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Created April 7, 2019 22:57
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Lean proof that the cardinality of the k-subsets of n is n choose k.
import data.finset data.nat.choose
variables {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α]
namespace finset
`insert_empty_eq_singleton` in the library should be replaced by this.
theorem insert_empty_eq_singleton' (a : α) : insert a ∅ = finset.singleton a := rfl
theorem filter_insert (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (s : finset α) (a : α) :
filter p (insert a s) = if p a then insert a (filter p s) else filter p s :=
by ext x; split_ifs; by_cases x = a; simp [finset.mem_filter, *]
theorem filter_singleton (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (a : α) :
filter p (finset.singleton a) = if p a then finset.singleton a else ∅ :=
by rw [←insert_empty_eq_singleton', filter_insert, filter_empty]
@[simp] theorem powerset_empty : powerset (∅ : finset α) = {∅} :=
by ext x; simp [subset_empty]
theorem powerset_insert (a : α) (s : finset α) :
powerset (insert a s) = powerset s ∪ (powerset s).image (insert a) :=
ext t; simp, split,
{ by_cases has : a ∈ s,
{ simp [has], {exact λ h, or.inl h} },
intro h,
by_cases ts : a ∈ t,
{ right, exact ⟨erase t a, h, insert_erase ts⟩ },
left, intros x xt, apply mem_of_mem_insert_of_ne (h xt),
intro xeq, rw xeq at xt, contradiction },
intro h, rcases h with xsubs | ⟨u, usubs, hu⟩,
{ exact subset.trans xsubs (subset_insert _ _) },
rw [←hu, insert_subset],
exact ⟨mem_insert_self a s, subset.trans usubs (subset_insert _ _)⟩
end finset
open finset
-- better name?
theorem card_subsets_eq_choose (s : finset α) :
∀ k, card ((powerset s).filter (λ t, card t = k)) = choose (card s) k :=
finset.induction_on s
intro k, induction k,
{ simp [filter_empty, filter_singleton] },
simp [filter_singleton], split_ifs; simp, contradiction
intros a s anins ih k,
induction k with k ih',
{ have : card (finset.singleton (∅ : finset α)) = 1, by simp,
convert this; simp,
ext x, split; simp; intro h; simp [h] },
simp [anins, powerset_insert, filter_union],
let s₁ := filter (λ t, card t = nat.succ k) (powerset s),
let s₂ := filter (λ t, card t = nat.succ k) (image (insert a) (powerset s)),
have : disjoint s₁ s₂,
{ rw disjoint_iff_inter_eq_empty, ext t, simp,
intros tsubs _ u usubs teq _,
have : a ∈ t, by rw [←teq]; apply mem_insert_self,
show false, from anins ( tsubs this) },
rw [card_disjoint_union this],
have : s₂ = image (insert a) (filter (λ (t : finset α), card t = k) (powerset s)),
{ ext u, rw [mem_filter, mem_image, mem_image], split,
{ rintros ⟨⟨t, tmem, ueq⟩, cardu⟩,
have : a ∉ t, from λ h, anins ( ( tmem) h),
have : card t = k,
{ rw [←ueq, card_insert_of_not_mem this] at cardu, exact nat.succ.inj cardu },
refine ⟨t, _, ueq⟩, rw mem_filter, exact ⟨tmem, this⟩ },
rintros ⟨t, tmem, ht⟩, rw mem_filter at tmem,
refine ⟨⟨t, tmem.left, ht⟩, _⟩,
have : a ∉ t, from λ h, anins ( ( tmem.left) h),
rw [←ht, card_insert_of_not_mem this, tmem.right] },
rw [this, card_image_of_inj_on, ih, ih, choose_succ_succ, add_comm],
intros x xmem y ymem e,
have : x ⊆ s, from (filter_subset _ xmem),
have aninx : a ∉ x, from λ h, anins (mem_of_subset this h),
have : y ⊆ s, from (filter_subset _ ymem),
have aniny : a ∉ y, from λ h, anins (mem_of_subset this h),
rw [←erase_insert aninx, ←erase_insert aniny, e]
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