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Last active August 19, 2023 03:10
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CSS message boxes without using any image or icon
<head><title>Testing boxes</title>
.symbol {
font-size: 0.9em;
font-family: Times New Roman;
border-radius: 1em;
padding: .1em .6em .1em .6em;
font-weight: bolder;
color: white;
background-color: #3229CF;
.icon-info { background-color: #3229CF; }
.icon-error { background: #e64943; font-family: Consolas; }
.icon-tick { background: #13c823; }
.icon-excl { background: #ffd54b; color: black; }
.icon-info:before { content: 'i'; }
.icon-error:before { content: 'x'; }
.icon-tick:before { content: '\002713'; }
.icon-excl:before { content: '!'; }
.notify {
border:.1em solid;
border-color: #8ed9f6;
padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;
cursor: default;
.notify-yellow { background: #fff8c4; border-color: #f7deae; }
.notify-red { background: #ffecec; border-color: #fad9d7; }
.notify-green { background: #e9ffd9; border-color: #D1FAB6; }
See <a href=""></a>
<div class="notify"><span class="symbol icon-info"></span> A kind of a notice box !</div>
<div class="notify notify-red"><span class="symbol icon-error"></span> Error message</div>
<div class="notify notify-green"><span class="symbol icon-tick"></span> A positive/success/completion message</div>
<div class="notify notify-yellow"><span class="symbol icon-excl"></span> A warning message</div>
<span class="notify"><span class="symbol icon-info"></span> A kind of a notice box using span</span>
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