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Last active November 1, 2021 06:24
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cs61b sp21 lec14 Disjoint Sets
interface DisjointSets {
fun connect(p: Int, q: Int)
fun isConnected(p: Int, q: Int): Boolean
class DisjointSetsByArray(val elements: Int) : DisjointSets {
private val map = IntArray(elements) { -1 }
private fun top(id: Int): Int {
if (id !in map.indices) return -1
var i = id
while (map[i] >= 0) i = map[i]
return i
private fun retop(id: Int): Int {
val top = top(id)
if (top < 0) return -1
var i = id
while (map[i] >= 0) i = map[i].also { map[i] = top }
return top
private fun weight(i: Int, j: Int) =
if (map[i] < map[j]) i to j else j to i
override fun connect(p: Int, q: Int) {
if (p == q || p !in map.indices || q !in map.indices) return
val (i, j) = weight(top(p), top(q))
map[i] += map[j]
map[j] = i
override fun isConnected(p: Int, q: Int) =
retop(p).let { it >= 0 && it == retop(q) }
class DisjointSetsByMapEtTree(val elements: Int) : DisjointSets {
fun rangeOK(p: Int, q: Int) = p in 0 until elements && q in 0 until elements
val map = HashMap<Int, Node>(elements)
fun top(id: Int) = map.getOrPut(id, { Node(id) }).top
override fun connect(p: Int, q: Int) {
if (!rangeOK(p, q)) return
val a = top(p)
val b = top(q)
if (a != b) b.prev = a
override fun isConnected(p: Int, q: Int) =
rangeOK(p, q) && top(p) == top(q)
class Node(val id: Int, var prev: Node? = null) {
// INVARIANT: top.prev == null
val top: Node
get() {
var curr = this
// while (curr.prev != null) curr = curr.prev!!
while (true) {
val p = curr.prev
if (p == null) break
curr = p
return curr
import kotlin.test.*
class Suit {
// fun makeDJSets(elements: Int): DisjointSets = DisjointSetsByMapEtTree(elements)
fun makeDJSets(elements: Int): DisjointSets = DisjointSetsByArray(elements)
@Test fun `none any two connected initially`() {
makeDJSets(2).apply {
assertFalse(isConnected(0, 1))
assertFalse(isConnected(1, 0))
@Test fun `p connected to itself`() {
makeDJSets(2).apply {
assertTrue(isConnected(0, 0))
assertTrue(isConnected(1, 1))
@Test fun `connect p to itself should not crash`() {
makeDJSets(2).apply {
connect(0, 0)
connect(1, 1)
assertTrue(isConnected(0, 0))
assertTrue(isConnected(1, 1))
@Test fun `p exceeds size connected to none`() {
makeDJSets(2).apply {
assertFalse(isConnected(22, 0))
assertFalse(isConnected(22, 1))
connect(22, 0)
connect(22, 1)
assertFalse(isConnected(22, 0))
assertFalse(isConnected(22, 1))
@Test fun `connected elements connected`() {
makeDJSets(2).apply {
assertFalse(isConnected(0, 1))
connect(0, 1)
assertTrue(isConnected(0, 1))
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autf commented Oct 27, 2021

  • add test connect(p, p)
  • enable DisjointSetsByArray output DOT graph

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