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Created July 1, 2022 20:44
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from typing import Dict, Any
"type": "DIVISION",
"left": {
"type": "PAREN",
"expression": {
"type": "ADDITION",
"left": {"type": "VARIABLE", "name": "$b"},
"right": {
"type": "FUNCTION",
"name": "SQRT",
"arguments": [
"type": "SUBTRACTION",
"left": {
"type": "FUNCTION",
"name": "SQR",
"arguments": [{"type": "VARIABLE", "name": "$b"}],
"right": {
"left": {"type": "NUMBER", "value": 4},
"right": {"type": "VARIABLE", "name": "$a"},
"right": {
"type": "PAREN",
"expression": {
"left": {"type": "NUMBER", "value": 2},
"right": {"type": "VARIABLE", "name": "$a"},
Node = Dict[str, Any]
def parse_parenthesis(node: Node) -> str:
formula = parse_ast_node_to_formula(node["expression"])
return f"({formula})"
def parse_function(node: Node) -> str:
function_name = node["name"]
argument_formulas = []
for argument in node["arguments"]:
args = ", ".join(argument_formulas)
return f"{function_name}({args})"
# Map a "type" to a function to handle Node -> str transformation!
"NUMBER": ("return_value_from_key", "value", str),
"VARIABLE": ("return_value_from_key", "name", None),
"MULTIPLICATION": ("infix", " * "),
"DIVISION": ("infix", " / "),
"PAREN": ("call_function", parse_parenthesis),
"SUBTRACTION": ("infix", " - "),
"ADDITION": ("infix", " + "),
"FUNCTION": ("call_function", parse_function),
def apply_infix_operation(node: Node, operation: str) -> str:
left = parse_ast_node_to_formula(node["left"])
right = parse_ast_node_to_formula(node["right"])
return f"{left}{operation}{right}"
def parse_ast_node_to_formula(node: Node) -> str:
assert isinstance(node, dict), f"Expected a dict, got a {node!r} ({type(node).__name__})"
if node["type"] not in SERIALIZATION_FUNCTIONS:
raise NotImplementedError("Unimplemented type {!r}".format(node["type"]))
serialization_defintion = SERIALIZATION_FUNCTIONS[node["type"]]
if isinstance(serialization_defintion, tuple):
# Okay, so it's a structured definition
command_type, *rest = serialization_defintion
if command_type == "infix":
operator_string, *_ = rest
return apply_infix_operation(node, operator_string)
elif command_type == "return_value_from_key":
key_name, cast_function = rest
value = node[key_name]
if cast_function is not None:
value = cast_function(value)
assert isinstance(
value, str
), f"Tried {key_name!r} in {node}, expected a str but got a {value!r} ({type(value).__name__})"
return value
elif command_type == "call_function":
function, = rest
value = function(node)
assert isinstance(
value, str
), f"Tried {function}({node}), expected a str but got a {value!r} ({type(value).__name__})"
return value
raise TypeError("Unrecognized command", command_type)
elif callable(serialization_defintion):
value = serialization_defintion(node)
assert isinstance(
value, str
), f"Called {serialization_defintion}({node}) expecting a str, but got a {value!r} ({type(value).__name__}"
return value
raise TypeError("Unknown serialization definition type {serialization_defintion}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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