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Created May 21, 2022 12:27
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t -> the
o -> of
a -> and
i -> in
to -> to
w -> was
is -> is
f -> for
on -> on
as -> as
wi -> with
b -> by
h -> he
th -> that
at -> at
fr -> from
hi -> his
it -> it
an -> an
we -> were
wh -> which
ar -> are
thi -> this
al -> also
be -> be
ha -> had
or -> or
has -> has
fi -> first
the -> their
af -> after
its -> its
one -> one
n -> new
bu -> but
who -> who
he -> her
no -> not
s -> she
they -> they
hav -> have
tw -> two
bee -> been
ot -> other
whe -> when
d -> during
all -> all
in -> into
ther -> there
ti -> time
m -> may
mo -> more
sc -> school
y -> years
ov -> over
onl -> only
wo -> would
l -> later
mos -> most
wher -> where
bet -> between
so -> some
u -> up
wor -> world
c -> city
na -> national
ab -> about
su -> such
him -> him
then -> then
ma -> made
ou -> out
st -> state
thr -> three
whi -> while
us -> used
un -> university
ca -> can
uni -> united
und -> under
k -> known
se -> season
man -> many
ye -> year
p -> part
bec -> became
bo -> born
fil -> film
thes -> these
tha -> than
te -> team
sec -> second
inc -> including
sta -> states
bei -> being
thro -> through
bef -> before
bot -> both
am -> american
sou -> south
e -> early
wa -> war
his -> history
ag -> against
ho -> however
fa -> family
unt -> until
wel -> well
si -> since
them -> them
work -> work
li -> life
fo -> following
are -> area
pe -> people
ser -> series
nor -> north
nam -> name
car -> career
alb -> album
mu -> music
pl -> played
g -> group
di -> district
nu -> number
sev -> several
hig -> high
r -> released
co -> county
de -> de
com -> company
cal -> called
wil -> will
le -> league
won -> won
fou -> four
hou -> house
go -> government
ea -> each
mar -> march
sa -> same
ga -> game
int -> international
sep -> september
j -> january
cl -> club
foun -> found
ju -> june
oc -> october
beg -> began
lo -> located
jul -> july
wes -> west
use -> use
au -> august
now -> now
col -> college
jo -> john
stat -> station
po -> population
ap -> april
pu -> public
hom -> home
en -> end
nov -> november
me -> member
pla -> place
ge -> general
tow -> town
for -> former
dec -> december
ch -> church
if -> if
age -> age
hel -> held
name -> named
sy -> system
beca -> because
yo -> york
too -> took
da -> day
ri -> river
aro -> around
foo -> football
br -> british
lin -> line
eas -> east
loc -> local
any -> any
son -> song
du -> due
alo -> along
serv -> service
pa -> party
bes -> best
fe -> february
serve -> served
did -> did
ba -> back
ano -> another
bas -> based
cou -> could
wit -> within
re -> received
ce -> century
v -> village
bui -> built
lik -> like
mem -> members
buil -> building
maj -> major
fin -> final
sh -> show
gam -> games
alt -> although
incl -> include
sp -> species
dea -> death
ban -> band
sm -> small
mai -> main
lef -> left
pr -> president
sai -> said
pub -> published
die -> died
la -> large
las -> last
fiv -> five
ord -> order
sin -> single
set -> set
thir -> third
ow -> own
tho -> those
ed -> education
ac -> according
inclu -> included
lon -> long
ve -> very
par -> park
sti -> still
ro -> road
arm -> army
div -> division
boo -> book
dev -> development
amo -> among
law -> law
of -> often
fre -> french
mov -> moved
tim -> times
wha -> what
comm -> community
cen -> central
led -> led
eng -> english
ori -> original
ol -> old
chi -> children
mi -> million
dif -> different
ne -> near
jus -> just
top -> top
lat -> late
aga -> again
wat -> water
ai -> air
gr -> great
cent -> center
form -> form
muc -> much
res -> research
sid -> side
art -> art
cour -> court
play -> play
do -> down
coun -> country
off -> off
ev -> even
counc -> council
ger -> german
str -> street
rec -> record
pow -> power
es -> established
ii -> ii
lond -> london
lan -> land
cu -> cup
havi -> having
tit -> title
star -> started
sup -> support
pol -> political
stu -> students
aw -> award
mil -> military
per -> period
cam -> came
wen -> went
pro -> production
whit -> white
way -> way
gi -> given
isl -> island
mak -> make
nex -> next
rol -> role
tel -> television
ki -> king
reg -> region
works -> works
tot -> total
cha -> championship
usi -> using
va -> various
hea -> head
offi -> office
six -> six
playe -> player
beco -> become
fat -> father
lis -> list
bus -> business
west -> western
prod -> produced
dir -> director
marr -> married
prog -> program
ass -> association
engl -> england
fie -> field
worke -> worked
el -> election
bl -> black
dep -> department
joi -> joined
ann -> announced
cr -> created
poi -> point
ret -> returned
prof -> professional
unio -> union
wr -> written
few -> few
you -> you
youn -> young
with -> without
ta -> take
des -> described
sit -> site
roy -> royal
servi -> services
ra -> radio
tog -> together
soc -> social
forc -> force
nort -> northern
found -> founded
act -> act
thou -> though
soci -> society
wro -> wrote
fu -> further
wom -> women
day -> days
los -> lost
con -> continued
desi -> design
will -> william
eve -> every
ver -> version
proj -> project
sum -> summer
liv -> live
men -> men
eu -> european
sout -> southern
pos -> position
boa -> board
ind -> india
fra -> france
rou -> round
rai -> railway
op -> open
lev -> level
cons -> considered
cont -> control
ope -> opened
ru -> run
aus -> australia
reco -> recorded
im -> important
san -> san
onc -> once
vi -> video
cali -> california
spe -> special
win -> win
pop -> popular
app -> appeared
mat -> match
rel -> release
commo -> common
bat -> battle
area -> areas
hal -> hall
even -> event
worki -> working
recor -> records
ja -> james
forme -> formed
rig -> right
playi -> playing
see -> see
av -> average
oth -> others
sho -> short
sim -> similar
tea -> teams
ele -> elected
geo -> george
cur -> currently
maki -> making
ex -> example
awa -> awards
const -> construction
sto -> story
livi -> living
red -> red
orig -> originally
deb -> debut
rac -> race
lang -> language
force -> forces
lea -> lead
sig -> signed
deve -> developed
mod -> modern
appo -> appointed
cas -> case
ad -> addition
poli -> police
wif -> wife
resu -> result
min -> minister
sch -> schools
event -> events
ame -> america
rout -> route
lit -> little
lak -> lake
can -> canada
hims -> himself
song -> songs
curr -> current
up -> upon
how -> how
poin -> points
roc -> rock
pre -> present
nev -> never
free -> free
sci -> science
inf -> information
heal -> health
tr -> training
cla -> class
throu -> throughout
tra -> track
goo -> good
med -> media
mus -> museum
acr -> across
aust -> australian
hu -> human
cens -> census
indi -> indian
sty -> style
pers -> personal
lov -> love
germ -> germany
ava -> available
prov -> province
tou -> tour
away -> away
eventu -> eventually
bod -> body
desp -> despite
east -> eastern
sol -> sold
commi -> committee
perf -> performance
player -> players
fea -> features
fes -> festival
coa -> coach
shou -> should
retu -> return
tak -> taken
sea -> sea
seve -> seven
centr -> centre
fol -> followed
desig -> designed
perfo -> performed
offic -> official
dav -> david
les -> less
gav -> gave
mon -> months
fini -> finished
dau -> daughter
proc -> process
ref -> refer
stud -> study
eur -> europe
ins -> institute
stag -> stage
ter -> term
ran -> range
chie -> chief
fir -> fire
doe -> does
righ -> rights
comp -> completed
arts -> arts
half -> half
rem -> remained
lar -> largest
mot -> mother
char -> character
includ -> includes
ci -> civil
pri -> private
lig -> light
lead -> leading
rep -> reported
net -> network
help -> help
usu -> usually
seen -> seen
gro -> groups
studi -> studies
feat -> featured
fed -> federal
ful -> full
ep -> episode
thu -> thus
aca -> academy
ni -> night
compe -> competition
spa -> space
get -> get
inst -> instead
chin -> china
must -> must
rob -> robert
jap -> japanese
was -> washington
fro -> front
dire -> directed
tour -> tournament
my -> my
thom -> thomas
new -> news
book -> books
bro -> brother
inv -> involved
camp -> campaign
inde -> independent
ei -> either
mode -> model
count -> countries
awar -> awarded
abl -> able
japa -> japan
spo -> sports
charl -> charles
gol -> gold
sect -> section
cap -> capital
kin -> kingdom
clo -> close
mid -> middle
add -> added
four -> fourth
sen -> sent
move -> movement
eig -> eight
studio -> studio
prev -> previous
provi -> provided
conf -> conference
abo -> above
soo -> soon
tod -> today
gra -> grand
mag -> magazine
cana -> canadian
repl -> replaced
air -> aircraft
chan -> change
film -> films
ten -> ten
medi -> medical
org -> organization
bank -> bank
hist -> historic
coas -> coast
kil -> killed
mana -> management
deg -> degree
rat -> rather
indu -> industry
rus -> russian
profe -> professor
chine -> chinese
acti -> action
seni -> senior
sys -> systems
gre -> green
bri -> bridge
tec -> technology
alm -> almost
show -> shows
bi -> big
low -> lower
wee -> week
suc -> success
wri -> writing
base -> base
dat -> data
fam -> families
post -> post
leas -> least
mark -> market
prim -> primary
fem -> female
rea -> reached
begi -> beginning
val -> valley
grou -> ground
ty -> type
state -> stated
tv -> tv
oper -> operations
att -> attack
hos -> hospital
saw -> saw
appr -> approximately
pau -> paul
cul -> culture
repu -> republic
siz -> size
previ -> previously
deci -> decided
intr -> introduced
hil -> hill
build -> buildings
cham -> championships
provid -> provide
nat -> native
succ -> successful
out -> outside
part -> parts
via -> via
thea -> theatre
plac -> placed
beh -> behind
bay -> bay
som -> sometimes
prio -> prior
whos -> whose
natu -> natural
activ -> active
fut -> future
sco -> scored
ita -> italian
afr -> africa
span -> spanish
atte -> attended
put -> put
list -> listed
brou -> brought
regi -> regional
stru -> structure
unit -> units
mic -> michael
poss -> possible
hen -> henry
mun -> municipality
high -> higher
start -> start
coll -> collection
regu -> regular
resul -> results
sq -> square
inte -> interest
leade -> leader
ec -> economic
esp -> especially
contr -> contract
trad -> trade
tex -> texas
goa -> goal
bel -> below
winn -> winning
office -> officer
fore -> foreign
gen -> generally
opera -> operation
run -> runs
meda -> medal
chang -> changed
taki -> taking
nove -> novel
staf -> staff
sign -> significant
real -> real
stan -> standard
far -> far
lim -> limited
tradi -> traditional
afri -> african
come -> come
ini -> initially
itse -> itself
loca -> location
commis -> commission
rom -> roman
arti -> artist
chr -> christian
plays -> plays
mone -> money
parl -> parliament
food -> food
hit -> hit
gov -> governor
def -> defeated
ene -> energy
stude -> student
stro -> strong
towa -> towards
not -> notable
chil -> child
asse -> assembly
own -> owned
cat -> catholic
cours -> course
comme -> commercial
shi -> ship
founda -> foundation
chann -> channel
allo -> allowed
repr -> represented
prop -> property
place -> places
nav -> navy
end -> ended
annu -> annual
comma -> command
pari -> paris
km -> km
lib -> library
compa -> companies
whom -> whom
met -> met
ever -> ever
activi -> activities
spen -> spent
plan -> plan
num -> numerous
blu -> blue
ear -> earlier
mea -> means
highw -> highway
dr -> dr
req -> required
musi -> musical
addi -> additional
pra -> practice
bil -> bill
note -> noted
mou -> mountain
airp -> airport
ir -> ireland
plant -> plant
secu -> security
inco -> income
iss -> issues
asso -> associated
manag -> manager
artis -> artists
rela -> related
acc -> access
brow -> brown
runn -> running
pet -> peter
indiv -> individual
ric -> richard
old -> older
vic -> victory
open -> opening
progr -> programs
pas -> past
repo -> report
soun -> sound
pres -> press
woma -> woman
fina -> finally
find -> find
bac -> background
polic -> policy
our -> our
yout -> youth
finan -> financial
date -> date
exe -> executive
lau -> launched
sov -> soviet
adm -> administration
histo -> historical
clos -> closed
her -> here
capt -> captain
bask -> basketball
live -> lived
bett -> better
edi -> edition
famo -> famous
conta -> contains
chic -> chicago
sub -> subsequently
sel -> selected
alr -> already
leg -> legal
rur -> rural
reli -> religious
studie -> studied
ent -> entered
cult -> cultural
line -> lines
perso -> person
tes -> test
appe -> appearance
compl -> complete
incr -> increased
rest -> rest
z -> zealand
secr -> secretary
comple -> complex
seat -> seat
change -> changes
matc -> matches
majo -> majority
roo -> room
loss -> loss
term -> terms
rev -> review
em -> empire
mis -> mission
vir -> virginia
ang -> angeles
oly -> olympics
ital -> italy
highe -> highest
stad -> stadium
becom -> becoming
goal -> goals
starti -> starting
wid -> wide
chara -> characters
writ -> writer
parti -> particularly
fac -> fact
most -> mostly
mex -> mexico
thoug -> thought
hour -> hours
ston -> stone
reti -> retired
record -> recording
goi -> going
giv -> give
featu -> feature
cro -> cross
smi -> smith
aut -> author
operat -> operated
sir -> sir
rece -> recent
statu -> status
chart -> chart
theo -> theory
gree -> greek
isla -> islands
cau -> caused
enti -> entire
got -> got
rema -> remains
nin -> nine
engi -> engine
sour -> source
genu -> genus
forced -> forced
issu -> issue
sing -> singles
evi -> evidence
mee -> meeting
cong -> congress
por -> port
var -> variety
pen -> pennsylvania
fores -> forest
pass -> passed
lor -> lord
uses -> uses
partic -> particular
ke -> key
supp -> supported
word -> word
cre -> create
relat -> relationship
ove -> overall
han -> hand
dem -> democratic
cer -> certain
cast -> castle
bio -> biography
natur -> nature
mary -> mary
names -> names
fort -> fort
paris -> parish
decis -> decision
servin -> serving
scor -> score
cov -> cover
wal -> wales
singe -> singer
nee -> need
mate -> material
shown -> shown
fl -> florida
upp -> upper
refe -> referred
larg -> larger
marri -> marriage
len -> length
leav -> leaving
week -> weeks
movi -> movie
rais -> raised
rate -> rate
just -> justice
fal -> fall
alw -> always
minu -> minutes
jun -> junior
compet -> competed
stati -> stations
tu -> turn
iri -> irish
tem -> temple
case -> cases
er -> era
indivi -> individuals
town -> township
clai -> claimed
fri -> friends
van -> van
earn -> earned
fai -> failed
sis -> sister
deal -> deal
incre -> increase
helpe -> helped
take -> takes
hous -> houses
thems -> themselves
forms -> forms
seas -> seasons
anc -> ancient
tro -> troops
beli -> believed
elec -> elections
prese -> presented
offe -> offered
trai -> train
compo -> composed
shot -> shot
care -> care
cit -> cities
long -> longer
pac -> pacific
trac -> tracks
produ -> products
fig -> fight
engin -> engineering
main -> mainly
chai -> chairman
provide -> provides
fel -> fellow
bis -> bishop
plo -> plot
exp -> experience
stars -> stars
prin -> prince
acto -> actor
dan -> dance
ef -> effect
nea -> nearly
there -> therefore
consi -> consists
broa -> broadcast
sepa -> separate
wint -> winter
prime -> prime
sain -> saint
mal -> male
admi -> administrative
sur -> surface
carr -> carried
infl -> influence
hus -> husband
subj -> subject
cree -> creek
baseb -> baseball
assi -> assistant
resp -> response
prob -> problems
remai -> remaining
hear -> heart
fif -> fifth
oi -> oil
produc -> producer
mont -> month
frie -> friend
don -> done
jos -> joseph
propo -> proposed
spai -> spain
bra -> branch
sil -> silver
grea -> greater
tur -> turned
near -> nearby
champ -> champion
cos -> cost
plans -> plans
mean -> meaning
je -> jewish
appea -> appears
nati -> nations
heav -> heavy
cri -> critical
god -> god
mr -> mr
male -> males
mino -> minor
acq -> acquired
russ -> russia
vie -> view
pare -> parents
dis -> distribution
mul -> multiple
pola -> poland
mile -> miles
grad -> graduated
attem -> attempt
spr -> spring
bor -> border
prom -> promoted
lou -> louis
eno -> enough
fema -> females
terr -> territory
appear -> appearances
dig -> digital
hoc -> hockey
polit -> politician
artic -> article
respo -> responsible
hot -> hotel
constr -> constructed
q -> queen
tran -> transport
cond -> conditions
vo -> vote
lives -> lives
albu -> albums
ship -> ships
mig -> might
priz -> prize
acad -> academic
spec -> specific
whet -> whether
resi -> residents
house -> households
proje -> projects
ic -> ice
regim -> regiment
cor -> corps
auth -> authority
yet -> yet
numb -> numbers
housi -> housing
manage -> managed
caus -> cause
face -> face
stor -> stories
dai -> daily
lie -> lies
direc -> direct
ask -> asked
prima -> primarily
campu -> campus
leave -> leave
call -> call
arr -> arrived
edw -> edward
rul -> rule
brot -> brothers
mini -> ministry
elem -> elements
towe -> tower
make -> makes
disc -> discovered
compu -> computer
mas -> master
iii -> iii
faci -> facilities
insi -> inside
ext -> extended
caro -> carolina
tol -> told
rug -> rugby
recep -> reception
whol -> whole
media -> median
dut -> dutch
cove -> covered
allow -> allow
jou -> journal
ph -> physical
mart -> martin
may -> mayor
leve -> levels
wan -> wanted
direct -> directly
desc -> description
fun -> function
news -> newspaper
est -> estate
issue -> issued
officer -> officers
valu -> value
lati -> latin
latt -> latter
lite -> literature
conte -> contemporary
recen -> recently
seco -> secondary
grow -> growth
spee -> speed
gl -> global
fli -> flight
dra -> drama
defe -> defense
words -> words
brit -> britain
comman -> commander
id -> idea
race -> races
shor -> shortly
mari -> marine
former -> formerly
forma -> formation
trans -> transferred
imm -> immediately
highl -> highly
lab -> label
like -> likely
say -> saying
sena -> senate
promi -> prominent
repub -> republican
wall -> wall
sce -> scene
offici -> officially
eart -> earth
corp -> corporation
refer -> references
perc -> percent
typ -> typically
dead -> dead
sett -> settlement
bea -> beach
scot -> scotland
eff -> effects
onli -> online
pea -> peace
rese -> reserve
sold -> soldiers
agr -> agreement
ren -> renamed
tre -> treatment
sourc -> sources
voi -> voice
produce -> produce
movin -> moving
nava -> naval
dar -> dark
partici -> participated
worker -> workers
init -> initial
ur -> urban
sma -> smaller
cod -> code
host -> host
qu -> quickly
emp -> emperor
common -> commonly
indus -> industrial
grew -> grew
your -> your
cand -> candidate
type -> types
qua -> quality
asi -> asian
pap -> paper
raci -> racing
ave -> avenue
lac -> lack
divi -> divided
conti -> continue
basi -> basis
lee -> lee
bos -> boston
oh -> ohio
wing -> wing
foot -> footballer
clu -> clubs
leader -> leadership
proba -> probably
edit -> editor
poo -> poor
comes -> comes
alon -> alongside
activit -> activity
fran -> francisco
jer -> jersey
format -> format
inten -> intended
tru -> true
politi -> politics
memo -> memorial
meta -> metal
jud -> judge
aff -> affairs
langu -> languages
rule -> rules
sof -> software
farm -> farm
orde -> ordered
cut -> cut
ded -> dedicated
condu -> conducted
reve -> revealed
foll -> follows
effo -> efforts
actin -> acting
foc -> focus
supe -> super
comb -> combined
mich -> michigan
operati -> operating
fle -> fleet
winne -> winner
plann -> planned
capa -> capacity
remo -> removed
scott -> scottish
mass -> mass
scie -> scientific
arc -> architecture
pris -> prison
posi -> positive
leaders -> leaders
regis -> register
adv -> advanced
grade -> grade
kee -> keep
meet -> meet
commu -> communities
colu -> columbia
ente -> entertainment
eq -> equipment
job -> job
pur -> purchased
pot -> potential
gir -> girl
eco -> economy
featur -> featuring
jr -> jr
crew -> crew
reac -> reach
meth -> method
givi -> giving
directi -> direction
jac -> jack
env -> environment
solo -> solo
relati -> relations
wide -> widely
jon -> jones
product -> product
squ -> squadron
offer -> offers
asia -> asia
let -> letter
orga -> organized
moun -> mount
store -> store
assig -> assigned
stop -> stop
infa -> infantry
need -> needed
head -> headquarters
tri -> trial
dest -> destroyed
atten -> attention
dri -> drive
prot -> protection
comi -> coming
exc -> exchange
compar -> compared
epi -> episodes
abi -> ability
conc -> concept
leaves -> leaves
defea -> defeat
charg -> charge
ana -> analysis
exce -> except
forw -> forward
large -> largely
cars -> cars
comed -> comedy
join -> join
ado -> adopted
serves -> serves
tech -> technical
agen -> agency
role -> roles
gas -> gas
dou -> double
gai -> gained
dist -> distance
appro -> approach
cle -> clear
mor -> morning
amou -> amount
geor -> georgia
gu -> guitar
revi -> reviews
champi -> champions
supr -> supreme
hol -> hold
flo -> floor
esti -> estimated
polis -> polish
gold -> golden
blo -> blood
acce -> accepted
model -> models
captu -> captured
ale -> alexander
organ -> organizations
actr -> actress
syd -> sydney
rail -> railroad
firm -> firm
actu -> actually
respe -> respectively
heri -> heritage
saf -> safety
alone -> alone
trav -> travel
agre -> agreed
tax -> tax
decl -> declared
appl -> applied
iro -> iron
den -> density
probl -> problem
figu -> figure
cric -> cricket
notes -> notes
sun -> sun
princ -> principal
bloc -> block
joh -> johnson
willi -> williams
isr -> israel
thin -> things
woo -> wood
imp -> impact
situ -> situated
har -> hard
figh -> fighting
sal -> sales
fell -> fell
press -> pressure
kn -> know
posit -> positions
suf -> suffered
mix -> mixed
prem -> premier
recog -> recognized
frank -> frank
teac -> teaching
joint -> joint
fis -> fish
titl -> titles
sons -> sons
il -> illinois
