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Lecture notes on the dependent type theory and Lean's formal foundation
Notes on dependent type theory and Lean's formal foundation
Jeremy Avigad
Hausdorff School: Formal Mathematics and Computer-Assisted Proving
September 18 - 22, 2023
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Matrix.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.Explode
Dependent Type Theory as a foundation for mathematics
- from propositional logic to DTT
- overview of DTT itself
core system
dependent function types
inductive types
additional axioms / constructions
propositional extensionality
quotients (=> function extensionality)
- Avigad, "Foundations"
- Theorem Proving in Lean 4
- Avigad, *Mathematical Logic and Computation*,
- Sørensen and Urzyczyn, Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism
- The HoTT book (the appendices)
- Mimram, *Program=Proof*
- Nordström, Petersson, and Smith, *Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory: An Introduction*
- Nederpelt and Geuvers, *Type Theory and Formal Proof: An Introduction*
Propositional logic.
section propositional_logic
variable (P Q R : Prop)
#check P ∧ Q
#check P ∨ Q
#check P → Q
#check True
#check False
#check ¬ P
#check P ↔ Q
#check @And
#check @Or
#check @Not
- classical: truth table semantics, Boolean algebras
- intuitionistic: Kripke models, heyting algebras
- Lean is a variant of Natural Deduction (Gentzen, 1930s)
- introduction and elimination rules
Γ ⊢ A
Γ ⊢ B
Γ ⊢ A ∧ B
Γ ⊢ A ∧ B
Γ ⊢ A
Γ ⊢ A ∧ B
Γ ⊢ B
Γ, A ⊢ B
Γ ⊢ A → B
Γ ⊢ A → B
Γ ⊢ A
Γ ⊢ B
Actually, in Lean, the built-in ∧ elimination rule looks more like the one for ∨.
theorem and_example (P Q : Prop) : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ P := by
intro h
rcases h with ⟨h1, h2⟩
. exact h2
. exact h1
#explode and_example
theorem or_example (P Q : Prop) : P ∨ Q → Q ∨ P := by
intro h
rcases h with h1 | h2
. right; exact h1
. left; exact h2
#explode or_example
end propositional_logic
First-order logic
section first_order_logic
variable (U : Type)
-- function symbols
variable (f : U → U) (g : U → U → U)
variable (P : U → Prop) (R : U → U → Prop)
#check ∀ x, P x → ∃ y, R y (f x)
- classical: models, complete Boolean algebras
- intuitionsitic: Kripke models, Beth models, categorical semantics,
complete Heyting algebras
- extend natural deduction with rules for ∀, ∃, =
- The set of provable sentences in first-order logic and any reasonable
"foundational" extension thereof is Sigma_1 complete (under 1-1 reduction),
i.e. equivalent (in a strong sense) to the Halting problem.
- So, in principle, it's all you need.
Other logics move the content (e.g. set theory) into the logical framework.
The logical framework becomes more complex, but also more useful:
- error checking
- filling in implicit information
-- A slight variant: many-sorted first-order logic
variable (U1 U2 U3 : Type*)
variable (h : U1 → U1 → U2)
variable (q : U1 → U3 → Prop)
variable (Point Line Plane : Type*)
variable (onl : Point → Line → Prop)
variable (ax1 : ∀ p q : Point, ∃ L : Line, onl p L ∧ onl q L)
variable (ax2 : ∀ p q : Point, ∀ L M : Line, p ≠ q → onl p L ∧ onl q L →
onl p M → onl q M → L = M)
end first_order_logic
Simply typed lambda calculus
#check Nat
#check Bool
#check Nat → Bool
#check Nat → Bool → Bool
#check λ x : Nat ↦ x
variable (f : Nat → Nat) (g : Nat → Bool)
#check fun (h : Nat → Nat) x ↦ g (h (f x))
#eval (fun (f : Nat → Nat) => (fun x => f (f x))) Nat.succ 0
#eval (fun x => if x > 3 then 1 else 0) 5
def fact : Nat → Nat
| 0 => 1
| x + 1 => (x + 1) * fact x
#eval fact 100
Higher-order logic
section higher_order_logic
There were various formulations in the early 20th century.
Russell and Whitehead used a *ramified type theory*, but also added an
axiom of reducibility.
In the late 1920s, Frank Ramsey and Leon Chwistek described versions of type
theory without reducibility.
