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Forked from pepijndevos/
Last active September 10, 2015 13:55
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import math
class Planet(object):
def __init__(self, name, a, e, i, l, lp, ln,
ac, ec, ic, lc, lpc, lnc): = name
self.a = a = ac
self.e = e = ec
self.i = i
self.ic = ic
self.l = l = lc
self.lp = lp
self.lpc = lpc
self.ln = ln
self.lnc = lnc
def semi_major_axis(self, julian_date):
return current_param(julian_date, self.a,
def eccentricity(self, julian_date):
return current_param(julian_date, self.e,
def inclination(self, julian_date):
return math.radians(current_param(jd, self.i, self.ic))
def mean_longitude(self, julian_date):
return math.radians(current_param(jd, self.l,
def longitude_perhelion(self, julian_date):
return math.radians(current_param(jd, self.lp, self.lpc))
def longitude_ascending(self, julian_date):
return math.radians(current_param(jd, self.ln, self.lnc))
# Source:
# a e I L long.peri. long.node.
# AU, AU/Cy rad, rad/Cy deg, deg/Cy deg, deg/Cy deg, deg/Cy deg, deg/Cy
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
planets = [
Planet("Mercury", 0.38709927, 0.20563593, 7.00497902, 252.25032350, 77.45779628, 48.33076593,
0.00000037, 0.00001906, -0.00594749, 149472.67411175, 0.16047689, -0.12534081),
Planet("Venus", 0.72333566, 0.00677672, 3.39467605, 181.97909950, 131.60246718, 76.67984255,
0.00000390, -0.00004107, -0.00078890, 58517.81538729, 0.00268329, -0.27769418),
Planet("Earth", 1.00000261, 0.01671123, -0.00001531, 100.46457166, 102.93768193, 0.0,
0.00000562, -0.00004392, -0.01294668, 35999.37244981, 0.32327364, 0.0),
Planet("Mars", 1.52371034, 0.09339410, 1.84969142, -4.55343205, -23.94362959, 49.55953891,
0.00001847, 0.00007882, -0.00813131, 19140.30268499, 0.44441088, -0.29257343),
Planet("Jupiter", 5.20288700, 0.04838624, 1.30439695, 34.39644051, 14.72847983, 100.47390909,
-0.00011607, -0.00013253, -0.00183714, 3034.74612775, 0.21252668, 0.20469106),
Planet("Saturn", 9.53667594, 0.05386179, 2.48599187, 49.95424423, 92.59887831, 113.66242448,
-0.00125060, -0.00050991, 0.00193609, 1222.49362201, -0.41897216, -0.28867794),
Planet("Uranus", 19.18916464, 0.04725744, 0.77263783, 313.23810451, 170.95427630, 74.01692503,
-0.00196176, -0.00004397, -0.00242939, 428.48202785, 0.40805281, 0.04240589),
Planet("Neptune", 30.06992276, 0.00859048, 1.77004347, -55.12002969, 44.96476227, 131.78422574,
0.00026291, 0.00005105, 0.00035372, 218.45945325, -0.32241464, -0.00508664),
Planet("Pluto", 39.48211675, 0.24882730, 17.14001206, 238.92903833, 224.06891629, 110.30393684,
-0.00031596, 0.00005170, 0.00004818, 145.20780515, -0.04062942, -0.01183482),
# a semi major axis
# e eccentricity
# I inclination
# L mean longitude
# w longitude perihelion
# omega longitude ascending node
# w perihelion
# M mean anomaly
# E eccentric anomaly
def current_param(date, base, per_century):
# centuries past J2000.0
centuries = (date - 2451545.0) / 36525.
return base + (per_century * centuries)
def solve_kepler(eccentricity, mean_anomaly):
# for the approximate formulae in the present context, tol = 10e-6 degrees is sufficient
tolerance = 10e-6
# E0 = M + e sin M
eccentric_anomaly = mean_anomaly + (eccentricity * math.sin(mean_anomaly))
# and itterate the following equations with n = 0,1,2,... unitl |delta E| <= tol
while True:
# delta M = M - (En - e sin En)
delta_mean_anomaly = mean_anomaly - (eccentric_anomaly - (eccentricity * math.sin(eccentric_anomaly)))
# delta E = delta M / (1 - e cos En)
delta_eccentric_anomaly = delta_mean_anomaly / (1 - (eccentricity * math.cos(eccentric_anomaly)))
# En+1 = En + delta E
eccentric_anomaly += delta_eccentric_anomaly
if abs(delta_eccentric_anomaly) <= tolerance:
return eccentric_anomaly
def orbital_coordinates(semi_major_axis, eccentricity, eccentric_anomaly):
x = semi_major_axis * (math.cos(eccentric_anomaly) - eccentricity)
y = semi_major_axis * math.sqrt(1 - (eccentricity ** 2)) * math.sin(eccentric_anomaly)
return x, y
def ecliptic_coordinates(orbit_x, orbit_y, perihelion, longitude_ascending, inclination):
term1 = math.cos(perihelion) * math.cos(longitude_ascending)
term2 = math.sin(perihelion) * math.sin(longitude_ascending) * math.cos(inclination)
term3 = math.sin(perihelion) * math.cos(longitude_ascending)
term4 = math.cos(perihelion) * math.sin(longitude_ascending) * math.cos(inclination)
x = (term1 - term2) * orbit_x + (-term3 - term4) * orbit_y
term1 = math.cos(perihelion) * math.sin(longitude_ascending)
term2 = math.sin(perihelion) * math.cos(longitude_ascending) * math.cos(inclination)
term3 = math.sin(perihelion) * math.sin(longitude_ascending)
term4 = math.cos(perihelion) * math.cos(longitude_ascending) * math.cos(inclination)
y = (term1 + term2) * orbit_x + (-term3 + term4) * orbit_y
term1 = math.sin(perihelion) * math.sin(inclination)
term2 = math.cos(perihelion) * math.sin(inclination)
z = term1 * orbit_x + term2 * orbit_y
return x, y, z
def equatorial_coordinates(ecl_x, ecl_y, ecl_z, inclination):
y = (math.cos(inclination) * ecl_y) - (math.sin(inclination) * ecl_z)
z = (math.sin(inclination) * ecl_y) + (math.cos(inclination) * ecl_z)
return ecl_x, y, z
def planet_position(planet, jd):
perihelion = planet.longitude_perhelion(jd) - planet.longitude_ascending(jd)
mean_anomaly = planet.mean_longitude(jd) - planet.longitude_perhelion(jd)
eccentric_anomaly = solve_kepler(planet.eccentricity(jd), mean_anomaly)
ox, oy = orbital_coordinates(planet.semi_major_axis(jd), planet.eccentricity(jd), eccentric_anomaly)
ecx, ecy, ecz = ecliptic_coordinates(ox, oy, perihelion, planet.longitude_ascending(jd), planet.inclination(jd))
return equatorial_coordinates(ecx, ecy, ecz, planet.inclination(jd))
# The Julian date for CE 2015 January 25 00:00:00.0 UT is
jd = 2457047.500000
xview = 0
yview = 0
zoom = 15
def setup():
size(800, 800, P3D)
def draw():
global jd
translate(width/2, height/2)
pointLight(255, 230, 200, 0, 0, 0);
for p in planets:
eqx, eqy, eqz = planet_position(p, jd)
translate(eqx*zoom, eqy*zoom, eqz*zoom)
jd += 1
def mouseDragged(event):
global xview, yview
yview += (pmouseX - mouseX) / 100.
xview += (pmouseY - mouseY) / 100.
def mouseWheel(event):
global zoom
zoom += event.count
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