colo -> color
cli -> climate
indep -> independence
kno -> knowledge
traf -> traffic
plants -> plants
fee -> feet
diff -> difficult
mount -> mountains
duk -> duke
tree -> tree
acco -> account
partie -> parties
pay -> pay
olym -> olympic
arms -> arms
depu -> deputy
occ -> occurred
girl -> girls
geog -> geography
remain -> remain
conten -> content
ros -> rose
crea -> creation
ya -> yards
plat -> platform
presen -> presence
perfor -> performances
draf -> draft
reso -> resources
ira -> iran
growi -> growing
result -> resulted
repre -> representatives
hoste -> hosted
mm -> mm
contin -> continues
draw -> draw
teach -> teacher
title -> titled
expa -> expanded
site -> sites
hon -> honor
tom -> tom
ment -> mentioned
crit -> critics
spre -> spread
tab -> table
scori -> scoring
gua -> guard
fc -> fc
twi -> twice
conce -> concert
vict -> victoria
bal -> ball
providi -> providing
muni -> municipal
tau -> taught
dam -> damage
opp -> opposition
expe -> expected
househ -> household
distr -> districts
zo -> zone
revo -> revolution
text -> text
young -> younger
become -> becomes
wind -> windows
elect -> electric
nom -> nominated
bar -> bar
surr -> surrounding
origi -> origin
fine -> fine
gar -> garden
lad -> lady
vot -> votes
basic -> basic
repor -> reports
ide -> identified
libe -> liberal
boy -> boy
massa -> massachusetts
facil -> facility
sha -> share
vers -> versions
uniq -> unique
bir -> birth
von -> von
redu -> reduced
kep -> kept
claim -> claims
pai -> painting
bur -> buried
scien -> sciences
paid -> paid
says -> says
dise -> disease
dee -> deep
felt -> felt
repres -> representative
box -> box
rank -> ranked
losi -> losing
natio -> nation
gran -> granted
retur -> returning
resulti -> resulting
simp -> simply
spl -> split
lear -> learning
bey -> beyond
clas -> classes
medic -> medicine
read -> reading
ima -> image
theat -> theater
train -> trains
owne -> owner
officia -> officials
grant -> grant
goe -> goes
some -> something
tell -> tells
ber -> berlin
envi -> environmental
mac -> machine
jaz -> jazz
freed -> freedom
regio -> regions
showe -> showed
sant -> santa
laws -> laws
usa -> usa
newl -> newly
fiel -> fields
doc -> doctor
perform -> performing
recei -> receive
promo -> promotion
sug -> suggested
spor -> sport
cel -> cell
hong -> hong
consti -> constitution
cem -> cemetery
devel -> develop
mater -> materials
trie -> tried
sixt -> sixth
planni -> planning
subs -> subsequent
give -> gives
vil -> villages
founde -> founder
labo -> labour
ob -> obtained
hor -> horse
theme -> theme
design -> designated
finis -> finish
pric -> price
effor -> effort
cann -> cannot
tradit -> tradition
publ -> publication
ko -> kong
brig -> brigade
insp -> inspired
seats -> seats
sw -> swedish
purp -> purpose
allows -> allows
autho -> authorities
pal -> palace
eli -> elizabeth
atta -> attacks
succe -> succeeded
complet -> completely
alte -> alternative
canc -> cancer
impe -> imperial
inter -> internet
fame -> fame
lett -> letters
mur -> murder
conn -> connected
rome -> rome
ach -> achieved
crim -> crime
ont -> ontario
joe -> joe
phi -> philadelphia
fund -> funding
lieu -> lieutenant
begin -> begins
cho -> chosen
full -> fully
tor -> toronto
pak -> pakistan
squa -> squad
liter -> literary
interv -> interview
atl -> atlantic
ani -> animals
cell -> cells
gene -> generation
boys -> boys
figur -> figures
situa -> situation
del -> del
coup -> couple
exi -> existing
confi -> confirmed
cate -> category
conse -> conservative
chal -> challenge
defi -> defined
arme -> armed
legi -> legislative
braz -> brazil
conv -> convention
relativ -> relatively
fall -> falls
bron -> bronze
vol -> volume
inj -> injury
class -> classical
exa -> examples
edu -> educational
bill -> billion
brin -> bring
reas -> reason
vis -> visit
kor -> korea
marke -> marked
relig -> religion
classi -> classic
suppl -> supply
allowi -> allowing
acts -> acts
labor -> labor
comba -> combat
bre -> break
facu -> faculty
loo -> look
olde -> oldest
vice -> vice
transf -> transfer
freq -> frequently
metho -> methods
towns -> towns
agent -> agent
memor -> memory
prope -> properties
entit -> entitled
orc -> orchestra
refere -> reference
settl -> settled
ste -> steel
bou -> bought
fan -> fans
articl -> articles
neth -> netherlands
et -> etc
foundi -> founding
gal -> gallery
progra -> programme
simpl -> simple
una -> unable
side -> sides
hold -> holds
port -> portion
oce -> ocean
gun -> gun
north -> northwest
mik -> mike
unk -> unknown
batt -> battalion
sex -> sexual
aud -> audience
refu -> refused
trus -> trust
starr -> starring
nec -> necessary
billb -> billboard
perm -> permanent
secre -> secret
sear -> search
aire -> aired
surn -> surname
creat -> creating
presi -> presidential
gue -> guest
peak -> peak
kore -> korean
nuc -> nuclear
norm -> normal
retir -> retirement
transp -> transportation
south -> southeast
exh -> exhibition
worl -> worldwide
insti -> institutions
citi -> citizens
ul -> ultimately
expan -> expansion
confl -> conflict
person -> personnel
ris -> risk
appli -> application
effe -> effective
cover -> covers
veh -> vehicles
powe -> powers
arre -> arrested
storm -> storm
crow -> crown
attemp -> attempts
unl -> unlike
interi -> interior
rin -> ring
suppo -> supporting
partn -> partner
stoc -> stock
trees -> trees
brok -> broke
fede -> federation
cd -> cd
kind -> kind
exte -> extensive
holy -> holy
ox -> oxford
fly -> flying
want -> want
phil -> philosophy
bran -> brand
poe -> poetry
socc -> soccer
choi -> choice
metr -> metres
sens -> sense
intel -> intelligence
gradu -> graduate
alli -> alliance
chri -> chris
miss -> miss
foug -> fought
docu -> documentary
yel -> yellow
entr -> entry
cop -> copies
pha -> phase
recogn -> recognition
sets -> sets
max -> maximum
hand -> hands
commiss -> commissioned
commun -> communist
agri -> agricultural
dru -> drug
empl -> employed
occu -> occupied
stand -> standards
jack -> jackson
visi -> visited
attempt -> attempted
secto -> sector
pi -> piece
swe -> sweden
offices -> offices
provin -> provincial
defen -> defence
preve -> prevent
rise -> rise
intern -> internal
dom -> domestic
receiv -> receiving
approv -> approved
edg -> edge
actio -> actions
fox -> fox
dro -> dropped
needs -> needs
power -> powerful
lot -> lot
attac -> attacked
consis -> consisted
adu -> adult
ly -> lyrics
oppo -> opposed
fact -> factory
holdi -> holding
hill -> hills
trop -> tropical
ways -> ways
setti -> setting
matt -> matter
increa -> increasing
shar -> shared
applic -> applications
guns -> guns
broad -> broadcasting
bow -> bowl
trea -> treaty
vehi -> vehicle
bad -> bad
inve -> investigation
stev -> steve
quar -> quarter
someo -> someone
great -> greatest
northe -> northeast
sund -> sunday
laun -> launch
wils -> wilson
beat -> beat
fic -> fiction
locat -> locations
incor -> incorporated
esta -> establishment
speci -> specifically
studios -> studios
stay -> stay
walls -> walls
conve -> converted
weekl -> weekly
program -> programming
func -> functions
endi -> ending
dani -> daniel
anim -> animal
arth -> arthur
bob -> bob
reaso -> reasons
arch -> architect
franc -> francis
crimi -> criminal
ji -> jim
struc -> structures
metro -> metropolitan
iden -> identity
meant -> meant
constit -> constituency
bure -> bureau
condi -> condition
chu -> churches
communi -> communications
develo -> developing
represe -> represent
det -> determined
contri -> contributed
represen -> representing
band -> bands
onto -> onto
pope -> pope
exis -> existence
roa -> roads
pie -> pieces
speec -> speech
funds -> funds
contac -> contact
sl -> slightly
cape -> cape
centu -> centuries
que -> question
mob -> mobile
wild -> wild
refers -> refers
der -> derived
aid -> aid
expr -> express
mill -> mill
bass -> bass
contes -> contest
ends -> ends
qual -> qualified
enem -> enemy
tay -> taylor
contai -> containing
conne -> connection
wre -> wrestling
canal -> canal
and -> andrew
publi -> publishing
focu -> focused
wins -> wins
ath -> athletic
occur -> occurs
pil -> pilot
rar -> rare
wei -> weight
maria -> maria
corn -> corner
rega -> regarding
gla -> glass
pair -> pair
cir -> circuit
doi -> doing
influ -> influenced
compos -> composition
public -> publications
invi -> invited
boat -> boat
write -> write
wea -> weapons
core -> core
writer -> writers
faced -> faced
electr -> electronic
think -> think
belie -> believe
succes -> successfully
engine -> engineer
davi -> davis
aba -> abandoned
ka -> kansas
entra -> entrance
minn -> minnesota
why -> why
educ -> educated
esc -> escape
disp -> display
mexi -> mexican
candi -> candidates
passi -> passing
twe -> twelve
southw -> southwest
heat -> heat
hei -> height
bird -> birds
norw -> norwegian
finish -> finishing
passe -> passenger
tar -> target
finds -> finds
seri -> serious
sche -> scheduled
prove -> proved
amer -> americans
rear -> rear
aged -> aged
pag -> page
surv -> survey
chap -> chapel
cath -> cathedral
noth -> nothing
view -> views
land -> lands
kill -> kill
sca -> scale
standi -> standing
refo -> reform
towar -> toward
soug -> sought
impo -> importance
artil -> artillery
dy -> dynasty
sr -> sr
sele -> selection
qui -> quite
compose -> composer
tenn -> tennis
carry -> carry
agric -> agriculture
vio -> violence
temp -> temperature
mosc -> moscow
fail -> failure
order -> orders
hers -> herself
exter -> external
final -> finals
mel -> melbourne
camb -> cambridge
contain -> contained
pia -> piano
communic -> communication
cere -> ceremony
heavi -> heavily
manc -> manchester
jew -> jews
misso -> missouri
chris -> christmas
heard -> heard
deca -> decades
stra -> straight
card -> card
instit -> institution
jour -> journalist
home -> homes
loa -> loan
musl -> muslim
hun -> hundred
expre -> expressed
idea -> ideas
intro -> introduction
try -> trying
inci -> incident
bell -> bell
reall -> really
inh -> inhabitants
reach -> reaching
maint -> maintained
signa -> signal
produci -> producing
inva -> invasion
resis -> resistance
sale -> sale
adva -> advance
fue -> fuel
poet -> poet
rich -> rich
oppor -> opportunity
conser -> conservation
shap -> shape
india -> indiana
che -> chemical
pat -> patients
fas -> fashion
inves -> investment
sri -> sri
course -> courses
regist -> registered
prote -> protect
norwa -> norway
mind -> mind
roof -> roof
cold -> cold
exist -> exist
phili -> philippines
hits -> hits
moto -> motor
moti -> motion
consec -> consecutive
follo -> follow
viet -> vietnam
colon -> colonial
bud -> budget
calls -> calls
possi -> possibly
mer -> merged
colone -> colonel
passes -> passes
step -> stephen
comic -> comic
lai -> laid
promot -> promote
perh -> perhaps
histor -> historian
exten -> extension
lew -> lewis
broke -> broken
partne -> partnership
ton -> tony
enga -> engaged
tenne -> tennessee
chamb -> chamber
avo -> avoid
close -> closely
disti -> distinguished
typi -> typical
sk -> skills
mine -> mine
user -> users
scr -> screen
harr -> harry
dates -> dates
cause -> causes
resid -> residence
vote -> voted
earl -> earl
hir -> hired
portu -> portuguese
color -> colorado
colle -> collected
scen -> scenes
consist -> consisting
emplo -> employees
turk -> turkey
banks -> banks
entir -> entirely
trail -> trail
singi -> singing
joini -> joining
dow -> downtown
resig -> resigned
stre -> streets
neg -> negative
traine -> trained
engines -> engines
visu -> visual
starts -> starts
junc -> junction
nota -> notably
impr -> improved
univ -> universities
flow -> flow
weat -> weather
enter -> enter
impro -> improve
regar -> regarded
value -> values
insta -> installed
arg -> argued
gett -> getting
deta -> details
pic -> picture
ford -> ford
hab -> habitat
statem -> statement
equ -> equal
obs -> observed
maryl -> maryland
estab -> establish
war -> ward
sav -> save
bodi -> bodies
fair -> fair
tas -> task
athl -> athletics
statin -> stating
pain -> paintings
stores -> stores
techn -> techniques
web -> web
nei -> neighborhood
atto -> attorney
killi -> killing
ore -> oregon
chair -> chair
seven -> seventh
fla -> flag
addit -> additionally
ey -> eye
minin -> mining
ari -> arizona
cost -> costs
teache -> teachers
compete -> compete
stren -> strength
organi -> organisation
adj -> adjacent
spot -> spot
eveni -> evening
ama -> amateur
hop -> hope
parli -> parliamentary
cris -> crisis
winner -> winners
secti -> sections
albe -> albert
turki -> turkish
spi -> spirit
intere -> interests
addr -> address
kh -> khan
look -> looking
causi -> causing
coal -> coal
hum -> humans
swi -> switzerland
link -> links
descr -> describes
chapt -> chapter
anni -> anniversary
wis -> wisconsin
secon -> seconds
walt -> walter
producti -> productions
brie -> briefly
obj -> objects
voc -> vocals
groun -> grounds
contro -> controlled
cab -> cabinet
formu -> formula
music -> musicians
easi -> easily
operate -> operate
ruled -> ruled
aren -> arena
driv -> driver
directo -> directors
court -> courts
divis -> divisions
memb -> membership
protei -> protein
riv -> rivers
ses -> session
boro -> borough
tal -> talk
seem -> seems
distri -> distributed
calli -> calling
good -> goods
purc -> purchase
ah -> ahead
electo -> electoral
chanc -> chance
wars -> wars
duty -> duty
eth -> ethnic
gain -> gain
chos -> chose
combi -> combination
exped -> expedition
lega -> legacy
ben -> ben
concl -> concluded
earli -> earliest
formal -> formal
controv -> controversy
reside -> residential
reduc -> reduce
reali -> reality
survi -> survived
singa -> singapore
eg -> egypt
statis -> statistics
particip -> participate
cred -> credit
chain -> chain
react -> reaction
affe -> affected
counti -> counties
ken -> kentucky
busi -> businesses
route -> routes
stands -> stands
designs -> designs
actua -> actual
regul -> regularly
disco -> discovery
mille -> miller
persons -> persons
criti -> criticism
imag -> images
pov -> poverty
islam -> islamic
iv -> iv
commune -> commune
facto -> factor
decad -> decade
stri -> strike
dean -> dean
commonw -> commonwealth
folk -> folk
operates -> operates
room -> rooms
cy -> cycle
degr -> degrees
brief -> brief
prix -> prix
coast -> coastal
howa -> howard
outs -> outstanding
austr -> austria
recordi -> recordings
leads -> leads
fm -> fm
bria -> brian
troph -> trophy
eme -> emergency
racia -> racial
plu -> plus
bott -> bottom
financ -> finance
rei -> reign
ones -> ones
dieg -> diego
scho -> scholars
ite -> items
sell -> selling
shoo -> shooting
accu -> accused
progre -> progress
captur -> capture
devi -> device
pict -> pictures
dema -> demand
row -> row
inju -> injured
greec -> greece
gets -> gets
shop -> shop
meanw -> meanwhile
oppos -> opposite
dry -> dry
unde -> underground
contrib -> contributions
apa -> apart
appeal -> appeal
cros -> crossing
musici -> musician
assis -> assistance
moth -> moth
factor -> factors
debu -> debuted
charge -> charges
sound -> soundtrack
swis -> swiss
rati -> rating
unive -> universal
charts -> charts
ora -> orange
owner -> owners
paint -> painted
drivi -> driving
lane -> lane
sam -> sam
beha -> behavior
assoc -> associate
fait -> faith
prai -> praised
eleme -> elementary
stage -> stages
thous -> thousands
mainta -> maintain
medie -> medieval
under -> understanding
premi -> premiered
manu -> manufacturing
demo -> demographics
passen -> passengers
attach -> attached
advan -> advantage
attend -> attend
landi -> landing
drawn -> drawn
requ -> request
schem -> scheme
houst -> houston
docum -> documents
commit -> committed
simo -> simon
dre -> drew
offen -> offensive
seq -> sequence
wort -> worth
rej -> rejected
math -> mathematics
colla -> collaboration
defens -> defensive
acci -> accident
path -> path
doo -> door
golf -> golf
holl -> hollywood
othe -> otherwise
ara -> arab
dio -> diocese
fast -> fast
distin -> distinct
heade -> headed
senat -> senator
extr -> extra
contra -> contrast
wou -> wounded
represent -> represents
eye -> eyes
insu -> insurance
meas -> measures
ham -> hamilton
econ -> economics
big -> biggest
extre -> extremely
credi -> credited
prie -> priest
purpo -> purposes
classif -> classification
jea -> jean
creati -> creative
samu -> samuel
stoo -> stood
minut -> minute
respon -> responsibility
starre -> starred
repla -> replace
cz -> czech
flowe -> flowers
legis -> legislation
duti -> duties
charged -> charged
io -> iowa
reta -> retained
dama -> damaged
owners -> ownership
showi -> showing
dog -> dog
artist -> artistic
trip -> trip
flat -> flat
loui -> louisiana
caug -> caught
requi -> require
whil -> whilst
queb -> quebec
tries -> tries
aft -> afterwards
painte -> painter
dete -> determine
popu -> popularity
isra -> israeli
deli -> delivered
turn -> turns
jes -> jesus
ages -> ages
learn -> learned
resta -> restaurant
colony -> colony
danis -> danish
accom -> accompanied
assu -> assumed
ray -> ray
quali -> qualifying
protec -> protected
subje -> subjects
roug -> roughly
measu -> measure
fred -> frederick
detr -> detroit
diffe -> difference
sever -> severe
equi -> equivalent
obje -> object
sat -> saturday
admit -> admitted
market -> marketing
transl -> translated
pue -> puerto
resto -> restored
circ -> circle
differ -> differences
competi -> competitions
polici -> policies
philip -> philip
king -> kings
signi -> significantly
arri -> arrival
peni -> peninsula
relie -> relief
comics -> comics
brai -> brain
heads -> heads
wav -> wave
uk -> ukrainian
exper -> experienced
return -> returns
respec -> respect
dati -> dating
ada -> adapted
strat -> strategy
avi -> aviation
asp -> aspects
separ -> separated
novel -> novels
ok -> oklahoma
jua -> juan
resol -> resolution
daug -> daughters
devic -> devices
arge -> argentina
beau -> beautiful
transla -> translation
actor -> actors
wate -> waters
bab -> baby
twen -> twenty
losse -> losses
missi -> missing
relative -> relative
test -> testing
ala -> alabama
occup -> occupation
lawy -> lawyer
missis -> mississippi
carryi -> carrying
stora -> storage
visio -> vision
interes -> interested
coali -> coalition
instr -> instruments
ant -> anthony
phy -> physics
patt -> pattern
soul -> soul
fight -> fighter
windo -> window
allie -> allied
christ -> christ
magi -> magic
blue -> blues
fire -> fired
prince -> princess
requir -> requirements
depe -> depending
prac -> practices
sugg -> suggests
every -> everything
aci -> acid
wings -> wings
doug -> douglas
mete -> meters
stopp -> stopped
defeat -> defeating
journ -> journey
infr -> infrastructure
invo -> involving
iraq -> iraq
rid -> ridge
gui -> guide
ande -> anderson
fish -> fishing
sched -> schedule
techni -> technique
solu -> solution
partner -> partners
ques -> questions
collec -> collections
concer -> concerns
map -> map
rates -> rates
visit -> visitors
feel -> feel
inn -> inner
belg -> belgium
markets -> markets
gend -> gender
charte -> charter
deba -> debate
moo -> moon
gard -> gardens
anto -> antonio
stea -> steam
gul -> gulf
formall -> formally
mrs -> mrs
indig -> indigenous
dub -> dublin
grey -> grey
child -> childhood
opi -> opinion
menta -> mental
ott -> ottoman
socia -> socialist
contex -> context
termi -> terminal
guit -> guitarist
author -> authors
hono -> honours
watc -> watch
swim -> swimming
adam -> adam
harv -> harvard
prep -> prepared
bric -> brick
alle -> allen
defin -> definition
soi -> soil
critic -> criticized
compon -> components
continu -> continuing
para -> parallel
flows -> flows
replac -> replacement
forest -> forests
staye -> stayed
classifi -> classified
clar -> clark
success -> successor
bear -> bear
pool -> pool
fram -> frame
covera -> coverage
coveri -> covering
indust -> industries
gor -> gordon
tan -> tank
mia -> miami
linc -> lincoln
pape -> papers
tempo -> temporary
wine -> wine
charac -> characteristics
honor -> honorary
shore -> shore
arra -> arranged
brazi -> brazilian
sate -> satellite
monu -> monument
legisl -> legislature
sist -> sisters
tam -> tamil
non -> none
findi -> finding
corpo -> corporate
denm -> denmark
ens -> ensure
netw -> networks
gay -> gay
thre -> threat
require -> requires
anne -> anne
capab -> capable
linke -> linked
offeri -> offering
cav -> cavalry
expres -> expression
boun -> boundary
mes -> message
connec -> connecticut
tests -> tests
occa -> occasionally
appeari -> appearing
park -> parks
commissi -> commissioner
reviv -> revival
scri -> script
montr -> montreal
elev -> eleven
tok -> tokyo
drea -> dream
where -> whereas
reput -> reputation
resc -> rescue
ort -> orthodox
instan -> instance
patr -> patrick
sky -> sky
alan -> alan
consta -> constant
restor -> restoration
operatio -> operational
wood -> wooden
limi -> limit
gon -> gone
hosts -> hosts
influe -> influential
voiv -> voivodeship
salt -> salt
ago -> ago
coupl -> couples
branc -> branches
thing -> thing
cabl -> cable
labora -> laboratory
ukr -> ukraine
consid -> considerable
edin -> edinburgh
somew -> somewhat
employ -> employment
enteri -> entering
elemen -> element
cin -> cinema
raise -> raise
addin -> adding
sola -> solar
accou -> accounts
eigh -> eighth
poem -> poem
vs -> vs
listi -> listing
strate -> strategic
origin -> origins
medal -> medals
atla -> atlanta
increas -> increasingly
depr -> depression
priso -> prisoners
visiti -> visiting
cele -> celebrated
nar -> narrow
proper -> proper
adul -> adults
proce -> processes
hug -> huge
cente -> centers
threa -> threatened
victi -> victims
decli -> decline
revol -> revolutionary
austri -> austrian
meets -> meets
coac -> coaching
clev -> cleveland
rap -> rapid
