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Created March 10, 2018 02:08
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The decompiled and cleaned source for RegisterEventHotKey and SCRKeyboardRegisterForHotKeysWithConnection.
class HotInputDataUnknown1 {
class HotInputData {
UInt32 unknown; // + 0x0
UInt32 modifiers; // + 0x4
UInt32 keyCode; // + 0x8
UInt32 unknown2; // + 0xc
class HotButtonData { // size = 0x20
OSStatus RegisterEventHotKey(UInt32 inHotKeyCode, UInt32 inHotKeyModifiers, EventHotKeyID inHotKeyID,
EventTargetRef inTarget, OptionBits inOptions, EventHotKeyRef *outRef) {
return RegisterEventHotInput(new HotInputData(0x0, inHotKeyModifiers, inHotKeyCode), inHotKeyID, inTarget, inOptions, outRef);
OSStatus RegisterEventHotInput(HotInputData const *hotInputData, EventHotKeyID inHotKeyID,
OpaqueEventTargetRef *inTarget, uint32_t inOptions, OpaqueEventHotKeyRef **outRef) {
if ((((inOptions | 0x1) == 0x1) && (inTarget != 0x0)) && (outRef != 0x0)) {
CGSHotkeyFlags cgsFlags = EventModifiersToCGSFlags(hotInputData->modifiers);
if (*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys == NULL)
*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
CFDictionaryApplyFunction(*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys, IsHotKey(void const*, void const*, void*), hotInputData->unknown);
if (hotInputData->unknown->0x10 == 0x0) {
HotButtonData *hotButton = new HotButtonData;
if (hotButton != NULL) {
hotButton->0x0 = hotInputData->unknown;
hotButton->0x4 = hotInputData->keyCode;
hotButton->0x10 = inHotKeyID;
hotButton->0x18 = inTarget;
OSStatus result = 0;
if (hotInputData->unknown == 0x2) {
result = CGSSetHotButtonWithExclusion(CGSMainConnectionID(), hotButton, 0x1, hotInputData->keyCode,
0x20, hotInputData->unknown2, 0x20, cgsFlags, inOptions & 0x1);
} else {
if (hotInputData->unknown != 0x0) {
rax = 0xffff;
rcx = hotInputData->unknown == 0x1 ? hotInputData->keyCode & 0xffff : 0xffff;
} else {
rax = hotInputData->keyCode & 0xffff;
rcx = 0xffff;
result = CGSSetHotKeyWithExclusion(CGSMainConnectionID(), hotButton, rdx, rcx, _, inOptions & 0x1);
if (result != 0x0) {
delete hotButton;
if (result == 0x3f3)
return eventHotKeyExistsErr;
else return eventInternalErr;
} else {
if (*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys == NULL)
*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
CFDictionaryAddValue(*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys, hotButton, hotButton);
return noErr;
} else return memFullErr;
} else return eventHotKeyExistsErr;
return paramErr;
OSStatus UnregisterEventHotKey(EventHotKeyRef inHotKey) {
if (inHotKey != 0x0) {
if (*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys == NULL)
*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
if (CFDictionaryGetValue(*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys, inHotKey) != 0x0) {
CGSRemoveHotKey(CGSMainConnectionID(), inHotKey);
if (*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys == NULL)
*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
CFDictionaryRemoveValue(*GetHotKeyDict()::sHotKeys, inHotKey);
return noErr;
rax = r14;
return paramErr;
void SCRKeyboardRegisterForHotKeysWithConnection(CGSConnectionID connection) {
if (__NumIsEnabled == false) {
__NumIsEnabled = true;
var_60 = *(int128_t *)0x2adf20;
var_50 = *(int128_t *)0x2adf30;
var_40 = *(int128_t *)0x2adf40;
CGSSetHotKeyWithExclusion(connection, 0x3e8, 0xffff, 0x52, 0x200000, 0x1);
CGSSetHotKeyType(connection, 0x3e8, 0x1);
for (int i = 0; i != 12; i++) {
int mod = i == 1 ? 0 : (i << 4) + i;
for (int j = 0; j != 17; j++) {
int uid;
do {
uid = j + mod;
if (j == 2) break;
CGSSetHotKeyWithExclusion(connection, uid, 0xffff, NULL?, NULL?, 0x1);
CGSSetHotKeyType(connection, uid, 0x1);
} while (true);
CGSSetHotKeyWithExclusion(connection, uid, 0xffff, *(int16_t *)(__SCRNumPadCharTable + j * 0x2) & 0xffff, *(int32_t *)(rbp + i * 0x4 + 0xffffffffffffffa0), true);
CGSSetHotKeyType(connection, uid, 0x1);
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