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Created September 29, 2017 12:58
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ES6 Module for SVG find-load-and-replace
SVGLoader 0.1
* dependencies: jQuery
- finds all occurences of any HTML element containing `[data-svg-src]`
- tries to load that svg
- if sucessfull, injects that svg code after the placeholder
- if unsuccessfull, handles that with caution and allows a custom callback
for when it's very wishable to handle that error on the frontend (such as
a respectable substitution fallback or whatever)
- respects some configurables:
- width: the width of the svg
{ width: Number } OR `<data-svg-w />`
- height: the height of the svg
{ height: Number } OR `<data-svg-h />`
- clickable: if the svg should be wrapped in an <a> tag
{ clickable: Boolean }
- class: additional css class
{ class: String }]
- can be run multiple times for different use cases that uses different configurations
- is a chainable utility with optional callbacks for each step in the program:
### it still should:
- detect live browser support for SVG and allow for a fallback for this browser,
so that can be handled automatically. but not important for now.
``` /index.html
<span data-svg-src="/path/to/svg.svg" data-svg-w="16" data-svg-h="16"></span>
``` /main.js
import SVGLoader from './lib/SVGLoader';
SVGLoader.loadPlaceholders('[data-svg-src]', {
width: 16,
height: 16,
clickable: false,
class: 'my-class'
}).then(result => {
// any loaded single svg is passed here as jQuery object
}).done(results => {
// all loaded svg's are passed here as jQuery iterable
}).failed(err => {
// any errors for svg requests can be processed here
// dependencies
import { jQuery as $ } from 'jquery';
// default options
const _defaults = {
width: 16,
height: 16,
clickable: false,
class: false
// syntactical pleasure: noop is an empty function :D
const noop = new Function();
// populates the svg, any rendering specific stuff
// is done here
function populate(result, options) {
let width = result.placeholder.attr('data-svg-w') || options.width;
let height = result.placeholder.attr('data-svg-h') || options.height;
width: width,
height: height
// if these are 'buttons' (in the context way, they could be part of some
// interaction), wrap these in an <a> tag.
if(options.clickable) {
result.svg.wrap('<a />');
// add a class if given in the configuration
if(options.class) {
return result.svg;
// load path with a promise
function load(path, placeholder) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
$.get(path).done(function(response) {
svg: $(response).find('svg'),
placeholder: $(placeholder)
}).fail(function(err, xhr) {
err: err,
xhr: xhr,
path: path,
placeholder: placeholder
Utility for fetching SVG's
class SVGLoader {
static loadPlaceholders(selector, config = {}) {
let options = $.extend(_defaults, config);
let promises = [];
let loaded = [];
let chain = {
_success: noop,
_failed: noop,
_done: noop
// preflight all results
$(selector).each((i, placeholder) => {
let src = $(placeholder).data('svgSrc');
promises.push(load(src, placeholder));
// load + parse and fire the chained callbacks
Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
for(var r in results) {
let parsed = populate(results[r], options)
}).catch(err => {
// callback chain for the actions:
// `loaded`: 1 svg is done loading
// `failed`: 1 svg failed loading
// `done`: all svg's have done loading
let chainable = {
loaded: fn => {
chain._success = fn;
return chainable;
failed: fn => {
chain._failed = fn;
return chainable;
done: fn => {
chain._done = fn;
return chainable;
return chainable;
// export the class when requested as `import SVGLoader`
export default SVGLoader;
// export meta properties on the SVGLoader namespace
export { _defaults };
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