initi -> initiative
tradin -> trading
walk -> walk
plane -> planet
amon -> amongst
annua -> annually
peake -> peaked
archi -> architectural
franch -> franchise
formi -> forming
newsp -> newspapers
rice -> rice
amb -> ambassador
jobs -> jobs
wels -> welsh
achi -> achieve
risi -> rising
portug -> portugal
chari -> charity
declin -> declined
tun -> tunnel
concr -> concrete
fill -> filled
kev -> kevin
doma -> domain
eri -> eric
cards -> cards
vien -> vienna
surg -> surgery
participa -> participation
terri -> territories
came -> camera
stron -> strongly
credit -> credits
propos -> proposal
bene -> benefit
fix -> fixed
appoi -> appointment
univer -> universe
conside -> consider
themes -> themes
competin -> competing
lege -> legend
anna -> anna
mainte -> maintenance
replaci -> replacing
audi -> audio
lawr -> lawrence
tie -> tied
tall -> tall
moor -> moore
anyt -> anything
surviv -> surviving
helpi -> helping
bring -> bringing
neit -> neither
liver -> liverpool
honors -> honors
versu -> versus
filme -> filmed
cite -> cited
basin -> basin
modi -> modified
hai -> hair
frequ -> frequency
surro -> surrounded
ves -> vessels
invol -> involvement
mout -> mouth
expl -> explained
constitu -> constitutional
spea -> speak
changi -> changing
trib -> tribe
lands -> landscape
completi -> completion
dated -> dated
gat -> gate
mala -> malaysia
abb -> abbey
lists -> lists
grown -> grown
movie -> movies
conduc -> conduct
unc -> uncle
existe -> existed
safe -> safe
tool -> tools
spri -> springs
sui -> suicide
gradua -> graduating
balt -> baltimore
hund -> hundreds
seatt -> seattle
movem -> movements
struck -> struck
trut -> truth
doub -> doubles
voca -> vocal
mast -> masters
cm -> cm
rog -> roger
adve -> advertising
easy -> easy
electri -> electrical
colleg -> colleges
experi -> experimental
honou -> honour
ski -> skin
mounte -> mounted
marg -> margaret
mona -> monastery
hap -> happened
signin -> signing
drawi -> drawing
missio -> missions
integ -> integrated
study -> studying
ranki -> ranking
summ -> summit
mann -> manner
speak -> speaker
lake -> lakes
hung -> hungarian
occas -> occasions
walke -> walker
tale -> talent
edite -> edited
file -> filed
designe -> designer
experie -> experiences
representa -> representation
appa -> apparently
roun -> rounds
massi -> massive
hors -> horses
indo -> indonesia
indic -> indicated
poems -> poems
nomi -> nomination
touri -> tourism
ill -> illegal
meeti -> meetings
bush -> bush
makeu -> makeup
eleva -> elevation
progres -> progressive
secur -> secure
controve -> controversial
last -> lasted
kent -> kent
strea -> stream
mp -> mp
dave -> dave
reven -> revenue
spir -> spiritual
clin -> clinical
super -> superior
outp -> output
hunga -> hungary
minim -> minimum
rio -> rio
kim -> kim
mom -> moment
elim -> eliminated
styl -> styles
tourin -> touring
soli -> solid
bears -> bears
touc -> touchdown
princi -> principles
speaki -> speaking
schol -> scholarship
mediu -> medium
concert -> concerts
deni -> denied
colum -> column
thousa -> thousand
colou -> colour
equip -> equipped
effec -> effectively
she -> shell
carl -> carl
norma -> normally
extrem -> extreme
producer -> producers
turni -> turning
index -> index
riva -> rival
bon -> bond
feed -> feed
unu -> unusual
henc -> hence
alex -> alex
suppor -> supporters
harri -> harris
baro -> baron
jor -> jordan
lic -> license
opt -> option
alleg -> alleged
broadw -> broadway
simi -> similarly
perfe -> perfect
adap -> adaptation
pena -> penalty
bru -> bruce
slo -> slow
dese -> desert
dal -> dallas
voti -> voting
attr -> attracted
kenn -> kennedy
visib -> visible
ross -> ross
vess -> vessel
bord -> borders
singh -> singh
portr -> portrayed
kne -> knew
sar -> sarah
transi -> transit
approva -> approval
pho -> phone
accep -> accept
share -> shares
abc -> abc
vid -> videos
residen -> resident
oute -> outer
fru -> fruit
exec -> executed
wides -> widespread
ark -> arkansas
morg -> morgan
rapi -> rapidly
root -> roots
birm -> birmingham
sie -> siege
arres -> arrest
participan -> participants
finl -> finland
suga -> sugar
gradual -> gradually
concern -> concern
concerne -> concerned
merc -> merchant
traditi -> traditionally
schola -> scholar
greatl -> greatly
pan -> panel
agenc -> agencies
happ -> happy
competit -> competitive
docume -> document
therea -> thereafter
jan -> jane
acte -> acted
weeke -> weekend
depa -> departure
block -> blocks
dept -> depth
recom -> recommended
naz -> nazi
kel -> kelly
fav -> favor
austi -> austin
compi -> compilation
benef -> benefits
proces -> processing
enginee -> engineers
assa -> assault
commer -> commerce
fict -> fictional
inni -> innings
batte -> battery
trave -> traveled
pick -> pick
sess -> sessions
wildl -> wildlife
kni -> knight
railw -> railways
frankl -> franklin
passa -> passage
popul -> populations
excep -> exception
hero -> hero
resea -> researchers
treat -> treated
beaut -> beauty
agents -> agents
begu -> begun
jim -> jimmy
print -> printed
bach -> bachelor
fear -> fear
spok -> spoken
transit -> transition
victo -> victorian
gove -> governments
twin -> twin
mills -> mills
billy -> billy
sn -> snow
dona -> donated
descri -> describe
russe -> russell
provinc -> provinces
evo -> evolution
dia -> diameter
exists -> exists
relatio -> relationships
cous -> cousin
wed -> wedding
carb -> carbon
neve -> nevertheless
injur -> injuries
chem -> chemistry
suppli -> supplies
everyo -> everyone
transm -> transmission
histori -> historically
opport -> opportunities
ven -> venue
enc -> encouraged
abr -> abroad
ratio -> ratio
contribu -> contribution
channe -> channels
contine -> continental
drug -> drugs
indian -> indians
scient -> scientists
instru -> instrumental
frien -> friendly
rele -> releases
ready -> ready
achie -> achievement
inters -> intersection
boats -> boats
genr -> genre
signif -> significance
christo -> christopher
remaind -> remainder
mec -> mechanical
ridi -> riding
spend -> spending
peri -> periods
cus -> customers
roll -> rolling
nic -> nick
matte -> matters
harb -> harbor
categ -> categories
suff -> suffering
assist -> assist
nint -> ninth
retai -> retail
support -> supports
imme -> immediate
rain -> rain
adams -> adams
persona -> personality
nel -> nelson
heari -> hearing
destr -> destruction
thomp -> thompson
poste -> posted
techno -> technologies
gia -> giant
civ -> civilian
signs -> signs
preser -> preserved
tai -> taiwan
subst -> substantial
cash -> cash
over -> overseas
stanl -> stanley
norman -> norman
ruli -> ruling
toure -> toured
facin -> facing
extent -> extent
lay -> lay
broo -> brooklyn
hisp -> hispanic
wants -> wants
obt -> obtain
contest -> contested
spon -> sponsored
hur -> hurricane
ere -> erected
orl -> orleans
defend -> defending
ut -> utah
ende -> endemic
younge -> youngest
attri -> attributed
alf -> alfred
wear -> wear
strug -> struggle
emer -> emerged
farme -> farmers
detai -> detailed
stew -> stewart
seek -> seek
sym -> symphony
playo -> playoffs
allies -> allies
tribe -> tribes
regula -> regulations
platf -> platforms
crowd -> crowd
plate -> plate
bib -> bible
victor -> victor
residi -> residing
tria -> trials
scu -> sculpture
statue -> statue
report -> reportedly
ride -> ride
buy -> buy
saint -> saints
tenu -> tenure
demol -> demolished
robi -> robinson
perce -> percentage
john -> johnny
abs -> absence
writes -> writes
donal -> donald
instrum -> instrument
send -> send
admir -> admiral
fest -> festivals
affi -> affiliated
compone -> component
filmi -> filming
freque -> frequent
ranks -> ranks
claimi -> claiming
spoke -> spoke
soldi -> soldier
mars -> marshall
archb -> archbishop
cra -> crash
coo -> cooperation
deat -> deaths
patro -> patrol
gan -> gang
keep -> keeping
sees -> sees
seeki -> seeking
enj -> enjoyed
steps -> steps
rock -> rocks
glas -> glasgow
phot -> photography
apply -> apply
yor -> yorkshire
brea -> breaking
command -> commanded
germa -> germans
medit -> mediterranean
viewe -> viewed
usef -> useful
sus -> suspended
desce -> descent
drop -> drop
thron -> throne
judg -> judges
thai -> thailand
fant -> fantasy
evil -> evil
lice -> licensed
belgi -> belgian
regime -> regime
voter -> voters
premie -> premiere
richm -> richmond
indoo -> indoor
managi -> managing
volu -> volumes
hamp -> hampshire
symb -> symbol
campb -> campbell
finn -> finnish
oa -> oak
athle -> athletes
carlo -> carlos
choo -> choose
indee -> indeed
anima -> animated
shopp -> shopping
produces -> produces
egy -> egyptian
seei -> seeing
electric -> electricity
munic -> municipalities
desir -> desire
gary -> gary
reb -> rebuilt
protes -> protest
viewer -> viewers
partl -> partly
drum -> drums
domi -> dominated
andy -> andy
seg -> segment
princip -> principle
falli -> falling
seed -> seed
fres -> fresh
portl -> portland
attendi -> attending
jef -> jeff
picke -> picked
abu -> abuse
bom -> bomb
gray -> gray
settle -> settlers
publis -> publisher
charact -> characterized
marks -> marks
asset -> assets
serb -> serbian
jur -> jury
behal -> behalf
indica -> indicate
funde -> funded
minor -> minority
duo -> duo
termin -> terminus
cave -> cave
anyo -> anyone
jas -> jason
biol -> biological
limit -> limits
misse -> missed
drumm -> drummer
guy -> guy
posse -> possession
arab -> arabic
suit -> suit
murr -> murray
mines -> mines
aim -> aimed
drive -> driven
grah -> graham
disn -> disney
strin -> string
besi -> besides
bit -> bit
fur -> furthermore
stab -> stable
editi -> editions
clay -> clay
jeru -> jerusalem
virg -> virgin
local -> locally
relo -> relocated
yar -> yard
delh -> delhi
publicl -> publicly
clea -> clearly
bang -> bangladesh
overv -> overview
closer -> closer
sounds -> sounds
hul -> hull
traditio -> traditions
nova -> nova
ps -> psychology
unders -> understand
colors -> colors
recov -> recovered
relation -> relation
concen -> concentration
dc -> dc
influen -> influences
sent -> sentenced
charli -> charlie
matth -> matthew
bala -> balance
organis -> organised
cea -> ceased
hunt -> hunting
immi -> immigrants
fit -> fit
cart -> carter
mech -> mechanism
clan -> clan
walki -> walking
birt -> birthday
frid -> friday
ident -> identify
roma -> romantic
moves -> moves
househo -> householder
wrig -> wright
legs -> legs
carg -> cargo
buf -> buffalo
ze -> zero
ess -> essential
bound -> boundaries
eld -> elder
mano -> manor
afg -> afghanistan
usag -> usage
expo -> exposed
plai -> plain
subsi -> subsidiary
fals -> false
volun -> volunteer
vanc -> vancouver
apar -> apartment
archa -> archaeological
roman -> romanized
hunte -> hunter
advi -> advice
morr -> morris
pio -> pioneer
texts -> texts
kg -> kg
volunt -> volunteers
bris -> bristol
ina -> inaugural
possib -> possibility
benj -> benjamin
ali -> alive
busin -> businessman
costa -> costa
rated -> rated
lose -> lose
sente -> sentence
mall -> mall
partia -> partially
belief -> belief
romani -> romanian
approp -> appropriate
strip -> strip
belo -> belonged
rang -> rangers
els -> elsewhere
oppon -> opponents
tail -> tail
asks -> asks
maine -> maine
crime -> crimes
depl -> deployed
merg -> merger
door -> doors
summa -> summary
mad -> madrid
draft -> drafted
vent -> venture
settlem -> settlements
interna -> internationally
establ -> establishing
dispu -> dispute
dang -> dangerous
gap -> gap
latin -> latino
impl -> implemented
subu -> suburb
imple -> implementation
commen -> commented
pract -> practical
displ -> displayed
ia -> ian
sand -> sand
sole -> sole
earni -> earning
derb -> derby
grac -> grace
cook -> cook
gener -> generated
continuo -> continuous
month -> monthly
connect -> connections
conver -> conversion
loco -> locomotives
cari -> caribbean
reduct -> reduction
dive -> diverse
chile -> chile
rif -> rifle
biolo -> biology
respond -> responded
reporte -> reporter
serbi -> serbia
fer -> ferry
warn -> warner
secure -> secured
amen -> amendment
advis -> advisory
foru -> forum
persi -> persian
mach -> machines
connecti -> connecting
depar -> departments
fled -> fled
guil -> guilty
occasi -> occasion
marie -> marie
operato -> operator
closi -> closing
trin -> trinity
tours -> tours
acqu -> acquisition
decisi -> decisions
decid -> decides
uns -> unsuccessful
afte -> aftermath
patte -> patterns
assiste -> assisted
discu -> discussed
initia -> initiated
catt -> cattle
survive -> survive
warr -> warren
affa -> affair
circu -> circumstances
mila -> milan
timb -> timber
mail -> mail
brid -> bridges
appar -> apparent
harbo -> harbour
portra -> portrait
outd -> outdoor
coach -> coaches
purs -> pursue
dram -> dramatic
involv -> involves
juri -> jurisdiction
democ -> democracy
guar -> guards
qualif -> qualification
holi -> holiday
minis -> ministers
else -> else
wayn -> wayne
bid -> bid
increase -> increases
sail -> sailed
carri -> carrier
iso -> isolated
nich -> nicholas
maga -> magazines
menti -> mention
excl -> exclusively
tribu -> tribute
mains -> mainstream
cert -> certified
rebe -> rebellion
completin -> completing
campa -> campaigns
unin -> unincorporated
weari -> wearing
pit -> pitch
elit -> elite
clot -> clothing
illn -> illness
remov -> remove
statist -> statistical
belon -> belonging
conven -> conventional
elde -> eldest
beati -> beating
sang -> sang
solut -> solutions
enf -> enforcement
enterp -> enterprise
prepa -> preparation
concerni -> concerning
peo -> peoples
hin -> hindu
ong -> ongoing
longe -> longest
participat -> participating
tripl -> triple
alic -> alice
arran -> arrangement
musli -> muslims
tank -> tanks
page -> pages
housed -> housed
shal -> shall
sport -> sporting
suita -> suitable
horr -> horror
haw -> hawaii
acre -> acres
substi -> substitute
trade -> traded
apple -> apple
nego -> negotiations
driver -> drivers
voll -> volleyball
repe -> repeated
rare -> rarely
bak -> baker
deliv -> delivery
discus -> discussion
viol -> violent
tag -> tag
recove -> recovery
belt -> belt
grades -> grades
resor -> resort
conclu -> conclusion
unif -> uniform
fift -> fifteen
spac -> spaces
fitt -> fitted
tempe -> temperatures
demon -> demonstrated
focus -> focuses
revea -> reveals
qualify -> qualify
dism -> dismissed
exhi -> exhibitions
weap -> weapon
cross -> crossed
vas -> vast
rad -> radical
adven -> adventure
sac -> sacred
historia -> historians
danc -> dancing
subm -> submarine
manuf -> manufactured
immig -> immigration
whee -> wheel
fune -> funeral
mit -> mitchell
tig -> tigers
til -> till
well -> wells
indicat -> indicates
sugge -> suggest
compr -> comprehensive
kar -> karl
debt -> debt
copy -> copy
pati -> patient
soft -> soft
domin -> dominant
commons -> commons
margi -> margin
clean -> clean
diam -> diamond
interp -> interpretation
writi -> writings
grand -> grandfather
lio -> lions
arriv -> arriving
barr -> barry
scop -> scope
expert -> expert
photo -> photographs
activis -> activist
thinki -> thinking
price -> prices
exer -> exercise
airl -> airlines
paren -> parent
ties -> ties
northw -> northwestern
woods -> woods
promoti -> promoting
jum -> jump
lif -> lifetime
lande -> landed
genet -> genetic
marry -> marry
submi -> submitted
copp -> copper
egg -> eggs
tend -> tend
cot -> cotton
collect -> collective
excel -> excellent
reporti -> reporting
origina -> originated
devo -> devoted
symp -> symptoms
choir -> choir
withd -> withdrew
manh -> manhattan
wast -> waste
consu -> consumer
charlo -> charlotte
bap -> baptist
weal -> wealthy
robin -> robin
laye -> layer
shif -> shift
playof -> playoff
fos -> foster
vill -> villa
frame -> framework
sile -> silent
hip -> hip
muh -> muhammad
score -> scores
buse -> buses
farmi -> farming
believ -> believes
citiz -> citizen
expos -> exposure
topi -> topics
repa -> repair
fighte -> fighters
swee -> sweet
interst -> interstate
barb -> barbara
thirt -> thirty
elig -> eligible
auto -> automatic
flig -> flights
specia -> specialized
corr -> correct
than -> thanks
reque -> requested
permi -> permission
dip -> diplomatic
judi -> judicial
late -> latest
mora -> moral
nig -> nigeria
beet -> beetle
truc -> truck
jona -> jonathan
intent -> intention
rangi -> ranging
gues -> guests
bann -> banned
extens -> extensively
restr -> restricted
selec -> select
travel -> travelled
liber -> liberty
lowe -> lowest
sla -> slaves
expen -> expensive
guin -> guinea
eva -> evans
organic -> organic
remot -> remote
delt -> delta
cale -> calendar
alber -> alberta
guard -> guardian
gian -> giants
recogni -> recognised
disa -> disambiguation
distinc -> distinction
iran -> iranian
protest -> protests
hid -> hidden
favo -> favorite
grows -> grows
ade -> adelaide
wealt -> wealth
bases -> bases
leag -> leagues
drag -> dragon
releg -> relegated
pole -> pole
inspi -> inspiration
phoe -> phoenix
ny -> ny
parke -> parker
pup -> pupils
incu -> incumbent
shops -> shops
wors -> worship
manufa -> manufacturer
regulat -> regulation
unle -> unless
taxe -> taxes
reache -> reaches
ange -> angel
graduat -> graduation
ches -> chess
touris -> tourist
virt -> virtual
maps -> maps
dogs -> dogs
ligh -> lights
cance -> cancelled
cub -> cuba
alc -> alcohol
seeds -> seeds
ratin -> ratings
contribut -> contributing
looke -> looked
democr -> democrat
dol -> dollars
corre -> corresponding
vert -> vertical
eag -> eagle
coat -> coat
suffi -> sufficient
feeli -> feeling
pate -> patent
clint -> clinton
congr -> congregation
bed -> bed
designa -> designation
illu -> illustrated
alter -> alternate
animat -> animation
describ -> describing
pref -> preferred
philipp -> philippine
expand -> expand
usua -> usual
vary -> vary
linea -> linear
battl -> battles
disea -> diseases
valua -> valuable
ball -> ballet
disas -> disaster
pure -> pure
exhib -> exhibited
brisb -> brisbane
depart -> departed
thera -> therapy
evol -> evolved
angl -> angle
winds -> winds
favou -> favour
camps -> camps
athe -> athens
respect -> respective
suppos -> supposed
heb -> hebrew
acces -> accessible
dj -> dj
syr -> syria
intervi -> interviews
gram -> grammar
territ -> territorial
asses -> assessment
jerr -> jerry
norf -> norfolk
profi -> profile
tourn -> tournaments
improv -> improvement
outb -> outbreak
reser -> reservoir
save -> saved
identi -> identical
alas -> alaska
christi -> christianity
simu -> simultaneously
kid -> kids
recr -> recreation
munich -> munich
harris -> harrison
raw -> raw
closu -> closure
prefe -> prefecture
democra -> democrats
journa -> journalism
esse -> essentially
chas -> chase
confe -> confederate
chall -> challenges
samp -> sample
shipp -> shipping
dak -> dakota
lap -> lap
rocky -> rocky
belong -> belongs
cinc -> cincinnati
sitt -> sitting
bree -> breeding
loop -> loop
slow -> slowly
exclu -> exclusive
wron -> wrong
coop -> cooper
brigh -> bright
powere -> powered
congre -> congressional
resign -> resignation
leed -> leeds
shie -> shield
capi -> capita
pier -> pierre
wai -> waiting
stone -> stones
enr -> enrolled
partial -> partial
heig -> heights
tele -> telephone
southe -> southeastern
attenda -> attendance
aware -> awareness
rada -> radar
budd -> buddhist
compari -> comparison
helps -> helps
convi -> convicted
approa -> approached
autu -> autumn
flower -> flower
tons -> tons
proced -> procedure
defende -> defended
attempti -> attempting
raisi -> raising
measur -> measured
welf -> welfare
underg -> undergraduate
argu -> argument
nob -> noble
vocal -> vocalist
intell -> intellectual
diffi -> difficulties
wider -> wider
exit -> exit
distinct -> distinctive
cry -> crystal
pin -> pink
peru -> peru
execu -> execution
protein -> proteins
pm -> pm
interm -> intermediate
oli -> oliver
column -> columns
celeb -> celebration
beng -> bengal
restau -> restaurants
scienti -> scientist
floo -> flood
marit -> maritime
bonu -> bonus
boxi -> boxing
cardi -> cardinal
hole -> hole
ordi -> ordinary
stak -> stakes
thic -> thick
inhe -> inherited
flew -> flew
theol -> theology
barc -> barcelona
induc -> inducted
armen -> armenian
colom -> colombia
remova -> removal
libera -> liberation
turne -> turner
decide -> decide
slav -> slave
mainl -> mainland
ans -> answer
worst -> worst
destro -> destroy
visits -> visits
characte -> characteristic
meat -> meat
stres -> stress
poll -> poll
experim -> experiments
crosse -> crosses
neva -> nevada
leaf -> leaf
cof -> coffee
corru -> corruption
gif -> gift
narr -> narrative
exac -> exact
dua -> dual
vari -> variations
theor -> theories
impos -> impossible
point -> pointed
opti -> options
improve -> improvements
persp -> perspective
phys -> physician
successi -> succession
collab -> collaborated
neck -> neck
warni -> warning
friend -> friendship
pun -> punk
preserv -> preservation
sul -> sultan
bern -> bernard
terry -> terry
extend -> extend
programm -> programmes
milk -> milk
locom -> locomotive
descen -> descendants
bone -> bone
litera -> literacy
eagl -> eagles
affec -> affect
speake -> speakers
permit -> permitted
missil -> missile
archit -> architects
carrie -> carries
ense -> ensemble
lod -> lodge
reduci -> reducing
range -> ranges
atm -> atmosphere
tone -> tone
develop -> developments
depi -> depicted
commenc -> commenced
funda -> fundamental
marti -> martial
protesta -> protestant
relev -> relevant
burn -> burned
experime -> experiment
deco -> decorated
resou -> resource
compri -> comprises
sharp -> sharp
emph -> emphasis
warri -> warriors
nomin -> nominations
touch -> touch
placi -> placing
objec -> objective
tent -> tenth
oppone -> opponent
robe -> roberts
grav -> grave
glo -> globe
exact -> exactly
nep -> nepal
