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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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(require '[datomic.api :as d]
'[clojure.stacktrace :as st])
;; Knobs
(def datoms-per-tx 1000)
;; Monitoring
(def start-time (atom 0))
(def transaction-count (atom 0))
(defn partition-txs
"Given a seq of transactions, figure out how many datoms in the first
transaction, and then partition to ensure each group of transactions
has *datoms-per-tx* datoms in it."
(let [representative (first txs)
tx-size (reduce + (map count representative))
txs-per-partition (max (quot datoms-per-tx tx-size) 1)]
(prn {:op :partition-txs
:txs-per-partition txs-per-partition})
(partition-all txs-per-partition txs)))
(defn load-generated-data
"Call a generator to create entities. Load num-samples of them into
the database, using parallel threads for better throughput."
[conn generator num-samples]
(let [db (d/db conn)]
(reset! start-time (System/nanoTime))
(prn {:op :start})
(doseq [{:keys [tx result counter start tod]}
(pmap #(let [ctr (swap! transaction-count inc)
tx (apply concat %)]
{:tx tx
:start (. System (nanoTime))
:result (d/transact-async conn tx)
:counter ctr}
(catch Throwable e
{:result (delay (throw e))
:counter ctr
:tx tx})))
(partition-txs (repeatedly num-samples generator)))]
(when @result
(prn {:op :tx
:ctr counter
:elapsed-ms (quot (- (System/nanoTime) start)
(catch Throwable e
(prn {:op :tx
:ctr counter
:err (st/root-cause e)
:tx tx})
(when tx
@(d/transact-async conn tx)))))
(let [scheduled? (d/request-index conn)]
(prn {:op :final-index
:scheduled? scheduled?}))
(prn {:op :end
:elapsed-ms (quot (- (System/nanoTime) @start-time)
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