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Created December 2, 2010 18:00
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<cffunction name="prettyXml">
<cfargument name="xml" required="yes" type="string" />
<!--- initialize sax builder --->
<cfset builder = createObject("java", "org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder").init()>
<!--- initialize the formatter --->
<cfset format = createObject("java", "org.jdom.output.Format").getPrettyFormat()>
<!--- initialize the outputer --->
<cfset out = createObject("java", "org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter").init(format)>
<!--- even though we've already converted to a string, it's not stringy enough for Java until we do this --->
<cfset xmlstring = createObject("java", "").init(xml)>
<cfset document =>
<cfset prettyxml = out.outputString(document)>
<cfreturn prettyxml>
<cffunction name="prettyXml">
<cfargument name="xml" required="yes" type="any" />
if (isSimpleValue(xml)) {
// A string was sent in, we need to parse it into a JDOM Node before outputting it
// initialize sax builder
builder = createObject("java", "org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder").init();
// even though we've already converted to a string, it's not stringy enough for Java until we do this
xmlstring = createObject("java", "").init(xml);
// convert
node =;
} else {
/* A ColdFusion XML object was sent in, which can be converted into a JDOM Node
This is faster than parsing a string */
// initialize DOM builder
builder = createObject("java", "org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder").init();
// convert
node =;
// initialize the formatter
format = createObject("java", "org.jdom.output.Format").getPrettyFormat();
// initialize the outputter
out = createObject("java", "org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter").init(format);
// output the node as a pretty-printed string
prettyxml = out.outputString(node);
return prettyxml;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder
import org.jdom.output.Format
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter
docString = '<foo><message>happy hanukkah!</message></foo>'
doc = new SAXBuilder().build(new StringReader(docString))
outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat())
docString = outputter.outputString(doc)
// assumes we already have a builder and the new Form element XML in a variable named newFormString
new_form_doc =
new_form_element = new_form_doc.getRootElement()
// assumes session.product is a JDOM document. If it isn't, then convert it.
product_root = session.product.getRootElement()
old_form_element = product_root.getChild("InputForm")
old_form_element_index = product_root.indexOf(old_form_element)
product_root.addContent(old_form_element_index, new_form_element.detach())
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