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Last active July 21, 2024 12:43
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Visual equalizer script for mpv
mpv 5-bands equalizer with visual feedback.
Copyright 2016 Avi Halachmi ( )
License: public domain
Default config:
- Enter/exit equilizer keys mode: ctrl+e
- Equalizer keys: 2/w control bass ... 6/y control treble, and middles in between
- Toggle equalizer without changing its values: ctrl+E (ctrl+shift+e)
- Reset equalizer values: alt+ctrl+e
- See ffmpeg filter description below the config section
-- ------ config -------
local start_keys_enabled = false -- if true then choose the up/down keys wisely
local key_toggle_bindings = 'ctrl+e' -- enable/disable equalizer key bindings
local key_toggle_equalizer = 'ctrl+E' -- enable/disable equalizer
local key_reset_equalizer = 'alt+ctrl+e' -- sets all bands to gain 0
-- reduce clicks (update the filter chain inplace). requires ffmpeg >= 4.0
local inplace = true
-- configure the equalizer keys, bands, and initial gain value for each band
local bands = {
-- octave is x2. e.g. two octaves range around f is from f/2 to f*2
-- {up down}
{keys = {'2', 'w'}, filter = {'equalizer=f=64:width_type=o:w=3.3:g=', 0}}, -- 20-200
{keys = {'3', 'e'}, filter = {'equalizer=f=400:width_type=o:w=2.0:g=', 0}}, -- 200-800
{keys = {'4', 'r'}, filter = {'equalizer=f=1250:width_type=o:w=1.3:g=', 0}}, -- 800-2k
{keys = {'5', 't'}, filter = {'equalizer=f=2830:width_type=o:w=1.0:g=', 0}}, -- 2k-4k
{keys = {'6', 'y'}, filter = {'equalizer=f=5600:width_type=o:w=1.0:g=', 0}}, -- 4k-8k
--{keys = {'7', 'u'}, filter = {'equalizer=f=12500:width_type=o:w=1.3:g=', 0}} -- - 20k
Apply a two-pole peaking equalisation (EQ) filter. With this filter, the signal-level
at and around a selected frequency can be increased or decreased, whilst (unlike
bandpass and bandreject filters) that at all other frequencies is unchanged.
In order to produce complex equalisation curves, this filter can be given several
times, each with a different central frequency.
The filter accepts the following options:
frequency, f: Set the filter's central frequency in Hz.
width_type: Set method to specify band-width of filter.
h Hz
q Q-Factor
o octave
s slope
width, w: Specify the band-width of a filter in width_type units.
gain, g: Set the required gain or attenuation in dB. Beware of clipping when
using a positive gain.
-- ------- utils --------
function iff(cc, a, b) if cc then return a else return b end end
function ss(s, from, to) return s:sub(from, to - 1) end
--[[-- utils
local mp_msg = require 'mp.msg'
function midwidth(min, max) -- range --> middle freq and width in octaves
local wo = math.log(max / min) / math.log(2), max / (2 ^ (wo / 2)) .. ' <' .. wo .. '>', max)
function range(f, wo) -- middle freq and width in octaves --> range
local h = 2 ^ (wo / 2) / h, '' .. f .. ' <' .. wo .. '>' , f * h)
-- return the filter as numbers {frequency, gain}
local function filter_data(filter)
return { tonumber(ss(filter[1], 13, filter[1]:find(':', 14, true))), filter[2] }
-- the mpv command string for adding the filter (only used when gain != 0)
local function get_cmd(filter)
return 'no-osd af add lavfi=[' .. filter[1] .. filter[2] .. ']'
-- setup named filter equalizer<band>
local function get_cmd_band_inplace_setup(filter, band, reset)
local v = reset and 0 or filter[2]
return 'no-osd af add @equalizer'.. band ..':lavfi=[' .. filter[1] .. v .. ']'
-- update gain of named filter equalizer<band> inplace
local function get_cmd_band_inplace(filter, band, reset)
local v = reset and 0 or filter[2]
return 'no-osd af-command equalizer'.. band ..' g '.. v
-- these two vars are used globally
local bindings_enabled = start_keys_enabled
local eq_enabled = true -- but af is not touched before the equalizer is modified
local inplace_init = false
-- ------ OSD handling -------
local function ass(x)
-- local gpo = mp.get_property_osd
-- return gpo('osd-ass-cc/0') .. x .. gpo('osd-ass-cc/1')
-- seemingly it's impossible to enable ass escaping with mp.set_osd_ass,
-- so we're already in ass mode, and no need to unescape first.
return x
local function fsize(s) -- 100 is the normal font size
return ass('{\\fscx' .. s .. '\\fscy' .. s ..'}')
local function color(c) -- c is RRGGBB
return ass('{\\1c&H' .. ss(c, 5, 7) .. ss(c, 3, 5) .. ss(c, 1, 3) .. '&}')
