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Created August 19, 2010 17:47
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Ride the city .po
# $Id$
# Icelandic translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
# header.php: n/a
# rtc-map.tpl.php: n/a
# template.php,v 2009/02/25 11:47:37 goba
# n/a
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-19 13:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-19 13:28-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Icelandic <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#: header.php:53
msgid "logout"
msgstr "útskrá"
#: header.php:55
msgid "my account"
msgstr "minn notandi"
#: header.php:58
msgid "view my account"
msgstr "skoða minn notanda"
#: header.php:59
msgid "my favorite routes"
msgstr "leiðirnar mínar"
#: header.php:66
msgid "register / login"
msgstr "búa til notanda / innskrá"
#: header.php:71
msgid "jobs"
msgstr "atvinna"
#: header.php:72
msgid "blog"
msgstr "blogg"
#: header.php:76
msgid "tools"
msgstr "tólastika"
#: header.php:78
msgid "create a custom directions page"
msgstr ""
#: header.php:79
msgid "add/update bike shop"
msgstr ""
#: header.php:80
msgid "embed RTC in your website"
msgstr ""
#: header.php:85
msgid "feedback"
msgstr "hafðu samband"
#: header.php:87
msgid "leave us a comment"
msgstr "sendu okkur línu"
#: header.php:94
msgid "route options"
msgstr "leiðarstillingar"
#: header.php:96
msgid "print route"
msgstr "prenta leið"
#: header.php:98
msgid "copy link to email"
msgstr ""
#: header.php:99
msgid "rate the route"
msgstr ""
#: header.php:103
msgid "save route"
msgstr ""
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:16
msgid "Set start location"
msgstr "Byrja hérna"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:19
msgid "Set end location"
msgstr "Enda hérna"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:26
msgid "View rating</a>"
msgstr "Skoða stigagjöf"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:28
msgid "Edit rating</a>"
msgstr "Breyta stigagjöf"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:31
msgid "Add point of interest"
msgstr "Bæta við áhugaverðum punkti"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:32
msgid "Add video/image"
msgstr "Senda inn mynd eða myndskeið"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:60
msgid "Rate the selected segment"
msgstr "Gefa völdum leiðarhluta stig"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:61
msgid "Street name:"
msgstr "Götunafn:"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:105
msgid "Choose a point of interest or favorite point"
msgstr "Velja áhugaverðan punkt eða eftirlætispunkt"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:118
msgid "my favorites"
msgstr "eftirlætin mín"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:119
msgid "transit"
msgstr "samgöngur"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:120
msgid "parks"
msgstr "almenningsgarðar"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:121
msgid "beaches"
msgstr "strendur"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:122
msgid "neighborhoods"
msgstr "hverfi"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:123
msgid "other"
msgstr "annað"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:138
msgid "Type of POI:"
msgstr "Gerð punkts:"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:140
msgid "Favorite"
msgstr "Eftirlæti"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:141
msgid "Transit"
msgstr "Samgöngur"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:142
msgid "Park"
msgstr "Almenningsgarður"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:143
msgid "Beach"
msgstr "Strönd"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:144
msgid "Neighborhood"
msgstr "Hverfi"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:145
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Annað"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:151
msgid "Show this location on your map"
msgstr "Sýna þessa staðsetningu á þínu korti"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:154
msgid "Suggest that this location be added as a point of interest visible to everyone"
msgstr ""
"Leggja til að þessi staður verði sýnilegur öllum sem "
"áhugaverður punktur"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:159
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Vista"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:160
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Hætta við"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:224
msgid "Submit feedback"
msgstr "Hafðu samband"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:264
msgid "Drag to map"
msgstr "Draga á kort"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:270
msgid "legend"
msgstr "kortaskýringar"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:281
msgid "Bike lane, bike path or greenway"
msgstr "Hjólaakgrein, hjólaleið eða græn leið"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:282
msgid "All other streets"
msgstr "Allar aðrar leiðir"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:286
msgid "Bike rental"
msgstr "Hjólaleiga"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:342
msgid "Safer route"
msgstr "Öruggari leið"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:343
msgid "Safe route"
msgstr "Örugg leið"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:344
msgid "Direct route"
msgstr "Bein leið"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:348
msgid "clear"
msgstr "hreinsa"
#: rtc-map.tpl.php:359
msgid "You've selected the most direct route. Ride the City makes no attempt to steer you toward safer streets with this option. Please ride with care."
msgstr ""
"Þú hefur valið beina leið, Ride the City hefur ekki tekið "
"öryggið með í reikninginn. Farðu varlega!"
#: template.php:48
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Athugasemdir"
#: template.php:103
msgid "!username says:"
msgstr "!username segir:"
#: template.php:111
msgid "!datetime"
msgstr "!datetime"
#: template.php:119
msgid "!datetime — !username"
msgstr "!datetime — !username"
msgid "Ride the City"
msgstr "Ride the City"
msgid "Custom theme for Ride the City"
msgstr "Sérsniðið þema fyrir Ride the City"
# $Id$
# Icelandic translation of Drupal (general)
# Generated from files:
# ridethecity.module: n/a
# n/a
# rtc-basic.js: n/a
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#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-19 13:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-19 17:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Icelandic <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#: ridethecity.module:5
msgid "Ride the City Map"
msgstr "Ride the city kortið"
#: ridethecity.module:663
msgid "View %viewname not found."
msgstr "Sýnin %viewname fannst ekki."
