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Created August 19, 2011 01:24
How do you add 's' to a word when there is more than one of something?
# How do you add 's' to a word when there is more than one of something?
# It is often seen in JavaScript to use the ternary operator but that is coding
# like it was PHP at the expense of future maintenance and internationalization.
# Only case 2 handles negative numbers.
show = console.log # console.debug # alert
test = (points) ->
# Readable
# The simple, readable way
show "0: You got #{points} point#{if points > 1 then 's' else ''}"
# Encapsulate in a function, future i18n will be easier
pluralIf = (stem, cond) -> stem + (if cond then 's' else '')
show "1: You got #{points} #{pluralIf 'point', points > 1}"
# Encapsulate in a function, handle negative numbers
pluralUnless = (stem, cond) -> stem + (unless cond then 's' else '')
show "2: You got #{points} #{pluralUnless 'point', -2 < points < 2}"
# Encapsulate in a String method, could collide with another definition
String::pluralIf ?= (cond) -> this + (if cond then 's' else '')
show "3: You got #{points} #{'point'.pluralIf points > 1}"
# Tricks
# Use the existential operator to catch the singular undefined
show "4: You got #{points} point#{('s' if points > 1) ? ''}"
# Convert the condition to a number and do an array lookup
show "5: You got #{points} point#{['','s'][+(points > 1)]}"
# Use the inverted condition to ask for a letter
# (true => charAt 1 => '') (false => charAt 0 => 's')
show "6: You got #{points} point#{'s'.charAt points <= 1}"
# Create an array whose length is determined by the condition
# It consists of empty elements so join it with 's'
show "7: You got #{points} point#{Array(1+(points>1)).join 's'}"
# Concatenate to an empty array, undefined does nothing
show "8: You got #{points} point#{[].concat ('s' if points > 1)}"
# Test
test n for n in [-3..3]
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satyr commented Aug 19, 2011

show "9: You got #{points} point#{['s' if points > 1]}"

Related: jashkenas/coffeescript#1406

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Satyr, your number 9 is very cool! Looking at the code and searching through ECMA-262 does not even make it clear to me that it would work that way - but it does! Learning something new is as good as it gets, thanks.

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