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Created May 4, 2014 14:02
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(* Q16 *)
Definition tautology : forall P : Prop, P -> P :=
fun (P : Prop) (H : P) => H.
Definition Modus_tollens :
forall P Q : Prop, ~Q /\ (P -> Q) -> ~P :=
fun (P Q : Prop) (H : ~ Q /\ (P -> Q)) =>
match H with
| conj nq p2q => (fun p => nq (p2q p))
Definition Disjunctive_syllogism :
forall P Q : Prop, (P \/ Q) -> ~P -> Q
fun (P Q : Prop) (p_or_q : P \/ Q) (np : ~P) =>
match p_or_q with
| or_introl p => False_ind Q (np p)
| or_intror q => q
Definition tautology_on_Set : forall A : Set, A -> A :=
fun (A : Set) (a : A) => a.
Definition Modus_tollens_on_Set :
forall A B : Set, (B -> Empty_set) * (A -> B) -> (A -> Empty_set)
fun (A B : Set) pair a => let (nb,a2b) := pair in nb (a2b a).
Definition Disjunctive_syllogism_on_Set :
forall A B : Set, (A + B) -> (A -> Empty_set) -> B :=
fun (A B : Set) a_or_b na =>
match a_or_b with
| inl a => Empty_set_rect (fun _ => B) (na a)
| inr b => b
(* Q17 *)
Theorem hoge : forall P Q R : Prop, P \/ ~(Q \/ R) -> (P \/ ~Q) /\ (P \/ ~R).
refine (fun P Q R => _). (*intros P Q R.*)
refine (fun H => _). (*intros H.*)
refine (match H with | or_introl HP => _
| or_intror HnQR => _ end). (* destruct H as [HP | HnQR].*)
- refine (conj _ _). (*split.*)
+ refine (or_introl _). (* left. *)
refine HP. (* exact HP *)
+ refine (or_introl _). (* left. *)
refine HP. (* exact HP.*)
- refine (conj _ _). (* split. *)
+ refine (or_intror _). (* right. *)
refine (fun HQ => _). (* intros HQ. *)
refine (HnQR _). (* apply HnQR. *)
refine (or_introl _). (* left.*)
refine HQ. (* exact HQ. *)
+ refine (or_intror _). (* right. *)
refine (fun HR => _) . (* intros HR. *)
refine (HnQR _). (* apply HnQR. *)
refine (or_intror _). (* right. *)
refine HR. (* exact HR. *)
(* Q18 *)
Require Import Arith.
Definition Nat : Type := forall A : Type, (A -> A) -> (A -> A).
Definition NatPlus (n m : Nat) : Nat :=
fun (A : Type) (f : A -> A) (a : A) => n A f (m A f a).
Definition nat2Nat : nat -> Nat := nat_iter.
Definition Nat2nat (n : Nat) : nat := n _ S O.
Lemma NatPlus_plus :
forall n m, Nat2nat (NatPlus (nat2Nat n) (nat2Nat m)) = n + m.
unfold Nat2nat.
unfold nat2Nat.
unfold NatPlus.
induction n.
induction m.
apply IHm.
apply IHn.
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