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Full code of a BottomNavigationBehavior which hides itself on scroll and handles Snackbars and FAB.
// Apply to BottomNavigationView
class BottomNavigationBehavior<V : View>(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) :
CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<V>(context, attrs) {
override fun layoutDependsOn(parent: CoordinatorLayout?, child: V, dependency: View?): Boolean {
if (dependency is Snackbar.SnackbarLayout) {
updateSnackbar(child, dependency)
return super.layoutDependsOn(parent, child, dependency)
override fun onStartNestedScroll(
coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout, child: V, directTargetChild: View, target: View, axes: Int, type: Int
): Boolean {
return axes == ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL
override fun onNestedPreScroll(
coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout, child: V, target: View, dx: Int, dy: Int, consumed: IntArray, type: Int
) {
super.onNestedPreScroll(coordinatorLayout, child, target, dx, dy, consumed, type)
child.translationY = max(0f, min(child.height.toFloat(), child.translationY + dy))
private fun updateSnackbar(child: View, snackbarLayout: Snackbar.SnackbarLayout) {
if (snackbarLayout.layoutParams is CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) {
val params = snackbarLayout.layoutParams as CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams
params.anchorId =
params.anchorGravity = Gravity.TOP
params.gravity = Gravity.TOP
snackbarLayout.layoutParams = params
// Apply to FAB anchored to BottomNavigationView
class BottomNavigationFABBehavior(context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?) : CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<View>(context, attrs) {
override fun layoutDependsOn(parent: CoordinatorLayout?, child: View, dependency: View): Boolean {
return dependency is Snackbar.SnackbarLayout
override fun onDependentViewRemoved(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: View, dependency: View) {
child.translationY = 0f
override fun onDependentViewChanged(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: View, dependency: View): Boolean {
return updateButton(child, dependency)
private fun updateButton(child: View, dependency: View): Boolean {
if (dependency is Snackbar.SnackbarLayout) {
val oldTranslation = child.translationY
val height = dependency.height.toFloat()
val newTranslation = dependency.translationY - height
child.translationY = newTranslation
return oldTranslation != newTranslation
return false
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