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Last active February 10, 2020 16:04
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# full iCEstick pinout:
set_io CLK_pad 21
set_io FT2232H_GPIOL2_pad 1
set_io FT2232H_GPIOL1_pad 2
set_io FT2232H_GPIOL0_pad 3
set_io FT2232H_TMS_CS_pad 4
set_io FT2232H_TDO_DI_pad 7
set_io FT2232H_TDI_DO_pad 8
set_io FT2232H_TCK_SK_pad 9
set_io D1_pad 99
set_io D2_pad 98
set_io D3_pad 97
set_io D4_pad 96
set_io D5_pad 95
set_io RXD_pad 106
set_io TXD_pad 105
set_io SD_pad 107
set_io J3_3_pad 62
set_io J3_4_pad 61
#set_io PMOD1_pad 78
#set_io PMOD2_pad 79
#set_io PMOD3_pad 80
#set_io PMOD4_pad 81
#set_io PMOD7_pad 87
#set_io PMOD8_pad 88
#set_io PMOD9_pad 90
#set_io PMOD10_pad 91
#set_io J1_3_pad 112
#set_io J1_4_pad 113
#set_io J1_5_pad 114
#set_io J1_6_pad 115
#set_io J1_7_pad 116
#set_io J1_8_pad 117
#set_io J1_9_pad 118
#set_io J1_10_pad 119
#set_io J3_5_pad 60
#set_io J3_6_pad 56
#set_io J3_7_pad 48
#set_io J3_8_pad 47
#set_io J3_9_pad 45
#set_io J3_10_pad 44
#set_io SPI_SDO_pad 67
#set_io SPI_SDI_pad 68
#set_io SPI_SCK_pad 70
#set_io SPI_SS_B_pad 71
.CLKHF_DIV (2'b00)
) osc_inst_0(
) /* synthesis ROUTE_THROUGH_FABRIC=0 * /;
SB_GB_IO # (
.PIN_TYPE (6'b011000),
.PULLUP (1'b1)
) io_cell_13_9__1 (
.PACKAGE_PIN (io_13_9__1_led4), // User’s Pin signal name
.LATCH_INPUT_VALUE (latch_input_value), // Latches/holds the Input value
.CLOCK_ENABLE (clock_enable), // Clock Enable common to input and output clock
.INPUT_CLK (input_clk), // Clock for the input registers
.OUTPUT_CLK (output_clk), // Clock for the output registers
.OUTPUT_ENABLE (output_enable), // Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.D_OUT_0 (to_led), // Data 0 – out to Pin/Rising clk edge
.D_OUT_1 (d_out_1), // Data 1 - out to Pin/Falling clk edge
.D_IN_0 (d_in_0), // Data 0 - Pin input/Rising clk edge
.D_IN_1 (d_in_1) // Data 1 – Pin input/Falling clk edge
.GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT (Global_Buffered_User_Clock) // Example use – clock buffer
//driven from the input pin
SB_LUT4 # (
.LUT_INIT (16'b00000000_11110010)
) rs1 (
.O (Q), // output
.I0 (Q), // data input 0
.I1 (R), // data input 1
.I2 (S), // data input 2
.I3 (1'b0) // data input 3
SB_CARRY my_carry_inst (
.CO (CO),
.I0 (I0),
.I1 (I1),
.CI (CI));
.D (BTN),
.C (CLK),
.E (1'b1),
.R (1'b0),
.Q (line1));
Instantiation template:
PIOPair # (
.PIN_TYPE_0 (6'b000001),
.PIN_TYPE_1 (6'b000001))
io_pair_1 (
.CLK_EN (), // Clock Enable common to input and output clock
.OUT_CLK (), // Clock for the output registers
.IN_CLK (), // Clock for the input registers
.PAD_0 (),
.PAD_1 (),
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.OUT_EN_0 (),
.OUT_EN_1 (),
.D_OUT_0 (),
.D_OUT_1 (),
.D_OUT_DDR_0 (),
.D_OUT_DDR_1 (),
.D_IN_0 (),
.D_IN_1 (),
.D_IN_DDR_0 (),
.D_IN_DDR_1 ()
module PIOPair # (
parameter PIN_TYPE_0 = 6'b000001,
parameter PIN_TYPE_1 = 6'b000001,
parameter PULLUP_0 = 1'b0, // By default, the IO will have NO pull up. This parameter is used only on bank 0, 1, and 2. Ignored when it is placed at bank 3
parameter PULLUP_1 = 1'b0 // By default, the IO will have NO pull up. This parameter is used only on bank 0, 1, and 2. Ignored when it is placed at bank 3
) (
input wire CLK_EN, // Clock Enable common to input and output clock
input wire OUT_CLK, // Clock for the output registers
input wire IN_CLK, // Clock for the input registers
inout wire PAD_0,
inout wire PAD_1,
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
input wire OUT_EN_0,
input wire OUT_EN_1,
input wire D_OUT_0,
input wire D_OUT_1,
input wire D_OUT_DDR_0,
input wire D_OUT_DDR_1,
output wire D_IN_0,
output wire D_IN_1,
output wire D_IN_DDR_0,
output wire D_IN_DDR_1
SB_IO # (
.NEG_TRIGGER (1'b0),
.IO_STANDARD ("SB_LVCMOS") // Other IO standards are supported in bank 3
// only: SB_SSTL2_CLASS_2, SB_SSTL2_CLASS_1,
// SB_MDDR8, SB_MDDR4, SB_MDDR2 etc.