In 1940, Alonzo Church gave an elegant formulation, "Simple type theory."
- simple types
- simply typed lambda calculus
- add a type of propositions
Conceptually, we define:
- the simple types
- the terms
- proofs
variable (B1 B2 B3 B4 : Type*)
-- simple types: start with basic types, close under constructions
#check B1 → B2
#check B1 → (B2 → B3)
#check B1 × B2
-- simply typed lambda calculus: add lambda, application (and pairs and projections ...)
variable (f : B1 → B1)
variable (g : B1 → B2)
variable (h : B1 → B2 → B1)
variable (a : B1)
#check (fun x => g (f (f x))) (f a)
#check Prod.snd (a, a)
-- you can make this a first-order theory: add beta, eta
-- simply type theory: add Prop
#check (fun x : B1 => ∀ y, ∃ z, f (f y) = h x (g z))
-- add axioms for an infinite type (or add N as a basic type with induction) = higher-order arithmetic
#check {f : Nat → Nat | ∃ x y, f (f x) = y + y}
example : (fun f : Nat → Nat => ∃ x y, f (f x) = y + y) =
{f : Nat → Nat | ∃ x y, f (f x) = y + y} := rfl
#check @setOf
#check setOf fun f : Nat → Nat => ∃ x y, f (f x) = y + y
end higher_order_logic
Notice the kinds of syntactic objects we need.
- terms
- formulas
- proofs
Simple Type Theory:
- types
- terms
- (formulas a terms of type Prop)
- proofs
In dependent type theory,
- types,
- terms,
- formulas,
- proofs
are all expressions in the same language.
Dependent type theory: types can depend on parameters
So a function can return a type, and we may then have elements of that type
section dependent_type_theory
variable (n : ℕ)
#check List ℕ
#check List (ℕ × ℕ)
#check List (List ℕ)
#check @List
#check Vector (List ℕ) 5
#check Vector ℕ (n + 3)
#check @Vector
#check Fin 5
#check @Fin
#check Matrix ℝ (Fin 5) (Fin n)
#check @Matrix
variable (M : Matrix ℝ (Fin 5) (Fin n))
We need a language where types are objects.
`T : Type`
`t : T`
As in simple type theory, we can add a type of propositions, Prop.
This gives us `P : Prop`.
While we are at it, we can add `p : P` for proofs. The language of
DTT is flexible enough to make this work, and then we have one language
for everything.
The syntax becomes more complicated, with basic judgments:
- Γ is a context
- Γ ⊢ t : T
- t ≡ t' : definitional equality
Everything lives in one language:
- `T : Type` is a data type
- `t : T` is an object of that type
- `P : Prop` is a proposition
- `p : P` is a proof of that proposition
E.g. `{x : ℕ // Even x ∧ x > 3}` builds an object out of a proposition
(really, a function that returns a proposition)
We can write a function `f (x : ℝ) (h : x ≠ 0) : ℝ := ...`
Note that abstraction and application play dual roles:
- Given `f : ℕ → ℕ` and `a : ℕ`, we have `f x : ℕ`
- Given `h : P → Q` and `h' : P`, we have `h h' : Q`
#check fun x : ℕ => x + 3
#check fun h : Even 3 => And.intro h h
#check @Even ℕ _
Definitions and theorems are essentially the same.
Definitions usually return an element of a type. Theorems usually return a proofs of a proposition.
The main difference is that Theorems are marked as opaque.
def a : ℕ := 2
#check a
theorem foo : 2 + 2 = 4 := rfl
#check foo
Lean's logic has:
- Universes
- Dependent function types
- Inductive types
- propositional extensionality
- quotients (which imply function extensionality)
- choice
end dependent_type_theory
Leibniz, seventeenth century: algebraic treatment of logic (calculemus!)
1850s: Boole, DeMorgan: algebraic presentations of propositional logic
later 19th century: Peirce, Schröder, others: functions, relations, and quantifers
Frege: functions, relations, and quantifiers over higher-order logic
1903: Russell's paradox
1910-1913: Principia Mathematica
Zermelo 1908: axiomatization of set theory (informally!)
