this triangle side. */
SUB(t.v1, t.v2, vect12)
SUB(t.v1, p, vect1h);
CROSS(vect12, vect1h, cross12_1p)
sign12 = SIGN3(cross12_1p); /* Extract X,Y,Z signs as 0..7 or 0...63 integer */
SUB(t.v2, t.v3, vect23)
SUB(t.v2, p, vect2h);
CROSS(vect23, vect2h, cross23_2p)
sign23 = SIGN3(cross23_2p);
SUB(t.v3, t.v1, vect31)
SUB(t.v3, p, vect3h);
CROSS(vect31, vect3h, cross31_3p)
sign31 = SIGN3(cross31_3p);
/* If all three crossproduct vectors agree in their component signs, */
/* then the point must be inside all three. */
/* P cannot be OUTSIDE all three sides simultaneously. */
/* this is the old test; with the revised SIGN3() macro, the test
* needs to be revised. */
#ifdef OLD_TEST
if ((sign12 == sign23) && (sign23 == sign31))
return ((sign12 & sign23 & sign31) == 0) ? OUTSIDE : INSIDE;
/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* This is the main algorithm procedure. */
/* Triangle t is compared with a unit cube, */
/* centered on the origin. */
/* It returns INSIDE (0) or OUTSIDE(1) if t */
/* intersects or does not intersect the cube. */
long t_c_intersection(Triangle3 t)
long v1_test,v2_test,v3_test;
float d,denom;
Point3 vect12,vect13,norm;
Point3 hitpp,hitpn,hitnp,hitnn;
/* First compare all three vertexes with all six face-planes */
/* If any vertex is inside the cube, return immediately! */
if ((v1_test = face_plane(t.v1)) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((v2_test = face_plane(t.v2)) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((v3_test = face_plane(t.v3)) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
/* If all three vertexes were outside of one or more face-planes, */
/* return immediately with a trivial rejection! */
if ((v1_test & v2_test & v3_test) != 0) return(OUTSIDE);
/* Now do the same trivial rejection test for the 12 edge planes */
v1_test |= bevel_2d(t.v1) << 8;
v2_test |= bevel_2d(t.v2) << 8;
v3_test |= bevel_2d(t.v3) << 8;
if ((v1_test & v2_test & v3_test) != 0) return(OUTSIDE);
/* Now do the same trivial rejection test for the 8 corner planes */
v1_test |= bevel_3d(t.v1) << 24;
v2_test |= bevel_3d(t.v2) << 24;
v3_test |= bevel_3d(t.v3) << 24;
if ((v1_test & v2_test & v3_test) != 0) return(OUTSIDE);
/* If vertex 1 and 2, as a pair, cannot be trivially rejected */
/* by the above tests, then see if the v1-->v2 triangle edge */
/* intersects the cube. Do the same for v1-->v3 and v2-->v3. */
/* Pass to the intersection algorithm the "OR" of the outcode */
/* bits, so that only those cube faces which are spanned by */
/* each triangle edge need be tested. */
if ((v1_test & v2_test) == 0)
if (check_line(t.v1,t.v2,v1_test|v2_test) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((v1_test & v3_test) == 0)
if (check_line(t.v1,t.v3,v1_test|v3_test) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if ((v2_test & v3_test) == 0)
if (check_line(t.v2,t.v3,v2_test|v3_test) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
/* By now, we know that the triangle is not off to any side, */
/* and that its sides do not penetrate the cube. We must now */
/* test for the cube intersecting the interior of the triangle. */
/* We do this by looking for intersections between the cube */
/* diagonals and the triangle...first finding the intersection */
/* of the four diagonals with the plane of the triangle, and */
/* then if that intersection is inside the cube, pursuing */
/* whether the intersection point is inside the triangle itself. */
/* To find plane of the triangle, first perform crossproduct on */
/* two triangle side vectors to compute the normal vector. */
/* The normal vector "norm" X,Y,Z components are the coefficients */
/* of the triangles AX + BY + CZ + D = 0 plane equation. If we */
/* solve the plane equation for X=Y=Z (a diagonal), we get */
/* -D/(A+B+C) as a metric of the distance from cube center to the */
/* diagonal/plane intersection. If this is between -0.5 and 0.5, */
/* the intersection is inside the cube. If so, we continue by */
/* doing a point/triangle intersection. */
/* Do this for all four diagonals. */
d = norm.x * t.v1.x + norm.y * t.v1.y + norm.z * t.v1.z;