) io_0 (
.D_OUT_0 (D_OUT_0),
.D_OUT_1 (D_OUT_DDR_0),
.D_IN_0 (D_IN_0),
.D_IN_1 (D_IN_DDR_0)
SB_IO # (
.NEG_TRIGGER (1'b0),
) io_1 (
.D_OUT_0 (D_OUT_1),
.D_OUT_1 (D_OUT_DDR_1),
.D_IN_0 (D_IN_1),
.D_IN_1 (D_IN_DDR_1)
module ArrowHead # (
parameter INITIAL = 1'b0
) (
input wire IN,
input wire CASC_STATE,
output wire CASC_RESET,
output wire STATE_OUT,
input wire RESET_IN,
output wire TX_HAPPENED,
input wire CLOCK
reg state = INITIAL;
reg TX_HAPPENED = 1'b0;
always @(posedge CLOCK)
state <= IN | (state & ~RESET_IN);
assign STATE_OUT = state | CASC_STATE;
//assign CASC_STATE = 1'b0;
//assign CASC_RESET_TAIL = 1'b0;
module ArrowTail (
input wire STATE_IN,
output wire RESET_OUT,
input wire CASC_RESET_TAIL,
output wire CASC_STATE_TAIL,
output wire OUT,
input wire EVENT
// State with only 1 output and 0 inputs is always initial
module State_1_Output (
input wire EVENT_0,
output wire S_OUT_0,
input wire CLOCK
wire head_STATE_OUT;
wire head_RESET_IN;
ArrowHead # (.INITIAL (1'b1)) head (
.CASC_STATE (1'b0),
.IN (1'b0),
ArrowTail tail (
.OUT (S_OUT_0),
module State_3_Inputs_2_Outputs (
// From source states
input wire S_IN_0,
input wire S_IN_1,
input wire S_IN_2,
// Generated events when enters state
output wire ON_IN_0,
output wire ON_IN_1,
output wire ON_IN_2,
// Events to drive one of the outputs
input wire EVENT_0,
input wire EVENT_1,
// To destination states
output wire S_OUT_0,
output wire S_OUT_1,
input wire CLOCK
wire head_0_STATE_OUT,
ArrowHead head_0 (
.IN (S_IN_0),
.CASC_STATE (1'b0),
.RESET_IN (head_0_RESET_IN),
ArrowHead head_1 (
.IN (S_IN_1),
.RESET_IN (head_1_RESET_IN),
ArrowHead head_2 (
.IN (S_IN_2),
.RESET_IN (head_2_RESET_IN),
ArrowTail tail_0 (
.OUT (S_OUT_0),
.RESET_OUT (head_2_RESET_IN));
ArrowTail tail_1 (
.OUT (S_OUT_1),
module State_1_Input_1_Output (
// From source states
input wire S_IN_0,
// Generated events when enters state
output wire ON_IN_0,
// Events to drive one of the outputs
input wire EVENT_0,
// To destination states
output wire S_OUT_0,
input wire CLOCK
wire head_0_STATE_OUT, head_0_RESET_IN;
ArrowHead head_0 (
.IN (S_IN_0),
.RESET_IN (head_0_RESET_IN),
.CASC_STATE (1'b0),
ArrowTail tail_0 (
.OUT (S_OUT_0),
module top (
inout CLK_pad,
inout wire FT2232H_GPIOL2_pad,
inout wire FT2232H_GPIOL1_pad,
inout wire FT2232H_GPIOL0_pad,
inout wire FT2232H_TMS_CS_pad,
inout wire FT2232H_TDO_DI_pad,
inout wire FT2232H_TDI_DO_pad,
inout wire FT2232H_TCK_SK_pad,
inout wire D1_pad,
inout wire D2_pad,
inout wire D3_pad,
inout wire D4_pad,
inout wire D5_pad,
inout wire RXD_pad,
inout wire TXD_pad,
inout wire SD_pad,
inout wire J3_3_pad,
inout wire J3_4_pad
inout wire PMOD1_pad,
inout wire PMOD2_pad,
inout wire PMOD3_pad,
inout wire PMOD4_pad,
inout wire PMOD7_pad,
inout wire PMOD8_pad,
inout wire PMOD9_pad,
inout wire PMOD10_pad,