#: ridethecity.module:980
msgid "north"
msgstr "norður"
#: ridethecity.module:981
msgid "south"
msgstr "suður"
#: ridethecity.module:982
msgid "east"
msgstr "austur"
#: ridethecity.module:983
msgid "west"
msgstr "vestur"
#: ridethecity.module:984
msgid "northeast"
msgstr "norðaustur"
#: ridethecity.module:985
msgid "southeast"
msgstr "suðaustur"
#: ridethecity.module:986
msgid "northwest"
msgstr "norðvestur"
#: ridethecity.module:987
msgid "southwest"
msgstr "suðvestur"
#: ridethecity.module:988;996
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Áfram"
#: ridethecity.module:989
msgid "Slight right"
msgstr "Örlítið til hægri"
#: ridethecity.module:990
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Hægri"
#: ridethecity.module:991
msgid "Hard right"
msgstr "Kröpp hægribeygja"
#: ridethecity.module:992
msgid "Turn back"
msgstr "Snúðu aftur"
#: ridethecity.module:993
msgid "Hard left"
msgstr "Kröpp vinstribeygja"
#: ridethecity.module:994
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Vinstri"
#: ridethecity.module:995
msgid "Slight left"
msgstr "Örlítið til vinstri"
#: ridethecity.module:1035
msgid "Ride !direction on &lt;strong&gt;@street&lt;/strong&gt; (about !distance)"
msgstr "Hjólaði í !direction á &lt;strong&gt;@street&lt;/strong&gt; (u.þ.b. !distance)"
#: ridethecity.module:1044
msgid "Ride "
msgstr "Hjólaðu "
#: ridethecity.module:1047;1138
msgid "!direction on &lt;strong&gt;@street&lt;/strong&gt; (about !distance)"
msgstr "!direction á &lt;strong&gt;@street&lt;/strong&gt; (u.þ.b. !distance)"
#: ridethecity.module:1073;1150
msgid " on "
msgstr " á "
#: ridethecity.module:15
msgid "access ridethecity content"
msgstr "skoða ridethecity efnið"
#: ridethecity.module:15
msgid "create ridethecity content"
msgstr "búa til efni á ridethecity"
#: ridethecity.module:15
msgid "delete ridethecity content"
msgstr "eyða efni á ridethecity"
#: ridethecity.module:51
msgid "Safe bike routes made easy"
msgstr "Auðveldar og öruggar hjólaleiðir"
#: ridethecity.module:58
msgid "Ride the City"
msgstr "Ride the City"
#: ridethecity.module:65
msgid "New York City"
msgstr "New York-borg"
#: ridethecity.module:72
msgid "Toronto"
msgstr "Toronto"
#: ridethecity.module:79
msgid "Chicago"
msgstr "Chicago"
#: ridethecity.module:86
msgid "Austin"
msgstr "Austin"
#: ridethecity.module:93
msgid "Portland"
msgstr "Portland"
#: ridethecity.module:100
msgid "DC Metro"
msgstr "Washington neðanjarðarlestin"
#: ridethecity.module:107
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Chile"
#: ridethecity.module:115
msgid "San Diego"
msgstr "San Diego"
#: ridethecity.module:122
msgid "San Francisco"
msgstr "San Francisco"
#: ridethecity.module:129
msgid "Louisville"
msgstr "Louisville"
#: ridethecity.module:136
msgid "Seattle"
msgstr "Seattle"
#: ridethecity.module:143
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Ísland"
#: ridethecity.module:151
msgid "Boston"
msgstr "Boston"
#: ridethecity.module:158
msgid "Phoenix Metro"
msgstr "Neðanjarðarlestin í Phoenix"
#: ridethecity.module:165;172;179
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Prenta"
#: ridethecity.module:186;193
msgid "Embedded"
msgstr "Innfela"
#: ridethecity.module:200;207
msgid "iPhone"
msgstr "iPhone"
msgid "provides a Ride the City Routing Map."
msgstr "leggur til Ride the City leiðarkort"
#: rtc-basic.js:0 jq/js-cache/4cc8a99b1f81a48c34104169799bfd99.js:0 jq/js-cache/691399ea64e31bd9224c716337344479.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "bicycling directions for <a href='#' class='cityselect'><span>choose city</span></a>"
msgstr ""
"hjólavefsjá fyrir <a href='#' class='cityselect'><span>veldu "
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Total distance:"
msgstr "test total distance"
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Time estimate:"
msgstr "test time estimate"
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Elevation gain:"
msgstr "Hækkun:"
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Print route"
msgstr "Prenta leiðina"
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Rate route"
msgstr "Gefa leiðinni stig"
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Email route"
msgstr "Senda leiðina í pósti"
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Save route"
msgstr "Vista leiðina"
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Send to phone"
msgstr "Senda í síma"
#: rtc-wml.js:0;0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0;0
msgid "Geocoding..."
msgstr ""
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Geocode was not successful for the following reason: @status"
msgstr ""
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Sorry - we couldn't find a specific address or intersection for you at @address so we've placed the marker nearby. If this doesn't look right, please enter a specific address or intersection."
msgstr ""
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Sorry, it looks like we couldn't find a good route for you. Please try again or use different start and end points."
msgstr ""
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Routing..."
msgstr "Finn leið..."
#: rtc-wml.js:0;0;0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0;0;0
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Vista..."
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Hleð..."
#: rtc-wml.js:0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0
msgid "Locating..."
msgstr "Finn..."
#: rtc-wml.js:0;0 jq/js-cache/cde6b54254438b3a40c8f06882322f79.js:0;0
msgid "[Current location]"
msgstr "[Núverandi staðsetning]"
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