local function cnorm() return color('ffffff') end -- white
local function cdis() return color('909090') end -- grey
local function ceq() return iff(eq_enabled, color('ffff90'), cdis()) end -- yellow-ish
local function ckeys() return iff(bindings_enabled, color('90FF90'), cdis()) end -- green-ish
local DUR_DEFAULT = 1.5 -- seconds
local osd_timer = nil
-- duration: seconds, or default if missing/nil, or infinite if 0 (or negative)
local function ass_osd(msg, duration) -- empty or missing msg -> just clears the OSD
duration = duration or DUR_DEFAULT
if not msg or msg == '' then
msg = '{}' -- the API ignores empty string, but '{}' works to clean it up
duration = 0
mp.set_osd_ass(0, 0, msg)
if osd_timer then
osd_timer = nil
if duration > 0 then
osd_timer = mp.add_timeout(duration, ass_osd) -- ass_osd() clears without a timer
-- some visual messing about
local function updateOSD()
local msg1 = fsize(70) .. 'Equalizer: ' .. ceq() .. iff(eq_enabled, 'On', 'Off')
.. ' [' .. key_toggle_equalizer .. ']' .. cnorm()
local msg2 = fsize(70)
.. 'Key-bindings: ' .. ckeys() .. iff(bindings_enabled, 'On', 'Off')
.. ' [' .. key_toggle_bindings .. ']' .. cnorm()
local msg3 = ''
for i = 1, #bands do
local data = filter_data(bands[i].filter)
local info =
ceq() .. fsize(50) .. data[1] .. ' hz ' .. fsize(100)
.. iff(data[2] ~= 0 and eq_enabled, '', cdis()) .. data[2] .. ceq()
.. fsize(50) .. ckeys() .. ' [' .. bands[i].keys[1] .. '/' .. bands[i].keys[2] .. ']'
.. ceq() .. fsize(100) .. cnorm()
msg3 = msg3 .. iff(i > 1, ' ', '') .. info
local nlb = '\n' .. ass('{\\an1}') -- new line and "align bottom for next"
local msg = ass('{\\an1}') .. msg3 .. nlb .. msg2 .. nlb .. msg1
local duration = iff(start_keys_enabled, iff(bindings_enabled and eq_enabled, 5, nil)
, iff(bindings_enabled, 0, nil))
ass_osd(msg, duration)
-- ------- actual functionality ------
local function updateAF_simple() -- setup an audio filter chain which applies the equalizer
mp.command('no-osd af clr ""') -- af clr must have two double-quotes
if not eq_enabled then return end
for i = 1, #bands do
local f = bands[i].filter
if f[2] ~= 0 then -- insert filters only were the gain is non default
-- update gains of the whole equalizer inplace, also setup on first time
local function updateAF_inplace()
for i = 1, #bands do
local f = bands[i].filter
if not inplace_init then
mp.command(get_cmd_band_inplace_setup(f, i, not eq_enabled))
mp.command(get_cmd_band_inplace(f, i, not eq_enabled))
inplace_init = true
if inplace then
updateAF = updateAF_inplace
updateAF = updateAF_simple
local function getBind(filter, delta)
return function() -- onKey
filter[2] = filter[2] + delta
local function update_key_binding(enable, key, name, fn)
if enable then
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key, name, fn, 'repeatable')
local function toggle_bindings(explicit, no_osd)
bindings_enabled = iff(explicit ~= nil, explicit, not bindings_enabled)
for i = 1, #bands do
local k = bands[i].keys
local f = bands[i].filter
update_key_binding(bindings_enabled, k[1], 'eq' .. k[1], getBind(f, 1)) -- up
update_key_binding(bindings_enabled, k[2], 'eq' .. k[2], getBind(f, -1)) -- down
if not no_osd then updateOSD() end
local function toggle_equalizer()
eq_enabled = not eq_enabled
local function reset_equalizer()
for i = 1, #bands do
bands[i].filter[2] = 0
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_toggle_equalizer, toggle_equalizer)
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_toggle_bindings, toggle_bindings)
mp.add_forced_key_binding(key_reset_equalizer, reset_equalizer)
if bindings_enabled then toggle_bindings(true, true) end
if inplace then
-- inplace changes (using af-command LABEL ...) don't recreate the filter
-- chain and can reduce perceptible discontinuities, however, they also
-- don't seem to persist across playlist items (probably reset on re-init).
-- this hook persists the current values between files, by replacing the
-- filters with new ones with the current values (not sub-values inplace).
mp.add_hook("on_before_start_file", 50, function()
inplace_init = false -- ensure the filters are recreated if exist
-- init: setup the equalizer if the initial gain is not 0
for i = 1, #bands do
if bands[i].filter[2] ~= 0 then
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avih commented Feb 2, 2017

