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Created March 11, 2018 19:53
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An attempt at creating a subclass of an unknown/hidden NSProxy type.
func test() {
// Allocate a new class-pair from an unknown superclass type.
let selector = Selector(("doStuff"))
let oldClass_: AnyClass = Something.self
let newClass_: AnyClass = objc_allocateClassPair(NSClassFromString("_NSObjectAnimator"), "MyNewClass", 0)!
// Copy instance and class methods over.
let m = class_getInstanceMethod(oldClass_, selector)!
class_addMethod(newClass_, selector, method_getImplementation(m), method_getTypeEncoding(m))
// Required to avoid +isSubclassOfClass: failure due to NSProxy types.
let oldClass = unsafeBitCast(oldClass_, to: NSObject.Type.self)
let newClass = unsafeBitCast(newClass_, to: NSObject.Type.self)
// Test the newly cloned subclass!
_ = oldClass.perform("alloc").takeUnretainedValue().perform(Selector(("initWithTarget:"))).takeUnretainedValue().perform(selector)
_ = newClass.perform("alloc").takeUnretainedValue().perform(Selector(("initWithTarget:"))).takeUnretainedValue().perform(selector)
@objc public class Something: NSObject {
public init(_ target: Any) {
print("**** INIT \(target) ****")
@objc public func doStuff() {
print("\(type(of: self)) stuff done!")
private func objc_alloc(_ cls: AnyClass!) -> AnyObject!
**** INIT 2001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 ****
Something stuff done!
MyNewClass stuff done!
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