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Last active January 17, 2020 06:03
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Pentesting Install Script
# Pentesting Install Script
# Author: Austin Songer
sudo -n true
apt update -y
apt list --upgradable -a
apt upgrade -y
dpkg --configure -a
apt install -f
apt update --fix-missing
apt --fix-broken install -y
apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras -y
apt-get -y install -f # Check Dependencies retained or broken
apt-get -y autoremove # Remove out of date and obsolete packages
apt-get -y autoclean # Cleaning left overs
apt-get -y installl acccheck
apt-get -y installl ace-voip
apt-get -y installl amap
apt-get -y installl automater
apt-get -y installl braa
apt-get -y installl dmitry
apt-get -y installl dnmap
apt-get -y installl dnsenum
apt-get -y installl dnsmap
apt-get -y installl dnsrecon
apt-get -y installl dnstracer
apt-get -y installl dnswalk
apt-get -y installl dotdotpwn
apt-get -y installl enum4linux
apt-get -y installl enumiax
apt-get -y installl exploitdb
apt-get -y installl fierce
apt-get -y installl firewalk
apt-get -y installl fragroute
apt-get -y installl fragrouter
apt-get -y installl masscan
apt-get -y installl nmap
apt-get -y installl recon-ng
apt-get -y installl smtp-user-enum
apt-get -y installl snmpcheck
apt-get -y installl theharvester
apt-get -y installl wireshark
apt-get -y installl ismtp
apt-get -y installl intrace
apt-get -y installl hping3
apt-get -y installl bbqsql
apt-get -y installl bed
apt-get -y installl cisco-auditing-tool
apt-get -y installl cisco-global-exploiter
apt-get -y installl cisco-ocs
apt-get -y installl cisco-torch
apt-get -y installl copy-router-config
apt-get -y installl doona
apt-get -y installl dotdotpwn
apt-get -y installl greenbone-security-assistant
apt-get -y installl openvas-administrator
apt-get -y installl openvas-cli
apt-get -y installl openvas-manager
apt-get -y installl openvas-scanner
apt-get -y installl oscanner
apt-get -y installl powerfuzzer
apt-get -y installl sfuzz
apt-get -y installl sidguesser
apt-get -y installl siparmyknife
apt-get -y installl sqlmap
apt-get -y installl sqlninja
apt-get -y installl sqlsus
apt-get -y installl unix-privesc-check
apt-get -y installl aircrack-ng
apt-get -y installl fern-wifi-cracker
apt-get -y installl ghost-phisher
apt-get -y installl giskismet
apt-get -y installl kismet
apt-get -y installl arachni
apt-get -y installl burpsuite
apt-get -y installl dirb
apt-get -y installl dirbuster
apt-get -y installl joomscan
apt-get -y installl powerfuzzer
apt-get -y installl proxystrike
apt-get -y installl recon-ng
apt-get -y installl skipfish
apt-get -y installl sqlmap
apt-get -y installl w3af
apt-get -y installl webscarab
apt-get -y installl websploit
apt-get -y installl wfuzz
apt-get -y installl wpscan
apt-get -y installl xsser
apt-get -y installl zaproxy
apt-get -y installl dnschef
apt-get -y installl mitmproxy
apt-get -y installl dbd
apt-get -y installl dns2tcp
apt-get -y installl http-tunnel
apt-get -y installl httptunnel
apt-get -y installl intersect
apt-get -y installl nishang
apt-get -y installl polenum
apt-get -y installl powersploit
apt-get -y installl pwnat
apt-get -y installl ridenum
apt-get -y installl sbd
apt-get -y installl u3-pwn
apt-get -y installl webshells
apt-get -y installl weevely
apt-get -y installl keepnote
apt-get -y installl armitage
apt-get -y installl backdoor-factory
apt-get -y installl beef-xss
apt-get -y installl jboss-autopwn
apt-get -y installl linux-exploit-suggester
apt-get -y installl maltego-teeth
apt-get -y installl set
apt-get -y installl shellnoob
apt-get -y installl sqlmap
apt-get -y installl thc-ipv6
apt-get -y installl yersinia
apt-get -y installl p0f
apt-get -y installl termineter
apt-get -y installl thc-ipv6
apt-get -y installl thc-ssl-dos
apt-get -y installl cewl
apt-get -y installl chntpw
apt-get -y installl cmospwd
apt-get -y installl creddump
apt-get -y installl crunch
apt-get -y installl findmyhash
apt-get -y installl ncrack
apt-get -y installl truecrack
apt-get -y installl webscarab
apt-get -y installl wordlists
apt-get -y installl zaproxy
apt-get -y installl JD
apt-get -y installl OllyDbg
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