Hilbert school: 1910's: clear formulation of first-order logic
1929: Gödel's completeness theorem (for first-order logic)
1931: Gödel's incompleteness theorem (for arithmetic)
1930's: computability and undecidability (Turing, Post, Church, Herbrand, Gödel)
1940: simple type theory
1930: Heyting, axiomatization of constructive logic
1972: Martin-Löf, intuitionistic type theory
1988: Thierry Coquand and Gerard Huet, calculus of constructions
1990s: Paulin-Mohring, Dybjer: inductive types
For most types, we need:
- type formation rules (how to construct the type)
- introduction rules (how to build an element of the type)
- elimination rules (how to use an element of the type)
- computation rules (definitional equality)
namespace dependent_type_theory
#check Nat
#check Type
Prop = Sort 0
Type 0 = Sort 1
Type 1 = Sort 2
Type 2 = Sort 3
#check Prop
#check Type
#check Type 1
#check Type 2
example : Sort 0 = Prop := rfl
example : Sort 1 = Type := rfl
#check Type*
universe u
universe v
#check Type u
Dependent function types (aka Pi types)
variable (A : Type u) (B : A → Type v)
-- formation
#check (x : A) → B x
variable (f : (x : A) → B x) (g : A → A) (a : A)
-- introduction
#check fun x : A ↦ f (g x)
-- elimination
#check f a
-- computation
example : (fun x : A ↦ f (g x)) a = f (g a) := rfl
#reduce (fun x : A ↦ f (g x)) a
-- beta
example : (fun x : A ↦ f x) = f := rfl -- eta
-- When `B` does not depend on `A`, `(x : A) → B x` is written `A → B`.
-- These are the ordinary function types.
variable (A : Type u) (B : Type v)
-- formation
#check (x : A) → B
variable (f : A → B) (g : A → A) (a : A)
-- introduction
#check fun x : A ↦ f (g x)
-- elimination
#check f a
Inductive types
-- type former
inductive Nat : Type
| zero : Nat
| succ : Nat → Nat
-- introduction rules
#check @Nat.succ
-- elimination rules
#check @Nat.rec ?P
def pred : Nat → Nat
| =>
| (Nat.succ n) => n
-- computation rules
example : pred (Nat.succ (Nat.succ (Nat.succ =
Nat.succ (Nat.succ := rfl
def add : Nat → Nat → Nat
| x, => x
| x, Nat.succ y => Nat.succ (add x y)
inductive List (α : Type*)
| nil : List α
| cons : α → List α → List α
The pattern:
- Constructions can have parameters.
- There are zero or more constructors.
- Constructors can be recursive.
- The elimination rule says that to define a function on the type,
it suffices to give a value for each constructor.
enumerated types
inductive Weekday : Type
| sunday : Weekday
| monday : Weekday
| tuesday : Weekday
| wednesday : Weekday
| thursday : Weekday
| friday : Weekday
| saturday : Weekday
inductive Unit : Type
| star : Unit
inductive Bool : Type
| false : Bool
| true : Bool
inductive Empty : Type
nonrecursive data types
inductive Prod (α : Type u) (β : Type v)
| mk (fst : α) (snd : β) : Prod α β
inductive Sum (α : Type u) (β : Type v)
| inl (a : α) : Sum α β
| inr (b : β) : Sum α β
inductive Sigma {α : Type u} (β : α → Type v)
| dpair : (a : α) → β a → Sigma β
inductive Option (α : Type*)
| none : Option α
| some : α → Option α
inductive Inhabited (α : Type*)
| mk : α → Inhabited α
some more recursive types:
inductive BinaryTree
| leaf : BinaryTree
| node : BinaryTree → BinaryTree → BinaryTree
inductive CBTree
| leaf : CBTree
| sup : (ℕ → CBTree) → CBTree
-- a puzzle: what are the elements of this type?
inductive Foo
| bar : Foo → Foo
-- a challenge for Lean users: define a function of type `Foo → Empty`
Where does logic come from?
If `A B : Prop`, `A → B` is ordinary implication.
If `A : Type`, `B : A → Prop`, `(x : A) → B` is `∀ x : A, B`.