inout wire J1_3_pad,
inout wire J1_4_pad,
inout wire J1_5_pad,
inout wire J1_6_pad,
inout wire J1_7_pad,
inout wire J1_8_pad,
inout wire J1_9_pad,
inout wire J1_10_pad,
inout wire J3_5_pad,
inout wire J3_6_pad,
inout wire J3_7_pad,
inout wire J3_8_pad,
inout wire J3_9_pad,
inout wire J3_10_pad,
inout wire SPI_SDO_pad,
inout wire SPI_SDI_pad,
inout wire SPI_SCK_pad,
inout wire SPI_SS_B_pad */
wire GBUF6;
SB_GB_IO # (
.PIN_TYPE (6'b000011),
.PULLUP (1'b0),
.NEG_TRIGGER (1'b0),
) io_00_08_1 (
.INPUT_CLK (), // Clock for the input registers
.OUTPUT_CLK (), // Clock for the output registers
.D_OUT_0 (), .D_OUT_1 (),
.D_IN_0 (), .D_IN_1 (),
// 18 full IO pairs with individual
// 8 half-pairs using SB_GB_IO and SB_IO
// FT2232H MPSSE mode uses 7 wires connected to 4 IO tiles:
// 3 inouts GPIOL2, GPIOL1, GPIOL0
// 3 inputs TMS_CS, TDI_DO, TCK_SK,
// 1 output TDO_DI,
wire FT2232H_GPIOL2_in, FT2232H_GPIOL1_in, FT2232H_GPIOL0_in;
wire FT2232H_GPIOL2_in_ddr, FT2232H_GPIOL1_in_ddr, FT2232H_GPIOL0_in_ddr;
wire FT2232H_GPIOL2_out, FT2232H_GPIOL1_out, FT2232H_GPIOL0_out;
wire FT2232H_GPIOL2_out_ddr, FT2232H_GPIOL1_out_ddr, FT2232H_GPIOL0_out_ddr;
wire FT2232H_TMS_CS_in, FT2232H_TDI_DO_in, FT2232H_TCK_SK_in;
wire FT2232H_TMS_CS_in_ddr, FT2232H_TDI_DO_in_ddr, FT2232H_TCK_SK_in_ddr;
wire FT2232H_TDO_DI_OUT_EN;
wire FT2232H_TDO_DI_out;
wire FT2232H_TDO_DI_out_ddr;
wire FT2232H_CLK_EN;
// Full IO
PIOPair # (
.PIN_TYPE_0 (6'b110000),
.PIN_TYPE_1 (6'b110000)
) pio_0_14 (
.CLK_EN (FT2232H_CLK_EN), // Clock Enable common to input and output clock
.OUT_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the output registers
.IN_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the input registers
.PAD_0 (FT2232H_GPIOL1_pad),
.PAD_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL2_pad),
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.D_OUT_0 (FT2232H_GPIOL1_out),
.D_OUT_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL2_out),
.D_OUT_DDR_0 (FT2232H_GPIOL1_out_ddr),
.D_OUT_DDR_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL1_out_ddr),
.D_IN_0 (FT2232H_GPIOL1_in),
.D_IN_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL2_in),
.D_IN_DDR_0 (FT2232H_GPIOL1_in_ddr),
.D_IN_DDR_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL2_in_ddr)
// A half pair is full IO, a half pair is input only
PIOPair # (
.PIN_TYPE_0 (6'b000000),
.PIN_TYPE_1 (6'b110000)
) pio_0_13 (
.CLK_EN (FT2232H_CLK_EN), // Clock Enable common to input and output clock
.OUT_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the output registers
.IN_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the input registers
.PAD_0 (FT2232H_TMS_CS_pad),
.PAD_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL0_pad),
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.OUT_EN_0 (1'b0),