advo -> advocate
struct -> structural
auton -> autonomous
approac -> approaches
jaco -> jacob
ft -> ft
colli -> collins
coache -> coached
defender -> defender
weak -> weak
hugh -> hugh
exam -> examination
casu -> casualties
christia -> christians
pine -> pine
sau -> saudi
lu -> luis
thirte -> thirteen
pairs -> pairs
wol -> wolf
esca -> escaped
banki -> banking
printi -> printing
tic -> ticket
namel -> namely
targ -> targets
trio -> trio
info -> informed
ral -> rally
hosp -> hospitals
tower -> towers
cathe -> catherine
seeme -> seemed
coi -> coins
stem -> stem
civi -> civic
preserve -> preserve
deman -> demands
gate -> gates
expla -> explains
jay -> jay
socie -> societies
log -> logo
vet -> veteran
bobb -> bobby
receive -> receives
refor -> reforms
parki -> parking
coloni -> colonies
shari -> sharing
faces -> faces
assists -> assists
compou -> compound
resum -> resumed
mol -> molecular
instruc -> instruction
presid -> presidency
veg -> vegas
herb -> herbert
aboa -> aboard
hard -> hardware
reserv -> reserves
travels -> travels
argen -> argentine
reca -> recalled
gh -> ghost
emo -> emotional
rocke -> rocket
midf -> midfielder
signal -> signals
boar -> boards
disb -> disbanded
pul -> pulled
talk -> talks
enters -> enters
varia -> variable
present -> presents
comput -> computers
sung -> sung
rost -> roster
decla -> declaration
ult -> ultimate
kilo -> kilometers
collap -> collapse
elevat -> elevated
phr -> phrase
asid -> aside
murd -> murdered
literal -> literally
mathe -> mathematical
referr -> referring
quart -> quarterback
sequ -> sequel
compil -> compiled
pete -> petersburg
affil -> affiliate
roge -> rogers
landm -> landmark
dic -> dick
denv -> denver
hud -> hudson
artif -> artificial
varian -> variant
regard -> regard
warsa -> warsaw
sier -> sierra
ruler -> ruler
rab -> rabbi
contrac -> contracts
manus -> manuscript
songw -> songwriter
tribut -> tributary
err -> error
parad -> parade
deem -> deemed
supplie -> supplied
composi -> compositions
swit -> switched
pear -> pearl
consiste -> consistent
deck -> deck
telli -> telling
dela -> delaware
ams -> amsterdam
kei -> keith
larr -> larry
shah -> shah
revis -> revised
bul -> bulgarian
instal -> installation
goth -> gothic
variat -> variation
vin -> vincent
wang -> wang
grants -> grants
looks -> looks
concep -> concepts
flor -> florence
curri -> curriculum
consum -> consumption
associ -> associations
raid -> raid
athlet -> athlete
ped -> pedro
aims -> aims
effi -> efficiency
earth -> earthquake
traveli -> traveling
inno -> innovation
neb -> nebraska
exti -> extinct
jeff -> jefferson
cloc -> clock
mans -> mansion
diffic -> difficulty
seria -> serial
newc -> newcastle
connects -> connects
matr -> matrix
dres -> dress
veni -> venice
trou -> trouble
archiv -> archives
crick -> cricketer
nick -> nickname
knig -> knights
mili -> militia
diss -> dissolved
rena -> renaissance
cant -> canton
profes -> professionals
grov -> grove
exhibi -> exhibit
control -> controls
falle -> fallen
ideal -> ideal
refl -> reflect
northea -> northeastern
amoun -> amounts
intera -> interaction
pred -> predecessor
chance -> chancellor
admin -> administered
inp -> input
mond -> monday
frei -> freight
magn -> magnetic
ll -> lloyd
batti -> batting
obl -> oblast
worn -> worn
neig -> neighboring
sor -> sort
yal -> yale
wido -> widow
crai -> craig
recon -> reconstruction
pray -> prayer
susp -> suspension
drin -> drinking
convin -> convinced
tempor -> temporarily
otta -> ottawa
pus -> pushed
edito -> editorial
beer -> beer
cust -> customs
wish -> wish
faili -> failing
haro -> harold
southwe -> southwestern
teste -> tested
broadc -> broadcasts
croa -> croatian
achiev -> achievements
integr -> integration
reno -> renowned
plas -> plastic
reci -> recipient
jai -> jail
exil -> exile
data -> database
warf -> warfare
dial -> dialogue
mosq -> mosque
bomb -> bombing
depo -> depot
bulg -> bulgaria
thereb -> thereby
explai -> explain
gos -> gospel
citin -> citing
recru -> recruited
boul -> boulevard
alu -> alumni
sem -> seminary
rebel -> rebels
commandi -> commanding
gath -> gathered
psy -> psychological
equa -> equation
denn -> dennis
spots -> spots
after -> afternoon
hans -> hans
fello -> fellowship
centre -> centres
anime -> anime
vete -> veterans
sixte -> sixteen
cultu -> cultures
perr -> perry
diet -> diet
aspe -> aspect
craf -> craft
hele -> helen
pilo -> pilots
rand -> random
venu -> venues
advent -> adventures
special -> specialist
switc -> switch
noi -> noise
shu -> shut
abol -> abolished
manufac -> manufacturers
estat -> estates
comment -> comments
conseq -> consequently
pitc -> pitched
keny -> kenya
farms -> farms
ralp -> ralph
bills -> bills
attack -> attacking
delay -> delayed
palm -> palm
refug -> refugees
putt -> putting
verse -> verse
stops -> stops
predo -> predominantly
cutt -> cutting
upd -> updated
shef -> sheffield
enemi -> enemies
mission -> missionary
posts -> posts
wak -> wake
singer -> singers
fortr -> fortress
mys -> mystery
gea -> gear
liq -> liquid
interest -> interesting
retr -> retreat
certi -> certificate
surp -> surprise
prel -> preliminary
gau -> gauge
feelin -> feelings
neare -> nearest
porti -> portions
edwa -> edwards
paym -> payment
gras -> grass
unity -> unity
bli -> blind
gover -> governing
leb -> lebanon
detail -> detail
neph -> nephew
indicati -> indicating
saili -> sailing
surre -> surrender
files -> files
ron -> ron
nation -> nationwide
neigh -> neighbouring
interc -> interchange
dange -> danger
mang -> manga
but -> butler
load -> load
plaz -> plaza
experts -> experts
documen -> documented
drov -> drove
engag -> engagement
agg -> aggregate
shan -> shanghai
layo -> layout
wave -> waves
abil -> abilities
extendi -> extending
ports -> ports
ax -> axis
shad -> shadow
aski -> asking
grands -> grandson
scou -> scout
prest -> prestigious
smo -> smooth
dies -> diesel
funct -> functional
interf -> interface
method -> methodist
stua -> stuart
susa -> susan
retiri -> retiring
maintai -> maintaining
emb -> embassy
noti -> notice
theatr -> theatrical
garr -> garrison
confu -> confused
shoot -> shoot
faste -> faster
sle -> sleep
manua -> manual
by -> byzantine
politic -> politicians
radi -> radiation
obse -> observation
leo -> leo
genera -> generations
madi -> madison
reade -> readers
lord -> lords
rush -> rush
diver -> diversity
nami -> naming
nationa -> nationalist
libr -> libraries
ss -> ss
challe -> challenged
syri -> syrian
custo -> custom
moder -> moderate
berk -> berkeley
tub -> tube
excell -> excellence
active -> actively
epis -> episcopal
crop -> crops
tier -> tier
percei -> perceived
relay -> relay
bull -> bull
fourt -> fourteen
victori -> victories
edd -> eddie
collegi -> collegiate
victim -> victim
airli -> airline
steve -> steven
appeals -> appeals
presenta -> presentation
doct -> doctors
sud -> suddenly
stateme -> statements
short -> shorter
aids -> aids
rick -> rick
monta -> montana
warm -> warm
buri -> burial
bars -> bars
kit -> kitchen
firi -> firing
alti -> altitude
oxy -> oxygen
boss -> boss
mut -> mutual
quic -> quick
journal -> journalists
sust -> sustained
rever -> reverse
catc -> catch
manue -> manuel
empt -> empty
fortu -> fortune
crite -> criteria
segm -> segments
alp -> alpha
swo -> sword
burni -> burning
discon -> discontinued
impri -> imprisoned
numbe -> numbered
emerg -> emerging
murp -> murphy
focusi -> focusing
desti -> destination
discuss -> discuss
adviso -> advisor
heroe -> heroes
accomm -> accommodate
tales -> tales
enz -> enzyme
grap -> graphics
arrive -> arrives
sampl -> samples
gaini -> gaining
pack -> package
signat -> signature
locali -> locality
behav -> behaviour
touchd -> touchdowns
fewe -> fewer
artw -> artwork
romanc -> romance
prepar -> prepare
quan -> quantum
refle -> reflected
tap -> tape
rider -> riders
intens -> intense
accur -> accurate
beate -> beaten
fate -> fate
extends -> extends
tomb -> tomb
yu -> yugoslavia
confer -> conferences
situat -> situations
consider -> considering
clie -> clients
clou -> cloud
oral -> oral
migr -> migration
tige -> tiger
gil -> gilbert
welli -> wellington
collea -> colleagues
regardl -> regardless
displa -> displays
tomm -> tommy
nas -> nashville
provis -> provisions
greg -> gregory
reform -> reformed
surviva -> survival
argue -> argues
contribute -> contribute
rival -> rivals
union -> unions
stran -> strange
lion -> lion
relatin -> relating
soa -> soap
docto -> doctorate
trum -> trump
stanf -> stanford
spect -> spectrum
proo -> proof
vene -> venezuela
verm -> vermont
syn -> syndrome
luk -> luke
preven -> prevented
citize -> citizenship
prison -> prisoner
reveng -> revenge
promis -> promised
mara -> marathon
hughe -> hughes
pitch -> pitcher
divin -> divine
iraqi -> iraqi
doctr -> doctrine
spel -> spell
sendi -> sending
chapte -> chapters
commenta -> commentary
separa -> separation
effic -> efficient
indepe -> independently
less -> lesser
photog -> photographer
mere -> merely
circul -> circulation
underst -> understood
fairl -> fairly
viru -> virus
worksh -> workshop
eat -> eat
jose -> jose
plain -> plains
interve -> intervention
reme -> remembered
chief -> chiefs
addre -> addressed
deali -> dealing
talki -> talking
conduct -> conductor
underw -> underwent
benc -> bench
stored -> stored
operator -> operators
aco -> acoustic
farmer -> farmer
beliefs -> beliefs
maso -> mason
committ -> committees
variant -> variants
realiz -> realized
orda -> ordained
foota -> footage
pale -> palestine
threw -> threw
diso -> disorder
auc -> auckland
identif -> identification
celt -> celtic
hande -> handed
back -> backing
founder -> founders
ted -> ted
tee -> teeth
divo -> divorce
orb -> orbit
seal -> seal
restri -> restrictions
forci -> forcing
ms -> ms
light -> lighting
graph -> graphic
allega -> allegations
depen -> dependent
maintain -> maintains
handl -> handling
commitm -> commitment
rook -> rookie
statio -> stationed
indie -> indies
headq -> headquartered
agree -> agree
cany -> canyon
angel -> angels
lec -> lecturer
engage -> engage
essex -> essex
prag -> prague
angli -> anglican
rh -> rhythm
mixt -> mixture
dann -> danny
allege -> allegedly
requiri -> requiring
haml -> hamlet
chor -> chorus
serio -> seriously
gramm -> grammy
geogr -> geographic
bath -> bath
employe -> employee
cuts -> cuts
tis -> tissue
jet -> jet
procedu -> procedures
proto -> prototype
triba -> tribal
cool -> cool
larv -> larvae
handle -> handle
referen -> referendum
sandy -> sandy
break -> breaks
beam -> beam
exteri -> exterior
cork -> cork
explo -> exploration
journals -> journals
cardin -> cardinals
electro -> electronics
sure -> sure
frees -> freestyle
follow -> followers
demand -> demanded
reacti -> reactions
discr -> discrimination
heave -> heaven
massac -> massacre
eventua -> eventual
iva -> ivan
bish -> bishops
armi -> armies
lect -> lectures
voy -> voyage
theolo -> theological
holla -> holland
audie -> audiences
task -> tasks
nigh -> nights
shots -> shots
registr -> registration
severe -> severely
consul -> consultant
arrang -> arrangements
fastes -> fastest
dyn -> dynamic
prais -> praise
lawsu -> lawsuit
wheel -> wheels
repea -> repeatedly
perma -> permanently
conq -> conquest
guid -> guidance
vietn -> vietnamese
raym -> raymond
heir -> heir
neil -> neil
ree -> reed
survivo -> survivors
indon -> indonesian
brings -> brings
compan -> companion
abra -> abraham
dubb -> dubbed
retain -> retain
quee -> queens
throw -> throw
abso -> absolute
insc -> inscription
subur -> suburbs
gods -> gods
purpl -> purple
more -> moreover
voic -> voiced
roos -> roosevelt
inven -> invented
prid -> pride
trust -> trustees
arn -> arnold
fifty -> fifty
requirem -> requirement
templ -> temples
manages -> manages
heavy -> heavyweight
rene -> renewed
concent -> concentrated
honore -> honored
create -> creates
varie -> varied
witn -> witness
enl -> enlisted
personal -> personally
fron -> frontier
benea -> beneath
enco -> encourage
brand -> brands
improvi -> improving
susta -> sustainable
tip -> tip
headi -> heading
harve -> harvey
findin -> findings
mir -> mirror
threat -> threats
relea -> releasing
national -> nationally
rough -> rough
celebr -> celebrate
owns -> owns
pries -> priests
pana -> panama
navi -> navigation
favour -> favourite
anno -> announcement
pc -> pc
invest -> investors
somer -> somerset
compris -> comprising
discov -> discovers
ena -> enabled
joa -> joan
x -> xi
stol -> stolen
heli -> helicopter
semi -> semifinals
pace -> pace
civil -> civilians
shoc -> shock
scan -> scandal
dream -> dreams
investi -> investigate
deep -> deeply
interac -> interactions
shift -> shifted
scoti -> scotia
shel -> shelter
confli -> conflicts
montg -> montgomery
transfo -> transformed
travell -> travelling
stabi -> stability
sei -> seized
columb -> columbus
drink -> drink
dyi -> dying
theore -> theoretical
performe -> performers
wet -> wet
passio -> passion
nur -> nursing
provisi -> provision
genes -> genes
healt -> healthcare
voice -> voices
puni -> punishment
varies -> varies
colour -> colours
inha -> inhabited
oak -> oakland
pales -> palestinian
pir -> pirates
plates -> plates
thesi -> thesis
worksho -> workshops
expandi -> expanding
upc -> upcoming
wats -> watson
authori -> authorized
hote -> hotels
muse -> museums
hy -> hybrid
otto -> otto
virtu -> virtually
cler -> clerk
goalk -> goalkeeper
meri -> merit
protoc -> protocol
gri -> grid
circula -> circular
admini -> administrator
diale -> dialect
stock -> stockholm
altere -> altered
impre -> impressive
closes -> closest
suburb -> suburban
mess -> messages
geogra -> geographical
receiver -> receiver
encou -> encountered
fami -> familiar
bin -> binding
logi -> logic
suspe -> suspected
flas -> flash
bue -> buenos
holdin -> holdings
os -> oscar
convo -> convoy
compen -> compensation
transfor -> transformation
wir -> wire
kille -> killer
hamb -> hamburg
widt -> width
musc -> muscle
marv -> marvel
rui -> ruins
discove -> discover
pian -> pianist
know -> knows
inch -> inches
theorem -> theorem
leon -> leonard
self -> self
stream -> streams
quo -> quoted
conj -> conjunction
priv -> privately
furn -> furniture
flu -> fluid
relatives -> relatives
hell -> hell
sher -> sheriff
custom -> customer
conducti -> conducting
archive -> archive
epic -> epic
legen -> legendary
wore -> wore
deals -> deals
abor -> aboriginal
bowl -> bowling
variet -> varieties
pote -> potentially
moni -> monitoring
suss -> sussex
specim -> specimens
govern -> governance
constru -> construct
sean -> sean
mons -> monster
targe -> targeted
indiana -> indianapolis
tob -> tobacco
floor -> floors
gab -> gabriel
ety -> etymology
recogniz -> recognize
obser -> observations
restore -> restore
encoun -> encounter
disap -> disappeared
detec -> detective
interact -> interactive
occasio -> occasional
innov -> innovative
mercu -> mercury
infe -> infection
pron -> pronounced
lesso -> lessons
westm -> westminster
rainf -> rainfall
preg -> pregnant
delive -> deliver
impres -> impressed
mani -> manila
inl -> inland
divor -> divorced
wic -> wickets
attra -> attraction
interim -> interim
lime -> limestone
pursu -> pursued
shee -> sheep
georg -> georgian
beari -> bearing
milw -> milwaukee
vec -> vector
notin -> noting
shape -> shaped
homet -> hometown
cyc -> cycling
spenc -> spencer
expor -> export
isle -> isle
associa -> associates
ae -> aerial
burns -> burns
daw -> dawn
competito -> competitors
hope -> hoped
story -> storyline
lanc -> lancashire
legio -> legion
bassi -> bassist
kills -> kills
incid -> incidents
confid -> confidence
activist -> activists
amm -> ammunition
horn -> horn
ranc -> ranch
tac -> tackles
ska -> skating
jam -> jamaica
estim -> estimates
dame -> dame
arabi -> arabia
revie -> reviewed
refuge -> refuge
pane -> panels
mario -> mario
brun -> brunswick
rov -> rovers
decr -> decrease
mome -> moments
strong -> stronger
laur -> laura
relega -> relegation
lift -> lift
patron -> patron
dance -> dancer
chec -> check
celebri -> celebrity
sigh -> sight
server -> server
mau -> maurice
plati -> platinum
gathe -> gathering
atti -> attitude
newp -> newport
promise -> promise
highwa -> highways
todd -> todd
entity -> entity
mentio -> mentions
strok -> stroke
autom -> automatically
anch -> anchor
foods -> foods
phe -> phenomenon
optic -> optical
hart -> hart
alg -> algorithm
particl -> particles
dur -> durham
sugges -> suggesting
chest -> chester
ram -> ram
monum -> monuments
config -> configuration
enab -> enable
rankin -> rankings
reveal -> reveal
explos -> explosion
disci -> discipline
scre -> screenplay
lyi -> lying
testa -> testament
congo -> congo
din -> dinner
bones -> bones
streak -> streak
migu -> miguel
slave -> slavery
consequ -> consequence
kic -> kick
staged -> staged
airf -> airfield
firms -> firms
backe -> backed
accomp -> accomplished
tren -> trend
watch -> watching
dura -> duration
lineu -> lineup
nickn -> nicknamed
publish -> publishers
pou -> pounds
clark -> clarke
compoun -> compounds
aa -> aaron
casti -> casting
depos -> deposits
prevent -> prevention
peti -> petition
hopes -> hopes
joha -> johann
easie -> easier
glac -> glacier
feels -> feels
compac -> compact
senato -> senators
onw -> onwards
adop -> adoption
drawin -> drawings
practi -> practiced
chambe -> chambers
proposa -> proposals
unf -> unfortunately
gros -> gross
develope -> developers
grande -> grande
vali -> valid
withdr -> withdrawn
upg -> upgraded
investig -> investigations
varyi -> varying
stret -> stretch
carv -> carved
tact -> tactical
composer -> composers
conseque -> consequences
manufact -> manufacture
enda -> endangered
sanc -> sanctuary
paki -> pakistani
love -> loved
knee -> knee
shaw -> shaw
equal -> equally
hitl -> hitler
sox -> sox
supporte -> supporter
justi -> justin
governe -> governed
generat -> generate
kat -> kate
define -> define
revolt -> revolt
observ -> observatory
cano -> canon
twent -> twentieth
smar -> smart
upr -> uprising
symbo -> symbols
flood -> flooding
ern -> ernest
decre -> decree
gha -> ghana
nan -> nancy
zon -> zones
enro -> enrollment
curre -> currency
ack -> acknowledged
topic -> topic
tourist -> tourists
grai -> grain
miner -> mineral
inse -> insects
transpo -> transported
profit -> profit
isa -> isaac
lp -> lp
vii -> vii
skil -> skill
vit -> vital
reconn -> reconnaissance
fees -> fees
confus -> confusion
marb -> marble
photos -> photos
forth -> forth
integra -> integral
alba -> albanian
procee -> proceeded
code -> codes
subsp -> subspecies
wait -> wait
hub -> hub
rot -> rotation
counts -> counts
rape -> rape
pon -> pond
payi -> paying
sprin -> sprint
vl -> vladimir
board -> boarding
eval -> evaluation
flora -> flora
motor -> motors
wilh -> wilhelm
guild -> guild
trips -> trips
profess -> profession
chro -> chronicle
solel -> solely
array -> array
terra -> terrain
ars -> arsenal
monit -> monitor
topp -> topped
reader -> reader
developer -> developer
prey -> prey
alie -> alien
finale -> finale
lisa -> lisa
accl -> acclaimed
assem -> assembled
push -> push
involve -> involve
doz -> dozen
layer -> layers
torp -> torpedo
enjo -> enjoy
envir -> environments
properl -> properly
impris -> imprisonment
jav -> java
jacq -> jacques
breed -> breed
tamp -> tampa
tast -> taste
ring -> rings
willin -> willing
kis -> kiss
bol -> bold
hosti -> hosting
hyd -> hydrogen
quarte -> quarters
vege -> vegetation
clien -> client
stric -> strict
strik -> striking
cope -> copenhagen
interpr -> interpreted
automo -> automobile
cole -> cole
cyp -> cyprus
computi -> computing
shoul -> shoulder
dome -> dome
deer -> deer
violi -> violin
gast -> gastropod
frau -> fraud
presb -> presbyterian
accla -> acclaim
poets -> poets
equali -> equality
consen -> consent
teleg -> telegraph
owe -> owen
dista -> distant
viny -> vinyl
certa -> certainly
down -> download
copyr -> copyright
promp -> prompted
occurr -> occurring
philo -> philosophical
superi -> superintendent
zoo -> zoo
runw -> runway
neu -> neutral
brook -> brook
seque -> sequences
life -> lifestyle
platea -> plateau
capabi -> capabilities
milli -> millions
sas -> saskatchewan
natura -> naturally
dim -> dimensions
bankr -> bankruptcy
habi -> habitats
probab -> probability
cuba -> cuban
admis -> admission
rivalr -> rivalry
assas -> assassination
portrai -> portraits
dele -> delegates
ato -> atomic
constan -> constantly
shr -> shrine
critici -> criticised
renov -> renovation
pursui -> pursuit
accoun -> accounting
health -> healthy
prepari -> preparing
sits -> sits
airi -> airing
princet -> princeton
md -> md
measuri -> measuring
therm -> thermal
forty -> forty
exhibit -> exhibits
acqui -> acquire
alig -> align
collecti -> collecting
specif -> specified
recre -> recreational
nine -> nineteenth
surf -> surfaces
apart -> apartments
center -> centered
happe -> happen
santi -> santiago
runne -> runner
past -> pastor
proceed -> proceedings
explor -> explore
curv -> curve
key -> keys
couns -> counsel
newt -> newton
shall -> shallow
eight -> eighteen
impose -> imposed
expel -> expelled
metre -> metre
ups -> upset
lock -> lock
consens -> consensus
strateg -> strategies
sheet -> sheet
marc -> marc
carto -> cartoon
gala -> galaxy
instruct -> instructions
ballo -> ballot
surrey -> surrey
depend -> depends
doubt -> doubt
midn -> midnight
inspe -> inspector
corri -> corridor
genev -> geneva
planta -> plantation
fishe -> fisher
ecol -> ecology
inclus -> inclusion
boom -> boom
strugg -> struggled
