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Last active May 18, 2020 05:30
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`@collect` and `@generator` macro, standalone implementation
function decompose_forblk(forblk)
@assert Meta.isexpr(forblk, :for) "for block expression should be given"
itrspec, body = forblk.args
@assert Meta.isexpr(itrspec, :(=)) "invalid for loop specification"
v, itr = itrspec.args
return body, v, itr
function recompose_to_comprehension(forblk, cond = nothing; gen = false)
body, v, itr = decompose_forblk(forblk)
return isnothing(cond) ?
esc(gen ? :(($body for $v in $itr)) : :([$body for $v in $itr])) :
esc(gen ? :(($body for $v in $itr if $cond)) : :([$body for $v in $itr if $cond]))
function walk_and_transform(x, cond = nothing; gen = false)
Meta.isexpr(x, :for) && return recompose_to_comprehension(x, cond; gen = gen), true
x isa Expr || return x, false
for (i, ex) in enumerate(x.args)
ex, transformed = walk_and_transform(ex, cond; gen = gen)
x.args[i] = ex
transformed && return x, true # already transformed
return x, false
@collect [cond] ex
Constructs [`Array`](@ref) from lastly evaluated values from a `for` loop block that appears
first within given `ex` expression.
If the optional `cond` expression is given, iterations where the `cond` is `false` are
effectively filtered out.
julia> @collect isodd(i) for i = 1:3
println("i = ", i); i
i = 1
i = 3
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
See also: [`@generator`](@ref)
macro collect(ex) first(walk_and_transform(ex)) end
macro collect(cond, ex) first(walk_and_transform(ex, cond)) end
@generator [cond] ex
Constructs [`Base.Generator`](@ref) from lastly evaluated values from a `for` loop block
that appears first within given `ex` expression.
If the optional `cond` expression is given, iterations where the `cond` is `false` are
effectively filtered out.
julia> @generator isodd(i) for i = 1:3
println("i = ", i); i
end |> sum
i = 1
i = 3
See also: [`@collect`](@ref)
macro generator(ex) first(walk_and_transform(ex; gen = true)) end
macro generator(cond, ex) first(walk_and_transform(ex, cond; gen = true)) end
# %% comparison example
function forbench(n)
ret = 0
for i in 1:n-1
ret = max(ret, gcd(i,n))
return ret
function genbench(n)
return @generator for i in 1:n-1
end |> maximum
using BenchmarkTools
n = 1000000
# should be almost same performance
@btime forbench($n)
@btime genbench($n)
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