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Created May 1, 2024 21:17
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# Initial code referenced from
import random
import math
from typing import Literal
import colorama
# Types
Tile = str
Coordinates = tuple[int, int]
Up = tuple[Literal[1], Literal[0]]; Down = tuple[Literal[-1], Literal[0]]
Left = tuple[Literal[0], Literal[-1]]; Right = tuple[Literal[0], Literal[1]]
UpLeft = tuple[Literal[1], Literal[-1]]; UpRight = tuple[Literal[1], Literal[1]]
DownLeft = tuple[Literal[-1], Literal[-1]]; DownRight = tuple[Literal[-1], Literal[1]]
Direction = Up | Down | Left | Right | UpLeft | UpRight | DownLeft | DownRight
Compatibility = tuple[Tile, Tile, Direction]
Weights = dict[Tile, int]
Coefficients = set[Tile]
CoefficientMatrix = list[list[Coefficients]]
UP = (1, 0)
DOWN = (-1, 0)
LEFT = (0, -1)
RIGHT = (0, 1)
UP_LEFT = (1, -1)
UP_RIGHT = (1, 1)
DOWN_LEFT = (-1, -1)
DOWN_RIGHT = (-1, 1)
class CompatibilityOracle(object):
"""The CompatibilityOracle class is responsible for telling us
which combinations of tiles and directions are compatible. It's
so simple that it perhaps doesn't need to be a class, but I think
it helps keep things clear.
def __init__(self, data: set[Compatibility]): = data
def check(self, tile1: Tile, tile2: Tile, direction: Direction) -> bool:
return (tile1, tile2, direction) in
class Wavefunction(object):
"""The Wavefunction class is responsible for storing which tiles
are permitted and forbidden in each location of an output image.
def mk(size: tuple[int, int], weights: Weights):
"""Initialize a new Wavefunction for a grid of `size`,
where the different tiles have overall weights `weights`.
size -- a 2-tuple of (width, height)
weights -- a dict of tile -> weight of tile
coefficient_matrix = Wavefunction.init_coefficient_matrix(size, list(weights.keys()))
return Wavefunction(coefficient_matrix, weights)
def init_coefficient_matrix(size: tuple[int, int], tiles: list[Tile]) -> CoefficientMatrix:
"""Initializes a 2-D wavefunction matrix of coefficients.
The matrix has size `size`, and each element of the matrix
starts with all tiles as possible. No tile is forbidden yet.
NOTE: coefficients is a slight misnomer, since they are a
set of possible tiles instead of a tile -> number/bool dict. This
makes the code a little simpler. We keep the name `coefficients`
for consistency with other descriptions of Wavefunction Collapse.
size -- a 2-tuple of (width, height)
tiles -- a set of all the possible tiles
A 2-D matrix in which each element is a set
coefficient_matrix: CoefficientMatrix = []
for _ in range(size[1]):
row: list[Coefficients] = []
for _ in range(size[0]):
return coefficient_matrix
def __init__(self, coefficient_matrix: CoefficientMatrix, weights: Weights):
self.coefficient_matrix = coefficient_matrix
self.weights = weights
def get(self, co_ords: Coordinates) -> Coefficients:
"""Fetches the set of possible tiles at `co_ords`.
co_ords -- Tuple representing 2D co-ordinates in the format (y, x).
The set of possible tiles.
y, x = co_ords
return self.coefficient_matrix[y][x]
def get_collapsed(self, co_ords: Coordinates) -> Tile:
"""Returns the only remaining possible tile at `co_ords`.
