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Created May 30, 2019 10:59
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a construction of the Mycielskian (
import data.fintype tactic.ring
structure graph :=
(vertex : Type*)
(edge : vertex → vertex → bool)
namespace graph
class undirected (G : graph) :=
(symm : ∀ x y : G.vertex, G.edge x y = G.edge y x)
protected def symm {G : graph} [undirected G] : ∀ x y, G.edge x y = G.edge y x :=
structure coloring (G : graph) (α : Type*) :=
(func : G.vertex → α)
(nonadj : ∀ {x y : G.vertex}, G.edge x y = tt → func x ≠ func y)
instance {G : graph} {α : Type*} : has_coe_to_fun (coloring G α) :=
⟨λ c, G.vertex → α, λ c, c.func⟩
def colorable (G : graph) (k : nat) :=
∃ (α : Type*) [h : fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (c : coloring G α), @fintype.card α h = k
def is_triangle {G : graph} (x y z : G.vertex) : bool :=
G.edge x y && G.edge y z && G.edge z x
end graph
inductive mvertex (α : Type*)
| orig : α → mvertex
| copy : α → mvertex
| hub {} : mvertex
open graph mvertex fintype
def mvertex_equiv (α : Type*) : mvertex α ≃ (α ⊕ α ⊕ unit) :=
{ to_fun := λ v, match v with
| (orig x) := sum.inl x
| (copy x) := sum.inr (sum.inl x)
| hub := sum.inr (sum.inr ())
inv_fun := λ v, match v with
| (sum.inl x) := orig x
| (sum.inr (sum.inl x)) := copy x
| (sum.inr (sum.inr _)) := hub
left_inv := by { intro v, cases v; refl },
right_inv := by { intro v, repeat { cases v, refl } } }
instance (α : Type*) [h : fintype α] : fintype (mvertex α) :=
fintype.of_equiv _ (mvertex_equiv α).symm
theorem card_mvertex (α : Type*) [fintype α] : card (mvertex α) = 2 * card α + 1 :=
(card_congr (mvertex_equiv α)).trans (by simp; ring)
def medge (G : graph) : mvertex G.vertex → mvertex G.vertex → bool
| hub hub := ff
| hub (orig y) := ff
| (orig x) hub := ff
| hub (copy y) := tt
| (copy x) hub := tt
| (orig x) (orig y) := G.edge x y
| (orig x) (copy y) := G.edge x y
| (copy x) (orig y) := G.edge x y
| (copy x) (copy y) := ff
def mycielskian (G : graph) : graph :=
{ vertex := mvertex G.vertex,
edge := medge G }
theorem edge_mycielskian (G : graph) : (mycielskian G).edge = medge G :=
instance fintype_vertex_mycielskian (G : graph) [fintype G.vertex] :
fintype (mycielskian G).vertex :=
by { unfold mycielskian, apply_instance }
def undirected_mycielskian (G : graph) [h : undirected G] : undirected (mycielskian G) :=
intro x; cases x; intro y; cases y; dsimp [mycielskian, medge]; refl <|> apply graph.symm
theorem card_mycielskian (G : graph) [fintype G.vertex] :
card (mycielskian G).vertex = 2 * card G.vertex + 1 :=
card_mvertex _
theorem exists_triangle_of_exists_triangle_mycielskian {G : graph}
(h : ∃ x y z : (mycielskian G).vertex, is_triangle x y z) :
∃ x y z : G.vertex, is_triangle x y z :=
rcases h with ⟨x | x | _, y | y | _, z | z | _, h⟩;
simp [is_triangle, edge_mycielskian, medge] at h; try { contradiction };
use [x, y, z]; simp [is_triangle, h]
private def aux {G : graph} {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] (f : (mycielskian G).vertex → α) :
G.vertex → α :=
λ x, if f (orig x) = f hub then f (copy x) else f (orig x)
private theorem aux' {G : graph} {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] (c : coloring (mycielskian G) α) :
∀ x : G.vertex, aux c x ≠ c hub :=
intro x, by_cases h : c (orig x) = c hub; simp [aux, h],
apply c.nonadj, refl
theorem coloring_of_coloring_mycielskian {G : graph} {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α]
(c : coloring (mycielskian G) α) :
coloring G {a // a ≠ c hub} :=
{ func := λ a, ⟨aux c a, aux' c a⟩,
nonadj := (λ x y h h',
have h₁ : aux c x = aux c y,
from subtype.mk_eq_mk.1 h',
by_cases h₂ : c (orig x) = c hub; by_cases h₃ : c (orig y) = c hub,
{ apply c.nonadj _ (h₂.trans h₃.symm), exact h },
repeat { simp [aux, h₂, h₃] at h₁, apply c.nonadj _ h₁, exact h }
end) }
theorem {u v} colorable_of_colorable_mycielskian {G : graph.{u}} {k : ℕ} :
colorable.{u v} (mycielskian G) (k + 1) → colorable.{u v} G k :=
rintros ⟨α, finα, deceqα, c, cardα⟩,
haveI := finα, haveI := deceqα,
refine ⟨{a // a ≠ c hub}, _, _, coloring_of_coloring_mycielskian c, _⟩,
repeat { apply_instance },
card {a // a ≠ c hub}
= finset.card (@finset.univ α _ \ {c hub}) :
by { rw subtype_card, congr, ext, simp, refl }
... = k + 1 - 1 :
by { rw [finset.card_sdiff (finset.subset_univ _), finset.card_univ],
congr, convert cardα }
... = k : rfl
def iterated_mycielskian (G : graph) : ℕ → graph
| 0 := G
| (n+1) := mycielskian (iterated_mycielskian n)
theorem {u v} colorable_of_colorable_iterated_mycielskian {G : graph.{u}} {k n : ℕ} :
colorable.{u v} (iterated_mycielskian G n) (k + n) → colorable.{u v} G k :=
by { induction n with n ih, exact id, exact ih ∘ colorable_of_colorable_mycielskian }
theorem exists_triangle_of_exists_triangle_iterated_mycielskian {G : graph} {n : ℕ} :
(∃ x y z : (iterated_mycielskian G n).vertex, is_triangle x y z) →
∃ x y z : G.vertex, is_triangle x y z :=
by { induction n with n ih, exact id, exact ih ∘ exists_triangle_of_exists_triangle_mycielskian }
instance fintype_vertex_iterated_mycielskian (G : graph) [fintype G.vertex] (n : ℕ):
fintype (iterated_mycielskian G n).vertex :=
by { induction n with n ih, assumption, exact @fintype_vertex_mycielskian _ ih }
theorem card_iterated_mycielskian (G : graph) [fintype G.vertex] (n : ℕ) :
card (iterated_mycielskian G n).vertex = 2^n * (card G.vertex + 1) - 1 :=
induction n with n ih; simp [iterated_mycielskian],
rw [card_mycielskian, ih, nat.pow_succ, nat.left_distrib, nat.left_distrib,
nat.mul_sub_left_distrib], ring,
rw [nat.sub_add_eq_add_sub],
{ apply nat.succ_sub_succ },
change 2 * 1 ≤ _, apply mul_le_mul; try {simp},
change 2^0 ≤ _, apply nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right; norm_num
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