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Created August 22, 2017 00:09
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A quick test of a declarative? animation interface.
import Cocoa
import QuartzCore
// CAMediaTiming stuff?
// custom interps?
// isAdditive, isCumulative, timingFunction
// auto-fill-forward without keeping anim
// auto-fill-backward before start of anim
// delegate + removedOnCompletion ignored in groups...
// - use CACurrentMediaTime() and beginTime offset for everything
// - calayer's addAnim:... allows individual completion blocks
protocol Animatable {
func animate(_: Animation)
public struct Animation {
fileprivate let underlying: CAAnimation
private class UnderlyingDelegate: NSObject, CAAnimationDelegate {
private let handler: () -> ()
fileprivate init(_ handler: @escaping () -> ()) {
self.handler = handler
@objc public func animationDidStop(_ anim: CAAnimation, finished flag: Bool) {
public static func of<T>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<CALayer, T>, from fromValue: T? = nil,
by byValue: T? = nil, to toValue: T? = nil,
for duration: DispatchTimeInterval = 250.milliseconds,
then handler: (() -> ())? = nil) -> Animation
assert(!(fromValue == nil && byValue == nil && toValue == nil),
"An animation must always have at least one interpolating segment.")
let anim = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: keyPath._kvcKeyPathString!)
anim.duration = duration.toSeconds()
anim.fromValue = fromValue
anim.byValue = byValue
anim.toValue = toValue
if let handler = handler {
anim.delegate = UnderlyingDelegate(handler)
return Animation(underlying: anim)
public static func with(animation anim: CAAnimation) -> Animation {
return Animation(underlying: anim)
public static func group(_ group: [Animation],
then handler: (() -> ())? = nil) -> Animation {
assert(group.count > 0, "An animation group must always have at least one element.")
let anim = CAAnimationGroup()
anim.animations = { $0.underlying }
anim.duration = { $0.underlying.duration }.max() ?? 0.0
if let handler = handler {
anim.delegate = UnderlyingDelegate(handler)
return Animation(underlying: anim)
public static func sequence(_ group: [Animation],
then handler: (() -> ())? = nil) -> Animation {
assert(group.count > 0, "An animation sequence must always have at least one element.")
let anim = CAAnimationGroup()
anim.animations = { $0.underlying }
// Adjust beginTimes to sequentialize:
var _time: CFTimeInterval = 0
anim.animations?.forEach {
$0.beginTime = _time
_time += $0.duration
$0.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards
anim.duration = _time
if let handler = handler {
anim.delegate = UnderlyingDelegate(handler)
return Animation(underlying: anim)
extension NSView: Animatable {
public func animate(_ anim: Animation) {
self.layer?.add(anim.underlying, forKey: nil)
extension CALayer: Animatable {
public func animate(_ anim: Animation) {
self.add(anim.underlying, forKey: nil)
public extension CGColor {
public static func ns(_ color: NSColor) -> CGColor {
return color.cgColor
let layer: CALayer = self.myView.layer!
let a: Animation = .group([
.of(\.position, from: layer.position, to: .zero, for: 2.seconds),
.of(\.position, from: .zero, to: layer.position, for: 2.seconds),
.of(\.opacity, from: 1.0, to: 0.2, for: 2.seconds) {
print("opacity forward")
.of(\.opacity, from: 0.2, to: 1.0, for: 2.seconds) {
print("opacity backward")
.of(\.cornerRadius, from: 0.0, to: 10.0, for: 2.seconds) {
print("oh boy 'round we go")
.of(\.backgroundColor, from: .black, to: .ns(.red), for: 1.seconds),
.of(\.cornerRadius, from: 10.0, to: 0.0, for: 1.seconds),
.of(\.backgroundColor, from: .ns(.red), to: .black, for: 2.seconds),
]) {
]) {
print("all done")
layer.backgroundColor = .black
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