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Last active July 21, 2017 17:01
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Wumboji maker- WIP
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
namespace wumboji
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Wumboji v1.2 -- Released under MIT License by aozkal, source code at");
// Compile with mcs wumboji.cs /reference:System.Drawing.dll
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Specify image file name:");
var imageName = Console.ReadLine();
if (!File.Exists(imageName))
Console.WriteLine("File does not exist or cannot be found. Try copying it to the same directory as the executable and try again.");
var selectedImage = Bitmap.FromFile(imageName);
var imageHeight = selectedImage.Height;
var imageWidth = selectedImage.Width;
var projectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName);
var imageFormat = Path.GetExtension(imageName);
Console.WriteLine("How many vertical lines should be made? [default: 5]");
var verticalLines = Console.ReadLine();
int intVerticalLines;
int verticalBoxSize;
if (verticalLines.Trim() == "")
intVerticalLines = 5;
else if (!int.TryParse(verticalLines, out intVerticalLines))
intVerticalLines = 5;
Console.WriteLine("Meh I couldn't understand that and am too lazy to do stuff so going with 5. Restart the app and properly write the number if that's not fine for you.");
verticalBoxSize = imageHeight / intVerticalLines;
Console.WriteLine("How many horizontal lines should be made? [default: {0}]", intVerticalLines);
var horizontalLines = Console.ReadLine();
int intHorizontalLines;
int horizontalBoxSize;
if (horizontalLines.Trim() == "")
intHorizontalLines = intVerticalLines;
else if (!int.TryParse(horizontalLines, out intHorizontalLines))
intHorizontalLines = intVerticalLines;
Console.WriteLine("Meh I couldn't understand that and am too lazy to do stuff so going with {0}. Restart the app and properly write the number if that's not fine for you.", intVerticalLines);
horizontalBoxSize = imageWidth / intHorizontalLines;
if (!Directory.Exists("ImageCropper"))
Directory.CreateDirectory("ImageCropper"); // It shouldn't throw anything if it does exist but whatever.
var imageCount = 0;
var discordString = "";
for (int v = 0; v < intVerticalLines; v++)
int VertSomething = v * verticalBoxSize;
for (int h = 0; h < intHorizontalLines; h++)
int HoriSomething = h * horizontalBoxSize;
var cutRect = new Rectangle(HoriSomething, VertSomething, horizontalBoxSize, verticalBoxSize);
var fileName = "ImageCropper/" + projectName + imageCount + imageFormat; // ImageCropper/LeMemeXd1.png etc
discordString += string.Format(":{0}{1}:", projectName, imageCount);
discordString += Environment.NewLine;
var discordFileName = "ImageCropper/" + projectName + "discordstring.txt";
File.WriteAllText(discordFileName, discordString);
Console.WriteLine("Done! Check the ImageCropper folder to get your images.");
Console.Write("If you want to exist press Enter, press anything else to make another image. "); // typo intended
var IWantToDie = Console.ReadKey().Key;
if (IWantToDie == ConsoleKey.Enter)
else if (IWantToDie == ConsoleKey.Escape)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
var edgyText = "There is no escape from this hell.";
var edgeArray = edgyText.Split(' ');
foreach (var edgyPortion in edgeArray)
public static Bitmap CropImage(Image source, Rectangle section)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(section.Width, section.Height);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
g.DrawImage(source, 0, 0, section, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return bmp;
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