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Created June 26, 2018 07:07
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Protocol extensions to the Cassandra Native Protocol

This document specifies extensions to the protocol defined by Cassandra's native_protocol_v4.spec and native_protocol_v5.spec. The extensions are designed so that a driver supporting them can continue to interoperate with Cassandra and other compatible servers with no configuration needed; the driver can discover the extensions and enable them conditionally.

An extension can be discovered by using the OPTIONS request; the returned SUPPORTED response will have zero or more options beginning with SCYLLA indicating extensions defined in this documented, in addition to options documented by Cassandra. How to the extension is further explained in this document.

Intranode sharding

This extension allows the driver to discover how Scylla internally partitions data among logical cores. It can then create at least one connection per logical core, and send queries directly to the logical core that will serve them, greatly improving load balancing and efficiency.

The extension is supported if the SCYLLA_INTRANODE_SHARDING key is present in the [string map] returned by the SUPPORTED response (the value can be ignored).

If the extension is reported as supported, the driver should send a second OPTIONS request with a custom payload of type com.scylladb.ShardInfoRequest and an empty value. The server will respond with a normal SUPPORTED response with a custom payload of type com.scylladb.ShardInfoResponse and a value encoded as <shard><partitioner><nr_shards><algorithm><params>, where

  • <shard> is the zero-based shard number this connection is connected to;
  • <partitioner> is a [string] containing the fully-qualified name of the partitioner in use (i.e. org.apache.cassandra.partitioners.Murmur3Partitioner)l
  • <nr_shards> is an [int] number of local shards on this node; the relation 0 <= shard < nr_shards holds;
  • <algorithm> is a [string] name of an algorithm used to select how partitions are mapped into shards (described below)
  • <params> is a [bytes] containing parameters to the algorithm (also described below)

Currently, only one <algorithm> is defined, biased-round-robin. Its <params> structures is defined to be a single [int], called <ignore_msb> (for most significant bits). To apply the algorithm, perform the following steps:

  • subtract the minimum token value from the partition's token in order to bias it: biased_token = token - (-2**63)
  • shift biased_token left by ignore_msb bits, discarding any bits beyond the 63rd: biased_token = (biased_token << ignore_msb) % (2**64)
  • multiply by nr_shards and perform a truncating division by 2**64: shard = (biased_token * nr_shards) / 2**64

in C, these operations can be efficiently perfomed in three steps:

uint64_t biased_token = token + ((uint64_t)1 << 63);
biased_token <<= ignore_msb;
int shard = ((unsigned __int128)biased_token * nr_shards) >> 64;

It is recommended that drivers open connections until they have at least one connection per shard, then close excess connections.

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