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Last active July 9, 2021 19:13
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Quickstart guide for RTClite SIP Caller. Setup, settings, how-to. Place VoIP/SIP calls from Python. Includes example template.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from import Caller, default_options
from rtclite.std.ietf.rfc2396 import Address, URI
from rtclite.std.ietf import rfc4566
rfc4566.lineending = '\n'
import logging
Installing and importing RTClite SIP Caller into Python as a module.
See end of this file for an easy template.
Make sure you're using Python 2.7.
Verify by typing: python --version
git clone
git clone
sudo pip install gevent
IF you have problem installing gevent due to the greenlet dependency, you may want to install greenlet explicitly as follows, before installing gevent:
sudo easy_install greenlet==0.4.10
Now, we must add sip caller to PYTHONPATH.
On Ubuntu we will add the $PYTHONPATH to our .bashrc profile.
Type (replace the path with the path of your installation):
cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak && echo 'export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/home/av1d/rtclite"' >> ~/.bashrc
(.bashrc.bak becomes your profile backup just in case).
Now reload .bashrc by typing:
source ~/.bashrc
The module will now be working from within Python.
# All of these options are options of the command line software.
# Type: python -m -h
# in terminal to get all the options or see below for complete list.
# They're accessed by "options.whatever_option_you_want".
# Follow the same syntax as below (replace hyphen with underscore, etc.):
options = default_options() = Address('')
options.uri = URI('')
options.samplerate = 41000
options.domain = ''
options.use_lf = True
caller = Caller(options)
try: caller.wait()
except: pass
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose enable verbose mode for this module
-q, --quiet enable quiet mode with only critical logging
--test run any tests and exit
Use these options for network configuration
--int-ip=INT_IP listening IP address for SIP and RTP. Use this option
only if you wish to select one out of multiple IP
interfaces. Default ""
--ext-ip=EXT_IP IP address to advertise in SIP/SDP. Use this to
specify external IP if running on EC2. Default is to
use "--int-ip" if supplied or any local interface,
which is ""
the transport type is one of "udp", "tcp" or "tls".
Default is "udp"
--port=PORT listening port number for SIP UDP/TCP. TLS is one more
than this. Default is 5092
listen queue for TCP socket. Default is 5
size of received socket data. Default is 4096
--fix-nat enable fixing NAT IP address in Contact and SDP
Use these options for SIP configuration
set this as User-Agent header in outbound SIP request.
Default is empty "" to not set
--subject=SUBJECT set this as Subject header in outbound SIP request.
Default is empty "" to not set
--user=USER username to use in my SIP URI and contacts. Default is
--domain=DOMAIN domain portion of my SIP URI. Default is to use local
hostname, which is "superscape"
--proxy=PROXY IP address of the SIP proxy to use. Default is empty
"" to mean disable outbound proxy
username to use for authentication. Default is to not
use authentication
password to use for authentication. Only used together
with --authuser
--strict-route use strict routing instead of default loose routing
when proxy option is specified
--to=TO the target SIP address, e.g., '"Henry Sinnreich"
<>'. This is mandatory
--uri=URI the target request-URI, e.g., "".
Default is to derive from the --to option
--listen enable listen mode with or without REGISTER and wait
for incoming INVITE or MESSAGE
--register send REGISTER to SIP server. This is used with
--listen to receive incoming INVITE or MESSAGE and
with --to if the SIP server requires registration for
outbound calls
registration refresh interval in seconds. Default is
retry interval in seconds to re-try if register or
subscribe fails. Default is 60
--send=SEND enable outbound instant message. The supplied text
with this option is sent in outbound MESSAGE request
automatically respond to an incoming INVITE or MESSAGE
if we are not already in a call. Default is 200 to
auto accept. Use 0 to not respond
number of seconds after which to auto-respond an
incoming call if we are available. Default is 3
number of seconds after which to auto-terminate an
accepted incoming call. Default is 0 to not auto-
--use-lf use LF as line ending instead of default CRLF
Use these options for media configuration
--no-sdp disable sending SDP in outbound INVITE
--no-audio disable audio in a call
--audio-loopback enable audio loopback mode where this agent sends back
the received audio to the other end
audio samplerate for capture and playback. Default is
44100. Use 48000 on OS X
--no-touchtone disable sending touch tone (DTMF) digits when typed.
By default touch tone sending is enabled
--recognize enable speech recognition to show the received audio
as text
--textspeech enable text to speech to send typed text as audio. If
touchtone is also enabled, it distinguishes between
typed digits and non-digits to determine whether to
use touchtone or textspeech for the typed text.
# QUICK SETUP TEMPLATE - PASTE INTO ITS OWN FILE (remove the ''' at beginning/end):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from import Caller, default_options
from rtclite.std.ietf.rfc2396 import Address, URI
from rtclite.std.ietf import rfc4566
rfc4566.lineending = '\n'
import logging
options = default_options() = Address('')
options.uri = URI('')
options.samplerate = 41000
options.domain = ''
options.use_lf = True
#options.int_ip =
#options.ext_ip =
#options.transport =
#options.port =
#options.listen_queue =
#options.max_size =
#options.user_agent =
#options.subject =
#options.user =
#options.proxy =
#options.authuser =
#options.authpass =
#options.register_interval =
#options.retry_interval =
#options.send =
#options.auto_respond =
#options.auto_respond_after =
#options.auto_terminate_after =
#options.no_sdp =
#options.no_audio =
#options.audio_loopback =
caller = Caller(options)
try: caller.wait()
except: pass
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