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Created July 18, 2024 16:19
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Evaluating Open Source Software as Dependencies

Avoid New Dependencies

  • Use existing (possibly indirect) dependencies.
  • Minimize attack surface.

Evaluate Intended Version

  • Verify software version (not personal/attacker-controlled fork).
  • Check project name and website link.
  • Verify fork relation on GitHub/GitLab.
  • Check foundation affiliation, creation time, and popularity.

Check Maintenance

  • Look for significant recent activity (commits within the last year).
  • Verify last release (within the last year).
  • Ensure multiple maintainers from different organizations.
  • Look for recent releases/announcements.
  • Check for instability in version string (e.g., "0", "alpha", "beta").

Security Practices

  • Verify up-to-date package dependencies.
  • Look for security documentation (assurance case).
  • Assess CI pipeline automated tests and test coverage.
  • Confirm timely bug fixes (especially security bugs) and LTS version.
  • Check use of code hosting security features (e.g., branch protection).
  • Review security audits and issue resolutions.
  • Ensure current version is free of significant vulnerabilities.

Ease of Secure Use

  • Secure default configuration and examples.
  • Secure interface/API design.
  • Available guidance on secure usage.

Vulnerability Reporting

  • Instructions for reporting vulnerabilities (e.g., Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure).

Significant Use

  • Assess user base size and reputation.
  • Beware of typosquatting (check similar names).

License Considerations

  • Ensure clear, widely-used OSI license consistent with intended use.

Test Addition Impact

  • Add dependency in isolated environment:
    • Check for malicious behavior.
    • Identify unexpected/unnecessary indirect dependencies.

Code Evaluation

  • Review source code for secure development practices.
  • Identify insecure/incomplete code (e.g., TODO statements).
  • Analyze top problems reported by static analysis tools.
  • Look for malicious code indicators (e.g., data exfiltration, obfuscated values).
  • Run software in a sandbox to detect malicious code.
  • Execute all defined test cases.
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