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Created April 3, 2014 03:44
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; Given a list of permutations, only keep the highest scoring option
; for each unique key as returned by the key function and the score
; function.
(defn prune [s key-f score-f]
(map (fn [[k v]] (apply max-key score-f v)) (group-by key-f s)))
; Iterate over the provided starting value until the condition is met.
(defn iterate-until [f until-f start]
(first (drop-while (complement until-f) (iterate f start))))
(defn viterbi [states obs start-prob trans-prob emit-prob]
(apply max-key :prob
(reduce (fn [paths ob]
(for [prev paths
st1 states
:let [st0 (:state prev)
prob (* (:prob prev) ((trans-prob st0) st1) ((emit-prob st1) ob))
path (conj (:path prev) st1)]]
{:state st1 :path path :prob prob})
:state :prob))
(map (fn [st] {:state st :path [st] :prob (* (start-prob st) ((emit-prob st) (obs 0)))}) states)
(rest obs))))
(let [states [:healthy :fever]
observations [:normal :cold :dizzy]
starting-probabilities {:healthy 0.6 :fever 0.4}
transition-probabilities {:healthy {:healthy 0.7 :fever 0.3}
:fever {:healthy 0.4 :fever 0.6}}
emission-probabilities {:healthy {:normal 0.5 :cold 0.4 :dizzy 0.1}
:fever {:normal 0.1 :cold 0.3 :dizzy 0.6}}
expected-result {:state :fever, :path [:healthy :healthy :fever], :prob 0.01512}]
(= expected-result (viterbi states observations starting-probabilities transition-probabilities emission-probabilities)))
(defn levenshtein [a b]
(let [[[_ _ score]]
(fn [[a b score]]
(if (= (first a) (first b))
[[(rest a) (rest b) score]]
(remove nil? [(when (seq a) [(rest a) b (inc score)])
(when (seq b) [a (rest b) (inc score)])
(when (and (seq a) (seq b)) [(rest a) (rest b) (inc score)])])))
butlast (comp - last))
(comp (partial every? empty?) butlast first)
[[a b 0]])]
(= 10 (levenshtein "ttttattttctg" "tcaaccctaccat"))
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