If there is not exactly 1 remaining possible tile then
this method raises an exception.
opts = self.get(co_ords)
assert(len(opts) == 1)
return next(iter(opts))
def get_all_collapsed(self) -> list[list[Tile]]:
"""Returns a 2-D matrix of the only remaining possible
tiles at each location in the wavefunction. If any location
does not have exactly 1 remaining possible tile then
this method raises an exception.
height = len(self.coefficient_matrix)
width = len(self.coefficient_matrix[0])
collapsed: list[list[Tile]] = []
for y in range(height):
row: list[Tile] = []
for x in range(width):
row.append(self.get_collapsed((y, x)))
return collapsed
def shannon_entropy(self, co_ords: Coordinates) -> float:
"""Calculates the Shannon Entropy of the wavefunction at
y, x = co_ords
sum_of_weights = 0
sum_of_weight_log_weights = 0
for opt in self.coefficient_matrix[y][x]:
weight = self.weights[opt]
sum_of_weights += weight
sum_of_weight_log_weights += weight * math.log(weight)
return math.log(sum_of_weights) - (sum_of_weight_log_weights / sum_of_weights)
def is_fully_collapsed(self) -> bool:
"""Returns true if every element in Wavefunction is fully
collapsed, and false otherwise.
for row in self.coefficient_matrix:
for sq in row:
if len(sq) > 1:
return False
return True
def collapse(self, co_ords: Coordinates) -> None:
"""Collapses the wavefunction at `co_ords` to a single, definite
tile. The tile is chosen randomly from the remaining possible tiles
at `co_ords`, weighted according to the Wavefunction's global
This method mutates the Wavefunction, and does not return anything.
y, x = co_ords
opts = self.coefficient_matrix[y][x]
filtered_tiles_with_weights = [(tile, weight) for tile, weight in self.weights.items() if tile in opts]
total_weights = sum([weight for _, weight in filtered_tiles_with_weights])
rnd = random.random() * total_weights
chosen = filtered_tiles_with_weights[0][0]
for tile, weight in filtered_tiles_with_weights:
rnd -= weight
if rnd < 0:
chosen = tile
self.coefficient_matrix[y][x] = set([chosen])
def constrain(self, co_ords: Coordinates, forbidden_tile: Tile) -> None:
"""Removes `forbidden_tile` from the list of possible tiles
at `co_ords`.
This method mutates the Wavefunction, and does not return anything.
y, x = co_ords
class Model(object):
"""The Model class is responsible for orchestrating the
Wavefunction Collapse algorithm.
def __init__(self, output_size: tuple[int, int], weights: Weights, compatibility_oracle: CompatibilityOracle):
self.output_size = output_size
self.compatibility_oracle = compatibility_oracle
self.wavefunction =, weights)
def run(self) -> list[list[Tile]]:
"""Collapses the Wavefunction until it is fully collapsed,
then returns a 2-D matrix of the final, collapsed state.
while not self.wavefunction.is_fully_collapsed():
return self.wavefunction.get_all_collapsed()
def iterate(self) -> None:
"""Performs a single iteration of the Wavefunction Collapse
# 1. Find the co-ordinates of minimum entropy
co_ords = self.min_entropy_co_ords()
# 2. Collapse the wavefunction at these co-ordinates
# 3. Propagate the consequences of this collapse
def propagate(self, co_ords: Coordinates) -> None:
"""Propagates the consequences of the wavefunction at `co_ords`
collapsing. If the wavefunction at (y, x) collapses to a fixed tile,
then some tiles may not longer be theoretically possible at
surrounding locations.
This method keeps propagating the consequences of the consequences,
and so on until no consequences remain.
stack = [co_ords]
while len(stack) > 0:
cur_co_ords = stack.pop()
# Get the set of all possible tiles at the current location
cur_possible_tiles = self.wavefunction.get(cur_co_ords)
# Iterate through each location immediately adjacent to the
# current location.
for d in valid_dirs(cur_co_ords, self.output_size):
other_co_ords = (cur_co_ords[0] + d[0], cur_co_ords[1] + d[1])
# Iterate through each possible tile in the adjacent location's
# wavefunction.
for other_tile in set(self.wavefunction.get(other_co_ords)):
# Check whether the tile is compatible with any tile in
# the current location's wavefunction.
other_tile_is_possible = any([
self.compatibility_oracle.check(cur_tile, other_tile, d) for cur_tile in cur_possible_tiles
# If the tile is not compatible with any of the tiles in
# the current location's wavefunction then it is impossible
# for it to ever get chosen. We therefore remove it from
# the other location's wavefunction.
if not other_tile_is_possible:
self.wavefunction.constrain(other_co_ords, other_tile)
def min_entropy_co_ords(self) -> Coordinates:
"""Returns the co-ords of the location whose wavefunction has
the lowest entropy.