.D_OUT_0 (),
.D_OUT_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL0_out),
.D_OUT_DDR_0 (),
.D_OUT_DDR_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL0_out_ddr),
.D_IN_0 (FT2232H_TMS_CS_in),
.D_IN_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL0_in),
.D_IN_DDR_0 (FT2232H_TMS_CS_in_ddr),
.D_IN_DDR_1 (FT2232H_GPIOL0_in_ddr)
// 1 input 1 output tile
PIOPair # (
.PIN_TYPE_0 (6'b000000),
.PIN_TYPE_1 (6'b110000)
) pio_0_12 (
.CLK_EN (FT2232H_CLK_EN), // Clock Enable common to input and output clock
.OUT_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the output registers
.IN_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the input registers
.PAD_0 (FT2232H_TDI_DO_pad),
.PAD_1 (FT2232H_TDO_DI_pad),
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.OUT_EN_0 (1'b0),
.D_OUT_0 (),
.D_OUT_1 (FT2232H_TDO_DI_out),
.D_OUT_DDR_0 (),
.D_OUT_DDR_1 (FT2232H_TDO_DI_out_ddr),
.D_IN_0 (FT2232H_TDI_DO_in),
.D_IN_1 (),
.D_IN_DDR_0 (FT2232H_TDI_DO_in_ddr),
.D_IN_DDR_1 ()
// Input only
SB_IO # (
.PIN_TYPE (6'b000000), // no out, in DDR
.PULLUP (1'b0),
.NEG_TRIGGER (1'b0),
) io_00_11_1 (
.INPUT_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the input registers
.OUTPUT_CLK (), // Clock for the output registers
.D_OUT_0 (), .D_OUT_1 (),
.D_IN_0 (FT2232H_TCK_SK_in),
.D_IN_1 (FT2232H_TCK_SK_in_ddr)
wire D1_OUT_EN;
wire D2_OUT_EN;
wire D3_OUT_EN;
wire D4_OUT_EN;
wire D5_OUT_EN;
wire D1_top_red;
wire D2_right_red;
wire D3_bottom_red;
wire D4_left_red;
wire D5_center_green;
wire LED_CLK_EN;
// 2 outputs tile
PIOPair # (
.PIN_TYPE_0 (6'b110111),
.PIN_TYPE_1 (6'b110111)
) pio_13_11 (
.IN_CLK (),
.PAD_0 (D4_pad),
.PAD_1 (D3_pad),
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.OUT_EN_0 (D4_OUT_EN),
.OUT_EN_1 (D3_OUT_EN),
.D_OUT_0 (D4_left_red),
.D_OUT_1 (D3_bottom_red),
.D_OUT_DDR_0 (), .D_OUT_DDR_1 (), .D_IN_0 (), .D_IN_1 (), .D_IN_DDR_0 (), .D_IN_DDR_1 ()
// 2 outputs tile
PIOPair # (
.PIN_TYPE_0 (6'b110111),
.PIN_TYPE_1 (6'b110111)
) pio_13_12 (
.IN_CLK (),
.PAD_0 (D2_pad),
.PAD_1 (D1_pad),
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.OUT_EN_0 (D2_OUT_EN),
.OUT_EN_1 (D1_OUT_EN),
.D_OUT_0 (D2_right_red),
.D_OUT_1 (D1_top_red),
.D_OUT_DDR_0 (), .D_OUT_DDR_1 (), .D_IN_0 (), .D_IN_1 (), .D_IN_DDR_0 (), .D_IN_DDR_1 ()
// Output only
SB_IO # (
.PIN_TYPE (6'b110111), // output reg, en reg; input latch
.PULLUP (1'b0),
.NEG_TRIGGER (1'b0),
) io_13_09_1 (
.INPUT_CLK (), // Clock for the input registers
.OUTPUT_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the output registers
.PACKAGE_PIN (D5_pad),
.D_OUT_0 (D5_center_green),
.D_OUT_1 (), .D_IN_0 (), .D_IN_1 ()
// reg en_led = 1'b1;
assign LED_CLK_EN = 1'b1; //en_led;
//reg green_led_out_en = 1'b1;
//assign D5_OUT_EN = green_led_out_en;
//reg green_led = 1'b1;
