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Created February 26, 2021 21:47
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Session types in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC "-fwarn-incomplete-patterns" #-}
module Presentation where
import Data.Kind (Type)
-- +-----+ +-----------+
-- | Idl | >-- Req -------> | Requested |
-- | C | <-----------+ | S |
-- +-----+ | +-----------+
-- v | v
-- | | |
-- | ResFin ResOne
-- | | |
-- | | v
-- Fin | +-----------+
-- | +--< | Responded | >-- ResMore --\
-- | | S | <-------------/
-- v +-----------+
-- +------+
-- | Fins |
-- +------+
data State where
Idle :: State
Requested :: State
Responded :: State
Finished :: State
data Transition (d :: Type) (s :: State) (t :: State) where
Req :: Transition Int 'Idle 'Requested
ResOne :: Transition Int 'Requested 'Responded
ResMore :: Transition Int 'Responded 'Responded
ResFin :: Transition () 'Responded 'Idle
Fin :: Transition () 'Idle 'Finished
-- Client :: s -> Type
data Client (s :: State) where
ClientIdle :: Client 'Idle
-- Server :: s -> Type
data Server (s :: State) where
ServerRequested :: Server 'Requested
ServerResponded :: Server 'Responded
-- Same as (a, b)
data And a b where
And :: a -> b -> And a b
symmetric_and :: And a b -> And b a
symmetric_and (And a b) = And b a
-- Not (And Int Bool)
-- And 42 True
-- Not (And Int Bool) :: And Int Bool -> (forall x . x)
type Not t = forall x . t -> x
type Exclusive (local :: state -> Type) (remote :: state -> Type) =
forall st . Not (And (local st) (remote st))
exclusive :: Exclusive Client Server
exclusive (And c s) = case c of
ClientIdle -> case s of {}
-- A message is a transition with a value of its datum type
data Message tr from to where
Message :: tr datum from to -> datum -> Message tr from to
newtype Process r local remote tr st = Process
{ getProcess :: ProcessStep r local remote tr st (Process r local remote tr) }
data ProcessStep r local remote transition state next where
Send :: local state
-> Exists (Message transition) state next
-> ProcessStep r local remote transition state next
Recv :: remote state
-> Forall (Message transition) state next
-> ProcessStep r local remote transition state next
Done :: Not (local state)
-> Not (remote state)
-> r
-> ProcessStep r local remote transition state next
:: Exclusive local remote
-> Process x local remote transition state
-> Process y remote local transition state
-> (x, y)
connect excl (Process local) (Process remote) = connectStep excl local remote
:: Exclusive local remote
-> ProcessStep x local remote transition state (Process x local remote transition)
-> ProcessStep y remote local transition state (Process y remote local transition)
-> (x, y)
connectStep excl (Send _ (Exists msg next)) (Recv _ (Forall k)) =
connect excl next (k msg)
connectStep excl (Recv _ (Forall k)) (Send _ (Exists msg next)) =
connect excl (k msg) next
connectStep excl (Done _ _ x) (Done _ _ y) = (x, y)
connectStep excl (Send localAgency _) (Send remoteAgency _) =
excl (And localAgency remoteAgency)
connectStep excl (Recv remoteAgency _) (Recv localAgency _) =
excl (And localAgency remoteAgency)
connectStep excl (Send localAgency _) (Done _ notLocalAgency _) =
notLocalAgency localAgency
connectStep excl (Recv remoteAgency _) (Done notRemoteAgency _ _) =
notRemoteAgency remoteAgency
connectStep excl (Done _ notRemoteAgency _) (Send remoteAgency _) =
notRemoteAgency remoteAgency
connectStep excl (Done notLocalAgency _ _) (Recv localAgency _) =
notLocalAgency localAgency
data Forall transition state next where
Forall :: (forall state' . (transition state state' -> next state'))
-> Forall transition state next
data Exists transition state next where
Exists :: transition state state'
-> next state'
-> Exists transition state next
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