min_entropy = None
min_entropy_co_ords: Coordinates = (0, 0)
width, height = self.output_size
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
if len(self.wavefunction.get((y, x))) == 1:
entropy = self.wavefunction.shannon_entropy((y, x))
# Add some noise to mix things up a little
entropy_plus_noise = entropy - (random.random() / 1000)
if min_entropy is None or entropy_plus_noise < min_entropy:
min_entropy = entropy_plus_noise
min_entropy_co_ords = (y, x)
return min_entropy_co_ords
def render_colors(matrix: list[list[Tile]], colors: dict[str, str]) -> None:
"""Render the fully collapsed `matrix` using the given `colors.
matrix -- 2-D matrix of tiles
colors -- dict of tile -> `colorama` color
for row in matrix:
output_row: list[str] = []
for val in row:
color = colors[val]
output_row.append(color + val + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL)
def valid_dirs(cur_co_ords: Coordinates, matrix_size: tuple[int, int]) -> list[Direction]:
"""Returns the valid directions from `cur_co_ord` in a matrix
of `matrix_size`. Ensures that we don't try to take step to the
left when we are already on the left edge of the matrix.
y, x = cur_co_ords
width, height = matrix_size
dirs: list[Direction] = []
if y < height-1: dirs.append(UP)
if y > 0: dirs.append(DOWN)
if x > 0: dirs.append(LEFT)
if x < width-1: dirs.append(RIGHT)
if y < height-1 and x > 0: dirs.append(UP_LEFT)
if y < height-1 and x < width-1: dirs.append(UP_RIGHT)
if y > 0 and x > 0: dirs.append(DOWN_LEFT)
if y > 0 and x < width-1: dirs.append(DOWN_RIGHT)
return dirs
def parse_example_matrix(matrix: list[list[Tile]]) -> tuple[set[Compatibility], Weights]:
"""Parses an example `matrix`. Extracts:
1. Tile compatibilities - which pairs of tiles can be placed next
to each other and in which directions
2. Tile weights - how common different tiles are
matrix -- a 2-D matrix of tiles
A tuple of:
* A set of compatibile tile combinations, where each combination is of
the form (tile1, tile2, direction)
* A dict of weights of the form tile -> weight
compatibilities: set[Compatibility] = set()
matrix_height = len(matrix)
matrix_width = len(matrix[0])
weights: Weights = {}
for y, row in enumerate(matrix):
for x, cur_tile in enumerate(row):
if cur_tile not in weights:
weights[cur_tile] = 0
weights[cur_tile] += 1
for d in valid_dirs((y, x), (matrix_width, matrix_height)):
other_tile = matrix[y+d[0]][x+d[1]]
compatibilities.add((cur_tile, other_tile, d))
return compatibilities, weights
input_matrix = [
input_matrix2 = [
input_matrix3 = [
input_matrix4 = [
compatibilities, weights = parse_example_matrix(input_matrix4)
compatibility_oracle = CompatibilityOracle(compatibilities)
model = Model((50, 20), weights, compatibility_oracle)
output =
colors = {
'L': colorama.Fore.GREEN,
'S': colorama.Fore.BLUE,
'C': colorama.Fore.YELLOW,
'A': colorama.Fore.CYAN,
'B': colorama.Fore.MAGENTA,
'#': colorama.Fore.WHITE,
'|': colorama.Fore.BLUE,
'*': colorama.Fore.YELLOW,
'=': colorama.Fore.MAGENTA,
'R': colorama.Fore.RED,
'D': colorama.Fore.GREEN,
'T': colorama.Fore.CYAN
render_colors(output, colors)
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