//assign D5_center_green = green_led;
wire RXD_in;
wire RXD_in_ddr;
wire TXD_out;
wire TXD_out_ddr;
wire TXD_OUT_EN;
wire SD_out;
wire SD_OUT_EN;
wire IR_CLK_EN;
// 1 input 1 output tile
PIOPair # (
.PIN_TYPE_0 (6'b000000),
.PIN_TYPE_1 (6'b110111)
) pio_13_15 (
.CLK_EN (IR_CLK_EN), // Clock Enable common to input and output clock
.OUT_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the output registers
.IN_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the input registers
.PAD_0 (RXD_pad),
.PAD_1 (SD_pad),
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.OUT_EN_0 (1'b0),
.D_OUT_0 (),
.D_OUT_1 (SD_out),
.D_OUT_DDR_0 (), .D_OUT_DDR_1 (),
.D_IN_0 (RXD_in),
.D_IN_1 (),
.D_IN_DDR_0 (RXD_in_ddr),
.D_IN_DDR_1 ()
// 1 output tile
SB_IO # (
.PIN_TYPE (6'b110000),
.PULLUP (1'b0),
.NEG_TRIGGER (1'b0),
) io_13_14_1 (
.INPUT_CLK (), // Clock for the input registers
.OUTPUT_CLK (GBUF6), // Clock for the output registers
.D_OUT_0 (TXD_out),
.D_OUT_1 (TXD_out_ddr),
.D_IN_0 (), .D_IN_1 ()
assign IR_CLK_EN = 1'b1;
assign SD_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
assign TXD_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
// Enable receiving mode
assign SD_out = 1'b0;
assign TXD_out = 1'b0;
//assign D4_left_red = ~RXD_in;
// assign D3_bottom_red = ~RXD_in_ddr;
assign D1_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
assign D2_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
assign D3_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
assign D4_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
assign D5_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
// assign D1_top_red = RXD_in ^ RXD_in_ddr;
wire EVENT_E;//, EVENT_D;
wire D1_top_red;
wire D2_right_red;
reg D3_bottom_red = 1'b0;
reg D4_left_red = 1'b0;
wire D5_center_green;
assign EVENT_E = RXD_in ^ RXD_in_ddr;
// assign EVENT_D = ;
wire state_i_S_OUT_0,
State_1_Output state_i (
.S_OUT_0 (state_i_S_OUT_0),
State_1_Input_1_Output state_b (
.ON_IN_0 (D4_left_red),
.S_IN_0 (state_b_S_IN_0),
.S_OUT_0 (state_b_S_OUT_0),
wire entered_c, entered_c2;
State_1_Input_1_Output state_c (
.ON_IN_0 (entered_c),
.S_IN_0 (state_c_S_IN_0),
.S_OUT_0 (state_c_S_OUT_0),
State_1_Input_1_Output state_c2 (
.ON_IN_0 (entered_c2),
.S_IN_0 (state_c_S_OUT_0),
.S_OUT_0 (state_c2_S_OUT_0),
State_1_Input_1_Output state_c3 (
.ON_IN_0 (D5_center_green),
.S_IN_0 (state_c2_S_OUT_0),
.S_OUT_0 (state_c3_S_OUT_0),
State_3_Inputs_2_Outputs state_a (
.S_IN_0 (state_b_S_OUT_0),
.S_IN_1 (state_i_S_OUT_0),
.S_IN_2 (state_c3_S_OUT_0),
.ON_IN_1 (D2_right_red),
.ON_IN_2 (D3_bottom_red),
.S_OUT_0 (state_b_S_IN_0),
.S_OUT_1 (state_c_S_IN_0),
reg state_i = 1'b1, state_a = 1'b0, state_b = 1'b0, state_c = 1'b0, state_c2 = 1'b0, state_c3 = 1'b0;
reg EVENT_D = 1'b0; // generated event on entering "a" from "b" on event "E"
