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Created June 30, 2014 00:39
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a simple parser monad
{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
-- The basic definition of the parsing monad.
module Parser (Parser,
) where
newtype Parser a b = P ([a] -> [(b, [a])])
doParse :: Parser a b -> [a] -> [(b, [a])]
doParse (P p) s = p s
-- | Return the next character
get :: Parser a a
get = P (\cs -> case cs of
(x:xs) -> [ (x,xs) ]
[] -> [])
-- | Return the next character if it satisfies the given predicate
satisfy :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a a
satisfy p = do c <- get
if (p c) then return c else fail "End of input"
instance Monad (Parser a) where
-- (>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
p1 >>= fp2 = P (\cs -> do (a,cs') <- doParse p1 cs
doParse (fp2 a) cs')
-- return :: a -> Parser a
return x = P (\cs -> [ (x, cs) ])
-- fail :: String -> Parser a
fail _ = P (\_ -> [ ] )
instance Functor (Parser a) where
-- fmap = liftM
fmap f p = do x <- p
return (f x)
-- | Combine two parsers together in parallel, producing all
-- possible results from either parser.
choose :: Parser a b -> Parser a b -> Parser a b
p1 `choose` p2 = P (\cs -> doParse p1 cs ++ doParse p2 cs)
-- | Combine two parsers together in parallel, but only use the
-- first result. This means that the second parser is used only
-- if the first parser completely fails.
(<|>) :: Parser a b -> Parser a b -> Parser a b
p1 <|> p2 = P $ \cs -> case doParse (p1 `choose` p2) cs of
[] -> []
x:_ -> [x]
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