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Last active February 11, 2022 14:20
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Animated dark mode transition
// swiftc this file & mv to /usr/local/bin
import Cocoa
typealias NSGlobalPreferenceTransitionBlock = @convention(block) () -> Void
@objc protocol NSGlobalPreferenceTransitionProtocol: NSObjectProtocol {
static func transition() -> AnyObject
func waitForTransitionWithCompletionHandler(_ arg1: @escaping NSGlobalPreferenceTransitionBlock)
func postChangeNotification(_ arg1: UInt64, completionHandler arg2: @escaping NSGlobalPreferenceTransitionBlock)
let NSGlobalPreferenceTransition: AnyClass = NSClassFromString("NSGlobalPreferenceTransition")!
let libSkyLight = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Skylight", RTLD_LAZY)
let SLSGetAppearanceThemeLegacy = unsafeBitCast(dlsym(
), to: (@convention (c) () -> Bool).self)
let SLSSetAppearanceThemeLegacy = unsafeBitCast(dlsym(
), to: (@convention (c) (Bool) -> Void).self)
let SLSSetAppearanceThemeNotifying = unsafeBitCast(dlsym(
), to: (@convention (c) (Bool, Bool) -> Void).self)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
SLSSetAppearanceThemeNotifying(!SLSGetAppearanceThemeLegacy(), false)
let transition: AnyObject? = NSGlobalPreferenceTransition.transition()
transition?.postChangeNotification(0, completionHandler: {})
transition?.waitForTransitionWithCompletionHandler { exit(0) }
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