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Last active November 29, 2016 16:54
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Creating GIFs easily with ffcast
# my_ffcast takes the same options as ffcast
# -s: part of screen
# -w: window
# ...
if [ -z $1 ]
TMP_AVI=$(mktemp /tmp/outXXXXXXXXXX.avi)
echo ""
echo ""
echo "There is a 03 second delay after the window is set to "
echo " remove any window glitches, check the output to see "
echo " when the recording actually starts"
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
ffcast -vv $option lag 3 ~/work/apps/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -f x11grab -s %s -i %D+%c -r 15 -vcodec huffyuv -y $TMP_AVI
v2gif $TMP_AVI
mv ${TMP_AVI%.*}.gif $DEST_FOLDER
echo ""
echo "File generated at ${TMP_AVI%.*}.gif and moved to $DEST_FOLDER"
# credit to @lolilolicon for improving this script!!
(($#)) || { printf 'usage: %s <video>\n' "${0##*/}" >&2; exit; }
[[ ${1,,} == *.gif ]] && exit
ffmpeg() {
command ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -nostdin "$@"
video_to_gif() {
ffmpeg -i "$1" -vf palettegen -f image2 -c:v png - |
ffmpeg -i "$1" -i - -filter_complex paletteuse "$2"
set -- "$1" "${1%.*}.gif"
printf 'converting: %s ...' "$1" >&2
video_to_gif "$@" &&
printf '\r\e[Kwritten to: %s\n' "$2" >&2
# vim:et:sw=4:ts=4:
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@lolilolicon you're very welcome!!

your bash skills are awesome!! going to update my scripts :)

ps. just saw you comment now and the wiki page seems simple and awesome, I'd love to improve but can't see on what :p

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