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Last active November 30, 2021 20:38
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Save averne/4ff4af8074b1009f3195cf79693bd041 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <switch.h>
void __libnx_initheap(void) { }
void __appInit(void) { }
void __appExit(void) { }
#define DISP_IO_BASE 0x54200000
#define DISP_IO_SIZE (8 * 0x1000)
#define DC_CMD_INT_ENABLE 0xe4
# define CMU_LUT_CONFLICT_INT_ENABLE (1 << 22)
#define DC_CMD_STATE_CONTROL 0x104
# define GENERAL_ACT_REQ (1 << 0)
# define WIN_A_ACT_REQ (1 << 1)
# define WIN_B_ACT_REQ (1 << 2)
# define WIN_C_ACT_REQ (1 << 3)
# define WIN_D_ACT_REQ (1 << 4)
# define CURSOR_ACT_REQ (1 << 7)
# define GENERAL_UPDATE (1 << 8)
# define WIN_A_UPDATE (1 << 9)
# define WIN_B_UPDATE (1 << 10)
# define WIN_C_UPDATE (1 << 11)
# define WIN_D_UPDATE (1 << 12)
# define CURSOR_UPDATE (1 << 15)
# define NC_HOST_TRIG_ENABLE (1 << 24)
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KRR 0xca8
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KGR 0xcac
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KBR 0xcb0
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KRG 0xcb4
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KGG 0xcb8
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KBG 0xcbc
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KRB 0xcc0
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KGB 0xcc4
#define DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KBB 0xcc8
# define DISP_COLOR_SWAP (1 << 16)
# define BLANK_COLOR (1 << 17)
# define NON_BASE_COLOR (1 << 18)
# define CMU_ENABLE (1 << 20)
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Result rc;
uint64_t mmio_base, mmio_size;
rc = svcQueryIoMapping(&mmio_base, &mmio_size, DISP_IO_BASE, DISP_IO_SIZE);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
rc = svcSetThreadPriority(CUR_THREAD_HANDLE, 0x3f);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
while (true) {
uint32_t interrupts = *(volatile uint32_t *)(mmio_base + DC_CMD_INT_ENABLE);
*(volatile uint32_t *)(mmio_base + DC_CMD_INT_ENABLE) = interrupts;
uint32_t color_control = *(volatile uint32_t *)(mmio_base + DC_DISP_DISP_COLOR_CONTROL);
color_control &= ~CMU_ENABLE;
*(volatile uint32_t *)(mmio_base + DC_DISP_DISP_COLOR_CONTROL) = color_control;
*(volatile uint32_t *)(mmio_base + DC_CMD_STATE_CONTROL) = GENERAL_ACT_REQ;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
volatile uint32_t test = *(volatile uint32_t *)(mmio_base + DC_COM_CMU_CSC_KRR + i * sizeof(uint32_t));
return 0;
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