/* if one of the diagonals is parallel to the plane, the other will intersect the plane */
if(fabs(denom=(norm.x + norm.y + norm.z))>EPS)
/* skip parallel diagonals to the plane; division by 0 can occur */
hitpp.x = hitpp.y = hitpp.z = d / denom;
if (fabs(hitpp.x) <= 0.5)
if (point_triangle_intersection(hitpp,t) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if(fabs(denom=(norm.x + norm.y - norm.z))>EPS)
hitpn.z = -(hitpn.x = hitpn.y = d / denom);
if (fabs(hitpn.x) <= 0.5)
if (point_triangle_intersection(hitpn,t) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if(fabs(denom=(norm.x - norm.y + norm.z))>EPS)
hitnp.y = -(hitnp.x = hitnp.z = d / denom);
if (fabs(hitnp.x) <= 0.5)
if (point_triangle_intersection(hitnp,t) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
if(fabs(denom=(norm.x - norm.y - norm.z))>EPS)
hitnn.y = hitnn.z = -(hitnn.x = d / denom);
if (fabs(hitnn.x) <= 0.5)
if (point_triangle_intersection(hitnn,t) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
/* No edge touched the cube; no cube diagonal touched the triangle. */
/* We're done...there was no intersection. */
// Clip triangle to voxel
double dot(Point const & a, Point const & b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
Point mul(Point const & a, double x) {
Point ret = a;
ret[0] *= x;
ret[1] *= x;
ret[2] *= x;
return ret;
Point add(Point const & a, Point, const & b) {
Point ret = a;
ret[0] += b[0];
ret[1] += b[1];
ret[2] += b[2];
return ret
Point subtract(Point const & a, Point, const & b) {
Point ret = a;
ret[0] -= b[0];
ret[1] -= b[1];
ret[2] -= b[2];
return ret
template <typename T>
inline void swap(T& a, T& b) {
T tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
enum OrientationResult {
ON_BOUNDARY, /*!< primitive is on the boundary of a primitive */
ON_POSITIVE_SIDE, /*!< primitive is on the positive side of a primitive */
ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE /*!< primitive is on the negative side of a primitive */
bool isEven(int i) {
return i % 2 == 0;
int classifyPointAxisPlane(Point const & pt,
int index,
double val,
const double eps = 1e-8) {
// Note: we are exploiting the fact that the planes are axis aligned
// So the dot product is +/- the given coordinate.
// In general, we would need to call distance(pt, plane) here
double dist = isEven(index) ? val - pt[index / 2] : pt[index / 2] - val;
if(dist > eps) {
if(dist < -eps) {
Point findIntersectionPoint(Point const & a,
Point const & b,
int index,
double val)
// Need to find a parameter t for the point pt, such that,
// * 0 <= t <= 1
// * pt = a + t * (b-a)
// * pt[ index/2] == val
double t = (val - a[index / 2]) / (b[index / 2] - a[index / 2]);
Point ret = add(a, mul(subtract(b, a), t));
return ret;
void clipAxisPlane(Polygon const * prevPoly,
Polygon * currentPoly,
int index,
T val)
int numVerts = prevPoly->size();
if(numVerts == 0) {
// Initialize point a with the last vertex of the polygon
const Point* a = &(*prevPoly)[numVerts - 1];
int aSide = classifyPointAxisPlane(*a, index, val);
for(int i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i) {
const Point* b = &(*prevPoly)[i];
int bSide = classifyPointAxisPlane(*b, index, val);
switch(bSide) {
if(aSide == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) {
currentPoly->push_back(findIntersectionPoint(*a, *b, index, val));
if(aSide == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) {
switch(aSide) {
currentPoly->push_back(findIntersectionPoint(*a, *b, index, val));
// swap a and b
a = b;
aSide = bSide;
bool TriangleIntersectsAABB(Triangle tri, BoundingBox const & box) {
Point lengths;
lengths[0] = box.max_extent[0] - box.min_extent[0];
lengths[1] = box.max_extent[1] - box.min_extent[1];
lengths[2] = box.max_extent[2] - box.min_extent[2];
for(unsigned int p_i=0; p_i<3; ++p_i) {
for(unsigned int dim=0; dim<3; ++dim) {
tri[p_i][dim] -= box.min_extent[dim];
tri[p_i][dim] /= lengths[dim];
Point3 v1, v2, v3;
v1.x = tri[0][0];
v1.y = tri[0][1];
v1.z = tri[0][2];
v2.x = tri[1][0];
v2.y = tri[1][1];
v3.z = tri[1][2];
v3.x = tri[2][0];
v3.y = tri[2][1];
v3.z = tri[2][2];
Triangle3 new_tri;