batta -> battalions
decrea -> decreased
gle -> glen
ethi -> ethics
feedi -> feeding
louis -> louise
gio -> giovanni
synt -> synthesis
badl -> badly
palme -> palmer
dipl -> diploma
hind -> hindi
regimen -> regiments
matu -> mature
instructo -> instructor
thrown -> thrown
pret -> pretty
canno -> cannon
tabl -> tables
treas -> treasury
rit -> ritual
domini -> dominican
rona -> ronald
clear -> cleared
banne -> banner
creato -> creator
butt -> butterfly
promotio -> promotional
kinds -> kinds
undert -> undertaken
motorc -> motorcycle
considera -> considerably
manusc -> manuscripts
have -> haven
politica -> politically
bact -> bacteria
bond -> bonds
rut -> ruth
cloth -> clothes
discog -> discography
lith -> lithuania
assign -> assignment
diving -> diving
learns -> learns
strike -> strikes
uti -> utility
magni -> magnitude
serva -> servant
nes -> nest
equit -> equity
intensi -> intensity
opposi -> opposing
agreem -> agreements
ida -> idaho
directin -> directing
foundat -> foundations
enterpr -> enterprises
essa -> essays
sna -> snake
entri -> entries
geol -> geological
absor -> absorbed
knowi -> knowing
capit -> capitol
convers -> conversation
remem -> remember
reads -> reads
alpi -> alpine
rebo -> rebounds
marin -> marines
malt -> malta
desire -> desired
brus -> brussels
osl -> oslo
godd -> goddess
cru -> cruise
content -> contents
handled -> handled
forev -> forever
legend -> legends
vici -> vicinity
aggr -> aggressive
destroy -> destroyer
emm -> emma
disab -> disabled
revive -> revived
republ -> republicans
fern -> fernando
toll -> toll
speed -> speedway
inq -> inquiry
opens -> opens
deleg -> delegation
hori -> horizontal
memori -> memories
uncl -> unclear
propa -> propaganda
withdra -> withdrawal
repai -> repairs
esco -> escort
consp -> conspiracy
clus -> cluster
sib -> siblings
explan -> explanation
franz -> franz
joins -> joins
eati -> eating
kings -> kingston
coli -> colin
essay -> essay
team -> teammate
moro -> morocco
brad -> bradford
lighth -> lighthouse
discussi -> discussions
initiat -> initiatives
flag -> flagship
exces -> excess
collaps -> collapsed
separat -> separately
nece -> necessarily
scal -> scales
remi -> remix
directio -> directions
mecha -> mechanisms
bibl -> biblical
slop -> slopes
lover -> lover
savi -> saving
performer -> performer
estima -> estimate
cabi -> cabin
loy -> loyal
witne -> witnesses
fb -> fbi
intervie -> interviewed
counte -> counter
succee -> succeed
yan -> yang
physi -> physically
concei -> conceived
unifi -> unified
secul -> secular
stake -> stake
hat -> hat
aux -> auxiliary
outc -> outcome
lut -> lutheran
accor -> accordance
tacti -> tactics
counci -> councils
considerat -> consideration
legal -> legally
memp -> memphis
scat -> scattered
fus -> fusion
certif -> certification
hitt -> hitting
basem -> basement
floweri -> flowering
amaz -> amazon
manager -> managers
bulk -> bulk
juli -> julia
hyp -> hypothesis
femi -> feminist
renova -> renovated
wire -> wireless
girlf -> girlfriend
facts -> facts
lease -> lease
recu -> recurring
armst -> armstrong
argum -> arguments
spin -> spin
respons -> responsibilities
what -> whatever
believi -> believing
foss -> fossil
refus -> refuses
armeni -> armenia
popula -> populated
remar -> remarkable
kenne -> kenneth
mous -> mouse
julia -> julian
joy -> joy
terro -> terrorist
invit -> invitation
cante -> canterbury
orie -> orientation
bros -> bros
conde -> condemned
serg -> sergeant
investm -> investments
diag -> diagnosis
sensi -> sensitive
manit -> manitoba
judgm -> judgment
holm -> holmes
ply -> plymouth
brooks -> brooks
trails -> trails
quartet -> quartet
caps -> caps
vu -> vulnerable
drives -> drives
alban -> albania
advise -> advised
wu -> wu
dict -> dictionary
beta -> beta
enh -> enhanced
mechan -> mechanics
trul -> truly
sala -> salary
casi -> casino
josh -> josh
prior -> priority
poor -> poorly
monk -> monks
editin -> editing
devon -> devon
hera -> herald
cruc -> crucial
superv -> supervision
davie -> davies
holes -> holes
marsh -> marshal
myt -> mythology
arct -> arctic
recover -> recover
implem -> implement
introd -> introduce
eug -> eugene
predi -> predicted
snai -> snail
performs -> performs
circl -> circles
commerc -> commercially
edge -> edges
ladi -> ladies
substa -> substance
baron -> baronet
euro -> euro
conso -> consolidated
breas -> breast
aver -> averaged
rifl -> rifles
convert -> convert
nationals -> nationals
prox -> proximity
inau -> inaugurated
consume -> consumers
scul -> sculptor
clif -> cliff
round -> rounded
blocke -> blocked
underl -> underlying
trian -> triangle
quie -> quiet
grave -> graves
balls -> balls
somet -> sometime
nurs -> nurse
attrac -> attract
fires -> fires
jets -> jets
fisc -> fiscal
subf -> subfamily
melo -> melody
camer -> cameras
minima -> minimal
watche -> watched
posta -> postal
abst -> abstract
successiv -> successive
dun -> duncan
elimi -> elimination
reserve -> reserved
premis -> premises
smok -> smoke
noveli -> novelist
alla -> allan
barri -> barrier
offens -> offense
cream -> cream
truck -> trucks
none -> nonetheless
catho -> catholics
angr -> angry
carol -> caroline
twit -> twitter
consisten -> consistently
hali -> halifax
vel -> velocity
depic -> depicting
wedn -> wednesday
obv -> obvious
ug -> uganda
chuc -> chuck
extra -> extraordinary
bai -> bailey
murde -> murders
marki -> marking
hoo -> hood
observe -> observer
pollu -> pollution
myst -> mysterious
bic -> bicycle
stepp -> stepped
nos -> nose
object -> objectives
activa -> activated
rend -> rendered
bry -> bryan
cornw -> cornwall
agrees -> agrees
luc -> lucy
payme -> payments
gami -> gaming
lectu -> lecture
draws -> draws
merch -> merchants
nap -> naples
graduate -> graduates
rub -> rubber
volc -> volcanic
surge -> surgeon
quest -> questioned
tigh -> tight
armo -> armoured
lase -> laser
dress -> dressed
alloc -> allocated
provisio -> provisional
deplo -> deployment
jointl -> jointly
mph -> mph
sic -> sick
planes -> planes
avai -> availability
emi -> emigrated
string -> strings
regulato -> regulatory
rapp -> rapper
anth -> anthology
parish -> parishes
solom -> solomon
removi -> removing
cerem -> ceremonies
emba -> embarked
ance -> ancestry
governo -> governors
rulers -> rulers
swin -> swing
lesl -> leslie
proh -> prohibited
grani -> granite
considers -> considers
ova -> oval
plante -> planted
investiga -> investigated
philos -> philosopher
pru -> prussia
contesta -> contestants
chen -> chen
heart -> hearts
colore -> colored
aros -> arose
belgr -> belgrade
drago -> dragons
sku -> skull
millen -> millennium
facti -> faction
disor -> disorders
knoc -> knocked
tick -> tickets
shed -> shed
amy -> amy
albany -> albany
rises -> rises
mand -> mandate
nato -> nato
labe -> labels
pip -> pipe
glor -> glory
loos -> loose
propor -> proportion
lawye -> lawyers
mole -> molecules
sculp -> sculptures
warrio -> warrior
windso -> windsor
emil -> emily
edm -> edmund
suda -> sudan
batter -> batteries
gib -> gibson
crown -> crowned
calc -> calculated
huma -> humanity
uss -> ussr
impor -> imported
duc -> duchy
ido -> idol
rushi -> rushing
ib -> ibm
boxe -> boxer
premier -> premiership
calg -> calgary
clini -> clinic
rach -> rachel
guide -> guided
cycl -> cyclone
bombe -> bomber
spons -> sponsor
strict -> strictly
measure -> measurement
prec -> preceding
genre -> genres
disting -> distinguish
fresh -> freshman
cooki -> cooking
bomber -> bombers
notio -> notion
woodl -> woodland
lasti -> lasting
alta -> altar
belf -> belfast
nice -> nice
emmy -> emmy
doll -> dollar
courth -> courthouse
knock -> knockout
bore -> bore
demons -> demonstration
demonst -> demonstrate
custod -> custody
neighb -> neighbourhood
speaks -> speaks
holde -> holder
caree -> careers
barra -> barracks
accura -> accuracy
porte -> porter
wilde -> wilderness
taxo -> taxonomy
cog -> cognitive
raide -> raiders
napo -> napoleon
fitn -> fitness
ahm -> ahmed
technol -> technological
facili -> facilitate
consult -> consulting
richa -> richardson
gara -> garage
esto -> estonia
nasa -> nasa
twins -> twins
formats -> formats
favor -> favorable
tyl -> tyler
item -> item
wond -> wonder
loan -> loans
nath -> nathan
ameri -> americas
withdraw -> withdraw
raids -> raids
thur -> thursday
achievi -> achieving
alexa -> alexandria
curt -> curtis
introdu -> introducing
walks -> walks
presente -> presenter
longt -> longtime
comedi -> comedian
fili -> filipino
resear -> researcher
erro -> errors
artifa -> artifacts
sponso -> sponsorship
charit -> charitable
simps -> simpson
dus -> dust
depict -> depicts
orla -> orlando
machi -> machinery
bla -> blacks
factori -> factories
scout -> scouts
bradl -> bradley
tune -> tune
cox -> cox
surren -> surrendered
geolo -> geology
authore -> authored
entre -> entrepreneur
proceeds -> proceeds
dens -> dense
tens -> tension
spit -> spite
faca -> facade
ela -> elaborate
milt -> milton
quit -> quit
coor -> coordinator
frankf -> frankfurt
lux -> luxury
matern -> maternal
buddh -> buddhism
sector -> sectors
roch -> rochester
wingsp -> wingspan
spring -> springfield
lightn -> lightning
clim -> climbing
attract -> attractions
tin -> tiny
geom -> geometry
settin -> settings
empr -> empress
accid -> accidentally
accept -> acceptance
consc -> consciousness
heath -> heath
capabil -> capability
spell -> spelling
auct -> auction
anta -> antarctic
variab -> variables
crews -> crews
disk -> disk
referee -> referee
lt -> lt
reflec -> reflects
likew -> likewise
continuou -> continuously
donat -> donations
trace -> trace
welc -> welcome
cott -> cottage
autob -> autobiography
prize -> prizes
wy -> wyoming
lind -> linda
viii -> viii
harm -> harmony
sudd -> sudden
argui -> arguing
spy -> spy
unv -> unveiled
ice -> iceland
stin -> stint
placem -> placement
treasu -> treasurer
thri -> thriller
ash -> ash
membr -> membrane
bras -> brass
baroq -> baroque
vale -> vale
fau -> fault
neighbo -> neighborhoods
diagn -> diagnosed
mam -> mammals
organiz -> organizing
blak -> blake
volunta -> voluntary
tack -> tackle
critica -> critically
relia -> reliable
leng -> lengths
shak -> shakespeare
teen -> teen
explore -> explored
obta -> obtaining
stee -> steep
monte -> monte
bounde -> bounded
tang -> tang
circus -> circus
disput -> disputed
fev -> fever
squad -> squadrons
recept -> receptor
fossi -> fossils
suite -> suite
lens -> lens
boe -> boeing
accommo -> accommodation
balti -> baltic
compli -> complicated
controll -> controlling
advoc -> advocated
wres -> wrestler
contrar -> contrary
cita -> citation
costu -> costume
whea -> wheat
confed -> confederation
fights -> fights
world -> worlds
bombs -> bombs
dock -> dock
rowi -> rowing
rod -> rod
markete -> marketed
editor -> editors
response -> responses
lanca -> lancaster
overc -> overcome
advanc -> advancing
dealt -> dealt
accompa -> accompanying
newe -> newer
preventi -> preventing
exami -> examined
continen -> continent
pull -> pull
gravi -> gravity
compla -> complaints
lots -> lots
procl -> proclaimed
highli -> highlights
volt -> voltage
jess -> jesse
unsu -> unsuccessfully
recomm -> recommendations
presenti -> presenting
dime -> dimension
nomine -> nominee
glen -> glenn
poles -> poles
protect -> protecting
cei -> ceiling
detect -> detection
climb -> climb
frag -> fragments
standin -> standings
clerg -> clergy
provider -> provider
classic -> classics
promin -> prominence
gae -> gaelic
jen -> jennifer
yi -> yield
comprise -> comprised
nobe -> nobel
surve -> surveillance
locals -> locals
loves -> loves
strai -> strait
owi -> owing
corres -> correspondence
coope -> cooperative
mose -> moses
subt -> subtropical
organize -> organize
crat -> crater
lyo -> lyon
contract -> contracted
keyb -> keyboard
pott -> pottery
pav -> pavilion
sands -> sandstone
seeks -> seeks
silk -> silk
testi -> testimony
rect -> rector
outl -> outlets
fras -> fraser
wishe -> wishes
recta -> rectangular
missiona -> missionaries
teena -> teenage
challen -> challenging
rescu -> rescued
licen -> licence
openl -> openly
seati -> seating
spelle -> spelled
hall -> halls
inta -> intact
ecu -> ecuador
designer -> designers
entiti -> entities
highla -> highland
promisi -> promising
exerc -> exercises
od -> odd
burt -> burton
portf -> portfolio
trainer -> trainer
counted -> counted
attracti -> attractive
opin -> opinions
preside -> presidents
prota -> protagonist
acade -> academics
frui -> fruits
syno -> synopsis
carrier -> carriers
innoc -> innocent
dini -> dining
insis -> insisted
dispute -> disputes
reh -> rehabilitation
disso -> dissolution
culti -> cultivation
everyd -> everyday
pros -> prospect
coin -> coin
mask -> mask
liste -> listening
traces -> traces
scree -> screening
clau -> clause
spott -> spotted
abse -> absent
explorer -> explorer
adopt -> adopt
invad -> invaded
translat -> translations
percep -> perception
ky -> kyle
lanes -> lanes
cia -> cia
reu -> reunited
commande -> commanders
romans -> romans
airb -> airborne
specime -> specimen
ince -> inception
vac -> vacant
retire -> retire
speeds -> speeds
proven -> proven
briga -> brigadier
livest -> livestock
besid -> beside
deri -> derives
bik -> bike
respecte -> respected
batted -> batted
monr -> monroe
devil -> devil
assum -> assume
freew -> freeway
elder -> elderly
destroyi -> destroying
cras -> crashed
accr -> accredited
homel -> homeland
ace -> ace
ward -> wards
dyna -> dynamics
hugo -> hugo
salv -> salvador
worse -> worse
solv -> solve
theod -> theodore
tota -> totally
viewi -> viewing
troo -> troop
equat -> equations
combin -> combining
resolv -> resolved
terror -> terror
providers -> providers
bread -> bread
ist -> istanbul
electron -> electron
betty -> betty
human -> humanitarian
edga -> edgar
convic -> conviction
unli -> unlikely
advoca -> advocacy
ell -> ellen
drai -> drainage
unce -> uncertain
apo -> apollo
meter -> meter
summe -> summers
resides -> resides
statut -> statute
investe -> invested
invent -> invention
organism -> organisms
endo -> endorsed
ion -> ion
missile -> missiles
guidel -> guidelines
bigg -> bigger
size -> sizes
seo -> seoul
stayi -> staying
witnes -> witnessed
evan -> evangelical
abort -> abortion
prose -> prosecution
leat -> leather
jere -> jeremy
uls -> ulster
busy -> busy
ster -> stern
happen -> happens
immigr -> immigrant
beds -> beds
classr -> classroom
diplo -> diplomat
trun -> trunk
lei -> leicester
fount -> fountain
dale -> dale
throwi -> throwing
carn -> carnegie
conqu -> conquered
later -> lateral
coord -> coordinates
collecto -> collector
mace -> macedonia
armor -> armor
reid -> reid
hd -> hd
juliu -> julius
trap -> trap
jami -> jamie
transmi -> transmitter
slope -> slope
cats -> cats
ecc -> ecclesiastical
marion -> marion
verses -> verses
emis -> emissions
bend -> bend
borde -> bordered
decor -> decorative
sacr -> sacrifice
pens -> pension
dancer -> dancers
slot -> slot
loade -> loaded
conserv -> conservatives
manda -> mandatory
corresp -> correspondent
dece -> deceased
hostil -> hostile
convent -> convent
hec -> hectares
prece -> preceded
winni -> winnipeg
burm -> burma
ethio -> ethiopia
petr -> petroleum
pupi -> pupil
tribun -> tribune
diar -> diary
constant -> constantinople
rein -> reinforced
arca -> arcade
sove -> sovereign
maid -> maiden
malc -> malcolm
projec -> projected
corpor -> corporations
particle -> particle
advance -> advances
terrori -> terrorism
contact -> contacts
blow -> blow
striker -> striker
abbr -> abbreviated
traff -> trafficking
measurem -> measurements
subw -> subway
celebra -> celebrations
chick -> chicken
reo -> reopened
modes -> modes
prair -> prairie
annie -> annie
lack -> lacked
treasur -> treasure
combine -> combine
cow -> cowboys
syst -> systematic
pregn -> pregnancy
review -> reviewer
rosa -> rosa
sans -> sanskrit
lyn -> lynn
jak -> jake
council -> councillor
viola -> violation
leased -> leased
lithu -> lithuanian
urg -> urged
archae -> archaeology
physic -> physicians
realm -> realm
poc -> pocket
transform -> transform
charle -> charleston
hamm -> hammer
nige -> nigerian
except -> exceptions
monar -> monarchy
wart -> wartime
searc -> searching
uno -> unofficial
gy -> gymnasium
notic -> noticed
raj -> raja
holo -> holocaust
feas -> feast
marth -> martha
complex -> complexity
nobi -> nobility
chass -> chassis
highlig -> highlighted
interr -> interrupted
charted -> charted
terme -> termed
express -> expressway
countr -> countryside
tradem -> trademark
loya -> loyalty
interfe -> interference
lun -> lunar
yua -> yuan
luxe -> luxembourg
enac -> enacted
copa -> copa
papa -> papal
hopi -> hoping
smal -> smallest
zi -> zimbabwe
kare -> karen
barre -> barrel
modest -> modest
yank -> yankees
anyw -> anywhere
gall -> galleries
newf -> newfoundland
doctor -> doctoral
louisv -> louisville
decora -> decoration
hide -> hide
subd -> subdivision
laps -> laps
realize -> realizes
dropp -> dropping
occupy -> occupy
chains -> chains
edwi -> edwin
slee -> sleeping
walked -> walked
hay -> hayes
underto -> undertook
easte -> easter
defines -> defines
upda -> update
torn -> tornado
watt -> watts
woun -> wound
mento -> mentor
alge -> algeria
polo -> polo
aun -> aunt
chilea -> chilean
maker -> maker
inspec -> inspection
grandm -> grandmother
peaks -> peaks
expli -> explicitly
handb -> handball
demoli -> demolition
differe -> differential
narro -> narrowly
trapp -> trapped
dor -> dorothy
buyi -> buying
backu -> backup
flown -> flown
constitue -> constituencies
blad -> blade
scheme -> schemes
dian -> diana
sevent -> seventeen
presu -> presumably
hidi -> hiding
notr -> notre
integri -> integrity
stronge -> strongest
infor -> informal
savin -> savings
sli -> slight
dialec -> dialects
starte -> starter
adds -> adds
miche -> michel
thun -> thunder
patri -> patriots
develops -> develops
delega -> delegate
shell -> shells
fines -> finest
stic -> stick
guita -> guitars
spiri -> spirits
reserva -> reservation
une -> unemployment
malay -> malaysian
illus -> illustrations
robo -> robot
water -> watershed
posses -> possessed
andr -> andrea
tort -> torture
prus -> prussian
enla -> enlarged
enor -> enormous
syra -> syracuse
partnere -> partnered
reflect -> reflecting
heati -> heating
secret -> secretly
rent -> rent
encl -> enclosed
conserva -> conservatory
twel -> twelfth
brew -> brewery
jane -> janeiro
hardy -> hardy
commissio -> commissioners
linki -> linking
breakf -> breakfast
deput -> deputies
reques -> requests
consecr -> consecrated
ku -> kurt
toug -> tough
risk -> risks
paradi -> paradise
phas -> phases
flie -> flies
coh -> cohen
kenny -> kenny
peac -> peaceful
intelli -> intelligent
abe -> aberdeen
corne -> cornell
elimin -> eliminate
cres -> crest
crui -> cruiser
though -> thoughts
professi -> professionally
modeli -> modeling
barn -> barn
adviser -> adviser
byp -> bypass
terre -> terrestrial
elli -> elliott
algeb -> algebra
descend -> descended
tue -> tuesday
freshw -> freshwater
highlan -> highlands
warne -> warned
ances -> ancestors
cher -> cherry
boxes -> boxes
wished -> wished
scorer -> scorer
chur -> churchill
dent -> dental
tube -> tubes
cai -> cairo
craz -> crazy
tham -> thames
toy -> toy
france -> frances
dair -> dairy
hurt -> hurt
evid -> evident
struggl -> struggling
hurl -> hurling
enha -> enhance
instanc -> instances
dish -> dish
applyi -> applying
chron -> chronic
keen -> keen
finit -> finite
aes -> aesthetic
ple -> pleasure
ally -> ally
servan -> servants
avoi -> avoided
playw -> playwright
ecolo -> ecological
flee -> flee
expens -> expense
puts -> puts
generati -> generating
param -> parameters
anon -> anonymous
socio -> sociology
religi -> religions
chao -> chaos
modif -> modifications
sici -> sicily
substan -> substantially
detecte -> detected
sends -> sends
track -> tracking
frames -> frames
fork -> fork
contributo -> contributor
sph -> sphere
theate -> theaters
shoe -> shoes
slam -> slam
chaire -> chaired
seemi -> seemingly
space -> spacecraft
willie -> willie
asy -> asylum
eleve -> eleventh
seaso -> seasonal
collabo -> collaborative
lacki -> lacking
preci -> precise
creatu -> creatures
financi -> financing
conventi -> conventions
lesb -> lesbian
enabl -> enabling
plea -> pleasant
stam -> stamps
persu -> persuaded
impress -> impression
bril -> brilliant
encount -> encounters
challeng -> challenger
yug -> yugoslav
infan -> infant
divid -> divide
photogr -> photograph
providen -> providence
ig -> ignored
clara -> clara
tril -> trilogy
profits -> profits
survey -> surveys
das -> das
buda -> budapest
dark -> darkness
align -> alignment
moll -> mollusk
cora -> coral
armore -> armored
mapl -> maple
penal -> penalties
floa -> floating
humo -> humor
keeps -> keeps
jung -> jungle
yea -> yearly
compara -> comparable
cui -> cuisine
affili -> affiliation
expec -> expectations
troy -> troy
revenu -> revenues
teaches -> teaches
offs -> offshore
porta -> portal
appeale -> appealed
educa -> educator
lud -> ludwig
bomba -> bombardment
liked -> liked
hang -> hanging
experti -> expertise
caves -> caves
laborat -> laboratories
blai -> blair
screen -> screened
kr -> krishna
hp -> hp
constitut -> constitute
subma -> submarines
excess -> excessive
cata -> catalogue
cyl -> cylinder
advant -> advantages
addres -> addresses
terrac -> terrace
ware -> warehouse
breakt -> breakthrough
carp -> carpenter
broadca -> broadcaster
carro -> carroll
accord -> accordingly
acu -> acute
simil -> similarities
julie -> julie
telec -> telecommunications
