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Last active December 17, 2020 00:25
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bash setup for docker
# wget -O bashsetup_docker ; bash !$
set +o history && sleep 1
sed -i /^'alias d'/d ~/.bashrc; sed -i /^'function d'/d ~/.bashrc ## remove old
source ~/.bashrc ; exec bash ## have to restart shell to enter the bindings without recursion
#echo "HISTIGNORE=''" >>~/.bashrc
# sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Pacific /etc/localtime # cant set, read only
echo "alias d='docker'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias dcm='docker commit'">>~/.bashrc # CONTAINER IMAGE_REPO:TAG <- have to specify or creates new image
echo "alias del='docker exec -it \$(docker ps -q -l) bash'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias di='docker images'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias dl='\$(docker ps -q -l)'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias dp='docker ps -a'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias drrm='docker run -it --rm'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias drm='docker rm'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias drmi='docker rmi'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias drme='docker rm \$(docker ps -qa --no-trunc --filter "status=exited")'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias drml='docker rm \$(docker ps -q -l)'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias ds='docker start'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias dst='docker stop'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias dsl='docker start \$(docker ps -q -l)'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias dstl='docker stop \$(docker ps -q -l)'">>~/.bashrc
echo "alias dgo='docker docker exec -it $k /sbin/my_init'">>~/.bashrc
echo "function dc { docker create -it \$1 bash; }; ">>~/.bashrc #
echo "function de { docker exec -it \$1 bash; }; ">>~/.bashrc #
echo "function dr { docker run -d \$1 /bin/bash; }; ">>~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
set -o history
# docker create -it -v /home/user/Data:/root//Data <container> /bin/bash
# docker run -d --restart always -v "Data:/root//Data" IMAGE
# docker container update --restart="no" <your container name>
# docker container update --restart="always" <your container name>
# docker cp foo.txt mycontainer:/foo.txt
# docker tag old new
# echo "alias ex='$(echo "export k='\$a'">>~/.bashrc)'">>~/.bashrc
# echo "export k='\$a'">>~/.bashrc
# echo 'aaa'>|temp.txt ; a=$(read -r first<temp.txt) ; { echo $first; }
$include /etc/inputrc ## in ~/.inputrc on remote machine, then: source ~/.bashrc ; exec bash
#! /bin/bash
echo "starting"
docker start thirsty_lehmann
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