new_tri.v1 = v1;
new_tri.v2 = v2;
new_tri.v3 = v3;
return t_c_intersection(new_tri) == INSIDE;
bool TriangleVoxelIntersects(Triangle const & tri, Voxel const & voxel) {
BoundingBox box;
box.min_extent = voxel.min_extent;
box.min_extent = voxel.min_extent;
return TriangleIntersectsAABB(tri, box);
Polygon clip(Triangle const & tri, BoundingBox const & bbox) {
// Use two polygons with pointers for 'back-buffer'-like swapping
const int MAX_VERTS = 6;
Polygon poly[2] = {Polygon(MAX_VERTS), Polygon(MAX_VERTS)};
Polygon* currentPoly = &poly[0];
Polygon* prevPoly = &poly[1];
// First check if the triangle is contained in the bbox, if not we are empty
std::vector<Point> triBox;
BoundingBox triBox;
if(not TriangleIntersectsAABB(triBox, bbox)) {
return *currentPoly; // note: currentPoly is empty
// Set up the initial polygon
// If all the vertices are contained, we have no work to do
if(BBoxContainsBBox(bbox, triBox)) {
return *currentPoly; // Note current poly has the same verts as tri
// Loop through the planes of the bbox and clip the vertices
for(int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim) {
// Optimization note: we should be able to save some work based on
// the clipping plane and the triangle's bounding box
if(triBox.max_extent[dim] > bbox.min_extent[dim]) {
swap(prevPoly, currentPoly);
clipAxisPlane(prevPoly, currentPoly, 2 * dim + 0, bbox.min_extent[dim]);
if(triBox.min_extent[dim] < bbox.max_extent[dim]) {
swap(prevPoly, currentPoly);
clipAxisPlane(prevPoly, currentPoly, 2 * dim + 1, bbox.max_extent[dim]);
return *currentPoly;
// Split events
void ClassifyEventLeftRightBoth(std::vector<Event> & E, Plane const & p, PlanarVoxelSide side) {
for(unsigned int i=0; i<E.size(); ++i) {
Event & e = E[i];
E[i].side = PlaneSide::BOTH;
PlaneSide default_planar_side;
if(side == PlanarVoxelSide::LEFT) {
default_planar_side = PlaneSide::LEFT;
} else {
default_planar_side = PlaneSide::RIGHT;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<E.size(); ++i) {
Event & e = E[i];
if(e.type == EventType::END
and e.axis == p.axis
and e.position <= p.position) {
e.side = PlaneSide::LEFT;
} else if (e.type == EventType::START
and e.axis == p.axis
and e.position >= p.position) {
e.side = PlaneSide::RIGHT
} else if (e.type == EventType::PLANAR
and e.axis == p.axis) {
if(e.position < p.position) {
e.side = PlaneSide::LEFT;
} else if(e.position > p.position) {
e.side = PlaneSide::RIGHT;
} else if(e.position == p.position) {
e.side = default_planar_side;
void AddPlanarEvent(std::vector<Event> & events, BoundingBox const & tri_box, PlaneAxis axis, int tri_id) {
Event e;
int dim = int(axis);
e.position = tri_box.min_extent[dim];
e.axis = axis;
e.type = EventType::PLANAR;
e.triangle_id = tri_id;
e.side = PlanarVoxelSide::BOTH;
void AddStartEndEvents(std::vector<Event> & events, BoundingBox const & tri_box, PlaneAxis axis, int tri_id) {
Event e;
int dim = int(axis);
e.position = tri_box.min_extent[dim];
e.axis = axis;
e.type = EventType::START;
e.triangle_id = tri_id;
e.side = PlanarVoxelSide::BOTH;
Event e_end;
e.position = tri_box.max_extent[dim];
e.type = EventType::END;
void GenerateNonClippedTriangleVoxelEvents(std::vector<Event> & events, Triangle const & tri, int tri_id) {
BoundingBox box;
for(unsigned int point_i=0; point_i<3; ++point_i) {
for(unsigned int dim_i=0; dim_i<3; ++dim_i) {
if(box.min_extent[dim_i] == box.max_extent[dim_i]) {
// Planar event
AddPlanarEvent(events, box, PlaneAxis(dim_i), tri_id);
} else {
// Start and End events
AddStartEndEvents(events, box, PlaneAxis(dim_i), tri_id);
void GenerateClippedTriangleVoxelEvents(std::vector<Event> & events, Triangle const & tri, int tri_id, BoundingBox const & voxel_box) {
Polygon p = clip(tri, voxel_box);
BoundingBox box;
for(unsigned int point_i=0; point_i<p.size(); ++point_i) {
for(unsigned int dim_i=0; dim_i<3; ++dim_i) {
if(box.min_extent[dim_i] == box.max_extent[dim_i]) {
// Planar event
AddPlanarEvent(events, box, PlaneAxis(dim_i), tri_id);
} else {
// Start and End events
AddStartEndEvents(events, box, PlaneAxis(dim_i), tri_id);