adr -> adrian
irr -> irrigation
quant -> quantity
marco -> marco
teame -> teamed
aide -> aided
econo -> economist
erns -> ernst
possess -> possess
likes -> likes
gera -> gerald
limita -> limitations
hook -> hook
flowi -> flowing
prol -> prolific
liner -> liner
lifte -> lifted
violat -> violations
tid -> tide
scholar -> scholarly
distan -> distances
sunk -> sunk
capturi -> capturing
seb -> sebastian
suffe -> suffer
loga -> logan
santo -> santos
traile -> trailer
ced -> cedar
claud -> claude
beac -> beaches
frog -> frog
metal -> metals
corner -> corners
silen -> silence
disabi -> disability
skill -> skilled
valv -> valve
bald -> baldwin
teachi -> teachings
swa -> swan
monarc -> monarch
bout -> bout
humani -> humanities
carria -> carriage
luck -> lucky
suppose -> supposedly
gather -> gather
lighte -> lighter
amp -> amp
paramo -> paramount
general -> generals
chee -> cheese
fab -> fabric
anal -> analog
primi -> primitive
assump -> assumption
jump -> jumping
cag -> cage
reun -> reunion
institu -> institutional
bein -> beings
exclud -> excluded
expense -> expenses
discip -> disciplines
ling -> linguistic
hein -> heinrich
fold -> folded
plaq -> plaque
cum -> cumberland
destin -> destinations
joel -> joel
constitute -> constituted
lunc -> lunch
when -> whenever
audit -> auditorium
publici -> publicity
stems -> stems
publishe -> publishes
autono -> autonomy
gains -> gains
tende -> tender
couple -> coupled
texti -> textile
convinc -> convince
gift -> gifts
util -> utilized
filmm -> filmmaker
lung -> lung
dances -> dances
uru -> uruguay
vars -> varsity
dors -> dorsal
imagi -> imaging
institut -> institutes
qualit -> qualities
anthe -> anthem
ideo -> ideology
mt -> mt
stead -> steady
adeq -> adequate
beats -> beats
magic -> magical
forew -> forewings
celebrit -> celebrities
reason -> reasonable
mixi -> mixing
miners -> miners
repli -> replied
securi -> securities
transmit -> transmitted
routi -> routine
translato -> translator
skii -> skiing
ker -> kerry
termina -> terminated
hars -> harsh
peaki -> peaking
broade -> broader
talen -> talented
burk -> burke
disch -> discharge
upgr -> upgrade
mud -> mud
mild -> mild
applie -> applies
doze -> dozens
fata -> fatal
wise -> wise
comeb -> comeback
duck -> duck
effect -> effectiveness
ease -> ease
differs -> differs
batm -> batman
juv -> juvenile
consor -> consortium
struggle -> struggles
remak -> remake
remn -> remnants
midl -> midland
approach -> approaching
legit -> legitimate
march -> marched
suffo -> suffolk
garn -> garnered
statues -> statues
anton -> anton
trini -> trinidad
inscr -> inscriptions
civili -> civilization
faun -> fauna
resided -> resided
damag -> damages
sover -> sovereignty
wiv -> wives
cera -> cerambycidae
paths -> paths
defenders -> defenders
nak -> naked
quanti -> quantities
explain -> explaining
afterw -> afterward
oliv -> olive
demandi -> demanding
ner -> nerve
rho -> rhodes
joshu -> joshua
sings -> sings
transa -> transactions
exta -> extant
yes -> yes
acid -> acids
fij -> fiji
painter -> painters
dere -> derek
rely -> rely
retaini -> retaining
surpr -> surprised
councill -> councillors
powd -> powder
nerv -> nervous
pagea -> pageant
shippe -> shipped
irre -> irregular
consol -> console
commission -> commissions
wals -> walsh
arro -> arrow
orien -> oriental
priva -> privacy
polar -> polar
reveali -> revealing
moh -> mohammad
loane -> loaned
mist -> mistake
monet -> monetary
marina -> marina
airpo -> airports
excepti -> exceptional
attai -> attained
myth -> myth
ventu -> ventures
identify -> identifying
lightw -> lightweight
townsh -> townships
pum -> pump
tonn -> tonnes
johns -> johns
lisb -> lisbon
sacra -> sacramento
classro -> classrooms
bag -> bag
modu -> module
caref -> carefully
deten -> detention
rolle -> roller
lone -> lone
unifo -> uniforms
valued -> valued
tensi -> tensions
partners -> partnerships
commerci -> commercials
anger -> anger
balla -> ballad
wag -> wage
kick -> kicked
pursuin -> pursuing
tram -> tram
colleag -> colleague
chef -> chef
fak -> fake
snail -> snails
sue -> sued
encod -> encoded
potte -> potter
attrib -> attributes
riot -> riots
regulate -> regulated
tribuna -> tribunal
chip -> chip
engagi -> engaging
competitor -> competitor
runner -> runners
strain -> strain
aug -> augustus
marria -> marriages
composit -> composite
charter -> chartered
vall -> valleys
descenda -> descendant
swif -> swift
sailo -> sailors
telu -> telugu
organs -> organs
masse -> masses
campus -> campuses
guat -> guatemala
patc -> patch
gibr -> gibraltar
dos -> dos
clair -> claire
shaf -> shaft
shut -> shuttle
sava -> savage
communica -> communicate
detac -> detachment
silv -> silva
forb -> forbidden
launc -> launching
specu -> speculation
listen -> listen
atmo -> atmospheric
salem -> salem
revers -> reversed
fing -> finger
deter -> determining
incom -> incomplete
tenden -> tendency
generi -> generic
steer -> steering
bombay -> bombay
investigat -> investigating
prefer -> preference
grif -> griffin
curve -> curved
screenw -> screenwriter
specta -> spectators
progress -> progressed
momen -> momentum
mada -> madagascar
flan -> flank
pant -> panthers
minne -> minneapolis
parkw -> parkway
coine -> coined
butto -> button
rew -> reward
favore -> favored
hawa -> hawaiian
sank -> sank
choos -> choosing
thinks -> thinks
leba -> lebanese
emeri -> emeritus
rainb -> rainbow
senten -> sentences
prints -> prints
freel -> freely
evolu -> evolutionary
alph -> alphabet
highligh -> highlight
filt -> filter
advocat -> advocates
knif -> knife
complic -> complications
tends -> tends
ast -> asteroid
mott -> motto
leis -> leisure
resem -> resemble
speciall -> specially
traced -> traced
surgi -> surgical
blas -> blast
precip -> precipitation
rege -> regent
constituen -> constituent
tanz -> tanzania
flags -> flags
kingd -> kingdoms
wagn -> wagner
mercy -> mercy
theatre -> theatres
trag -> tragedy
suspec -> suspect
eston -> estonian
islan -> islander
employer -> employers
mg -> mg
spar -> spare
vern -> vernon
sara -> sara
amazi -> amazing
personali -> personalities
commentat -> commentator
salm -> salmon
bina -> binary
domai -> domains
boli -> bolivia
bedf -> bedford
embe -> embedded
bulle -> bullet
sherm -> sherman
sprea -> spreading
settli -> settling
masc -> mascot
accepti -> accepting
funn -> funny
benga -> bengali
preda -> predators
midw -> midway
securin -> securing
activism -> activism
fails -> fails
berr -> berry
stamp -> stamp
coura -> courage
cooli -> cooling
sitc -> sitcom
tox -> toxic
displac -> displaced
trend -> trends
landsc -> landscapes
syna -> synagogue
witc -> witch
execut -> executives
ferg -> ferguson
verb -> verb
pave -> paved
infi -> infinite
coro -> coronation
nix -> nixon
alto -> altogether
unes -> unesco
ske -> sketch
mapp -> mapping
visito -> visitor
vam -> vampire
bells -> bells
smoki -> smoking
elep -> elephant
infec -> infected
designi -> designing
halt -> halt
genesi -> genesis
migra -> migrated
contestan -> contestant
impli -> implies
proteste -> protesters
maya -> maya
radiu -> radius
dirt -> dirty
incorp -> incorporate
suggest -> suggestion
posth -> posthumously
rocket -> rockets
nave -> nave
percu -> percussion
harp -> harper
sceni -> scenic
formati -> formations
commands -> commands
tract -> tract
statew -> statewide
worc -> worcester
cze -> czechoslovakia
leip -> leipzig
feedb -> feedback
bitt -> bitter
villa -> villagers
symbol -> symbolic
rott -> rotten
bibli -> bibliography
harves -> harvest
dedi -> dedication
deu -> deutsche
communis -> communists
tib -> tibetan
feare -> feared
tong -> tongue
wago -> wagon
lengt -> lengthy
soil -> soils
recomme -> recommendation
sponsor -> sponsors
annex -> annexed
teenag -> teenager
bulls -> bulls
additi -> additions
hone -> honey
welco -> welcomed
saves -> saves
licens -> licensing
stoppi -> stopping
transfe -> transfers
jacks -> jacksonville
astr -> astronomy
repeat -> repeat
swep -> swept
deepe -> deeper
blam -> blamed
folkl -> folklore
access -> accessed
specifi -> specification
underwa -> underwater
pipe -> pipeline
abun -> abundant
vat -> vatican
elector -> electorate
casey -> casey
controlle -> controller
compro -> compromise
overt -> overtime
albei -> albeit
mh -> mhz
mothe -> mothers
andro -> android
succeed -> succeeding
ceremo -> ceremonial
repro -> reproduction
lync -> lynch
ak -> aka
motorw -> motorway
handf -> handful
downs -> downs
document -> documentation
marchi -> marching
hollo -> hollow
boot -> booth
cultiv -> cultivated
revere -> reverend
patria -> patriarch
rober -> roberto
moss -> moss
chemi -> chemicals
dayt -> daytime
frequen -> frequencies
pion -> pioneering
winte -> winters
drak -> drake
emot -> emotions
hels -> helsinki
advancem -> advancement
photogra -> photographic
homele -> homeless
commem -> commemorate
badg -> badge
archd -> archdiocese
hia -> hiatus
hawk -> hawks
memoi -> memoir
affect -> affecting
defini -> defining
gatew -> gateway
virtue -> virtue
prepara -> preparations
pione -> pioneers
hate -> hate
protecti -> protective
bruno -> bruno
shapes -> shapes
carni -> carnival
synth -> synthetic
shorte -> shortened
princes -> princes
optio -> optional
homer -> homer
encour -> encouraging
jacki -> jackie
weake -> weakened
tunn -> tunnels
whitn -> whitney
apos -> apostolic
helic -> helicopters
aq -> aquatic
bats -> bats
wound -> wounds
agend -> agenda
warra -> warrant
wage -> wages
jorg -> jorge
enable -> enables
sofi -> sofia
jessi -> jessica
stanc -> stance
bare -> barely
pee -> peer
specialt -> specialty
professo -> professors
portray -> portrayal
plasm -> plasma
minera -> minerals
rams -> rams
shir -> shirt
spid -> spider
deale -> dealer
refugee -> refugee
automot -> automotive
boyf -> boyfriend
choic -> choices
lineag -> lineage
planet -> planets
discussin -> discussing
organiza -> organizational
toni -> tonight
ble -> blessed
locke -> locked
outco -> outcomes
yac -> yacht
employs -> employs
raf -> rafael
ambi -> ambitious
finali -> finalist
shiv -> shiva
coordi -> coordination
turks -> turks
papu -> papua
governm -> governmental
porc -> porch
complai -> complaint
tert -> tertiary
heali -> healing
liberal -> liberals
demonstr -> demonstrations
purch -> purchasing
exca -> excavations
regai -> regained
cellu -> cellular
holid -> holidays
normand -> normandy
luth -> luther
reef -> reef
madr -> madras
regards -> regards
randy -> randy
feli -> felix
adapt -> adaptations
resemb -> resembles
submit -> submit
bota -> botanical
helen -> helena
moi -> moist
triu -> triumph
nativ -> natives
slov -> slovak
aban -> abandon
kie -> kiev
toma -> tomatoes
decisiv -> decisive
collectiv -> collectively
incorpo -> incorporating
creatur -> creature
forestr -> forestry
opte -> opted
concept -> conception
raced -> raced
makers -> makers
defu -> defunct
explori -> exploring
battle -> battlefield
chroni -> chronicles
excludi -> excluding
reper -> repertoire
bori -> boris
immu -> immune
finishe -> finishes
gamb -> gambling
complain -> complained
herm -> herman
curves -> curves
reag -> reagan
evac -> evacuated
cure -> cure
adol -> adolf
gur -> guru
toyo -> toyota
collis -> collision
rhi -> rhine
taske -> tasked
gym -> gymnastics
reds -> reds
latv -> latvia
purel -> purely
michel -> michelle
supple -> supplement
accide -> accidents
mw -> mw
comf -> comfort
qa -> qatar
forg -> forgotten
froz -> frozen
scots -> scots
downst -> downstream
shark -> sharks
beas -> beast
fairy -> fairy
nucl -> nucleus
catal -> catalog
vau -> vault
belle -> belle
choc -> chocolate
isol -> isolation
mobi -> mobility
readi -> readily
rays -> rays
oat -> oath
alma -> alma
motiv -> motivated
switch -> switching
philh -> philharmonic
incorpor -> incorporates
mort -> morton
resolve -> resolve
rushe -> rushed
encom -> encompasses
rive -> riverside
contacte -> contacted
image -> imagery
bits -> bits
afgh -> afghan
trait -> traits
wanti -> wanting
somewh -> somewhere
feu -> feud
dyl -> dylan
landma -> landmarks
doubl -> doubled
circa -> circa
teles -> telescope
mado -> madonna
batsm -> batsman
kas -> kashmir
explosi -> explosive
freem -> freeman
janet -> janet
dei -> deity
europ -> europeans
albi -> albion
atlas -> atlas
brown -> browns
prou -> proud
supervi -> supervised
clust -> clusters
shipy -> shipyard
vacu -> vacuum
russi -> russians
kir -> kirk
colog -> cologne
decidi -> deciding
spokes -> spokesman
comparat -> comparative
consumed -> consumed
flex -> flexible
counter -> counterpart
toys -> toys
filli -> filling
remark -> remarked
whereb -> whereby
destroye -> destroyers
overs -> oversaw
spu -> spur
anthr -> anthropology
timo -> timothy
colomb -> colombian
ceme -> cement
lined -> lined
recal -> recall
mice -> mice
cad -> cadet
functi -> functioning
undergo -> undergo
sall -> sally
monst -> monsters
ing -> ingredients
due -> duet
teamm -> teammates
continua -> continuation
brande -> branded
wisd -> wisdom
trader -> traders
ensu -> ensuing
streng -> strengthen
successe -> successes
sack -> sacked
talent -> talents
combines -> combines
compat -> compatible
thef -> theft
rebec -> rebecca
donati -> donation
geno -> genome
sidn -> sidney
sop -> sophomore
breakd -> breakdown
veget -> vegetables
presse -> pressed
unan -> unanimous
drama -> dramatically
telev -> televised
automa -> automated
unex -> unexpected
assumi -> assuming
polls -> polls
brando -> brandon
confin -> confined
shire -> shire
winc -> winchester
conflu -> confluence
comfo -> comfortable
inm -> inmates
jeffr -> jeffrey
paten -> patents
paire -> paired
reflecti -> reflection
darw -> darwin
erie -> erie
delib -> deliberately
declini -> declining
fath -> fathers
cran -> crane
negr -> negro
threate -> threatening
pasto -> pastoral
gand -> gandhi
inher -> inheritance
tole -> toledo
abbo -> abbot
swor -> sworn
intensiv -> intensive
ancest -> ancestor
exposi -> exposition
aria -> aria
defa -> default
reduce -> reduces
interre -> interred
instructe -> instructed
pierc -> pierce
dod -> dodgers
rp -> rpm
columni -> columnist
competes -> competes
pis -> pistol
ethic -> ethical
synd -> syndicated
reliev -> relieved
streami -> streaming
femin -> feminine
accre -> accreditation
kinde -> kindergarten
juda -> judaism
taxi -> taxi
accepta -> acceptable
bottl -> bottle
treatm -> treatments
wolv -> wolves
truste -> trustee
concentr -> concentrations
vocat -> vocational
moha -> mohammed
pathw -> pathway
hait -> haiti
atom -> atoms
guara -> guaranteed
ix -> ix
castr -> castro
complia -> compliance
duch -> duchess
liby -> libya
archip -> archipelago
loose -> loosely
noto -> notorious
cambo -> cambodia
vira -> viral
static -> static
soph -> sophisticated
disabil -> disabilities
darke -> darker
dell -> della
narra -> narrator
accepts -> accepts
sket -> sketches
prohi -> prohibition
negot -> negotiated
unco -> uncommon
tear -> tears
monic -> monica
showc -> showcase
positi -> positioned
forti -> fortified
logis -> logistics
sharo -> sharon
survives -> survives
deriv -> derivative
tended -> tended
swimm -> swimmer
determ -> determination
loses -> loses
borr -> borrowed
timi -> timing
import -> import
residenc -> residences
keybo -> keyboards
bays -> bays
vica -> vicar
hie -> hierarchy
malaya -> malayalam
descrip -> descriptions
fisher -> fisheries
algo -> algorithms
morta -> mortality
mood -> mood
activat -> activation
greek -> greeks
quarter -> quarterly
install -> installations
asser -> asserted
talle -> tallest
preparat -> preparatory
chapm -> chapman
ensur -> ensuring
eate -> eaten
pab -> pablo
transac -> transaction
technic -> technically
match -> matching
anti -> anticipated
glou -> gloucester
phen -> phenomena
speciali -> specializing
andh -> andhra
shei -> sheikh
specific -> specifications
premiu -> premium
steal -> steal
faith -> faithful
midla -> midlands
presentl -> presently
shoots -> shoots
answ -> answers
nord -> nordic
export -> exports
memora -> memorable
ema -> email
amend -> amended
demonstra -> demonstrating
lifel -> lifelong
geof -> geoffrey
explic -> explicit
empha -> emphasized
metri -> metric
ero -> erosion
ashe -> ashes
flam -> flames
cancel -> canceled
submis -> submission
occupi -> occupies
accus -> accusations
canb -> canberra
winst -> winston
continui -> continuity
excee -> exceed
sixty -> sixty
cup -> cups
observer -> observers
promises -> promises
rib -> ribbon
portab -> portable
operas -> operas
percy -> percy
invento -> inventory
fib -> fiber
sexu -> sexually
outsk -> outskirts
inventor -> inventor
calcu -> calcutta
sod -> sodium
kan -> kane
rola -> roland
rides -> rides
visc -> viscount
pitchi -> pitching
simul -> simulation
cly -> clyde
hond -> honda
mc -> mcdonald
costum -> costumes
bia -> bias
rows -> rows
recrui -> recruit
ranger -> ranger
astro -> astronomical
innin -> inning
quarr -> quarry
softb -> softball
alexan -> alexandra
wholl -> wholly
insuf -> insufficient
shane -> shane
concerto -> concerto
cycli -> cyclist
guides -> guides
flet -> fletcher
seale -> sealed
vik -> vikings
ril -> riley
financia -> financially
happi -> happiness
salo -> salon
realis -> realistic
sink -> sinking
chad -> chad
reacto -> reactor
acquir -> acquiring
lacr -> lacrosse
commod -> commodore
buddha -> buddha
ante -> antenna
visa -> visa
tric -> trick
burnt -> burnt
clare -> clare
relied -> relied
cycle -> cycles
bronc -> broncos
ami -> amino
pse -> pseudonym
displace -> displacement
hyde -> hyde
rapid -> rapids
orient -> oriented
debat -> debates
alps -> alps
definit -> definitions
marker -> marker
beck -> beck
paro -> parody
ico -> icon
rop -> rope
developm -> developmental
badm -> badminton
carso -> carson
sati -> satisfied
webs -> webster
decom -> decommissioned
jesu -> jesuit
subjec -> subjected
patric -> patricia
stef -> stefan
undern -> underneath
heate -> heated
unus -> unusually
participant -> participant
rode -> rode
partit -> partition
upst -> upstream
atop -> atop
airw -> airways
correc -> correctly
cura -> curator
interva -> interval
johan -> johannes
label -> labeled
minori -> minorities
maxw -> maxwell
declar -> declaring
tracy -> tracy
altern -> alternatively
suffic -> sufficiently
titu -> titular
antar -> antarctica
pok -> poker
expi -> expired
emerge -> emergence
fears -> fears
instant -> instant
schoo -> schooling
nash -> nash
promote -> promotes
analy -> analyst
nowa -> nowadays
myse -> myself
horiz -> horizon
firea -> firearms
bulld -> bulldogs
caf -> cafe
nonp -> nonprofit
beatl -> beatles
armou -> armour
cubs -> cubs
carey -> carey
picks -> picks
ape -> apex
suffr -> suffrage
fen -> fence
albert -> alberto
demi -> demise
address -> addressing
peer -> peers
revisi -> revision
outle -> outlet
perse -> persecution
ritu -> rituals
white -> whites
countes -> countess
hartf -> hartford
attit -> attitudes
nazi -> nazis
lovers -> lovers
chances -> chances
insig -> insight
reforma -> reformation
debr -> debris
precis -> precision
listene -> listeners
jin -> jin
wrest -> wrestlers
overn -> overnight
extensi -> extensions
spat -> spatial
fuse -> fuselage
stuc -> stuck
anat -> anatomy
loadi -> loading
number -> numbering
agi -> aging
aub -> auburn
coven -> coventry
bloo -> bloody
dund -> dundee
trout -> trout
thres -> threshold
ming -> ming
cec -> cecil
renew -> renewable
ivo -> ivory
deposi -> deposit
dolp -> dolphins
trim -> trim
slavi -> slavic
py -> pyramid
memoir -> memoirs
transc -> transcription
preva -> prevalent
spann -> spanning
complem -> complement
sad -> sad
assess -> assessed
breac -> breach
psyc -> psychiatric
valen -> valencia
decorat -> decorations
aer -> aerospace
expect -> expect
om -> omaha
proport -> proportional
fortif -> fortifications
priory -> priory
superm -> superman
venus -> venus
lil -> lily
recruit -> recruiting
safel -> safely
unn -> unnamed
stok -> stoke
lum -> lumber
genui -> genuine
underway -> underway
deliver -> delivering
muns -> munster
meal -> meal
sexua -> sexuality
originat -> originating
reor -> reorganized
subme -> submerged
tibe -> tibet
manni -> manning
remarks -> remarks
bened -> benedict
muta -> mutations
holder -> holders
matche -> matched
jub -> jubilee
kath -> katherine
sag -> saga
circui -> circuits
slat -> slate
storms -> storms
frat -> fraternity
avera -> averaging
congres -> congressman
trig -> trigger
cc -> cc
fier -> fierce
rede -> redevelopment
verba -> verbal
cleani -> cleaning
nationali -> nationalism
lima -> lima
reporter -> reporters
affects -> affects
commut -> commuter
evacu -> evacuation
cartoo -> cartoons
occupyi -> occupying
boos -> boost
soni -> sonic
delays -> delays
adver -> advertisements
kidn -> kidnapped
comparin -> comparing
ango -> angola
orbi -> orbital
conr -> conrad
impa -> impacts
suns -> sunset
ech -> echo
shores -> shores
boyd -> boyd
ecl -> eclipse
guaran -> guarantee
wand -> wanderers
genoc -> genocide
dishe -> dishes
neighbor -> neighbors
icel -> icelandic
clash -> clash
newa -> newark
modifi -> modification
scra -> scrapped
icon -> iconic
unaw -> unaware
stripp -> stripped
coordin -> coordinate
retains -> retains
hast -> hastings
affo -> afford
volca -> volcano
rente -> rented
odd -> odds
tributa -> tributaries
fanta -> fantastic
denis -> denis
maced -> macedonian
adjo -> adjoining
sterl -> sterling
midwe -> midwest
crimin -> criminals
mk -> mk
europa -> europa
sax -> saxony
mound -> mound
survivor -> survivor
catch -> catches
basq -> basque
shirl -> shirley
mathem -> mathematician
hire -> hire
select -> selective