how can i set it to be on by default?

Change local start_keys_enabled = false (at line 16) to local start_keys_enabled = true.

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how can I save a default preset?

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nnmlss commented Jun 3, 2019

how can I save a default preset?

It looks like you can set a default preset by changing the '0' values
{keys = {'2', 'w'}, filter = {'equalizer=f=64:width_type=o:w=3.3:g=', 0}}, -- 20-200
for example.

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ghost commented Jul 23, 2019

how can i set it to be on by default?

Change local start_keys_enabled = false (at line 16) to local start_keys_enabled = true.

This no longer works It just makes me have to toggle it twice to for it to actually start working, are there any other things I could change around in the script for it to be on by default?

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avih commented Jul 23, 2019

This no longer works It just makes me have to toggle it twice to for it to actually start working

Thanks, it's probably a regression of the last version with "inline" updates. I'll probably update it again with a fix soon.

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avih commented Jul 23, 2019

Thanks, it's probably a regression of the last version with "inline" updates

Actually, it works for me. I just set local start_keys_enabled = true and pressing 2/w changes the bass equalizer. I don't need to toggle it twice.

What happens if you change local inplace = true to local inplace = false ?

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ghost commented Jul 23, 2019

The thing is that I want to use this on the MPV-android app, and I can't really toggle because there's no keyboard. So i wanted to know if you could always just have a default setting as soon as you open the app.

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ghost commented Jul 23, 2019

But I did try setting start keys to true and yes its working on my pc from the get-go but it's not equalizing anything. I changed around the values in the gain part of the script and I want those values to output as soon as I drag in a new audio file. So using your method it doesn't equalize until I press 2/w once then it starts kicking in but I can't do that on mobile.

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ghost commented Jul 23, 2019

I also changed the inplace to false and that didn't seem to change anything.

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avih commented Jul 23, 2019

The thing is that I want to use this on the MPV-android app, and I can't really toggle because there's no keyboard

But this entire script is about changing the equalizer with a KB. If you don't have an KB then this script is not for you.

But I did try setting start keys to true and yes its working on my pc from the get-go but it's not equalizing anything.

Doesn't equalize anything right away? or doesn't equalize even after you press e.g. the 2/w keys? For me it does equalize after I press e.g. 2/w.

The script defaults to all values at 0, so it's not supposed to equalize anything on startup even when the keys are enabled. Note the keys are enabled, not some preset equalizer value. There are no preset values with this script. It loads with 0 gain on all bands and then you modify it with the KB (when keys are enabled). That's what the script does.

Did the previous version of the script work for you? I.e. is it a regression? or is it the first time you try to use this script?

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ghost commented Jul 23, 2019

But this entire script is about changing the equalizer with a KB. If you don't have an KB then this script is not for you.

Oh, I see sorry.

Doesn't equalize anything right away? or doesn't equalize even after you press e.g. the 2/w keys? For me it does equalize after I press e.g. 2/w.

Yeah on my laptop I can use it perfectly fine, it equalizes when i press the 2/w keys

Did the previous version of the script work for you? I.e. is it a regression? or is it the first time you try to use this script?

Yeah the previous one's have worked and this one does too. I've been using this script for a while now and it's really helpful


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avih commented Jul 23, 2019

OK, so the older and newer versions work on the laptop?

And on android you can't use it because you don't have a KB there? and neither the older nor the newer version "work" like you want it to (i.e. set fixed equalizer preset by default - which is not supported by the script to begin with).


So the issue you reported today (on android) also didn't work with the previous version, right?

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avih commented Jul 23, 2019

I've just uploaded a new version which:

  • Fixes enable/disable the equalizer with inplace mode enabled.
  • Allows setting initial equalizer (bands) values which apply on startup if at least one of them is not 0.