void GeneratePlaneEvents(std::vector<Event> & events_L, std::vector<Event> & events_R, std::vector<Triangle> const & tiangles, std::vector<int> const & intersecting_tris, Voxel const & voxel, Plane const & plane) {
Voxel VL;
Voxel VR;
SplitBox(voxel, plane, VL, VR);
BoundingBox BBL, BBR;
BBL.min_extent = VL.min_extent;
BBL.max_extent = VL.max_extent;
BBR.min_extent = VR.min_extent;
BBR.max_extent = VR.max_extent;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<triangles.size()) {
GenerateClippedTriangleVoxelEvents(events_L, triangles[intersecting_tris[i]], intersecting_tris[i], BBL);
GenerateClippedTriangleVoxelEvents(events_R, triangles[intersecting_tris[i]], intersecting_tris[i], BBR);
int TauEventType(EventType etype) {
return int(etype);
bool EventCompare(Event const & a, Event const & b) {
// Is a < b
return (a.position < b.position)
or (a.position == b.position and TauEventType(a) < TauEventType(b));
void SplitEventsByPlane(std::vector<Event> const & events,
std::vector<Triangle> const & triangles,
Voxel const & voxel,
AxisAlignedPlane const & plane,
std::vector<Event> & EL,
std::vector<Event> & ER,
PlanarVoxelSide const & side) {
std::vector<Event> ELtemp;
std::vector<Event> ERtemp;
std::vector<Event> EBLtemp;
std::vector<Event> EBRtemp;
ClassifyEventLeftRightBoth(events, plane, side);
std::vector<int> intersecting_tris;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<events.size(); ++i) {
Event & e = events[i];
if(e.side == PlaneSide::BOTH) {
} else if (e.side == PlaneSide::LEFT) {
} else if (e.side == PlaneSide::RIGHT) {
GeneratePlaneEvents(EBLtemp, EBRtemp, triangles, intersecting_tris, voxel, plane);
std::sort(EBLtemp.begin(), EBLtemp.end(), EventCompare);
std::sort(EBRtemp.begin(), EBRtemp.end(), EventCompare);
std::merge(ELtemp.begin(), ELtemp.end(), EBLtemp.begin(), EBLtemp.end(), EL.begin(), EventCompare);
std::merge(ERtemp.begin(), ERtemp.end(), EBRtemp.begin(), EBRtemp.end(), ER.begin(), EventCompare);
// Build KD Tree
struct KDNode {
bool terminal = false;
Voxel V;
std::vector<int> T;
std::shared_ptr<KDNode> left;
std::shared_ptr<KDNode> right;
KDNode(Voxel const & voxel, std::vector<int> const & tri_idx) :
terminal(true), V(voxel), T(tri_idx) {};
KDNode(Voxel const & voxel, std::vector<int> const & tri_idx, std::shared_ptr<KDNode> l, std::shared_ptr<KDNode> r) :
terminal(false), V(voxel), left(l), right(r) {};
std::shared_ptr<KDNode> RecBuild(std::vector<Triangle> const & triangles, std::vector<int> const & T, Voxel & V, std::vector<Event> const & events, double traversal_cost, double intersection_cost) {
std::tuple<AxisAlignedPlane, PlanarVoxelSide, double> plane_side_cost = FindPlane(T.size(), V, events, traversal_cost, intersection_cost);
double cost = std::get<2>();
double termination_cost = intersection_cost * T.size();
if(cost > termination_cost) {
return std::make_shared<KDNode>(V, T);
AxisAlignedPlane const & plane = std::get<0>();
PlanarVoxelSide const & side = std::get<1>();
std::vector<Event> EL, ER;
SplitEventsByPlane(events, triangles, V, plane, EL, ER, side);
Voxel VL, VR;
SplitBox(V, plane, VL, VR);
return std::make_shared<KDNode>(V, RecBuild(triangles, TL, VL, EL, traversal_cost, intersection_cost), RecBuild(triangles, TR, VR, ER, traversal_cost, intersection_cost));
std::shared_ptr<KDNode> BuildKDTree(std::vector<Triangle> const & triangles, double traversal_cost, double intersection_cost) {
// Generate all events and compute world bounding box
BoundingBox box;
std::vector<Event> events;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<triangles.size(); ++i) {
GenerateNonClippedTriangleVoxelEvents(events, triangles[i], i);
// Sort events once
std::sort(std::begin(events), std::end(events), EventCompare);
// Make the world voxel
Voxel V;
V.min_extent = box.min_extent;
V.max_extent = box.max_extent;
V.depth = 0;
// Start with all triangle IDs
std::vector<int> T(triangles.size());
std::iota(std::begin(T), std::end(T), 0); // Fill T with 0, 1, ..., triangles.size()
// Recursively build the tree
return RecBuild(triangles, T, V, events, traversal_cost, intersection_cost);
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