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Created July 19, 2017 17:14
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<label>Indexer Disk Usage</label>
<title>Disk Usage by Indexer</title>
<query>| rest /services/server/status/partitions-space splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer | search mount_point=/data/* | eval usage = capacity - free
| eval pct_usage = round(usage / capacity * 100, 2) | stats first(fs_type) as fs_type first(usage) as usage first(capacity) as capacity first(pct_usage) as pct_used by mount_point, splunk_server | eval splunk_server=lower(splunk_server)| table splunk_server mount_point usage capacity pct_used | sort splunk_server mount_point | addcoltotals | eval usage=round(usage/1024,2) | eval capacity=round(capacity/1024, 2) | rename usage AS "Usage (GB)" capacity AS "Capacity (GB)" splunk_server AS "Indexer" pct_used AS "Percent Used"</query>
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">cell</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<title>Index Sizes</title>
<query>| rest splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer /services/data/indexes
| join title splunk_server type=outer [| rest splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer /services/data/indexes-extended]
| eval coldBucketSize = if(isnotnull('bucket_dirs.cold.bucket_size'), 'bucket_dirs.cold.bucket_size', 'bucket_dirs.cold.size')
| eval coldBucketSizeGB = if(isnull(coldBucketSize), 0, round(coldBucketSize/ 1024, 2))
| eval homeBucketSizeGB = round((total_size - if(isnull(coldBucketSize), 0, coldBucketSize)) / 1024, 2)
| eval homeBucketSizeGB = if(isnull(homeBucketSizeGB), 0, homeBucketSizeGB)
| eval indexSizeGB = if(currentDBSizeMB &gt;= 1 AND totalEventCount &gt;=1, round(currentDBSizeMB/1024, 2), 0)
| fillnull value=0 indexSizeGB, homeBucketSizeGB, coldBucketSize, coldBucketSizeGB
| fields title, splunk_server, indexSizeGB, homeBucketSizeGB, coldBucketSize, coldBucketSizeGB, frozenTimePeriodInSecs
| stats sum(indexSizeGB) AS "totalIndexGB" sum(homeBucketSizeGB) AS "totalWarmGB" sum(coldBucketSizeGB) AS "totalColdGB" values(frozenTimePeriodInSecs) AS frozenTimePeriodInSecs by title
| rename title AS "Index" totalIndexGB AS "Total Index Size (GB)" totalWarmGB AS "Total Hot/Warm (GB)" totalColdGB AS "Total Cold (GB)" | addtotals col=t row=f labelfield=Index label="Total Index Usage" "Total Index Size (GB)" "Total Hot/Warm (GB)" "Total Cold (GB)" |sort - "Total Index Size (GB)" | eval "Frozen Time Period (days)" = frozenTimePeriodInSecs/86400 | fields - frozenTimePeriodInSecs</query>
<option name="count">20</option>
<title>Data Model Acceleration Sizes</title>
<query>|rest servicesNS/-/-/data/models splunk_server_group=dmc_group_search_head
| search acceleration="1"
| table title eai:appName eai:userName splunk_server
| rename eai:appName AS name| eval myDatamodel="DM_" . name . "_" . title
|map maxsearches=50 search="|rest /servicesNS/nobody/-/admin/summarization/tstats:$$myDatamodel$$ splunk_server=$$splunk_server$$"|table,, summary.size, summary.time_range, splunk_server |rename summary.time_range as retention_period as app summary.size as size as datamodel|eval sizeGB=round(size/1024/1024/1024,2) | eval retention_period = retention_period/86400 |fields - size | lookup dmc_assets serverName AS splunk_server OUTPUT search_group | rex field=search_group "dmc_searchheadclustergroup_(?&lt;cluster_guid&gt;.*)" | eval search_head_cluster=coalesce(cluster_guid, splunk_server) | stats values(splunk_server) AS splunk_servers values(sizeGB) as sizeGB values(app) AS app values(search_group) AS search_groups values(retention_period) AS retention_period by datamodel search_head_cluster | table datamodel app splunk_servers search_head_cluster retention_period sizeGB | sort - sizeGB | eval search_head_cluster=if(splunk_servers==search_head_cluster,"None",search_head_cluster)
| rename datamodel as "Data Model" app AS "App" "splunk_servers" as "Search Head(s)" search_head_cluster AS "Search Head Cluster" retention_period AS "Retention Period (days)" sizeGB AS "Usage (GB)"</query>
<option name="count">20</option>
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