@aeseok hopefully this new version will allow you to use it on android. There's no need to enable the keys on startup if you don't intend to use the keys. Just change the initial gains on each band from 0 to anything else (at the bands = section), and it should apply on startup without having to press any key.

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ghost commented Jul 23, 2019

I'm sorry for getting back to you so late. Bro are you a god or something? Because wow, you are amazing like honestly this works like a charm on Mpv-android and being able to set the gain values and have it working as soon as I open up a video file is just so satisfying. I feel bad for making you spend your time fixing up your already perfect script just for me. Thanks again so much.

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avih commented Jul 23, 2019

You're welcome.

Note that if you only want to configure some equalizer value then you don't need the script at all. Just add these lines (and modify the gain values) to your mpv.conf and that's it. No script required:

af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=64:width_type=o:w=3.3:g=0]    # 20-200
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=400:width_type=o:w=2.0:g=0]   # 200-800
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=1250:width_type=o:w=1.3:g=0]  # 800-2k
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=2830:width_type=o:w=1.0:g=0]  # 2k-4k
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=5600:width_type=o:w=1.0:g=0]  # 4k-8k
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=12500:width_type=o:w=1.3:g=0] # 8k-20k

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TCH68k commented Oct 5, 2019

Thank you for this script, easy to use and works perfectly. It rocks.

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You're welcome.

Note that if you only want to configure some equalizer value then you don't need the script at all. Just add these lines (and modify the gain values) to your mpv.conf and that's it. No script required:

af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=64:width_type=o:w=3.3:g=0]    # 20-200
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=400:width_type=o:w=2.0:g=0]   # 200-800
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=1250:width_type=o:w=1.3:g=0]  # 800-2k
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=2830:width_type=o:w=1.0:g=0]  # 2k-4k
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=5600:width_type=o:w=1.0:g=0]  # 4k-8k
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=12500:width_type=o:w=1.3:g=0] # 8k-20k

OMG thanks so much. For the script and the tips.

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amariami commented Mar 15, 2022

af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=64:width_type=o:w=3.3:g=0] # 20-200
af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=f=400:width_type=o:w=2.0:g=0] # 200-800

Could you tell me which specified value to gain frequency between 50-100Hz/30Hz-500Hz/40-400Hz or 20Hz-530Hz?
ref: studybass

--af-add=lavfi=[equalizer=frequency=200:width_type=h:width=2.0:gain=0:precision=f64] # 0-400
Is it wrong?

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avih commented Mar 15, 2022

Could you tell me which specified value to gain frequency between ...

No, because I don't know them by heart. Read the docs or check the source code of this script to help calculate these values. You probably want the midwidth function, which is commented out (and you're on your own here).

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Nice script, but only works on the currently playing item, once the next one starts it has no effect, I have to toggle ctrl+E twice to get it working again.

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avih commented Feb 5, 2023

2023-02-05: updated to persist between playlist items.

@escapezn thanks for the report. Should now be fixed.

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alek3y commented Oct 11, 2023

It seems the equalizer stops working when seeking if inplace = true, and starts working again after pressing Ctrl+E twice.
Is this intended or is there a problem with my setup (mpv 0.36.0 and ffmpeg 6.0)?

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Erikcb91 commented Apr 17, 2024

Hi, is there any way to set the gains by default?
I'm trying to edit it in {keys = {'2', 'w'}, filter = {'equalizer=f=64:width_type=o:w=3.3:g=', 0}}, -- 20-200 for example but it does nothing
I tried to add the gain after "g=" and I also tried changing the 0 at the end, but no luck so far, am I doing it wrong? or maybe I'm missing something?
The script works fine with the keyboard, it's just I use the player to watch anime and it's very inconvenient having to set it up every time
Thanks in advance

edit: I just saw that the info says there's a superequalizer, not sure if there's part of your script, but I can't find any other equalizer in my folders...

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avih commented Apr 17, 2024

@Erikcb91 The only thing which this script does is allow to configure the equalizer using the KB.

If you don't need that, and you just want a fixed equalizer preset, then you don't need the script. Just configure mpv with the preset you want, either with your mpv.conf file, or using command line options.

See above:

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I also tried that, for some reason it's not working for me :S
Anyway, here where I live is late, so I'll try some more stuff tomorrow, thanks

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Hi everyone, is it working now?
If it is not like some above comments, is there any way to make the audio bass boosted in mpv player?

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