sheets -> sheets
cameo -> cameo
dud -> dudley
aris -> arise
vow -> vowel
domina -> dominance
racis -> racism
finance -> financed
recepto -> receptors
governor -> governorate
localit -> localities
drops -> drops
giu -> giuseppe
nico -> nicolas
wonde -> wonderful
suited -> suited
christin -> christine
escap -> escapes
basil -> basilica
rouge -> rouge
dispo -> disposal
floode -> flooded
moths -> moths
chea -> cheap
merge -> merge
lacks -> lacks
shock -> shocked
pleas -> please
leone -> leone
tuc -> tucker
overl -> overlooking
repair -> repaired
angela -> angela
hik -> hiking
fros -> frost
gifte -> gifted
coloure -> coloured
concentra -> concentrate
pushi -> pushing
recip -> recipients
typh -> typhoon
residency -> residency
decay -> decay
plantat -> plantations
phar -> pharmaceutical
victorio -> victorious
factio -> factions
erik -> erik
sili -> silicon
yem -> yemen
constanti -> constantine
piu -> pius
cf -> cf
nurse -> nurses
builde -> builder
expedi -> expeditions
substanc -> substances
pools -> pools
diox -> dioxide
brigad -> brigades
strengt -> strengthened
despe -> desperate
nie -> nielsen
admira -> admiralty
trau -> trauma
inje -> injection
pointi -> pointing
rebu -> rebuilding
undef -> undefeated
calci -> calcium
molec -> molecule
slog -> slogan
antw -> antwerp
shep -> shepherd
avoid -> avoiding
appoin -> appointments
compre -> compression
bride -> bride
chero -> cherokee
colt -> colts
beginn -> beginnings
rex -> rex
induce -> induced
singu -> singular
preh -> prehistoric
triang -> triangular
rud -> rudolf
mick -> mick
speech -> speeches
turno -> turnout
steadi -> steadily
beav -> beaver
latit -> latitude
arabia -> arabian
tita -> titans
prosec -> prosecutor
tum -> tumor
secrets -> secrets
plur -> plural
sunsh -> sunshine
bev -> beverly
vist -> vista
alum -> aluminum
passiv -> passive
teno -> tenor
trev -> trevor
kuw -> kuwait
assisti -> assisting
overh -> overhead
augu -> augusta
exams -> exams
arl -> arlington
counterp -> counterparts
tuni -> tunisia
pere -> perennial
cleari -> clearing
birth -> birthplace
funk -> funk
orch -> orchestral
poeti -> poetic
practic -> practicing
spans -> spans
airpl -> airplay
hunter -> hunters
elea -> eleanor
supern -> supernatural
gill -> gill
posti -> posting
passp -> passport
transfer -> transferring
scrip -> scripts
poun -> pound
carli -> carlisle
hardc -> hardcore
notat -> notation
rejo -> rejoined
process -> processor
screens -> screens
nm -> nm
agn -> agnes
loud -> loud
chesh -> cheshire
sande -> sanders
thru -> thrust
drun -> drunk
celebrat -> celebrating
berm -> bermuda
monke -> monkey
infla -> inflation
relate -> relates
lotu -> lotus
deaf -> deaf
corpu -> corpus
kann -> kannada
containe -> container
promine -> prominently
courty -> courtyard
cae -> caesar
logic -> logical
joyc -> joyce
angle -> angles
joc -> jockey
rs -> rs
pik -> pike
joey -> joey
slid -> slide
exploi -> exploitation
precu -> precursor
permits -> permits
bark -> bark
negoti -> negotiate
recons -> reconstructed
lob -> lobby
burd -> burden
ration -> rational
promotion -> promotions
epo -> eponymous
occurre -> occurrence
phon -> phones
craft -> crafts
irv -> irving
floy -> floyd
warw -> warwick
detain -> detained
sali -> salisbury
institute -> instituted
exile -> exiled
modele -> modeled
trades -> trades
isles -> isles
brav -> braves
tunes -> tunes
offsp -> offspring
productiv -> productive
spik -> spike
nod -> node
subdi -> subdivided
floods -> floods
workf -> workforce
correspo -> corresponds
terrib -> terrible
falc -> falcons
implic -> implications
ambu -> ambulance
stuf -> stuff
individ -> individually
scouti -> scouting
emir -> emirates
souls -> souls
poly -> polytechnic
lore -> lorenzo
mead -> meadows
netwo -> networking
iris -> iris
devils -> devils
arche -> arches
debts -> debts
intenti -> intentions
claren -> clarence
heavie -> heavier
judic -> judiciary
synod -> synod
practit -> practitioners
sailor -> sailor
holly -> holly
fland -> flanders
reprod -> reproductive
annou -> announcing
simila -> similarity
judge -> judged
ency -> encyclopedia
deadl -> deadly
bagh -> baghdad
chapl -> chaplain
throws -> throws
ede -> eden
ete -> eternal
candy -> candy
reinf -> reinforcements
testif -> testified
tena -> tenants
expressi -> expressing
buc -> buck
possessi -> possessions
renewa -> renewal
exceed -> exceeded
listin -> listings
beetl -> beetles
suspect -> suspects
privi -> privileges
hem -> hemisphere
peas -> peasants
revel -> revelation
glori -> gloria
basica -> basically
strips -> strips
homes -> homestead
broadl -> broadly
mong -> mongolia
prosp -> prosperity
gabl -> gable
confr -> confronted
markin -> markings
target -> targeting
ruby -> ruby
expressio -> expressions
tips -> tips
countin -> counting
identifi -> identifies
coordina -> coordinated
lowl -> lowland
essen -> essence
philippe -> philippe
aler -> alert
contracto -> contractor
spira -> spiral
precise -> precisely
examin -> examinations
compul -> compulsory
aman -> amanda
modul -> modules
conclud -> concludes
mounta -> mountainous
throa -> throat
unr -> unrelated
wad -> wade
advers -> adverse
pani -> panic
inser -> inserted
renovat -> renovations
fundr -> fundraising
relu -> reluctant
nit -> nitrogen
dresd -> dresden
excav -> excavated
waterl -> waterloo
nobo -> nobody
geneti -> genetics
disse -> dissertation
airs -> airs
defic -> deficit
fulle -> fuller
camero -> cameroon
saxo -> saxon
hunge -> hunger
accompan -> accompany
behavi -> behavioral
clem -> clement
porto -> porto
lawn -> lawn
divisi -> divisional
barrie -> barriers
flame -> flame
dot -> dot
carm -> carmen
pend -> pending
mint -> mint
retre -> retreated
donn -> donna
inscri -> inscribed
progressi -> progression
group -> grouped
representat -> representations
arabs -> arabs
humi -> humid
collabor -> collaborations
renta -> rental
pater -> paternal
phill -> phillip
micke -> mickey
patrona -> patronage
refusi -> refusing
discha -> discharged
robb -> robbery
basa -> basal
treati -> treating
fung -> fungi
songwr -> songwriting
ancestr -> ancestral
pira -> pirate
nut -> nutrition
corrup -> corrupt
linds -> lindsay
margin -> marginal
minds -> minds
social -> socialism
mare -> mare
canv -> canvas
jenn -> jenny
uncon -> unconscious
venez -> venezuelan
aboli -> abolition
campi -> camping
satel -> satellites
patrio -> patriotic
detach -> detached
constra -> constraints
swam -> swamp
answe -> answered
taxa -> taxation
parac -> parachute
extrac -> extraction
osa -> osaka
um -> umbrella
shoote -> shooter
daws -> dawson
leig -> leigh
bowle -> bowler
rim -> rim
dominio -> dominion
rats -> rats
innova -> innovations
inti -> intimate
wines -> wines
kay -> kay
falco -> falcon
communes -> communes
feeds -> feeds
extin -> extinction
undergoi -> undergoing
supervis -> supervisor
account -> accounted
introduc -> introduces
admits -> admits
qualifi -> qualifications
whal -> whale
flut -> flute
oaks -> oaks
capta -> captained
liti -> litigation
defeats -> defeats
statuto -> statutory
inform -> inform
recognize -> recognizes
pipes -> pipes
fare -> fare
infer -> inferior
salva -> salvation
stark -> stark
halfw -> halfway
foreste -> forested
dw -> dwarf
premise -> premise
franco -> franco
postg -> postgraduate
anter -> anterior
plag -> plague
fixt -> fixture
bangk -> bangkok
pilg -> pilgrimage
shorts -> shorts
green -> greenwich
alik -> alike
finge -> fingers
auditi -> audition
remin -> reminiscent
node -> nodes
viki -> viking
investo -> investor
strikeo -> strikeouts
anx -> anxiety
turb -> turbine
parag -> paraguay
indir -> indirect
affor -> affordable
drinks -> drinks
prost -> prostitution
alfo -> alfonso
structu -> structured
catala -> catalan
villai -> villain
ears -> ears
aaa -> aaa
presided -> presided
regain -> regain
wrec -> wreck
sovi -> soviets
wool -> wool
postse -> postseason
carefu -> careful
aligne -> aligned
rota -> rotating
verd -> verdict
toot -> tooth
explores -> explores
impleme -> implementing
proph -> prophet
balan -> balanced
unani -> unanimously
layi -> laying
bedr -> bedroom
censo -> censorship
forts -> forts
interpre -> interpretations
trigg -> triggered
lia -> liability
econom -> economically
pash -> pasha
diab -> diabetes
drou -> drought
generato -> generator
praye -> prayers
declare -> declare
hondu -> honduras
geome -> geometric
mira -> miracle
packa -> packaging
outr -> outreach
collector -> collectors
refusa -> refusal
sociall -> socially
hano -> hanover
medali -> medalist
banke -> banker
stai -> stained
isab -> isabella
lyr -> lyric
broth -> brotherhood
stripe -> stripes
minise -> miniseries
regen -> regency
gravel -> gravel
frin -> fringe
bury -> bury
disapp -> disappearance
documenta -> documentaries
interval -> intervals
bart -> barton
recepti -> receptions
pois -> poison
desk -> desk
shiel -> shields
ons -> onset
clayt -> clayton
austra -> australians
prat -> pratt
andre -> andreas
comply -> comply
seate -> seated
ethiop -> ethiopian
fles -> flesh
nobl -> nobles
jero -> jerome
appre -> apprentice
yog -> yoga
plot -> plots
regin -> regina
infect -> infections
dodg -> dodge
rabb -> rabbit
lav -> lava
electrons -> electrons
apprec -> appreciation
exporte -> exported
ura -> uranium
mayb -> maybe
updat -> updates
arma -> armament
dov -> dover
bens -> benson
inab -> inability
wong -> wong
unre -> unreleased
blen -> blend
demog -> demographic
bolo -> bologna
complexe -> complexes
mortar -> mortar
project -> projection
afra -> afraid
phan -> phantom
tiss -> tissues
capp -> capped
pharm -> pharmacy
heats -> heats
kidne -> kidney
defense -> defenses
pp -> pp
scena -> scenario
finalis -> finalists
spectac -> spectacular
rose -> roses
confro -> confrontation
wesl -> wesley
neighbou -> neighbours
cloud -> clouds
buch -> bucharest
imagin -> imagination
offerin -> offerings
alumi -> aluminium
levy -> levy
physici -> physicist
labs -> labs
passag -> passages
everyb -> everybody
commentato -> commentators
derby -> derbyshire
violate -> violated
bronx -> bronx
geni -> genius
implie -> implied
campai -> campaigned
laure -> laurel
recoveri -> recovering
mascu -> masculine
pett -> petty
subo -> subordinate
diamo -> diamonds
abund -> abundance
motiva -> motivation
computa -> computational
monas -> monasteries
accurat -> accurately
reliab -> reliability
wears -> wears
medita -> meditation
hag -> hague
rende -> rendering
here -> hereditary
teenage -> teenagers
flats -> flats
climbe -> climbed
capita -> capitals
travi -> travis
camd -> camden
shann -> shannon
dispa -> dispatched
woody -> woody
chariti -> charities
ricky -> ricky
stagi -> staging
hatc -> hatch
assignm -> assignments
pose -> posed
rum -> rumors
gaz -> gazette
spells -> spells
adju -> adjusted
poster -> posterior
nationalit -> nationality
processe -> processed
racec -> racecourse
solid -> solidarity
pars -> parsons
slowe -> slower
seals -> seals
cone -> cone
toler -> tolerance
employi -> employing
eighte -> eighteenth
controver -> controversies
equil -> equilibrium
flou -> flour
secreta -> secretariat
beth -> beth
major -> majors
brave -> brave
limiti -> limiting
solve -> solved
leop -> leopold
senso -> sensor
packe -> packers
harde -> harder
latvi -> latvian
vaca -> vacancy
conste -> constellation
steel -> steelers
lance -> lance
depicti -> depiction
scholars -> scholarships
perfec -> perfectly
takeo -> takeover
helm -> helmet
hydr -> hydraulic
positiv -> positively
hardl -> hardly
symm -> symmetry
postp -> postponed
recruitm -> recruitment
taip -> taipei
magis -> magistrate
intak -> intake
peter -> peters
ink -> ink
patrons -> patrons
endow -> endowment
addic -> addiction
westw -> westward
trent -> trent
rebui -> rebuild
devis -> devised
accum -> accumulated
obli -> obligations
blocka -> blockade
railr -> railroads
feath -> feathers
chord -> chord
summo -> summoned
howe -> howe
dwi -> dwight
confir -> confirm
specul -> speculated
hones -> honest
buddy -> buddy
bret -> brett
contests -> contests
ordn -> ordnance
examine -> examine
locate -> locate
pays -> pays
pressu -> pressures
minia -> miniature
inad -> inadequate
pede -> pedestrian
backg -> backgrounds
popular -> popularly
blade -> blades
investigato -> investigators
homa -> homage
deposit -> deposited
curl -> curling
keepe -> keeper
blocki -> blocking
redes -> redesignated
cardia -> cardiac
realizi -> realizing
blame -> blame
appara -> apparatus
bav -> bavarian
chora -> choral
uncer -> uncertainty
functio -> functionality
privy -> privy
lower -> lowered
amendm -> amendments
twis -> twist
possesse -> possesses
oma -> omar
vei -> vein
advert -> advertisement
marq -> marquis
pep -> pepper
rando -> randolph
refuse -> refuse
shru -> shrub
fert -> fertile
illust -> illustrator
patrol -> patrols
sacks -> sacks
reviewi -> reviewing
laf -> lafayette
damagi -> damaging
drie -> dried
cancell -> cancellation
flem -> flemish
nina -> nina
viab -> viable
neces -> necessity
ideals -> ideals
sensor -> sensors
orderi -> ordering
cresc -> crescent
sensit -> sensitivity
guys -> guys
deva -> devastated
flin -> flint
lah -> lahore
methodo -> methodology
homo -> homosexuality
pig -> pig
locks -> locks
oki -> okinawa
surpa -> surpassed
treatie -> treaties
qualifie -> qualifier
behavio -> behaviors
nomina -> nominal
absol -> absolutely
bees -> bees
soma -> somalia
conferr -> conferred
muscl -> muscles
promoter -> promoter
stac -> stack
vacat -> vacation
rita -> rita
coastl -> coastline
skel -> skeleton
compare -> compare
trek -> trek
barret -> barrett
simpli -> simplified
differen -> differently
troub -> troubles
shareh -> shareholders
grandc -> grandchildren
interce -> interception
assam -> assam
sey -> seymour
tuber -> tuberculosis
experien -> experiencing
jup -> jupiter
bate -> bates
dril -> drill
expedit -> expeditionary
construc -> constructing
pionee -> pioneered
communa -> communal
cliff -> cliffs
vowe -> vowels
caste -> caste
ballot -> ballots
wheelc -> wheelchair
crowds -> crowds
mortg -> mortgage
german -> germanic
profita -> profitable
peruv -> peruvian
wig -> wigan
reic -> reich
adminis -> administrators
puls -> pulse
humor -> humorous
suspi -> suspicion
combina -> combinations
frac -> fraction
tile -> tiles
ruin -> ruined
lineb -> linebacker
attachm -> attachment
weeken -> weekends
possibi -> possibilities
elis -> elisabeth
nominee -> nominees
lam -> lamb
consort -> consort
calm -> calm
diane -> diane
harl -> harlem
ambe -> amber
authe -> authentic
oppose -> oppose
cartr -> cartridge
lamb -> lambert
niec -> niece
benefi -> beneficial
grandd -> granddaughter
slen -> slender
tape -> tapes
stom -> stomach
alley -> alley
ions -> ions
facia -> facial
exci -> exciting
beef -> beef
migh -> mighty
argua -> arguably
surveye -> surveyed
cade -> cadets
jok -> joke
aur -> aurora
elimina -> eliminating
amid -> amid
sunda -> sundays
steali -> stealing
astron -> astronomer
chiefl -> chiefly
medl -> medley
outli -> outline
allegi -> allegiance
berks -> berkshire
brak -> brake
exo -> exotic
cathol -> catholicism
boots -> boots
director -> directory
devot -> devotion
plato -> platoon
centen -> centennial
neur -> neurons
famed -> famed
maf -> mafia
halte -> halted
turt -> turtle
meals -> meals
precio -> precious
rag -> rage
mult -> multimedia
thirtee -> thirteenth
antiq -> antiquity
semif -> semifinal
samo -> samoa
happeni -> happening
ninet -> nineteen
commenti -> commenting
mono -> monopoly
shorta -> shortage
sage -> sage
pact -> pact
reasoni -> reasoning
genoa -> genoa
elv -> elvis
surrou -> surroundings
loch -> loch
punc -> punch
pill -> pillars
glob -> globally
attractin -> attracting
praisi -> praising
dash -> dash
chancel -> chancel
doy -> doyle
presum -> presumed
picki -> picking
penn -> penny
dismi -> dismissal
barke -> barker
gm -> gm
failu -> failures
lyri -> lyrical
arb -> arbitrary
vacate -> vacated
fulf -> fulfill
sigm -> sigma
candid -> candidacy
bullet -> bulletin
stair -> stairs
guer -> guerrilla
spokesp -> spokesperson
colonis -> colonists
waiv -> waived
hiri -> hiring
hank -> hank
mistr -> mistress
referenc -> referenced
issui -> issuing
habit -> habit
capti -> captive
nou -> noun
wheele -> wheeler
nors -> norse
shipb -> shipbuilding
indicatio -> indication
framed -> framed
discover -> discovering
cauc -> caucus
ivy -> ivy
retro -> retrospective
investigati -> investigative
disappo -> disappointed
depth -> depths
tida -> tidal
alloca -> allocation
termino -> terminology
sopr -> soprano
realism -> realism
mayo -> mayo
plen -> plenty
oz -> oz
processi -> procession
gt -> gt
resist -> resist
hara -> harassment
eligi -> eligibility
archer -> archer
curs -> curse
batc -> batch
barbe -> barber
enzy -> enzymes
britt -> brittany
license -> licenses
emiss -> emission
reviewe -> reviewers
recruits -> recruits
meanti -> meantime
frig -> frigate
subsc -> subscription
migran -> migrants
excava -> excavation
stal -> stalin
fenc -> fencing
nume -> numerical
unp -> unprecedented
frit -> fritz
culm -> culminated
fellow -> fellows
tui -> tuition
contributor -> contributors
applica -> applicable
troubl -> troubled
suspic -> suspicious
amn -> amnesty
deadli -> deadline
ine -> inequality
emoti -> emotion
discusse -> discusses
worth -> worthy
registry -> registry
freela -> freelance
creativ -> creativity
accen -> accent
gub -> gubernatorial
suppr -> suppression
rolled -> rolled
concludi -> concluding
amph -> amphibious
noo -> noon
propu -> propulsion
nurser -> nursery
cubi -> cubic
principa -> principally
prede -> predecessors
communism -> communism
substr -> substrate
edith -> edith
exch -> exchanged
wetl -> wetlands
unch -> unchanged
homos -> homosexual
logg -> logging
neura -> neural
xi -> xii
sophi -> sophia
yie -> yields
monac -> monaco
ladd -> ladder
conting -> contingent
alterna -> alternating
vint -> vintage
wick -> wicket
habits -> habits
darr -> darren
invis -> invisible
illustr -> illustration
paga -> pagan
gase -> gases
thick -> thickness
rite -> rite
incorpora -> incorporation
pits -> pits
damas -> damascus
obso -> obsolete
verbs -> verbs
limer -> limerick
infam -> infamous
kur -> kurdish
bullets -> bullets
stretc -> stretches
dana -> dana
ameni -> amenities
grape -> grape
jewe -> jewelry
outri -> outright
steals -> steals
discoveri -> discoveries
originate -> originates
hosta -> hostage
finances -> finances
pulli -> pulling
adopti -> adopting
knox -> knox
ancho -> anchored
accompl -> accomplishments
inle -> inlet
gaso -> gasoline
contem -> contemporaries
sells -> sells
granti -> granting
stays -> stays
discou -> discourse
morp -> morphology
protested -> protested
preservi -> preserving
tomo -> tomorrow
minist -> ministries
alternat -> alternatives
realise -> realised
reorg -> reorganization
horns -> horns
taiw -> taiwanese
kw -> kw
citat -> citations
honour -> honoured
satis -> satisfy
teens -> teens
turr -> turret
solvi -> solving
shifti -> shifting
character -> characterised
wagon -> wagons
inca -> incarnation
venet -> venetian
webe -> weber
christina -> christina
reje -> rejection
reig -> reigning
gamm -> gamma
induct -> induction
sympa -> sympathetic
presea -> preseason
obsc -> obscure
fourte -> fourteenth
everyw -> everywhere
ads -> ads
prompt -> prompting
jaka -> jakarta
endu -> endurance
distrib -> distribute
suppre -> suppressed
jumpe -> jumped
shade -> shade
prolo -> prolonged
historie -> histories
airpla -> airplane
peasa -> peasant
pod -> podium
cord -> cord
worr -> worried
mets -> mets
orchi -> orchid
augus -> augustine
rica -> ricardo
dramas -> dramas
informs -> informs
spark -> sparked
strand -> strand
noa -> noah
shifts -> shifts
resume -> resume
stress -> stressed
fixtu -> fixtures
contributes -> contributes
infra -> infrared
dams -> dams
lingu -> linguistics
concu -> concurrent
crud -> crude
reis -> reissued
optim -> optimal
prisons -> prisons
confes -> confession
disappoi -> disappointing
directora -> directorate
defenda -> defendant
demonstrat -> demonstrates
chargi -> charging
surpl -> surplus
savan -> savannah
entire -> entirety
excha -> exchanges
lott -> lottery
packag -> packages
alia -> alias
judy -> judy
phila -> philanthropist
cleara -> clearance
rolls -> rolls
standa -> standardized
photograp -> photographed
wiz -> wizard
prone -> prone
tav -> tavern
robu -> robust
breeds -> breeds
treaso -> treason
servers -> servers
converti -> converting
winge -> winger
calv -> calvin
lao -> laos
farml -> farmland
unres -> unrest
repri -> reprinted
oxi -> oxide
rama -> rama
crus -> crush
ducks -> ducks
culmi -> culminating
temper -> temperate
jaw -> jaw
hava -> havana
unst -> unstable
cane -> cane
crosso -> crossover
congreg -> congregations
intercep -> intercepted
forge -> forget
monume -> monumental
juris -> jurisdictions
crush -> crushed
interse -> intersects
outf -> outfit
talke -> talked
definiti -> definitive
wra -> wrapped
byr -> byron
inac -> inactive
bye -> bye
mercha -> merchandise
squar -> squares
romeo -> romeo
presti -> prestige
famin -> famine
marcos -> marcos
griff -> griffith
solit -> solitary
morm -> mormon
cak -> cake
dispe -> dispersed
cliffo -> clifford
foca -> focal
canoe -> canoe
shado -> shadows
destiny -> destiny
baske -> basket
oversi -> oversight
castl -> castles
spide -> spiders
remix -> remixes
productivi -> productivity
marce -> marcel
weig -> weighed
flemi -> fleming
motif -> motif
defenc -> defences
extract -> extract
warsh -> warships
concur -> concurrently
approx -> approximate
