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Last active April 30, 2021 18:07
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Computes Feldman & Cousins style intervals for the mean of a bin, assuming Poisson distributed observations and no inter-bin correlations or external information.
# Feldman Cousin's interval
# Author: Austin Schneider (
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import poisson
import collections
from functools import wraps
class memodict_(collections.OrderedDict):
def __init__(self, f, maxsize=1):
self.f = f
self.maxsize = maxsize
def __missing__(self, key):
if len(self) == self.maxsize:
ret = self[key] = self.f(*key)
return ret
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.__getitem__(args)
def memodict(f, maxsize=1):
""" Memoization decorator for a function taking a single argument """
m = memodict_(f, maxsize)
return m
lam = lambda k,mu: poisson.pmf(k,mu) if (k != 0 or mu != 0) else 1.0
poisson_pmf = memodict(lam,2000)
def gen_next(info, last, pmf, r):
inc = -1 + 2*last
info[last, 0] = info[last, 0] + inc
info[last, 1] = pmf(info[last, 0])
info[last, 2] = r(info[last,0])
return info, np.argmax(info[:,2])
def gen_next_zero(info, pmf, r):
info[1, 0] = info[1, 0] + 1
info[1, 1] = pmf(info[1, 0])
info[1, 2] = r(info[1,0])
return info, 1
def construct_poisson_interval(mu, bkg=None, alpha=0.9):
if bkg is None:
bkg = 0
if mu+bkg == 0:
return 0,0
pmf = lambda k: poisson_pmf(k, mu+bkg)
r = memodict(lambda k: pmf(k) / poisson_pmf(k, max(0, k-bkg)+bkg), 200)
# Search for the largest likelihood ratio
# Start at the k closest to mu
closest = max(np.around(mu+bkg), 1)
# Walk right searching for largest r
i = closest
last_r = r(i)
while True:
i += 1
next_r = r(i)
if next_r < last_r:
last_r = next_r
best_k_right = i - 1
best_r_right = last_r
# Walk left searching for largest r
i = closest
last_r = r(i)
while True:
i -= 1
if i < 0:
next_r = r(i)
if next_r < last_r:
last_r = next_r
best_k_left = i + 1
best_r_left = last_r
best_k = max([(best_k_left, best_r_left), (best_k_right, best_r_right)], key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
get_info = lambda k: np.array([k, pmf(k), r(k)])
mm = lambda l: [min(l), max(l)]
get_minmax = lambda minmax, new: mm(list(minmax) + [new])
info = np.array([get_info(best_k), get_info(best_k+1)])
points = []
tot = info[0,1]
last = 0
minmax = [info[0,0], info[0,0]]
while minmax[0] != 0 and tot < alpha:
inc = -1 + 2*last
info[last] = get_info(info[last,0]+inc)
last = np.argmax(info[:,2])
minmax = get_minmax(minmax, info[last,0])
tot += info[last,1]
if tot < alpha and last == 0:
last = 1
minmax = get_minmax(minmax, info[last,0])
tot += info[last,1]
while tot < alpha:
info[last] = get_info(info[last,0]+1)
minmax = get_minmax(minmax, info[last,0])
tot += info[last,1]
return minmax
def walk_right(x, step, cond, lim=None):
while cond(x) and (lim is None or x < lim):
x += step
if lim is not None and x > lim:
x = lim
return x
def walk_left(x, step, cond, lim=None):
while cond(x) and (lim is None or x > lim):
x -= step
if lim is not None and x < lim:
x = lim
return x
def poisson_interval(k, bkg=None, alpha=0.9, epsilon=1e-10):
is_inside = lambda x, i: x>=i[0] and x<=i[1]
exit_condition = lambda x: is_inside(k, construct_poisson_interval(x, bkg=bkg, alpha=alpha))
entry_condition = lambda x: not is_inside(k, construct_poisson_interval(x, bkg=bkg, alpha=alpha))
step = 1.
left_bound = int(k)
while True:
right_bound = walk_right(left_bound, step, exit_condition)
if abs(right_bound - left_bound) <= epsilon:
step /= 2.
left_bound = walk_left(right_bound, step, entry_condition, lim=0)
if abs(right_bound - left_bound) <= epsilon:
step /= 2.
right = (left_bound + right_bound)/2.
if k == 0:
return (0., right)
step = 1.
right_bound = int(k)
while True:
left_bound = walk_left(right_bound, step, exit_condition, lim=0)
if abs(right_bound - left_bound) <= epsilon:
step /= 2.
right_bound = walk_right(left_bound, step, entry_condition)
if abs(right_bound - left_bound) <= epsilon:
step /= 2.
left = (left_bound + right_bound)/2.
return (left, right)
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