The other connectives (`True`, `False`, `∧`, `∨`, `∃`) are all defined inductively!
variable (A B C : Prop)
variable (h1 : A → B) (h2 : B → C) (h3 : A)
-- elimination
#check h1 h3
#check h2 (h1 h3)
-- introduction
#check fun h : A ↦ h2 (h1 h)
theorem foo : A → C := by
intro h
apply h2
apply h1
apply h
example : A → C :=
fun h : A ↦ h2 (h1 h)
#explode foo
variable (A : Type u) (B : A → Prop) (C : A → Prop)
#check (x : A) → B x
variable (h1 : ∀ x, B x) (h2 : ∀ x, B x → C x) (a : A)
-- elimination
#check h1 a
#check h2 a
#check h2 a (h1 a)
-- introduction
#check fun x => h2 x (h1 x)
example : ∀ x, C x := by
intro x
apply h2
apply h1
theorem baz : ∀ x, C x := fun x => h2 x (h1 x)
#explode baz
Define propositions inductively:
inductive False : Prop
inductive True : Prop
| intro : True
inductive And (a b : Prop) : Prop
| intro : a → b → And a b
inductive Or (a b : Prop) : Prop
| inl : a → Or a b
| inr : b → Or a b
inductive Exists {α : Type*} (q : α → Prop) : Prop
| intro : ∀ (a : α), q a → Exists q
inductive Subtype {α : Type*} (p : α → Prop)
| mk : (x : α) → p x → Subtype p
#check Subtype
structures are inductive types with a single constructor:
structure Color where
red : Nat
green : Nat
blue : Nat
inductive Color'
| mk (red : Nat) (green : Nat) (blue : Nat) : Color'
structure Semigroup :=
(Carrier : Type u)
(mul : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier)
(mul_assoc : ∀ a b c, mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c))
We have just described core Lean:
- Universes
- Dependent function types
- Inductive types
This gives logic, lots of data types, and algebraic structures.
For classical mathematics, Lean adds three axioms:
- propositional extensionality
- quotients (which imply function extensionality)
- choice
For the additional axioms, see:
Propositional extensionality.
This is why you can use "rewrite" with iff!
axiom propext {a b : Prop} : (a ↔ b) → a = b
def toEmpty : Foo → Empty
| f => toEmpty f
Function extensionality.
#check @funext
class inductive Nonempty (α : Sort _) : Prop
| Intro : α → Nonempty α
axiom choice {α : Sort _} : Nonempty α → α
theorem choice2 {α : Sort _} {P : α → Prop} : (∃ x, P x) → {x // P x} := by
intro h
apply choice
rcases h with ⟨a, ha⟩
exact ⟨a, ha⟩
theorem choice3 {α β : Sort _} (R : α → β → Prop) (h : ∀ x, ∃ y, R x y) :
∃ f : α → β, ∀ x, R x (f x) := by
use fun x => (choice2 (h x)).val
intro x
apply (choice2 (h x)).property
variable {α : Type*} {P : α → Prop} (h : ∃ x, P x)
#check Classical.choose h
#check Classical.choose_spec h
end dependent_type_theory
Diaconescu's theorem (see TPIL)
variable (P : Prop)
#check Classical.em P
#check Decidable P
#print Decidable
#check Classical.dec P
open Classical
theorem em_new (p : Prop) : p ∨ ¬p :=
let U (x : Prop) : Prop := x = True ∨ p
let V (x : Prop) : Prop := x = False ∨ p
have exU : ∃ x, U x := ⟨True, Or.inl rfl⟩
have exV : ∃ x, V x := ⟨False, Or.inl rfl⟩
let u : Prop := choose exU
let v : Prop := choose exV
have u_def : U u := choose_spec exU
have v_def : V v := choose_spec exV
have not_uv_or_p : u ≠ v ∨ p :=
match u_def, v_def with
| Or.inr h, _ => Or.inr h
| _, Or.inr h => Or.inr h
| Or.inl hut, Or.inl hvf =>
have hne : u ≠ v := by simp [hvf, hut, true_ne_false]
Or.inl hne
have p_implies_uv : p → u = v :=
fun hp =>
have hpred : U = V :=
funext fun x =>
have hl : (x = True ∨ p) → (x = False ∨ p) :=
fun _ => Or.inr hp
have hr : (x = False ∨ p) → (x = True ∨ p) :=
fun _ => Or.inr hp
show (x = True ∨ p) = (x = False ∨ p) from
propext (Iff.intro hl hr)
have h₀ : ∀ exU exV, @choose _ U exU = @choose _ V exV := by
rw [hpred]; intros; rfl
show u = v from h₀ _ _
match not_uv_or_p with
| Or.inl hne => Or.inr (mt p_implies_uv hne)
| Or.inr h => Or.inl h
Quotients - see TPIL.
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