loun -> lounge
uncov -> uncovered
persua -> persuade
ceram -> ceramic
fury -> fury
immigra -> immigrated
tracti -> traction
landin -> landings
hym -> hymn
perio -> periodic
outlin -> outlined
definite -> definitely
rhy -> rhythmic
compani -> companions
boi -> boiler
chamber -> chamberlain
tat -> tate
sanct -> sanctions
mura -> mural
reconc -> reconciliation
dwe -> dwelling
overw -> overwhelming
chev -> chevrolet
encoura -> encourages
specialis -> specialists
consulta -> consultation
treatis -> treatise
patent -> patented
snak -> snakes
discs -> discs
privil -> privilege
insign -> insignia
nil -> nile
degra -> degradation
tut -> tutor
specialise -> specialised
favoure -> favoured
proposi -> proposition
announ -> announcer
resort -> resorts
noe -> noel
nica -> nicaragua
emma -> emmanuel
nigel -> nigel
deit -> deities
continual -> continually
vera -> vera
deno -> denominations
constab -> constable
suits -> suits
burme -> burmese
suffix -> suffix
rue -> rue
stere -> stereo
hawki -> hawkins
uph -> upheld
mental -> mentally
turf -> turf
tramw -> tramway
retail -> retailers
lonel -> lonely
burl -> burlington
emin -> eminent
manne -> manned
hurr -> hurricanes
enth -> enthusiasm
captiv -> captivity
rails -> rails
transpa -> transparent
instrume -> instrumentation
urd -> urdu
translate -> translates
deriva -> derivatives
strang -> stranger
signali -> signaling
gorg -> gorge
insec -> insect
forei -> foreigners
bucha -> buchanan
fleei -> fleeing
hr -> hr
stir -> stirling
greenl -> greenland
replic -> replica
simm -> simmons
firml -> firmly
magnu -> magnus
obvi -> obviously
instantl -> instantly
entran -> entrants
altera -> alterations
observi -> observing
reel -> reelection
arrest -> arrests
handi -> handicap
nia -> niagara
workp -> workplace
persis -> persistent
belov -> beloved
admire -> admired
judit -> judith
abbot -> abbott
pressi -> pressing
guam -> guam
accessi -> accession
trump -> trumpet
dayto -> dayton
denot -> denotes
holt -> holt
danu -> danube
leni -> leningrad
subtl -> subtle
absorp -> absorption
departi -> departing
accel -> accelerated
biog -> biographer
epid -> epidemic
inaug -> inauguration
crims -> crimson
cauca -> caucasus
beir -> beirut
lb -> lb
marx -> marx
utili -> utilities
gerar -> gerard
consoli -> consolidation
willo -> willow
cousi -> cousins
pronu -> pronunciation
postw -> postwar
metall -> metallic
escor -> escorted
heroi -> heroic
lovi -> loving
confirm -> confirmation
burs -> burst
differi -> differing
touche -> touched
criticis -> criticisms
stocks -> stocks
communio -> communion
cey -> ceylon
procla -> proclamation
fined -> fined
clip -> clip
wildc -> wildcats
identit -> identities
shri -> shri
madam -> madame
assume -> assumes
dominat -> dominate
markers -> markers
roya -> royals
polli -> polling
racer -> racer
curren -> currents
balloo -> balloon
rodr -> rodriguez
evalu -> evaluated
resti -> resting
relies -> relies
dono -> donor
probabl -> probable
cosm -> cosmic
stairc -> staircase
unific -> unification
hora -> horace
clashe -> clashes
foren -> forensic
holden -> holden
practica -> practically
plead -> pleaded
intercept -> interceptions
revert -> reverted
miran -> miranda
ordin -> ordinance
composin -> composing
ranged -> ranged
bred -> bred
elevato -> elevator
jui -> juice
regg -> reggae
profo -> profound
lag -> lagoon
zin -> zinc
dign -> dignity
cable -> cables
alger -> algerian
offenc -> offence
feud -> feudal
appoint -> appoint
void -> void
subscr -> subscribers
duel -> duel
messe -> messenger
chairs -> chairs
imprin -> imprint
killin -> killings
isabe -> isabel
pupp -> puppet
cites -> cites
punt -> punt
vario -> variously
watches -> watches
embl -> emblem
ceas -> cease
chips -> chips
decreas -> decreasing
valid -> validity
amal -> amalgamated
recognizi -> recognizing
canna -> cannabis
namesa -> namesake
heirs -> heirs
analys -> analyses
frus -> frustrated
chemis -> chemist
considerati -> considerations
guilt -> guilt
night -> nightclub
td -> td
motifs -> motifs
ecos -> ecosystem
tina -> tina
enfo -> enforced
dividi -> dividing
erec -> erect
unh -> unhappy
brake -> brakes
utiliz -> utilize
alien -> aliens
specializ -> specializes
assass -> assassinated
respi -> respiratory
weav -> weaver
pond -> ponds
ensure -> ensured
liai -> liaison
veter -> veterinary
jule -> jules
propose -> proposes
seth -> seth
castil -> castile
chand -> chandler
bosn -> bosnian
flot -> flotilla
psych -> psychologist
boyc -> boycott
mutat -> mutation
pitche -> pitchers
johann -> johannesburg
furi -> furious
monast -> monastic
dose -> dose
olivi -> olivia
earnin -> earnings
fungu -> fungus
enfor -> enforce
redesi -> redesigned
staff -> stafford
itali -> italians
excit -> excited
baco -> bacon
explosiv -> explosives
troup -> troupe
diagno -> diagnostic
tud -> tudor
jacke -> jacket
torq -> torque
drill -> drilling
rotte -> rotterdam
consci -> conscious
fon -> font
replay -> replay
casa -> casa
academ -> academia
correspon -> correspond
farew -> farewell
tombs -> tombs
xii -> xiii
sharpl -> sharply
milit -> militant
resembl -> resemblance
slove -> slovenian
trenc -> trench
satu -> saturn
melod -> melodies
display -> displaying
internal -> internally
gore -> gore
expresse -> expresses
propr -> proprietary
field -> fielding
lent -> lent
conversa -> conversations
portrayi -> portraying
strength -> strengthening
refi -> refined
crosb -> crosby
resembli -> resembling
routin -> routing
separati -> separating
signatu -> signatures
ratif -> ratified
tragi -> tragic
botan -> botanist
participate -> participates
prevents -> prevents
turbi -> turbines
devas -> devastating
critiq -> critique
notice -> notices
dwel -> dwellings
tere -> teresa
posters -> posters
satir -> satirical
unfi -> unfinished
za -> zambia
incomi -> incoming
physio -> physiology
bent -> bent
unioni -> unionist
determi -> determines
cruis -> cruisers
readin -> readings
doom -> doom
mandat -> mandated
magnif -> magnificent
justif -> justified
bam -> bamboo
bags -> bags
colombo -> colombo
overth -> overthrow
cass -> cassette
bila -> bilateral
hale -> hale
forem -> foremost
reply -> reply
priest -> priesthood
obst -> obstacles
radia -> radial
northwa -> northward
moz -> mozambique
confron -> confronts
restori -> restoring
rewa -> rewarded
breat -> breathing
ottom -> ottomans
boh -> bohemia
engineer -> engineered
brandi -> branding
gross -> grossed
mergi -> merging
sancti -> sanctioned
style -> styled
tora -> torah
commanda -> commandant
amu -> amusement
dear -> dear
tul -> tulsa
nest -> nests
examini -> examining
undergon -> undergone
robot -> robots
proving -> proving
groc -> grocery
resista -> resistant
ethn -> ethnicity
redsk -> redskins
fart -> farther
alar -> alarm
magg -> maggie
correl -> correlation
kyo -> kyoto
reloc -> relocation
fog -> fog
margins -> margins
marij -> marijuana
exha -> exhaust
occupa -> occupational
denou -> denounced
blan -> blank
heathe -> heather
presc -> prescribed
sunn -> sunny
codex -> codex
solic -> solicitor
intelle -> intellectuals
quot -> quotes
offse -> offset
sixtee -> sixteenth
bato -> baton
commando -> commando
sio -> sioux
crusa -> crusade
openi -> openings
cheap -> cheaper
textu -> texture
inhere -> inherent
bluf -> bluff
deskt -> desktop
elevati -> elevations
unlim -> unlimited
wolf -> wolfgang
affilia -> affiliates
underta -> undertake
utilizi -> utilizing
lamp -> lamp
born -> borneo
tempora -> temporal
goodb -> goodbye
establi -> establishments
valent -> valentine
volunte -> volunteered
ire -> irene
zu -> zurich
hut -> hut
brick -> bricks
medica -> medication
imports -> imports
promptl -> promptly
picn -> picnic
ios -> ios
soup -> soup
centred -> centred
meado -> meadow
tense -> tense
spinn -> spinning
roofs -> roofs
libra -> librarian
sweep -> sweep
liqu -> liquor
patch -> patches
please -> pleased
perim -> perimeter
warmi -> warming
slip -> slip
debate -> debated
coc -> cockpit
backs -> backs
accol -> accolades
christie -> christie
delu -> deluxe
hostili -> hostilities
restric -> restriction
drain -> drain
depor -> deported
island -> islanders
analyz -> analyzed
deny -> deny
brut -> brutal
hail -> hailed
selecti -> selections
vocab -> vocabulary
bacte -> bacterial
duke -> dukes
botany -> botany
stretch -> stretched
brooke -> brooke
lauren -> laurence
fasc -> fascist
puz -> puzzle
marryi -> marrying
transpar -> transparency
propel -> propeller
saxop -> saxophone
grana -> granada
enthu -> enthusiastic
directiv -> directive
biogr -> biographical
stole -> stole
transiti -> transitional
fitti -> fitting
afo -> aforementioned
phra -> phrases
stretchi -> stretching
turnp -> turnpike
canad -> canadians
table -> tablet
fibe -> fibers
weekd -> weekday
pled -> pledged
alco -> alcoholic
hydro -> hydroelectric
bug -> bugs
tir -> tired
ank -> ankle
kap -> kappa
goodm -> goodman
clips -> clips
opene -> opener
whole -> wholesale
apac -> apache
viole -> violet
appreci -> appreciated
molly -> molly
surpri -> surprisingly
manif -> manifesto
packed -> packed
baba -> baba
mids -> midst
relic -> relics
rigi -> rigid
diagr -> diagram
tracke -> tracked
trick -> tricks
tire -> tire
conces -> concession
wherei -> wherein
mali -> mali
asho -> ashore
rodn -> rodney
enjoy -> enjoys
aimi -> aiming
partis -> partisan
entert -> entertaining
adverti -> advertised
planti -> planting
nationalis -> nationalists
drow -> drowned
piers -> piers
citad -> citadel
coca -> cocaine
steele -> steele
vinc -> vince
organist -> organist
whar -> wharf
combu -> combustion
denom -> denomination
whip -> whip
sampli -> sampling
costl -> costly
senio -> seniors
incorr -> incorrect
distre -> distress
sene -> senegal
meani -> meanings
escapi -> escaping
remat -> rematch
mack -> mack
juni -> juniors
incred -> incredible
mandar -> mandarin
canals -> canals
ultr -> ultra
disma -> dismantled
conceptu -> conceptual
semin -> seminars
accele -> acceleration
waterf -> waterfront
distu -> disturbed
defendan -> defendants
innoce -> innocence
wer -> werner
spina -> spinal
oblig -> obligation
printe -> printer
aven -> avengers
dug -> dug
contractor -> contractors
verde -> verde
urgi -> urging
accesso -> accessories
seiz -> seize
probe -> probe
bean -> beans
emers -> emerson
bolt -> bolt
overla -> overlap
restru -> restructuring
educat -> educate
cerami -> ceramics
earthq -> earthquakes
storyl -> storylines
subse -> subset
dove -> dove
tones -> tones
uc -> uc
divini -> divinity
discre -> discrete
seme -> semester
mista -> mistakes
harrie -> harriet
onwa -> onward
graz -> grazing
pigs -> pigs
lione -> lionel
protoco -> protocols
ideol -> ideological
rove -> rover
marvi -> marvin
kilk -> kilkenny
captai -> captains
detaili -> detailing
crys -> crystals
angu -> angular
violin -> violinist
confis -> confiscated
travele -> travelers
shelt -> shelters
oblige -> obliged
copi -> copied
estu -> estuary
firs -> firstly
dimi -> diminished
campaig -> campaigning
eastw -> eastward
lense -> lenses
evalua -> evaluate
spli -> splitting
algebr -> algebraic
milita -> militants
wilt -> wiltshire
sonn -> sonny
recall -> recalls
pathwa -> pathways
lasts -> lasts
substit -> substituted
pulp -> pulp
integrat -> integrate
hog -> hogan
upri -> upright
groo -> groove
zip -> zip
syndi -> syndicate
disappoin -> disappointment
bowls -> bowls
genero -> generous
lest -> lester
beaco -> beacon
bind -> bind
unexp -> unexpectedly
suz -> suzuki
principal -> principality
hindu -> hindus
immun -> immunity
soloi -> soloist
flexi -> flexibility
extracte -> extracted
patriot -> patriot
clans -> clans
applican -> applicants
weakn -> weakness
questi -> questioning
attor -> attorneys
visibi -> visibility
surpris -> surprising
ridg -> ridges
omi -> omitted
sauc -> sauce
rains -> rains
successo -> successors
unop -> unopposed
mosa -> mosaic
brewi -> brewing
prefi -> prefix
distribu -> distributor
bottle -> bottles
conclude -> conclude
babi -> babies
blown -> blown
conclus -> conclusions
eleg -> elegant
exclus -> exclusion
merce -> mercer
affin -> affinity
bub -> bubble
indire -> indirectly
matur -> maturity
habs -> habsburg
bloom -> bloom
honora -> honorable
builder -> builders
ng -> ng
hair -> hairs
randa -> randall
sevente -> seventeenth
chrom -> chromosome
brush -> brush
lorr -> lorraine
execute -> execute
risen -> risen
besie -> besieged
hump -> humphrey
commemo -> commemorative
sibe -> siberia
flour -> flourished
balk -> balkan
reass -> reassigned
entrep -> entrepreneurs
hurd -> hurdles
paul -> paula
feari -> fearing
thor -> thoroughbred
conveni -> convenient
bles -> blessing
unite -> unite
broadcas -> broadcasters
thread -> thread
kidna -> kidnapping
dias -> diaspora
eru -> eruption
menu -> menu
fow -> fowler
unne -> unnecessary
bankru -> bankrupt
senti -> sentiment
cataly -> catalyst
medin -> medina
melodi -> melodic
persia -> persia
seede -> seeded
rejec -> reject
ellio -> elliot
thoro -> thoroughly
passion -> passionate
circulat -> circulated
qualifier -> qualifiers
sword -> swords
perspe -> perspectives
docks -> docks
talb -> talbot
comparis -> comparisons
ranch -> rancho
playg -> playground
mirr -> mirrors
catche -> catcher
borne -> borne
poiso -> poisoning
intege -> integer
bordea -> bordeaux
decrease -> decreases
sustai -> sustain
customa -> customary
context -> contexts
trusted -> trusted
annexa -> annexation
resur -> resurrection
presidi -> presiding
bili -> bilingual
epit -> epithet
mant -> mantle
haz -> hazard
greens -> greens
regiment -> regimental
mati -> mating
empi -> empirical
accounta -> accountability
capital -> capitalism
fric -> friction
nata -> natalie
archib -> archibald
benn -> benny
honol -> honolulu
pao -> paolo
dolls -> dolls
influx -> influx
infant -> infants
objecte -> objected
sik -> sikh
villain -> villains
metab -> metabolism
liz -> liz
afric -> africans
coinc -> coincided
calcul -> calculation
convenie -> convenience
assemb -> assemblies
undi -> undisclosed
piper -> piper
resiste -> resisted
investigator -> investigator
gent -> gentle
exceedi -> exceeding
grip -> grip
unuse -> unused
sak -> sake
overse -> oversee
ole -> ole
scand -> scandinavian
turtl -> turtles
convinci -> convincing
mongo -> mongol
norms -> norms
fisherm -> fishermen
wash -> washed
supply -> supplying
serge -> sergei
expu -> expulsion
ramp -> ramp
vegeta -> vegetable
baku -> baku
tortu -> tortured
verna -> vernacular
battles -> battleship
pota -> potato
acquis -> acquisitions
constitutes -> constitutes
smil -> smile
parame -> parameter
elders -> elders
somal -> somali
prospe -> prospects
calcula -> calculations
strongh -> stronghold
edua -> eduardo
clinic -> clinics
overha -> overhaul
lant -> lantern
merid -> meridian
casua -> casual
fifte -> fifteenth
immen -> immense
newes -> newest
waterfa -> waterfall
anit -> anita
eis -> eisenhower
gentl -> gentleman
dais -> daisy
olivie -> olivier
choose -> chooses
owed -> owed
steph -> stephanie
satisf -> satisfaction
donor -> donors
piz -> pizza
perip -> peripheral
therap -> therapeutic
builds -> builds
centena -> centenary
supplier -> supplier
carpe -> carpet
condit -> conditioning
cowb -> cowboy
commitme -> commitments
mason -> masonry
famou -> famously
creator -> creators
trem -> tremendous
surgeo -> surgeons
xiv -> xiv
facul -> faculties
attracts -> attracts
arrow -> arrows
peel -> peel
negl -> neglected
cello -> cello
truma -> truman
valve -> valves
bren -> brent
threaten -> threatens
spun -> spun
barred -> barred
segr -> segregation
hau -> haunted
savo -> savoy
aggre -> aggression
shooto -> shootout
flye -> flyers
moroc -> moroccan
beams -> beams
modera -> moderately
sight -> sights
esth -> esther
evere -> everett
kern -> kernel
desira -> desirable
greenh -> greenhouse
reins -> reinstated
polyn -> polynomial
napol -> napoleonic
xu -> xu
glaci -> glacial
endur -> enduring
enli -> enlightenment
deac -> deacon
longi -> longitude
prea -> preacher
exerci -> exercised
spectr -> spectral
arbi -> arbitration
lui -> luigi
racist -> racist
collar -> collar
rites -> rites
merced -> mercedes
bould -> boulder
recorde -> recorder
brui -> bruins
surroun -> surround
dynam -> dynamo
spends -> spends
barba -> barbados
leak -> leaked
surveyo -> surveyor
stei -> stein
fragm -> fragment
ministe -> ministerial
someh -> somehow
jonas -> jonas
superh -> superhero
spaw -> spawned
labell -> labelled
busine -> businessmen
smit -> smithsonian
natha -> nathaniel
terminal -> terminals
vend -> vendors
philoso -> philosophers
loads -> loads
everg -> evergreen
statute -> statutes
cemet -> cemeteries
andes -> andes
depose -> deposed
supporti -> supportive
sandr -> sandra
setu -> setup
peera -> peerage
kirb -> kirby
luna -> luna
predic -> predict
disast -> disastrous
slate -> slated
lowel -> lowell
continent -> continents
ct -> ct
surfa -> surfaced
coloniz -> colonization
quote -> quote
portrays -> portrays
stel -> stellar
ille -> illegally
vein -> veins
reson -> resonance
lamps -> lamps
orn -> ornamental
subsid -> subsidiaries
clima -> climax
owl -> owl
lifti -> lifting
retri -> retrieve
skat -> skate
gradi -> gradient
generator -> generators
conducts -> conducts
attes -> attested
imagine -> imagine
likel -> likelihood
grapes -> grapes
oman -> oman
leth -> lethal
corps -> corpse
drif -> drift
herc -> hercules
cret -> cretaceous
explod -> exploded
coff -> coffin
yours -> yourself
sidi -> siding
favoura -> favourable
electrom -> electromagnetic
dino -> dinosaur
invas -> invasive
satire -> satire
barrel -> barrels
prospec -> prospective
alis -> alison
organizer -> organizers
barro -> barrow
suffer -> suffers
steam -> steamer
acquit -> acquitted
nets -> nets
confront -> confront
ferti -> fertility
filin -> filing
presentat -> presentations
paral -> parallels
wax -> wax
respondi -> responding
crac -> crack
harmf -> harmful
weigh -> weights
visua -> visually
butte -> butter
romane -> romanesque
torpe -> torpedoes
collabora -> collaborator
switche -> switches
derive -> derive
buye -> buyers
cooke -> cooked
stell -> stella
conco -> concord
slal -> slalom
best -> bestowed
judgem -> judgement
anym -> anymore
transv -> transverse
nun -> nuns
nowh -> nowhere
whale -> whales
intentio -> intentionally
comet -> comet
kati -> katie
orcha -> orchard
suggesti -> suggestions
breto -> breton
shre -> shrewsbury
shale -> shale
sv -> sv
angelo -> angelo
squads -> squads
commemor -> commemorated
neo -> neolithic
judo -> judo
breath -> breath
panz -> panzer
dioc -> diocesan
guinn -> guinness
blee -> bleeding
births -> births
refur -> refurbished
flav -> flavor
joke -> jokes
ie -> ieee
check -> checks
beard -> beard
cypr -> cypriot
evel -> evelyn
orac -> oracle
narrat -> narrated
nevi -> neville
traili -> trailing
electors -> electors
ambie -> ambient
cort -> cortex
kits -> kits
sani -> sanitation
bust -> bust
simult -> simultaneous
moral -> morality
mutan -> mutant
mesa -> mesa
schn -> schneider
armis -> armistice
jad -> jade
instab -> instability
indicato -> indicator
precin -> precinct
bert -> bert
converse -> conversely
crue -> cruel
diplom -> diplomacy
rav -> raven
asc -> ascent
entru -> entrusted
covena -> covenant
marian -> marian
terroris -> terrorists
virus -> viruses
nass -> nassau
mayor -> mayors
marxi -> marxist
charger -> chargers
gp -> gp
jama -> jamaican
coco -> coconut
bowi -> bowie
darl -> darling
trams -> trams
latti -> lattice
bail -> bail
mounti -> mounting
peng -> penguin
quin -> quincy
confide -> confident
certifi -> certificates
abd -> abdomen
letti -> letting
sensory -> sensory
exhau -> exhausted
assur -> assured
gile -> giles
arisi -> arising
leona -> leonardo
hatr -> hatred
textil -> textiles
hallo -> halloween
warnin -> warnings
yiel -> yielded
processo -> processors
descendi -> descending
overtu -> overturned
cents -> cents
scar -> scarlet
lip -> lip
bohe -> bohemian
paso -> paso
illusi -> illusion
textb -> textbook
vision -> visions
engr -> engraved
vog -> vogue
basema -> baseman
vacc -> vaccine
eleph -> elephants
ambus -> ambush
objecti -> objections
discipl -> disciples
digi -> digitally
gig -> gig
upgra -> upgrades
weighi -> weighing
dressi -> dressing
stun -> stunt
cliv -> clive
kai -> kaiser
cine -> cinemas
analyst -> analysts
dad -> dad
embr -> embrace
foldi -> folding
terminat -> termination
berth -> berth
bille -> billed
rhe -> rhetoric
tenan -> tenant
sting -> sting
hospi -> hospitality
shelf -> shelf
marty -> marty
canop -> canopy
subdiv -> subdivisions
anywa -> anyway
offence -> offences
jain -> jain
digit -> digits
confede -> confederacy
fortun -> fortunes
superma -> supermarket
recy -> recycling
sevens -> sevens
simple -> simpler
lawso -> lawson
headm -> headmaster
notew -> noteworthy
petro -> petrol
marse -> marseille
exits -> exits
deed -> deed
preserves -> preserves
admiss -> admissions
sunl -> sunlight
catchi -> catching
sympat -> sympathy
infecti -> infectious
approve -> approve
dicta -> dictatorship
gps -> gps
encodi -> encoding
incide -> incidence
purcha -> purchases
jil -> jill
outlo -> outlook
marine -> mariners
mois -> moisture
archaeo -> archaeologists
koc -> koch
eque -> equestrian
exploit -> exploited
dealer -> dealers
prosper -> prosperous
archie -> archie
resolu -> resolutions
curta -> curtain
sunni -> sunni
shea -> shear
leap -> leap
rave -> ravens
livery -> livery
shareho -> shareholder
moody -> moody
hindui -> hinduism
illeg -> illegitimate
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