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Last active October 17, 2021 10:36
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  • Save autf/45fff25789c054d75fa1bbf0aac98a87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save autf/45fff25789c054d75fa1bbf0aac98a87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
base = ''
ncode = 'x0000xx'
seen = i = 777
# start from #(seen + 1) chapter
p out = `date -Im`.strip
`mkdir #{out}`
chaps = ''
.each do |dd|
a = dd.at_css 'a'
href = a['href']
i = href[9..-2] # rewrite outer `i`
title = "第#{i}章·#{a.text}\n"
ch = title + Nokogiri::HTML('#novel_honbun').text.gsub('(・)', "\u0323")
open("#{out}/#{i}.txt", 'w') { _1 << ch }
chaps << ch
sleep 3
p [title, href]
txt = "#{ncode}-#{seen+1}..#{i}.txt"
open(txt, 'w') { _1 << chaps }
`zip #{txt}{.zip,}`
puts "#{i-seen} chaps downloaded!"
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