always @(posedge GBUF6)
if (state_i & EVENT_E) begin
state_i <= 1'b0; // ~state_i;
state_a <= 1'b1; // state_i;
if (state_a & EVENT_E) begin
state_a <= 1'b0; // ~state_a;
state_b <= 1'b1; // state_a;
// on enter: generated event
D4_left_red <= 1'b1; // ~D4_left_red;
if (state_a & EVENT_D) begin
state_a <= 1'b0; // ~state_a;
state_c <= 1'b1; // state_a;
if (state_c & EVENT_E) begin
state_c <= 1'b0; // ~state_c;
state_c2 <= 1'b1; // state_c;
if (state_c2 & EVENT_E) begin
state_c2 <= 1'b0; // ~state_c2;
state_c3 <= 1'b1; // state_c2;
if (state_c3 & EVENT_E) begin
state_c3 <= 1'b0; // ~state_c3;
state_a <= 1'b1; // state_c3;
D3_bottom_red <= 1'b1; // ~D3_bottom_red;
if (state_b & EVENT_E) begin
state_b <= 1'b0; // ~state_b;
state_a <= 1'b1; // state_b;
EVENT_D <= 1'b1;
// reset all generated events so they last only one clock cycle
if (D4_left_red) D4_left_red <= 1'b0; // ~D4_left_red;
if (EVENT_D) EVENT_D <= 1'b0; // ~EVENT_D;
if (D3_bottom_red) D3_bottom_red <= 1'b0; // ~D3_bottom_red;
reg top_circle = 1'b0;
reg bottom_circle = 1'b0;
always @(posedge GBUF6)
if (D4_left_red || EVENT_D)
top_circle <= 1'b1;
bottom_circle <= 1'b0;
// else if (entered_c || entered_c2 || D5_center_green || D3_bottom_red)
else if (state_c || state_c2 || state_c3 || D3_bottom_red)
top_circle <= 1'b0;
bottom_circle <= 1'b1;
assign D1_top_red = top_circle;
//assign STATE_IN = STATE_OUT;
//assign RESET_IN = RESET_OUT;
//assign IN = OUT;
//assign EVENT = D1_top_red;
//assign D3_bottom_red = TX_HAPPENED;
wire LCD_RST_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
wire LCD_LED_OUT_EN = 1'b1;
reg LCD_RST = 1'b1;
// reg LCD_LED = 1'b0;
wire LCD_LED = ~bottom_circle;
// 2 outputs tile: RST & LED
PIOPair # (
.PIN_TYPE_0 (6'b110111),
.PIN_TYPE_1 (6'b110111)
) pio_09_00 (
.IN_CLK (),
.PAD_0 (J3_4_pad),
.PAD_1 (J3_3_pad),
// Output Pin Tristate/Enable control
.D_OUT_DDR_0 (), .D_OUT_DDR_1 (), .D_IN_0 (), .D_IN_1 (), .D_IN_DDR_0 (), .D_IN_DDR_1 ()
// Eventful statechart formalism for reactive computing of Boolean logic functions
wire C_T, C_S, A_T, A_S, B_T, B_S;
reg [2:0] state = 0;
reg M_S = 0;
reg M_T = 0;
always @(posedge GBUF6) begin
if (state == 0) begin
if (C_S | A_S | B_S) M_S <= 1;
if (A_T) begin state[1] <= 1; M_S <= 1; end
if (B_T) begin state[2] <= 1; M_T <=
inout wire PMOD1;
inout wire PMOD2;
inout wire PMOD3;
inout wire PMOD4;
inout wire PMOD7;
inout wire PMOD8;
inout wire PMOD9;
inout wire PMOD10;
inout wire J1_3;
inout wire J1_4;
inout wire J1_5;
inout wire J1_6;
inout wire J1_7;
inout wire J1_8;
inout wire J1_9;
inout wire J1_10;
inout wire J3_5;
inout wire J3_6;
inout wire J3_7;
inout wire J3_8;
inout wire J3_9;
inout wire J3_10;
inout wire SPI_SDO;
inout wire SPI_SDI;
inout wire SPI_SCK;
inout wire SPI_SS_B;
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