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Created October 25, 2011 04:06
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Ambiguous amb function with permutations and eight queens solver
# Amb was first proposed by John McCarthy, the inventor of LISP, in 1963.
show = console.log
copy = (array) -> array.slice()
pick = (v) -> v[Math.floor Math.random() * v.length]
remove = (array, value) -> array.filter (v,i,o) -> v isnt value
fail = -> throw fail
amb = (valueList, func, failResult = null) ->
values = copy valueList
while values.length > 0
return value if func value = pick values
catch ex
throw ex unless ex is fail
values = remove values, value
# Find a small integer that doubled gives eight.
g = 8
show amb [1..9], (v) -> 2*v is g
permutations = (elements) ->
N = elements.length
result = []
indexes = []
indexes[i] = i for i in [0...N]
add = (partial) ->
amb indexes, (p) ->
for i in [partial.length..0]
fail() if partial[i] is p
a = partial.concat [p]
if a.length == N
result.push (i) -> elements[i]
add a
add []
# Generate a list of variations of the argument elements
show permutations [1,3,5]
queens = (N) ->
result = []
indexes = []
indexes[i] = i for i in [0...N]
add = (partial) ->
amb indexes, (p) ->
for i in [partial.length..0]
fail() if partial[i] is p or
partial.length - i is Math.abs partial[i] - p
a = partial.concat [p]
if a.length is N then result.push a else add a
add []
# Solve Eight Queens puzzle
show solutions = queens 8
show "Found #{solutions.length} solutions"
# Repeat a string a number of times
rep = (s, n) -> (s for [0...n]).join ''
# Display a board with a solution
printBoard = (solution) ->
board = "\n"
end = solution.length
for pos, row in solution
board += "#{end - row} #{rep ' ☐ ', pos} " +
"♕ #{rep ' ☐ ', end - pos - 1}\n"
# Using radix 18 hack!
board += ' ' + (n.toString 18 \
for n in [10...18]).join(' ').toUpperCase()
board + "\n"
( printBoard).map (b) -> show b
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