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Created February 13, 2014 15:13
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"use strict";
Array.prototype.clean = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] == null) {
this.splice(i, 1);
return this;
// from kielerlayout.js
var kielerLayout = function(opts) {
// gather information
var server = opts.server || "http://localhost:9444";
var graph = opts.graph;
var options = opts.options || {};
var iFormat = opts.iFormat;
var oFormat = opts.oFormat;
var success = opts.success;
var error = opts.error || function() {};
// check whether the graph is a string or json
if (typeof graph === 'object') {
graph = JSON.stringify(graph)
type : 'POST',
contentType : 'application/json',
url : server + '/live',
data : {
graph : graph,
config : JSON.stringify(options),
iFormat : iFormat,
oFormat : oFormat
success : success,
error : error
// encode the original NoFlo graph to a KGraph (KIELER Graph) JSON
var toKieler = function (graph) {
var kGraph = {id: 'root',
children: [],
edges: []};
// encode nodes
var processes = graph.processes;
var nodeKeys = Object.keys(processes);
var idx = {};
var countIdx = 0;
var nodes = (key) {
var process = processes[key];
kGraph.children.push({id: key,
labels: [{text: process.metadata.label}],
width: 92, // Math.max(72, 8*process.metadata.label.length),
height: 72,
ports: []});
idx[key] = countIdx++;
// encode edges (and ports on both edges and already encoded nodes)
var currentEdge = 0;
var connections = graph.connections;
var edges = (connection) {
if ( !== undefined) {
var source = connection.src.process;
var sourcePort = connection.src.port;
var target = connection.tgt.process;
var targetPort = connection.tgt.port;
kGraph.edges.push({id: 'e' + currentEdge++,
source: source,
// KGraph edges doesn't allow the same name to
// both sourcePort and targetPort, so...
sourcePort: source + '_' + sourcePort,
target: target,
targetPort: target + '_' + targetPort});
// complete nodes encoding adding ports to them
var ports = kGraph.children[idx[source]].ports;
var port = {id: source + '_' + sourcePort,
width: 10,
height: 10,
properties: {'de.cau.cs.kieler.portSide': 'SOUTH'}};
if (ports.indexOf(port) < 0) {
var ports = kGraph.children[idx[target]].ports;
var port = {id: target + '_' + targetPort,
width: 10,
height: 10,
properties: {'de.cau.cs.kieler.portSide': 'NORTH'}};
if (ports.indexOf(port) < 0) {
// encode groups
var groups = graph.groups;
var countGroups = 0; (group) {
// create a node to use as a subgraph
var node = {id: 'group' + countGroups++,
properties: {'de.cau.cs.kieler.layoutHierarchy': true},
children: [],
edges: []};
// build the node/subgraph (n) {
node.edges.push(kGraph.edges.filter(function (edge) {
if (edge) {
if ((edge.source === n) || ( === n)) {
return edge;
// mark nodes inside the group to be removed from the graph
kGraph.children[idx[n]] = null;
// mark edges too (edge) {
if (edge) {
kGraph.edges[parseInt(] = null;
// add node/subgraph to the graph
// remove the nodes and edges from the graph, just preserve them inside the
// subgraph/group
// console.log(JSON.stringify(kGraph));
return kGraph;
// encode the original NoFlo graph and annotate it with layout info from
// the received KIELER graph
var toNoFlo = function (oGraph, kGraph) {
kGraph = $.parseJSON(kGraph)[0];
// update oGraph nodes with the new coordinates from KIELER layout
var processes = oGraph.processes;
var nodeKeys = Object.keys(processes);
var nodes = (key) {
var process = processes[key];
var children = kGraph.children;
var kNode = children.filter(function (el) {
if ( === key)
return el;
// TODO: too ugly! we need a recursive method
if (el.children) {
// we have a child node (subgraph member)
var grandchildren = el.children;
var foo = grandchildren.filter(function (ell) {
if ( === key) {
// we should add mom's coords to the child
process.metadata.x = ell.x + el.x;
process.metadata.y = ell.y + el.y;
return ell;
return foo;
if (kNode) {
if (!kNode.children) {
process.metadata.x = kNode.x;
process.metadata.y = kNode.y;
// TODO: update oGraph edges (and ports) as well
return oGraph;
// main interface for now: apply KIELER layout algorithm and render when xhr
// is done
window.kieler = function (graph, gui, render) {
var kGraph = toKieler(graph);
var options = gui || {};
options.algorithm = "de.cau.cs.kieler.klay.layered";
options.layoutHierarchy = true;
// perform the layout request
server: '',
graph: kGraph,
options: options,
iFormat: 'org.json',
oFormat: 'org.json',
// pass a callback method, which is used upon success
success : function (data) {
var nofloGraph = toNoFlo(graph, data);
// in case of an error, write it to the log
error : function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + JSON.stringify(error));
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